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  1. Default Jett's Core + Cosmos Dust Solidifier

    Does the solidifier add 7 days, suggesting that it can stack to 365 days, or does it simply just reset the timer to 7 days?

  2. Default Re: Jett's Core + Cosmos Dust Solidifier

    No, it overwrites the old one and it also goes away if you use something to upgrade it.
    Guess I was a little wrong but still ye, crappy system for non nx users.

  3. Default Re: Jett's Core + Cosmos Dust Solidifier

    You can't use another until the timer runs out either, and when the timer runs out the stats reset with it....
    Really stupid system.

  4. Default Re: Jett's Core + Cosmos Dust Solidifier

    Yea. But of course the cashshop 30 day lock can be applied before it resets. Buy some NX today.

  5. Default Re: Jett's Core + Cosmos Dust Solidifier

    Actually, I decided to test some of the dusts that I had and everytime I used one I was given a fresh 24 hour countdown. Isnt it just possible to use the 7+ day timer before the extra 24h is over?

    Before 7+ days: 24 hours
    After: 7 days and 23 hours 59 min
    7 days after: 23 hours and 59 min = no stat change if you apply another 7 day potion?

  6. Default Re: Jett's Core + Cosmos Dust Solidifier

    It starts fresh at 7 days when you use solidifier.

  7. Default Re: Jett's Core + Cosmos Dust Solidifier

    It gave me what was left of the day + 7 days when I used one on my lvl 75 Jett, but it wont let me use another one after resetting it to 24 hours so I guess theres no way around this but buying one from cs.

  8. Certified Pimento Bi Male
    IGN: xxxxFenixR
    Server: Bera
    Level: Mix
    Job: Severals
    Guild: None
    Alliance: Nada
    Farm: Wut?

    Default Re: Jett's Core + Cosmos Dust Solidifier

    Its not that bad if you manage to get your core to gold tier.

    Btw: Condensed Supernova Dust does exactly what it says? I mean if you have the core in Gold Tier it raises all the stats to 32?

  9. Default Re: Jett's Core + Cosmos Dust Solidifier


  10. Certified Pimento Bi Male
    IGN: xxxxFenixR
    Server: Bera
    Level: Mix
    Job: Severals
    Guild: None
    Alliance: Nada
    Farm: Wut?

    Default Re: Jett's Core + Cosmos Dust Solidifier

    Then what does it do?

  11. Default Re: Jett's Core + Cosmos Dust Solidifier

    I don't know really. I used one and got random stats, non of them 35. I think it is might be there to not risk to derank the aura, which normal dust in the CS can do.



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