I would like it if people could post the pros and cons of their highest characters so I can be sure you know enough about it. Not saying its not possible to know a lot about a certain class but it just helps.
I'd like to see people post pros and cons down here that are acceptable and true. So we want facts here not oppinions. If people agree on others posts then let me know so I can add it to the actual chart.
If anyone thinks I should change anything about the lay-out or anything else, let me know aswell.
I've filled in the first three warrior jobs for now. I'll add more myself later on but i'm in college atm.
Either way, if mine so far are not true or should be different. Then again, let me know.
-Excellent Damage
-Great Defense
-Great health
-Balanced in regards of attacking speed / power.
-Great mobber
-Best offensive skills among the three main adventurer classes.
-Achilles for good survival. (Mainly for 1/1 at any boss).
-Slow mobility
-Close range
-A couple of useless skills
-No screen-ranged attack (like IE Dragon roar, Sanctuary)
-No toggling enrage
-Decent mobility due +20 speed at 4th job maxed berzerk.
-Good amount of HP.
-Extremely good survivability due a lot of drain skills (Beholdens healing, Beholdens revenge, Dragon Wisdom.)
-Decent defensive skills.
-Populair party skill (HB) but less now due decent HB.
-Massive range.
-Good mobbing. (Best out of all 3 main adventurer classes.
-Their only party buff is replaced easely with potions.
-No mobility unless using mount and/or maxed berzerk.
-Very weak until 3th job.
-Their only party buff is replaced easely with Hyper Body pants.
-Massive defensive skills. (Highest out of ALL classes not just adventurers.
-Elemental advantiges.
-Extremely usefull party buff (Combat Orders)
-Most paladins are/were respected.
-Decent offensive abilities. (But not very high compared to the other 2 warrior adventurer classes)
-No decent mobility until a mount.
-Practicly forced to use a 1 handed weapon due shield mastery.
-Their only party buff is replaced easely with Decent Combat Orders.
-One of the best 1 vs 1 attacking skills. (Hurricane)
-Good third job mobbing skills (Especially usefully at jesters etc)
-Good amount of speed, thus good mobility. Good mobility skills in general, since they have Double Jump and somewhat
high avoidability by 4th job. They also have the highest speedcap at the moment and obtain the highest speed in 4th
Job pre-Union patch.
-No need for arrows due to soul arrow. (More space for potions/other use items).
-Good mobbing skills, starting from 2nd Job. Their second job mob skill (Arrow Bomb) curves and stuns, while the
Crossbowman counterpart (Iron Arrow) does not.
-Arrow Bomb in 2nd Job has the ability to stun.
-They can use potions while attacking (Hurricane only).
-Hurricane triggers Final Attack with every shot (obv at the % chance).
-Hurricane is not affected by neither Booster nor Speed Infusion, meaning you do not have to waste money on Useful SI.
-Really good avoid/suvivability from illusion step in 4th job and good damage from afa and spirit link (which is also really good for hp).
-Elite puppet is very good for holding aggro away from you and for absorbing damage.
- Low HP. Applies to all archers (someone correct me on this).
- Must stand still in order to attack (Hurricane). Can not jumpshoot (technically they can but it's not an applied
mechanic in their skills like jump-attacking on warriors/assassins).
- Female Bowmasters can not obtain Decent Hyper Body.* Applies to Marksmen as well.
- Shares one of the most expensive Mastery books (Advanced Final Attack) with two (soon to be three @ Wild Hunters)
other classes.
- Bowmasters arrows are bulky and cannot be potentialed, when compared to the ones mercedes get.
- Good amount of damage with pierce and snipe.
- Mastery books are cheap.
- Higher base damage due to needing less STR.
- Good mobility skills for the same reason as Bowmasters.
- No need for arrows due to soul arrow. (More space for potions/other use items) This applies to Bowmasters as well.
- Rush skill (Dragon Breath)
- They have the ability to freeze enemies in 3rd Job.
- Good mobbing skills, starting from 2nd Job. Their second job mob skill does not curve and stun like Arrow Bomb for Hunters, however.
- Going STRless is a lot easier to do compared to other classes due no STR requirement on armors.Applies to Bowmasters
as well, should change this to "Going low-STR is easier compared to Bowmasters due to needing less STR to equip their weapons" as crossbows require 5 less STR than bows.
-Both snipe and pierce are easily capped thus putting more funding into a mm only boosts strafe after a certain point
-Pierce charges slowly and is not affected by Crossbow booster or Speed infusion.
-Iron Arrow/Dragon Breath/Piercing Arrow have limited range compared to other skills. Elaborate?
-Iron Arrow does not curve and stun.
-Ultimate Strafe does not trigger Final Attack; Single Target DPS leaves much to be desired, especially compared to Bow masters.
