The Marvel Machine has been double-stocked with more
all-time-popular high-end items. This Thursday and Friday, these items will drop
twice as often! This means you have double the chance to get items like
1 Million Maple Points,
Renegades Coin (100),
Lv. 140 set equipment, and many, many more!


Lionheart Champion AxeImperial BeltSurprise Style Box (100)Super Zakum HelmetRaven Horn Crimson Cane
Evolving Ring II Lv. 17 (Tradable) Chaos Horntail Necklace(+2) Stormcaster Gloves Mercury Sword Remote Gachapon (35)
This event will run from
August 30 at 11 AM Pacific/2 PM Eastern until
August 31 at 11:59 PM Pacific/2:59 AM Eastern (September 1), which is when the Marvel Machine will
be closed. So head to the Marvel Machine now to maximize your chance for these epic items!