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Thread: Getting Better?

  1. Default Getting Better?

    I saw a quote on reddit; and thought it applied very much to Maplestory. I hope the curse filters fix everything.

    I think this game is getting much better with content changes, removal of MTS and Duped items, and I think the community is very much the same.


  2. Donator Straight Male
    IGN: ShinkuDragon HoukaPhoenix BoshokuRaven
    Server: Scania
    Level: 152
    Job: Batman
    Guild: IDissOrtis

    Default Re: Getting Better?

    i disagree, even if the content has indeed gotten "better", the amount of hackers, hacks and ground-breaking exploits have increased exponentially.

  3. Can of Soup Male
    IGN: LunaMimosa
    Server: El Nido
    Level: 134
    Job: OP Elf Queen
    Guild: Some no-name guild
    Alliance: Read above.

    Default Re: Getting Better?

    The only thing that can really be compared to is the community. You can't apply that to solid stuff like content and hacks, because... hacks nowadays are getting pretty absurd.

    As far as community goes... well, we're not exactly blaming new players or old ones or summer season players, lot of people are concerned with how the design of the game has made interacting and working with others LESS necessary. The need of others assistance in game is a factor in driving people to be kind and social with each other in the game. If you take that away, giving people the ability to solo bosses quickly with OP characters, you weaken an aspect that actually is a positive influence on them.

    If it was NOT for stuff like hacks ruining good events or potential putting pressure on my wallet to keep up or be ignored by the more regular players and parties, then I WOULD say MS has gotten better. Yes, the removal of duped items is nice and all, but MS's economy is still, at this moment, pretty bad. Its a lot of good ideas bogged down by external problems.

  4. Default Re: Getting Better?

    It's not the community and it's not the game itself in it's core, it is what the game has become...

    People have the choice...
    - Pay 5000 dollars for *ahem* "legit" *ahem* overpoweredness in a FREE(lol) to play game
    - Hack the shiet out of a FREE to play game to be overpowered as well

    Without being OP, you can't do -SHIET- in Maple these days... The recent "changes" won't change one focking thing...

    There will always be hackers, since 99% of the people is not going to pay 5000 dollars for a 2D pixel game...

  5. aka ClawofBeta Straight Male
    Corn's Avatar [Jr. Event Coordinator]

    IGN: ClawofBeta
    Server: LoL.NA
    Level: 30
    Job: Bot Lane
    Guild: N/A
    Alliance: N/A

    Default Re: Getting Better?

    Community is still the same as ever.

    Everything else isn't though.

  6. Euro Minicar Straight Male
    IGN: ZekkenAdele
    Server: Scania
    Level: 246
    Job: Adele
    Guild: DarkLily
    Alliance: Arcane
    Farm: HarvestxMoon

    Default Re: Getting Better?

    oh really? i can solo ht,zak,czak,cht,pap,toad,crow,grandpa boss, etc etc train to 200 with 0% boss dmg on weapon and 90% unpotentialed equips so i don't know what you mean unless your just a lazy complainer

  7. Orbital Bee Cannon Straight Male
    IGN: Musiphe
    Server: Reboot
    Level: 277
    Job: Hero
    Guild: Epic
    Alliance: Fatal

    Default Re: Getting Better?

    Well, it IS Devil...

  8. Won't Be Coming Back Straight Male

    IGN: Promothian
    Server: Siel
    Job: Spiritmaster
    Guild: Siel_Seals
    Alliance: Aion

    Default Re: Getting Better?

    Actually after getting hacked I noticed how little effect my equips had on my gameplay, I can still solo bosses,do pqs,grind just fine with the leftovers on my account without the 300% str I had. sure I do alot less damage but it didn't shorten things that much and I can actually enjoy building up my attacks instead of ohko'ing stuff rendering half my skills useless.

  9. Default Re: Getting Better?

    People are right, you don't NEED to be OP to enjoy this game, it's just that people feel that they won't be accepted if they aren't. Sure, if you want to surround yourself with elitist jerks then you need to be as funded as them, but there are plenty of normal people in this game who aren't running around hitting max damage. And these normal people can solo bosses, even though they can't do in it in under 5 minutes.

    And the game hasn't gotten "worse", it's just that it's changed significantly and the old school, conservative players hate that things have changed so drastically and have become so much more nx based. Basically the game has chosen to increase the player base to more hardcore gamers by raising the cap of individual achievement you can attain, and increasing the role of the cash shop was how they did it because they need to make money as a business that is trying to expand. People just come up with these reasons for why things are "worse", when for the most part it's a matter of things that have changed in ways they aren't used to. In fact the only major thing they've always been mediocre at is customer service, and it's been a consistent lvl of awfulness from the beginning until now. I don't think anything else has really gone downhill unless you just miss the simpler times.