-Female Marksmen can not obtain Decent Hyper Body.* Applies to Bowmasters as well.
-Maxing Strafe if a pre-requisite for Ultimate Strafe, so they must sacrifice some points out of another skill to do
-Marksmen arrows are bulky and cannot be potentialed, when compared to the ones mercedes get.
-High mobility.
-Has very high mob damage potential with meso explosion.
-Best survivablilty among the thief classes due to Meso Guard and Shield Mastery on top of Avoid abilities.
-Varying skills for different mob situations makes it more engaging compared to most classes.
-At the time of this writing, is set to improve DRASTICALLY along with Justice patch.
-The varying range on your different skills demand attention to your position when attacking. Though the avoid skills
compensate for that a little. If you're not following your proper attack cycles you can lose damage potential.
Ultimately the fun of skill comboing is a double edged sword since it requires more memorization/attention than most
1 button classes.
-As with all thieves, the high dex requirements can be annoying to manage.
-Some of the most effective single target skills have very short range.
-lacks a Rush or Pull type skill, common among melee classes. (Will be changed along with Justice patch.)
-Somewhat decent damage with the proper equipments, as it has a better weapon attack multiplier, even
with lower attack base.
-Good movility. Can improve other people's with haste.
-Has top and bottom over lv 70.
-Can attack in the air easily.
-Can heal itself by reducing his DPS using drain. Also better potion efficiency from potions.
-High critical rate.
-Severe lack in skill variety.
-Can't push monsters.
-Main self buff skill requires a summon rock to use. And can be dispeled. Long cast time unless on a rope.
-Flash jump requires a key to be used.
-No party buffs to improve damage. Only buff to improve speed/jump is on a stat that has a hard cap, negating
all speed/jump stats from the target's equipment.
-Most skills useless against bosses.
-Not crippling, but low hp.
-Can't equip anything on the shield slot, -1 potential line.
-Shadow shifter doesn't protect against status effects.
-Has to recharge star.
-Only one mob attack, 3rd job, and can only hit in one direction, limited height.
-Wanted by almost all parties.
-Has by far the best party skills. (HS/Adv Bless etc)
-Good survivability. (Thanks to magic guard, besides that they are not good at all.)
-Huge amount of MP.
-Only a few attacking skills (Big bang/Shining ray/Angel. ray)
-Low DPS.
Arch Mage F/P
-Utilizes a variety of skills in order to stack a multitude of DoT attacks.
-The best DoT in the game by far.
-Pro to ridiculously-funded players: DoT has no damage cap (or 2147xxxxxx may be the cap).
-Mist Eruption does insanely high damage every ~12 seconds (with lag), even for low-funded players.
-Great mobbers.
-Decent bossers.
-Decent survivability (Magic Guard Buff, HP/MP recover from Infinity, Elemental Resistance from Ifrit).
-No Skill Book needed from Boss Zakum.
-Elemental attributes and the ability to switch them off.
-Summon Ifrit deals extra damage and support.
-High MP to cast attacks.
-Doesn't rely on weapon speed.
-DoT ignores various monsters buffs.
-Less popular than the rest of the mages.
-Lack anything resembling a useful party skill (until Union when meditate gets 30 magic instead of 20 - but that's still sub-par).
-When highly-funded, they are hindered by the damage cap comparing to other attacking mages that are also highly-funded.
-Though they have great potential for bossing, post-Union they are severely overshadowed by Evans and ILs in that
regard at multi-part bosses.
-Most skills look bad. (Depends on the persons oppinion.)
-At popular bosses, they easily succumb to seduce+1/1 or Damage Reflect without the help of other classes. Thus it's
quite hard, even for super-funded FPs, to solo/duo bosses like Pink Bean.
-Summon might attacks enemies that one wishes to avoid.
-No party skills.
-Relies on dispelable Magic Guard Buff against high damage dealing monsters/bosses.
Arch Mage I/L
-Proficient in harvesting Battle Points in PvP due to it's large arsenal of AoE attacks, status effects and ability to employ "hit and run" tactics effectively.
-High maneuverability thanks to Teleport.
-Chain Lightning has the largest potential directional range in the game for a staple attack thanks to its arcing
between enemies, despite only hitting 5 at most.
-A comparable attacker when compared to other adventurer attack classes in terms of %/s in PvE.
-Glacial Chain's cooldown is not 5 seconds as advertised, but more like 8-10 seconds due to server latency.
-Infinity has limited use at bosses that dispel frequently due to its 3 minute cooldown and 40 second (1 minute with
Buff Mastery) duration.
-Infinity's stance effect is 50% which in practice is not particularly functional, past this easily removed skill
adventurer mages have no stance at all.
-Very low HP, very reliant on dispellable Magic Guard for survival at end-game.
-Seal does not work on bosses.
