Originally Posted by Nexon
Originally Posted by Nexon
Hmm, at least they are admitting they are at fault and that we deserve goodies for being so patient. Just go fix your servers Nexon and for God's sake, ban some freaking dupers already.
They're admitting that it might not be good? Wow..
If we get at minimum 5k NX I won't even care that these issues have happened. Stupid surveys won't work for me anymore so I can't get any NX for cubes. ;_;
*quickly logs into all of my accounts*
Ironically, I'll end up doing that if the game stays stable. Getting rings on all of them.
As for their admitting it may not be solved: it's better than to say "all good now" and have the crashes return, as they did before. Better to appear too weak to defeat it, than too dumb to know you haven't won.
Because their servers have been stable before the crashing?Originally Posted by Nexon
Eh well I'll give them a break for trying. And at least they're admitting it's their fault not a group of hackers which does ease ones peace of mind. slightly.
Well, there are 5+ pages of 26 atk SCGs for 32k in the MTS now, coming from about 3 players. Lul.
Not massively complicated, I really don't think this is a DDoS attack. I'm glad they've put up a notice about this though, didn't think they realised how a few words can help.
Hoard them and fuse them, might get some nice stats. I've got a pair revealed at unique that I'm gonna try legend cubing for Decent CO.
Is it good enough to log on for rings yet? Or are they gonna stick to being bad.
Got a ring done.
I would have liked if they did a rollback to purge those duped stuff.
Still, better than nothing to see this kind of notice from them.
i wouldnt mind a maple point compensation. would like to rng a few allstar hairs