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Here's a good one. If you had to make a UU team of either Leafeon or Glacion. Who would you choose and why; other than both being cute as f'uck.
HOO BOY here I go
Well for one thing they are cute as f'uck yes. However both have terrible, terrible movepools as all of the Eevee line does. Personally I don't choose just one without working in a backbone of other Pokemon for support and what not. Every team I make has at least some synergy attached before testing or going out with it. I would have to go with Glaceon if I had to pick, as I would feel more comfortable with Ice/HP Electric attacking sets rather than relying on SD + Grass/Bug.. though this is me talking from the only place I've done battles in and the common threats I see there.
To be honest I like making sets that are out-of-place but work in most cases. Leafeon should never be out on a Registeel no matter what it has.
Hi fellow Hetalia fan! I could go on about that too haha, but I have a hate-love relationship with that fandom..
I don't go out much besides the actual game servers lol.