-Vulnerable to 1/1 + seduce.
-Not played by many people making them unique.
-Unique playstyle due to the ship. (Could be a con depends how you look at it.)
-Low amount of HP.
-Low amount of defense.
-Low mobility due the ship.
-Cant climb ladders due the ship.
-Cant use decent skills on the ship.
-Cant use a few of its own job skills on the ship. (Like lucky dice)
-Not that strong anymore compared to other classes. (Outdated)
-Great HP/MP mildly okay HP, but godly godly MP. I don't bother wasting my inventory with mp potions.
-Amazing mobbing ability
-One of the best funding effective classes very very true
-Great horizontal movement when given mobs
-(Assuming somersault kick iframes are true) Tactical play style slightly preserved I managed to solo dojo. SSK is a life saver.
-Unique party support
-Can use russellon's potions to bolster damage in no 1/1 bossing situations
-Mid to high tier DPS due to great PDR ignore and critical rage i'd say high tier.
-Free mount
-Great approach options with double spiral and SSK
-Willow defense allows much greater passive survivability awesome on 1/1's
-Movement speed is on par with ranged classes with energy/dash
-Peak growth is still relatively high compared to others, but lower than what it used to be
-Still very movable at bosses without energy, but the availability of energy is much better in any situation
-Slow movement without energy or dash we are literally the only job left without a mobility skill. even warriors have it. Although they do have a few rushing skills wich are fast.
-Poor mob and boss management without auto-KB except in certain circumstances of mobs with a quick KB limit, like the yet-to-be-fixed Papa Pixie in dojo, that big blue guy in neo city, and Frankenroid
-Low avoidability
-No self sustainability well MP is entirely self-sustaining. fist doesn't consume enough MP to outweigh Endurance, and you doesn't even USE mp with energy blast
-Fast and mobile.
-One of the best rushers in the game.
-Linking skills makes it a little more interesting than the average spam a button or two standard.
-Two weapons, which gives an advantage in weapon attack and potential.
-Mirrored Target, while being useless as an active, grants 25% dodge chance and 60% Def and M DEF at max. If funded that is pretty significant.
-Thief revamp holds very little for a DB compared to NL and Shadower, but the changes gives us maxed Venom before 4th
job, a better HP% skill, Physical Training, a 30 att buff called Karma, and the old former DB exclusive ultimate Sudden
-A heavily funded DB with unique/legendary potential'd gear will generaly faceroll bosses faster and harder than NLs. This of course is not taking into account illegitimate bullpomegranate equips such as enhance hacked weapons or high att VSS.
-Low HP for a melee class.
-The small range of Blade Fury will force you to stand on top of the mobs, if you have crappy avoid DEF and HP this will be annoying.
-Weaker than the average thief unless heavily funded.
-Expensive to fund because of theif popularity, and because they have 2 weapons to buy/cube.
-Mirror Image/Shadow Partner nerf hit DBs the hardest because of how Final Cut works. A heavy blow,
but no where near
making the class low tier as some believes.
-Most Kataras look like absolute trash. I am looking at you Blood Blossom. (Agreed (Zer))
-Auras are useful in almost any situation
-Highest HP of all mage classes, and when fully buffed at level 150 have around 20k hp.
-Great when training on more than one mob at a time
-Has 3 skills that grant invincibility for fairly long durations
-1 of the invincibility skills grants party invincibility
-Great at PVP due to its invincibility and two stunning moves that pull
-Has a non-dispellable hp drain buff (5% of base hp)
-Summon is almost useless after 3rd job
-Lacks a single target skill
-Advanced Blue Aura and Blue Aura still autokill you if you are 1/1'd
-Low DPS
-Final weapon is very expensive (Dragon Tail Mage staff or Elemental staff 5-8)
-Advanced Yellow Aura Passive doesn't grant the passive dodge chance it should give.
-Melee range
-Great mobility.
-Can move while attacking because they technically do not move themselves, their jaguar does.
-Hurricane-like skill in 4th Job.
-They get a full-screen attacking skill (ultimate) in 4th Job (like all others, has a cooldown).
-They obtain a stance skill in 3rd Job (55% stance).
-Great for 1vs1 ranged and can do melee attacking as well (jaguar attacks).
-Soul Arrow in 2nd Job, so no need for arrows.
-As crossbow users, they need less STR than bow users.
-As of right now, using the jaguar mount can cause massive amounts of lags. To yourself or other players.
-Depends on their mount for both survivability and movement.
-Very low HP.
-Extremely high Mobility, by far the best of all classes.
-Hard-Hitting moves, even when unfunded. (For now)
-Able to get two weapons with % Boss Damage potential.
-Immune to 80% of status effects and elemental damage. (For now)
-Second highest defensive prowess in the game (just shy of a Paladin)
-Does not use MP.
