Hello, I just came back to maple after for almost a year, just wondering where I should be training from 1~200
1~10 noob quest
10~20 ??
can someone help me out. Thanks
Hello, I just came back to maple after for almost a year, just wondering where I should be training from 1~200
1~10 noob quest
10~20 ??
can someone help me out. Thanks
This is a pretty good thread. It hasn't been updated in sometime but it's a good start:
If you can find a map for these...
10-30 Ice mixed golems
30-50 CDs at Kerning Square
50-70 Jesters
70-100 MP3
100-110 Kents
110-120 Crocky
120+ Bearwolf
If your server is populated and it's hard to find a map...
10-30 Mixed golems minidungeon
30-40 Mushroom Kingdom quests
40-60 Dark drakes minidungeon / Drumming Bunnies minidungeon
60-90 Roids minidungeon
90-110 Captains minidungeon
110-120 Kents
120+ Castle golems
more alternates:
45-60 robos
55-75 sand rats/scorpions
70-90 c-2 (roids / neo heuroids)
90-110 dgp/mdt (90-100 depends on class/funding)
any time under 100: monster park is well worth it, especially if you can solo run quickly.
alternatively from 20-70~ you can ludi pq and at the higher levels of 3rd job, magatia pq on stage 4