Originally Posted by Nexon
Originally Posted by Nexon
Now is gt like last time or the first time.
not the microwaves!!!![]()
Still no Meta fix. I'm crying I'm laughing so hard. They seriously have no intention of fixing that until they get nerfed into the ground, do they?
Will players who were affected by this issue have their bans removed?The issue of receiving a 30-day auto ban for holding down the key for your equipment inventory has been fixed.
Seems like a typical Cash Shop update with very minor, not very useful game updates. Least HT will unlock. Couple people in my guild have been bugging me for the card.
I'm having my doubts they'll fix Metamorphosis anytime soon. I really wish they would, but it doesn't seem like that's a priority to them at all, even though it affects the game play of people playing that job. Other than the Demon pets (which I'm not too sure about yet), there doesn't seem to be much to this maintenance. Hopefully they'll unban everyone that was affected by all these bugs though.
ohmygoddemonpets. Finally. And wow, free GT, so unnexonly. Wonder if gm scrolls are still dropping, not that it really matters anymore.
Now if only they fix the reset Pic error problem...then im ok with them.
Golden Temple and Royal Hair/Eyes keep coming back so often now, it's like they've become a permanent addition to the game.
Guess Golden Temple is supposed to bring people back with the tagline, "Monsters with enhanced EXP!" since it seems like Maple died a bit ever since 3x/2x ended.
Surprised they knew/cared enough to fix the AP Reset glitch.
Guess the mass duped crap is here to stay. Whee~
It's nice that they fixed the AP reset bug.
But will they now bring back the AP reset 20-for-20 sale that they ended 10 days early? Nahhh...
-Changes and Updates-
•The issue preventing AP Resets being used by those who received the 10 bonus AP from the previous compensation has been fixed.
Cool, does that mean all other characters can take 10 points out of mp and put them on real stats? LF> AP Reset sale continued!
i said it on basil
i said it on maple
i most certainly said it here
i will still repeat it.
peach, those demon pets BETTER be perm.
Then I will say it again. They are not.
And I will also say, like I always do, that permanent pets are highly overrated. Reviving it once every 90 days at such a relatively low price aint much to cry over (if you have permanent pet equips anyway). Buying pouch, magnet, boots and auto HP every 90 days would be annoying.
i'd just like to point out that the clothes i wear (bar the horns and wings) have long outlived their 90 day price (they're 2+years already, considering i bought them like a year or so before BB)
and i know extractions say the pets aren't perma, but AFAIK nexon can change this if they wish, they had done already with something else (that was in tespia though i think.) but still, let a man dream.
my Mir and her 5 attk ribbon are also quite happy :U