Hey guys. Again, it's TheLeader with an even newer discovery that may help even more of us NOT get scammed.
I have now devised a way to use this method to LEGITLY trade or sell NX for mesos.
How you may ask? Well I'll show you!
Say your NX rate is 1:50 in your server.
That's 1k NX = 50million mesos, right?
5 SSS = 50 million mesos.
Meaning 5 SSS = 1k NX.
Now, for the people who will ask "can someone confirm this works"... Here's a visual for you.
Notice it CAN be bundled, hence the /5 at the end of the price.
I have recently discovered that SSS can be MTS'd!
As I've thought of experimenting this.. I never got the chance until just now.
So.. what you'll simply do is agree with your seller/buyer to trade NX for SSS.
Buyer puts up amount of SSS equivalent to the price of NX.
Seller purchases SSS and turns in the SSS to Leafre's Chief Tatamo.