-Has a high critical rate, rivaling that of Archers.
-Some skills have a 100% critical chance.
-Passive DEF ignore.
-Passive % Boss Damage.
-Everyone loves Leech Aura. (before it gets nerfed)
-Has skills to rush and pull mobs toward them.
-Can safely go DEXless without sacrificing weapons or armor.
-Can debuff monsters, lowering their ATT and DEF while increasing their EXP and drop rate.
-Some skills cost HP.
-Its mastery books are very expensive. (Will decrease later on)
-Demon Slayers are going to be nerfed soon. (And hard)
-Excellent mobber.
-Great damage.
-Variety in skills.
-Exclusive storyline quest.
-HP Drain skill.
-Dinamic attack warrios.
-Has a great party Skill. (Aegis Shield/Combo Barrier)
-Really fast attackers.
-Decent Defense.
-A great mobile skill.
-Even at 2nd job can deal great damage.
-Gets mounts sooner then adventurers. (Lv 50/100/150/200) thus more mobility.
-Needs a lot of fund if you want to be fast
-Low HP for a warrior.
-Terrible in PvP for numerous reasons.
-Two equips, arrow and weapon, that can get boss damage.
-Very high DPS, don't need that many funds to be able to solo bosses such as HT and Czak.
-Good avoid.
-Extremely good mobility with many mobility skills. Can get to 165% speed, has acrobatic jump, can climb ropes and ladders fast. You get all these on 1st job.
-Ignore defense for a monster hit by legendary spear or unicorn spike; therefore, improving the damage dealt by whoever attacks the monster.
-Good defensive skills for a non-warrior job, water shield absorbs damage and gives you status resistance. The recovery hp/mp skill that you get at the beginning is also useful.
-Ring of ishtar hits twice so can do max damage x2.
-Has a summon.
-Starts with level 30 charm.
-Good attack skills for both single and multiple targets. They also have a rush skill.
-Easy to level because they get 10% more exp, plus they auto-job advance at level 70 and 120.
-The 10% increase exp can be linked to any other character every 24 hours.
-Very low HP.
-Too many buffs and they all matter. Your buffs increase your range A LOT. A total of 6 buffs without counting decent
skills. Getting dispelled sucks.
-Since it's not an adventurer, decent skills can be dispelled.
-Mercedes need more funding due to having a magic arrow and the dualbow.
-A bowman class so getting Decent HyperBody is difficult, (Android/MK pants only)
-Elemental damage
-Unbelievable fast attacks.
-High base damage.
-Decent across map movement. (Dragon Blinking)
-Excellent defense.
-Can revive up to 6 people (7 with Combat Orders).
-Decent Party skills.
-Extra 15% damage for party at mob/boss.
-Max all of our skills.
-Decent survivability (Magic Guard Buff and HP/Def from Party Shield Buff).
-High MP to cast attacks.
-Doesn't rely on weapon speed.
-Easy to fund.
-Unique Growth system.
-Motivation to reach higher levels for the final growth.
-Post-Union-> Mobility and attack speed increases.
-Defensive buffs in later patches, 6 party member resurrection skill as well.
-Needs to be 170+ to barely touch their true potential.
-Relies on dispelable Magic Guard Buff against high damage dealing monsters/bosses.
-Needs to switch skills when a boss summons. Having a mobbing and a bossing attack can be annoying.
-Some party members might lag due to our flashy skills.
-GMS version requires Cash Shop mastery books for our vital skills.
-Needs 4 Skill Books from Boss Zakum.
-Constant nerf/upgrade from Nexon.
-DMG Cap Issues
-8 vital buffs to be kept on if dispelled is a loss of DPS due to longer recasting time.
Cygnus Knights
-Cant level past lv 120.
-Cant level past lv 120.
-Cant level past lv 120.
- Good mobility skills for the same reason as the others, BUT they also have Wind Walk, which allows them
to move around like a thief that has Dark Sight.
- They obtain Hurricane at an earlier level due to being a Cygnus Knight.
- They obtain a transformation skill in 3rd Job, which raises their power and gives them more mobility.
- Soul Arrow in 2nd Job, no need for arrows.
- As mentioned above, they have a Dark Sight ability, which also increases their power after use.
- Can not level past 120 (applies to all Cygnus Knights).
- Wind Walk must be used before every attack in order to abuse its full potential.
- No freeze/stun skill.
- Does not obtain Sharp Eyes.
- Does not obtain a summon that allows them to increase their survivability (the adventurer archers have this).
- Their second job mob skill does not stun like Hunters' does.
-Cant level past lv 120.
(Not sure if this should be in the chart. its just here for the gigs atm.)
-No exp loss.
-No exp loss.
-No exp loss.
-No exp loss.
-No exp loss.