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  1. Orbital Bee Cannon
    IGN: BuffDaSnail
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 15x
    Job: DrK!
    Guild: Irresistible
    Alliance: IrreForce

    Default Anyone watched IPL4 this weekend?

    Did anyone watch this tourney over the weekend?

    Overall, I felt the tourney was well-organized, and there were a lot of good tourney plays out there. However, the IPL casters - those employed by IGN - were absolutely horrible. Obnoxious commentary, didn't know their stuff, and I had to put my headphones down a few times when they said things that were completely wrong.

    Otherwise, I did watch the CLG vs TSM match Round 1 Bo3 (Championship Round) and Round 2 Bo3 (Extended Championship Round). In the first round Bo3 CLG won 2-0 to keep themselves alive and send the championship into the Extended Championship Round. However, the second round Bo3 was where CLG got outplayed in so many ways. IIRC, saintvicious - as the jungler - had 3-4 instances where he was caught while attempting to steal enemy buffs at the beginning of the game and fed TSM first blood.

    Anyways, congrats to TSM on their 2-0 victory in the Extended Championship Round and winning IPL4! And in commemoration of their victory, SoloMid is going to sell Dyrus pillows in their online store (lol). (For the record, Dyrus was carrying a large Barbie pillow throughout IPL4. If you don't know why he was carrying a large Barbie pillow in the first place, the Barbie pillow is a reference to him half-awkwardly singing "Barbie Girl" after filming a SotL episode some time ago)

    The award ceremony was a bit awkward; even Cristina Vee (Riven voice actor) was feeling awkward when she was presenting the awards. You got 15 nerdy guys up there not knowing how to present themselves properly on stage, lol.

  2. Default Re: Anyone watched IPL4 this weekend?



  3. Default Re: Anyone watched IPL4 this weekend?

    And then we have "throwbacker" (more commonly known as Crs Pobelter, the most dangerous 15 year old LoL player on the planet and also a Basiler) not knowing how to handle himself around attractive girls at all. Being an award presenter at a video game championship must be one of the most awkward experiences ever.

  4. Orbital Bee Cannon
    IGN: BuffDaSnail
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 15x
    Job: DrK!
    Guild: Irresistible
    Alliance: IrreForce

    Default Re: Anyone watched IPL4 this weekend?

    Now that's new to me, lol.

    Also, since you reminded me of Crs Pobelter, I also have to add that he was being a huge tryhard (and arguably, a huge douchebag) during the pros vs fans game by playing Teemo up top and completely stomped Cristina, who was playing the champion that she did voiceovers for. (and Cristina doesn't play LoL much; she's only Level 9!) Kept pushing top all the way to the inhibitor and constantly mowing down Cristina as well as others who tried to stop him.

  5. Deluxe Refrigerator Male
    IGN: GlaciaIWolf
    Server: Broa
    Level: 146
    Job: Aran
    Guild: Forte
    Alliance: HighestLevel

    Default Re: Anyone watched IPL4 this weekend?

    Christina Vee should be used to it though. She's gone to countless Anime Conventions both as a fan and as an industry guest. I'm pretty sure she knows how to handle herself around awkward nerds. I wish there was a thread for the Starcraft part of IPL4...


  7. Default Re: Anyone watched IPL4 this weekend?

    My personal favorite improvement this tourney is the fact that you could hear the audience cheering and laughing!

  8. Default Re: Anyone watched IPL4 this weekend?

    He was a tryhard during the dominion game vs Rioters too. Alistar was dancing at one point in the game, Udyr and Alistar ran around everywhere backdooring/breaking the rules, NhatxDyrus...'nuff said....and then you had Throwbacker on Graves tryharding it up.

  9. Default Re: Anyone watched IPL4 this weekend?

    I watched it!
    For Starcraft >:D

  10. Default Re: Anyone watched IPL4 this weekend?

    I was rooting for CLG and they did pretty well.

    Anyone see the amazing Janna plays Chauster did? Like flash shield and then that base race block?

  11. Orbital Bee Cannon
    IGN: BuffDaSnail
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 15x
    Job: DrK!
    Guild: Irresistible
    Alliance: IrreForce

    Default Re: Anyone watched IPL4 this weekend?

    I saw that; really good play, that was pretty much the defining moment of that match.

  12. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Straight Male
    IGN: Namalamadingdong
    Server: LoL NA
    Level: 30
    Job: Break The Meta

    Default Re: Anyone watched IPL4 this weekend?




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