The Demon Slayer arrives on January 11! There will be no need to wait through a patch or maintenance for him to be unlocked: You'll be able to start playing as him right at 12:00am, midnight Pacific time on January 11!
Need to know how to create a character? Read on.
1. Go to the top of the MapleStory website and log in. You can also sign up for a Nexon account if you dont have one yet.
2. Click the Play button on the left side of the main page of to launch the game.
3. Select the world you would like to play in by double-clicking its name. You must have one empty character slot in that world.
4. Select the channel in which you would like to play and double-click it. You can switch channels after you enter gameplay, if you would like.
5. Click Create a character.
6. Click the Demon Slayer.
7. When a confirmation message appears, select OK.
8. Enter your characters name in the box provided, then select Confirm. The name must contain only letters and/or numbers, cannot be longer than twelve characters, and cannot be the name of an existing MapleStory player character.
9. Select which gender youd like the Demon Slayer to be, then select Confirm.
10. You can change the type of facial markings your character has. After you select which kind you prefer, click Confirm.
11. Select your character, then click Start. After entering your Personal Identification Code (PIC), you will begin the Demon Slayers tutorial! If you havent created a PIC yet, you will be prompted to create one before proceeding into gameplay.
Start the game now!