Results 1 to 5 of 5
  1. Default So this Spectator Mode patch...

    ...has made it to the point where it's so poorly optimized that sitting on the main page of the League client takes more processing power than actually playing the game in 1080p with the graphics turned all the way up.

    Something's wrong here, but I can't put my finger on it.

  2. Default Re: So this Spectator Mode patch...

    I do the exact same and I haven't noticed any processing power changes.

  3. aka ClawofBeta Straight Male
    Corn's Avatar [Jr. Event Coordinator]

    IGN: ClawofBeta
    Server: LoL.NA
    Level: 30
    Job: Bot Lane
    Guild: N/A
    Alliance: N/A

    Default Re: So this Spectator Mode patch...

    AFK on your profile page or something then?

  4. Default Re: So this Spectator Mode patch...

    I'm doing that now, isn't taking any power at all. I just don't understand how they managed to make one corner of a page so poorly.

  5. Default Re: So this Spectator Mode patch...

    It's Adobe AIR. Nearly anything Adobe that isn't mainstream wasn't made with optimization.



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