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Thread: [Update KMS] Patch Available - KMST 1.2.419

  1. Default Patch Available - KMST 1.2.419

    Nexon posted a patch for KMST version 418 upgrade to version 419.
    You may download this patch from their official site and begin creating your pre-patcher now.
    Extractions and database updates will be forthcoming (if supported)!

    Size: 29843151 (bytes) (28.46 mb)
    Posted: Fri, 13 Jan 2012 07:34:15 GMT

    Want quick and easy notification of just patches & updates? Follow PatchWatcher on twitter, or visit and monitor just the patches you're interested in.

  2. Default

    Before anyone asks, they are most likely backports from KMS.

  3. Default

    So essentially what you're saying is that this could definitely be the Pirate Legend?

  4. Default

    Sounds like that's what he's saying. Definitely.

  5. Default

    Guys! Pirate legend! You heard him!



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