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  1. Default Would Firebrands drop the flamekeeper cordon even though I'm lvl 150?

    They drop bags of mesos, potions and familiar cards, but not legend boxes.
    Would they still drop their equipment?

  2. Default Re: Would Firebrands drop the flamekeeper cordon even though I'm lvl 150?

    I don't think masteria/world tour mobs are effected by that system. So I think so.

  3. Orbital Bee Cannon
    IGN: SaptaZapta
    Server: Kradia
    Level: 275
    Job: Hero
    Guild: Matriarchy
    Alliance: Peaceful

    Default Re: Would Firebrands drop the flamekeeper cordon even though I'm lvl 150?

    I don't know for sure, but today I paid a visit to Windraiders and got to feeling extra nostalgic when they dropped me a 60% dagger scroll. So I am guessing Masteria mobs are unaffected by the anti-bot system.

  4. Default Re: Would Firebrands drop the flamekeeper cordon even though I'm lvl 150?

    Guess I know where I'll be grinding for a while.

  5. Lead Ball
    IGN: Killmeplsok
    Server: Cassiopeia
    Level: 181
    Job: Captain
    Guild: LoveOfCari
    Alliance: LoveOfCari

    Default Re: Would Firebrands drop the flamekeeper cordon even though I'm lvl 150?

    The anti-bot system is not on in any World Tour Maps for MSEA.

    Is it the same for GMS?

  6. Default Re: Would Firebrands drop the flamekeeper cordon even though I'm lvl 150?

    It doesn't apply to zipangu anyway so i would assume it's the usual KMS areas only thing. I would also guess that's why you get no legends boxes there either.

  7. Deluxe Refrigerator Straight Male
    IGN: Blackraven16
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 176
    Job: Fire/Posion
    Guild: Osomga

    Default Re: Would Firebrands drop the flamekeeper cordon even though I'm lvl 150?

    Except I've gotten a legends weapon box from crims on my 129 ds so the legend boxes are in there own catagory

  8. Orbital Bee Cannon
    IGN: SaptaZapta
    Server: Kradia
    Level: 275
    Job: Hero
    Guild: Matriarchy
    Alliance: Peaceful

    Default Re: Would Firebrands drop the flamekeeper cordon even though I'm lvl 150?

    Near as I can tell, the "drops only from mobs your level" items are being filtered by the client, not the server. They are there, but they can't be seen if you're not the right level.
    I say this because I was training a mule at Kerning Square, and brought in my main with the looting pet to act as vacuum cleaner. She could easily see and pick up the maple leaves and ice cubes, but did not see or loot the legend boxes that the mule could see plain as day.

  9. Default Re: Would Firebrands drop the flamekeeper cordon even though I'm lvl 150?

    That doesn't at all indicate that it's being controlled by the client.

    For the record, certain quest items have acted like that since the dawn of Maple.



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