Can anyone confirm if you can clean slate and retrieve the slot from a failed 50% Golden Hammer? I failed one, but I don't have enough funds to find out.
There was a post that said you can clean slate it in KMS, not sure if it'll be any different.
Can anyone confirm if you can clean slate and retrieve the slot from a failed 50% Golden Hammer? I failed one, but I don't have enough funds to find out.
There was a post that said you can clean slate it in KMS, not sure if it'll be any different.
so you failed the hammer and it reduced the amount of times you can apply a hammer?
Yeah, it added one to my number of hammers applied count.
Hammers work differently in GMS than in KMS.
50% hammers are the only type, and you can only hammer once.
I doubt you can Clean Slate them in GMS.
oh dear
thank god the only hammer i used passed
you'd have to innocence it i guess.
Yes you can clean slate it (if its the same as in kMS).
The way the 50% Golden Hammer works is that it adds a slot to the item no matter the outcome of the hammer. If the hammer passes, you have a slot ready to use, but if you fail, the new slot gets instantly used up. That's why you can clean slate the slot back. Since one of your hammer slots got taken up, I'm gonna assume it works the same way in GMS. :)
I used 3 Golden Hammer 50%s on Friday.
2 worked on my Kenta's Goggles.
1 worked on my Immortal Pharoah Belt.
Yeha you can definitely clean slate it.
Let me clear this up for those who do not understand.
Our 50% hammers work the same as CS hammers; we do not get a spare 3rd slot for hammer, just 2.
I can validate that this is how it works in GMS. I hammered my glove and it worked. I hammer the second time and it failed. The slot was used but not available. I used the clean slate scroll and when it did pass, I was given the hammered slot and was able to use my scroll.