Just a few questions about Phantom that have been bugging me. I'm considering switching from my Shadower to a Phantom (permanently), but I'm not quite sure yet...
1. Phantoms don't seem like they have very many 1v1 skills. Apart from stealing Rapid Fire or something along those lines, do they have any straight up 1v1 DPS in any way? Or does their above-average mobbing make up for the lack of 1v1?
2. What exactly do the card stacks do?
3. Is Ultimate Drive worth using at all during boss fights? Or would it be considered more of a LHC/Stronghold training skill?
4. What are the best skills to steal? I noticed they don't get Haste... Also that they have a large amount of crit chance from passives; would skills that buff up this crit probability/damage be best?
5. Any thing else I should know about them? I know they get nerfed later on (around the time Luminous comes out), but I'm not really concerned about that atm.