  10. Default Re: Getting Better?

    It's a mentality left over from the early days, when getting high numbers early on would potentially shave HOURS off your grinding.

  11. Default Re: Getting Better?

    solo me and then we'll talk

    you do not need to have absurd equips to enjoy the game. I was hacked and started over, and it was SO MUCH FUN making a new character, leveling it and making friends. I only started building on my equipment after 160, little by little
    people have the choice to spend anything on the game, whether or not on aesthetics or damage-based

    lol, hacks will always be here just like the derps

  12. Euro Minicar Straight Male
    IGN: ZekkenAdele
    Server: Scania
    Level: 246
    Job: Adele
    Guild: DarkLily
    Alliance: Arcane
    Farm: HarvestxMoon

    Default Re: Getting Better?

    i have better things to do than try and solo PB, can just duo/trio it

  13. Default Re: Getting Better?

    Well, partially, but if you go to a place like Basil and see the mentality there among players who clearly aren't pre-BB veterans, they look at the max damage hitters and feel like THAT is the standard to achieve, and that anything less makes you lackluster. The fact that perfection exists so commonly, as in not with the best person in the server but with the best people of each subclass, means that people see such a huge goal on the horizon that apparently only nx can help bridge. Extremely good equips weren't always worth more than max mesos either, so pretty much you are a lot more likely to have to pay with nx which even if you have the mesos to convert.

  14. Deluxe Refrigerator
    IGN: MrTouchnGo
    Server: Bera
    Level: 199
    Job: Shadower
    Guild: Ivalice
    Alliance: Bastion

    Default Re: Getting Better?

    Not really. It's a mentality that comes from a lack of anything to actually do in this damn game except try to hit higher.

    @godofturtles; You're right, you don't need to hit high to enjoy the game, but the game is a hell of a lot more enjoyable if you can hit high.

    I hear the same question asked over and over on basil, "Do you play for fun or for damage?", as if you can't play for both simultaneously. The issue is that the game is so dependent on damage nowadays that even if you have terrible damage, you're going to have to rely on others with higher damage to be able to kill higher-end bosses.

    But that's Nexon's entire point, really - they want you to try to achieve higher damage because that's how they get their money.

  15. Won't Be Coming Back Straight Male

    Server: Windia
    Level: 200
    Job: Blade Master

    Default Re: Getting Better?

    You're confusing leechers with hackers.

    Nowadays leechers come out, they used to stay hidden when hacking actually meant something to the community.

    My opinion? It's nexons game, I'll continue playing no mater what.

  16. Donator Straight Male
    IGN: ShinkuDragon HoukaPhoenix BoshokuRaven
    Server: Scania
    Level: 152
    Job: Batman
    Guild: IDissOrtis

    Default Re: Getting Better?

    i referred to both. and meso botters while at it

  17. Default Re: Getting Better?

    Yea, it is not like the difference between the two means half a rotten fig in this context. Trying to make people hold the actual hackers in some kind of awe compared to the so called leechers is beyond silly. Both kinds prey on a game and make no contribution to something larger than their egos. It is not like it takes a university degree to fiddle around with it at any rate.

  18. Won't Be Coming Back Straight Male

    Server: Windia
    Level: 200
    Job: Blade Master

    Default Re: Getting Better?

    I hate when this argument is used.

    Sure you can fiddle around, you still won't get "IT" done to the degree that people who actually know what they're doing can.

    Correct, anyone can mess around. False, everyone can do it like those who do what they do best do.
    It's annoying, but correct.

    Not advocating this stuff, but developing an idea into an actual implementation is very, very impressive.
    Especially when as soon as an event is released, they know where to hit and just how hard to do it.

    Anyways, most people, no matter how bad the cluster pineapple, will remain playing.
    Sometimes I do get bored, but then I remember why I liked this game 5-6 years ago, sometimes even 3-4.

  19. Default Re: Getting Better?

    Orchestrating 4 simultaneous plane hijackings and crashing them all is impressive too. It doesn't mean the world's a better place that someone can do it though.

  20. Default Re: Getting Better?

    Well you've got a point. Although people will hack either you need 5000$ or 50 (it is humans nature), the further the gap, the more people that gets pushed into hacking. I guess I never saw things likes cubes like a direct responsable for hacking up until now. (yah i live under a rock and all that stuff...)

    Having to become stronger is not strictly necessary in this game, but there are some stuff that do indeed require one to become strong. People can't say they can Empress, CH, or even Pink bean with no/regular equips, and the more teamwork something needs in this game, the more the equips will be taken into account by the others.



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