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  1. Default Can one of you fix my internet

    Alright I really need some help here.
    Over the last week or so, I've been having some really weird connection issues with the game. Basically, at any random point in the game, I would have a ping spike (which is fairly normal with my internet) but then, lately, it would shoot up to lets say 433 or 500 and stay there and I would get the Attempting to Reconnect window and it stays there, d/ced, until I leave the game and reconnect. What makes it so confusing for me is that the rest of my internet doesn't go out, my browser still works fine, basically only my connection to the game gets shot and I can't figure out why. Something really important to note is that it doesn't seem to happen when I'm in a Skype call (though that was 3 days ago and I haven't tried playing while in a call yet) and it also doesn't happen when I'm listening to the Spotify web player, but it does happen if I listen to it through the desktop client. Though I do have ping spikes more often with the web player on, but I haven't gotten that full disconnect yet. I already submitted a ticket to Riot with all the information they said I should include, but they haven't replied yet so maybe one of you can help me. If I know you I could consider sending you the reports but idk Riot was like I shouldn't do that, but if you have any tips let me know I guess.

    Also I'm not just going to play with the web player open or play only while I can call someone, that's dumb and I want this pomegranate fixed.

  2. Default Re: Can one of you fix my internet

    Check this out

    And possibly talk to your ISP, as them if there is any traffic issue with either Spotify or league.

  3. Default Re: Can one of you fix my internet

    I already sent them a ticket with the logs and stuff. But they haven't replied all day so I thought maybe I'd try my luck here. :C

  4. Default Re: Can one of you fix my internet

    That happened to me 2 nights ago. I was in tb with friends. Maybe 20 mins in I got dced. But I was able to still msg my friends in league to ask if we all got dced. It was only me with the problems. I alt tabbed to see everything else working as intended, even my firefox with its 50 million tabs and 4 idle games. I was even able to get on Curse. I waited like 2 mins before reconnecting to league. It was fine after that. Thankfully it only happened that one time.

  5. Default Re: Can one of you fix my internet

    It happens a couple times every game it's really ridiculous ;_;

  6. Default Re: Can one of you fix my internet

    ethernet or wifi

  7. Default Re: Can one of you fix my internet


  8. Default Re: Can one of you fix my internet

    sorry for the delay, about how many wifi connected devices do you have in your house

  9. Nuclear testing facility Straight Male
    IGN: VerrKol
    Server: Zenith
    Level: 204
    Job: Bowmaster
    Guild: LegacyReborn
    Farm: Kolville

    Default Re: Can one of you fix my internet


  10. Default Re: Can one of you fix my internet

    I'm sorry too !
    It's apparently not only me and riots trying to fix the issue but whatever (maybe we can fix my internet anyways?).
    I have 3 computers and a couple phones connected to the wifi.

  11. Default Re: Can one of you fix my internet

    This is fairly standard, but what it sounds like is happening is you're running out of available wireless channels.

    Basically, everything's competing to get their signal in edgewise, and your connection is dropping intermittently as it prioritizes other devices over yours.
    I had that problem as well, as we have a similar amount of wifi connective devices in the house. Basically just shut the wireless off on your phone when you're not using it and it /might/ improve your connection, depending on how old your router is.

  12. Default Re: Can one of you fix my internet

    This is possible, but it is important to note that he mentions it is happening to his LoL game and not other processes he has open, and there are known connectivity issues with League of Legends right now.

  13. Default Re: Can one of you fix my internet

    Regardless, having a bunch of active wireless devices on the network can result in similar problems. Regardless of the problems with league, it's just something extra that is going to hurt your overall performance of your connection.

  14. Default Re: Can one of you fix my internet

    Yes but that won't always be the case. There's at least 10 devices on my connection at most times and I experience no lag almost ever.

  15. Default Re: Can one of you fix my internet

    Yeah I don't have the best internet so I'm still taking these things into account just to improve it overall. Thanks!
    I have ping spikes a lot more often when I have to use the Spotify web client (I'm pretty much stuck using it so I can play atm), so I'm hoping a different channel helps fix things up a tiny bit.



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