Tried using decent skills on it. Nope doesn't work.. Tried using "roll of dice." Nope..
Out of all my skills, only mw & mech rage worked.
Nexon'd? Yesh...
Tried using decent skills on it. Nope doesn't work.. Tried using "roll of dice." Nope..
Out of all my skills, only mw & mech rage worked.
Nexon'd? Yesh...
guess mechs dont need it.
dont buy on sair either.
hero, pally, mage.... use it on them
...MW being auto-buffed for you isn't worth it to you?
For a paladin, which skill should take priority for autobuff?
I mean I keep my skills macro'd.
>CO, Holy, Lightning
>CO, Fire, Lightning
>CO, Ice, Lightning
>Stance, Booster, Power Guard
I guess... it'd be good for maple warrior?
Been tempted to get one, but I kind of want to wait for perma to come out, if it does, that is.
one with a "long" cast time
is CO a long cast? i know mw is, but it lasts a long time. on hero id do combo. mg or booster for mage depending on circumstances. any buff on merc. prolly water or warding.
why do you guys want pet-autobuff? .. I suppose it's ok for mages, but there is no reason to get it for other jobs.
I don't really know how exactly pet autobuff works, but if you get dispelled wouldn't your pet use MW right away? If that's how it works, then you'll have to use MW again after using CO. Same thing with other jobs with decent CO that want to autobuff a 4th job skill.
oh right, pomegranate, dispel.
Does autobuff bypass the skill cast animation?
If the mercedes has decent CO, then it's a waste of time to autobuff a 4th job skill. Mercedes has 3 2nd-3rd job buffs, Spirit Surge, Ignis Roar, and Water shield all with 180secs duration so I'd rather have them all on macro. Autobuffing water shield would annoy me after getting dispelled because I'd rather jump to a rope and use my 8 buffs than using water shield on the ground and then jumping to the rope to use the other buffs.
Those are the buffs that are usually pretty important to begin with and shouldn't be used with auto-buff because they need to be up constantly, generally have a low cast time, and auto-buff recasts a few seconds after it disappears making it unreliable. MW is just a % buff with a pretty long ass cast time. Might as well make the most of what you've got.
Does auto-buffing CO work on the party too? Because if I'm in a party, I always have to keep track of Party CO especially if it gets dispelled.
If it doesn't, the auto buff gem is pretty pointless unless you have 3 pets with 3 different skills (if that's possible).
It does work for party... if they're close enough.
I can't really think what I'd use this gem for, on a Hero. My buffs are all bunched together in macros, so auto-casting one won't even save me a single keyclick.
Might have wanted to use it for Power Reflection, as I need it recast ASAP after Dispel at bosses that can 1/1 (HT, Pianus, etc). However, if it's true there might be some delay in the gem's recasting, I'd rather just do it myself.
If it's anything like the auto-buff system KMS had when i played tespia, i can personally say it recasts ~2-4 seconds after the old buff disappearing. So if you wanted to use it for MG or something like that which needs to be up the instant it's gone, it's not really a great idea.
I have died at HT, and MG is instantly re-casted before I touch the ground which my fingers can't match up with. If you right click it off, there's a 2-4 sec delay. Other then that, seems to be instant even when the buff runs out on it's own. Recasting after Dispell hits seems to have a delay, not sure though.
Wow that's pretty sweet, I would get that auto pomegranate for when I need to do my damage up buffs and keep getting dispel spammed lol