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  1. Default 80% Epic Potential Scrolls.

    Just had a quick question regarding the recently introduced Epic Potential Scrolls:

    It says that it has a succession of 80% and if it fails it has 20% of booming. Is that statement accurate? Does it really mean that if it fails, there is a 20% it will boom, or did Nexon make a mistake and mean that if it fails it WILL boom?

  2. Default Re: 80% Epic Potential Scrolls.

    Nope, not a mistake. If it fails, 20% chance to boom. It does not have 100% chance to boom like 70% and 90% scrolls do upon failure. This has been confirmed.

  3. Default Re: 80% Epic Potential Scrolls.

    Awesome! Thank you for the quick reply.

  4. Default Re: 80% Epic Potential Scrolls.

    Just a heads up, do some really basic searching next time

    2nd page of Q&A, barely 2 weeks old:

    1st page of general, barely a few days old:



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