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  1. Default America Needs To Hire Japanese VAs in American Cartoons!

    Since South Park, Family Guy, Spongebob, Problem Solverz, Adventure Time have horrible English voice actors, I think America should hire Japanese VAs in American Cartoons like Spongebob Squarepants and disney cartoons. Japanese voice actors are ALWAYS better in American Cartoons, Video Games, and Anime! What do you guys think?

  2. | (◕ ‿◕)| (❍ᴥ❍ʋ) Straight Male
    IGN: You
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    Default Re: America Needs To Hire Japanese VAs in American Cartoons!


  3. Default Re: America Needs To Hire Japanese VAs in American Cartoons!

    None of the English actors in cartoons are talented at all. Japanese >>>>> English as always.

  4. Default Re: America Needs To Hire Japanese VAs in American Cartoons!

    Isn't this why they're funny? When you watch South Park or Family Guy or any other comedy animation, you're not EXPECTING well-acted, elaborate, emotional voice acting. I would argue that the mediocre voice acting ENHANCES the product and adds humor to it and that it is more fitting than talented, elaborate, emotional voice acting.

  5. Default Re: America Needs To Hire Japanese VAs in American Cartoons!

    And that's why american cartoons are only good when they are comedic. There's potential for "serious" cartoons that is left unexplored.

  6. Default Re: America Needs To Hire Japanese VAs in American Cartoons!

    Are you guys who are responding to this crap for real?

    There's nothing wrong with American VAs in western animation. No one can claim Japanese VAs are better because there's no basis for comparison. They are completely different things.

  7. Default Re: America Needs To Hire Japanese VAs in American Cartoons!

    Wouldn't native VAs be more fitting anyway? I can't imagine peter griffin with a japanese accent..

  8. aka ClawofBeta Straight Male
    Corn's Avatar [Jr. Event Coordinator]

    IGN: ClawofBeta
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    Default Re: America Needs To Hire Japanese VAs in American Cartoons!

    The hell he's talking about? I think the Spongebob voice artists are amazing.

  9. Orbital Bee Cannon
    IGN: SaptaZapta
    Server: Kradia
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    Default Re: America Needs To Hire Japanese VAs in American Cartoons!

    I can't believe you guys are taking OP seriously.
    This is the same person who insisted on being able to job-change his Mercedes to BM because "old jobs are always better".

  10. Default Re: America Needs To Hire Japanese VAs in American Cartoons!

    Avatar was great, your argument is invalid.

  11. Default Re: America Needs To Hire Japanese VAs in American Cartoons!

    i completely disagree, American cartoon voice acting usually is well done! for american 'toons anyways.

  12. Default Re: America Needs To Hire Japanese VAs in American Cartoons!

    Holy pomegranate finally someone thinks and feels EXACTLY as I do.

    I'm so sick of people saying "JAPANESE IS ALWAYS BETTER NO MATER WHAT!"

  13. Default Re: America Needs To Hire Japanese VAs in American Cartoons!

    m claim Japan iz bettar because

    there' a larger pool of people to pick voice actors from instead of hearing a lot of the same people over again.

  14. Default Re: America Needs To Hire Japanese VAs in American Cartoons!

    Whoever says English voice actors are better than Japanese are retarded. We need to hire more Japanese VAs in American cartoons!

  15. Helium Atom Straight Female
    IGN: Deviatoric
    Server: El Nido
    Job: Demon Slayer
    Guild: Princess
    Alliance: Twerk

    Default Re: America Needs To Hire Japanese VAs in American Cartoons!

    American voice actors for American made cartoons are just fine. The problem most people have with Japanese vs English voice acting is when it comes to dubbed anime, in which the English versions tend to be pretty lame.

    To my understanding (and I could be totally wrong), a studio will record the script first, and then make the animation afterwards so it matches how the voice actor speaks. It's gotta be a hell of a lot more awkward to have an animation already made, and then try to match a voice to it while making sure it still flows naturally... I don't really think its an issue of "bad voice acting."

    And you really can't compare voice actors in American cartoons to voice actors in Japanese anime. Dubbed and American anime, fine... But Spongebob? I'm sorry, but our American cartoons reflect American culture and sense of humor--and American voice actors get it. A lot of what (most) of our society finds amusing about our cartoons would be lost by outsourcing the voice acting to another country.

  16. Default Re: America Needs To Hire Japanese VAs in American Cartoons!

  17. Default Re: America Needs To Hire Japanese VAs in American Cartoons!

    This is a terrible argument. American voice actors are fine. Futurama, Southpark, Family Guy, the Simpsons, American Dad, King of the Kill and all of those types of cartoon shows have perfectly fine voice acting. I don't see what the problem is.

    Japanese voice actors would be a terrible idea - especially since you'd have to spend the time and money to teach them English. >_> Their accents would be atrocious without several years of experience with speaking English fluently. In fact, I find Japanese voice acting to be rather obnoxious way more often than I find any kind of American voice acting to be bad.

    And to add to that, I could guarantee you Japanese voice acting only sounds good to you simply because it's in Japanese. If they were to spill out full fledged dialog in English, you will not like it at all. Even if they had a perfect American accent, their voice acting will still be the same as any American voice acting. The main reason people like to hear Japanese voice acting instead is because it's a foreign language that simply sounds cool, because it's different. There ARE some cases where the English dubs are terrible in comparison, but for the most part, it's simply because foreign languages sound cool.

  18. Default Re: America Needs To Hire Japanese VAs in American Cartoons!

    Some cases? I haven't heard many animes with english dubs but I think at most I have heard one that didn't made my ears bleed and I don't prefer animes in japanese because its foreing and different since the same can be said about english (native spanish speaker, have hear a lot of spanish dubs and have only heard a few that were bad), but because its the original language and to me original>dub^∞ for various reasons.

  19. Default Re: America Needs To Hire Japanese VAs in American Cartoons!

    I stopped reading when I saw "Problem Solverz".



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