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  1. Default The thread of Common Sense

    Since common sense is by nature not so common, I suppose something like this thread wouldn't be entirely obsolete.
    Despite the Funhousesque theme, I'm having some serious purposes for it, considering how I
    a. never go out to learn this stuff the normal way
    b. do not know anyone aside from you guys

    I figure I could ask Southperry for heads-ups.


    1/ Is it the norm to pay for a doctor appointment (or any such professional appointments) priorly and not receive a satisfying result later? E.g: Inconclusive/inaccurate diagnoses.
    Back in my 3rd world country, we pay for what we get, not what we don't. Can't fix my motorbike? Too bad, but hey, thanks for trying anyway.

    2/ Is it bad practice to show up regularly at a place with repeated clothing options? Say I have enough outdoor shirts to alternate for each day of the week, but every week is going to be the damned same.

    3/ At the door, does the person inside get out first? Or whoever standing on the side that the door opens to will hold the door? (I believe most public places have doors open out)

    4/ How to properly wave at someone to signal them to come to you/go ahead and do whatever they were going to do?

    5/ When crossing in front of seated people (between rows of seats in cinema, for example), is it more polite to face them or face away?
    Last edited by Kalovale; 2012-02-06 at 08:08 PM.

  2. Donator Straight Male
    IGN: ShinkuDragon HoukaPhoenix BoshokuRaven
    Server: Scania
    Level: 152
    Job: Batman
    Guild: IDissOrtis


    1/ you're supossed to get an accurate diagnosis, it's a doctor, he's messing up, he gets sued.

    2/ nobody should care, however, people may think you aren't switching clothes and are nasty.

    3/ the person that is going to get hit on the face should open the door for the other, unless it's a small lobby and the door opens inwards, in such case, let the guy come out first

    my opinion. also, this thread requires more deadpool

  3. Default

    4/ How to properly wave at someone to signal them to come to you/go ahead and do whatever they were going to do?

  4. Donator Straight Male
    IGN: ShinkuDragon HoukaPhoenix BoshokuRaven
    Server: Scania
    Level: 152
    Job: Batman
    Guild: IDissOrtis


    come to you i simply do from out of the body to the front, to the body movements, palm starting looking at them, end up curled near my chest (a bit over exagerated, but you get the idea), diagonal movement.

    to "continue as is, a simple shoving movement, followed by me looking somewhere else and stopping to give them attention.

  5. Default

    2. It definitely doesn't look good and people do notice. It's a matter of whether or not you really care, but I'm supposing you do at least a little if you're asking this. Try shuffling what you wear so it's not the same outfit every monday. If you have 7 outfits, that's 7 weeks before you end up wearing the same thing on the same day.

    3. Out ALWAYS has priority. Always. It's pretty obvious when you think about it with the old phrase "out with the old, in with the new" or look at basically any analogy in real life. If there's already something in a place where you want to put something else, you have to remove the other thing first. And if you don't then it gets crowded and complicated.

    4. A nod or a hand wave is literally all you need to do. If you're walking, step aside and say "go ahead". I assume you're talking about driving, though.

  6. Default

    Yeah, I was more worried about the Jackie Chan taunt gesture (and who knows what else) being rude. Socially Awkward Penguin me also did the whole "step aside and slightly bow with extended hand" thing to let someone through a few times.

    I've noticed my Philosophy instructor wearing the same shirts a few times during the quarter, so I suppose people do notice this kind of thing. On the other hand, though, I spend 225 minutes per week staring at him, so I'm bound to notice it.
    I do care a little bit but not enough to go through the trouble of organizing the clothes (though I spend days literally to organize my computer files). Besides, I can't bring myself to spend money on clothes ($25 per pair of jeans, for example) when I'm only allowing myself one Pringles can per month for snacking.

  7. Default

    People are less likely to notice jeans than they are to notice shirts, and shirts are cheap as hell. Three or four pairs of jeans is really all you need. Maybe double your shirt count gradually.

  8. Default Re: The thread of Common Sense

    5/ When crossing in front of seated people (between rows of seats in cinema, for example), is it more polite to face them or face away?

  9. Default Re: The thread of Common Sense

    5/ I feel less awkward facing them for some reason. Don't know if that's any less polite than giving them your butt to stare at.

    Though odds are you will be on a theater, a concert of some sort or a conference if you find yourself in such a situation. In that case the "polite" thing to do would be to get your business done with before entering the designated area (or before the start of whatever is going on in the place).

  10. Donator Straight Male
    IGN: ShinkuDragon HoukaPhoenix BoshokuRaven
    Server: Scania
    Level: 152
    Job: Batman
    Guild: IDissOrtis

    Default Re: The thread of Common Sense

    i find the ass better, allows you to maneuver better, and get out of there faster.

    best thing would be none of the above though

  11. | (◕ ‿◕)| (❍ᴥ❍ʋ) Straight Male
    IGN: You
    Server: get
    Level: me
    Job: so confused.
    Guild: Follow the
    Alliance: Pretty Lights!

    Default Re: The thread of Common Sense

    1. I don't pay. The healthcare company does. Or the government cause it's free. In other cases, you probably pay, but not full price. For example, I wanted my PSP fixed for something, but the guy couldn't but he did open it and take a look and put his time on my case. I didn't pay him, because I could've probably done that myself.

    2. I do it, just change the order, the combination between shirts, pants and shoes. Works.

    3. Person going out always gets out first.

    4. I can't explain it with words so no go for this one.

    5. 0:48

  12. Default Re: The thread of Common Sense

    Rob, I'm a fatass so there's not much room to go in any orientation except sideway. :[

  13. | (◕ ‿◕)| (❍ᴥ❍ʋ) Straight Male
    IGN: You
    Server: get
    Level: me
    Job: so confused.
    Guild: Follow the
    Alliance: Pretty Lights!

    Default Re: The thread of Common Sense

    Then always the ass.

  14. Default Re: The thread of Common Sense

    No! Always go face first, especially if you're a fatass. Try not to get into that situation in the first place but if you do, at least have courtesy you not stick your ass in people's faces. Also, if you're fat there's a better chance of you accidentally knocking something over on them if you're trying to shimmy through faced away from them. Always face first.

  15. Default Re: The thread of Common Sense

    This is what I believe to be appropriate, I'm just reserved about less fortunate occasions where my front would be even less presentable. Theaters and stadiums are commonly accepted place so I'd imagine people not minding this too much. Classroom and public bus might be a different story.

    Regardless, I'm just curious what you guys think.

  16. | (◕ ‿◕)| (❍ᴥ❍ʋ) Straight Male
    IGN: You
    Server: get
    Level: me
    Job: so confused.
    Guild: Follow the
    Alliance: Pretty Lights!

    Default Re: The thread of Common Sense

    It's awkward for me having a plantain being shoved on my face. I'd rather have a man ass. This statement is awkward already.

  17. Default Re: The thread of Common Sense

    I think just think of the shape of your body at that moment and use it to move faster, if you're caring a backpack give the ass since they have that extra room over their lap and if your belly is too big then give the crotch, the only thing important is to move fast since no one wants either.

  18. Default Re: The thread of Common Sense

    If a sign says "buy one get one free" on an end cap that does not mean the entire pineappleing aisle is "buy one get one free."

    Oh oh oh oh, one more. There are so many from work~
    40% off one regular price item means 40% off one regular price item.

  19. Default Re: The thread of Common Sense

    That one had me thinking, because I really wasn't sure how people scooted in. I'll definitely pay more attention tomorrow (or today), as choir seating plan has me sitting in the second seat from the aisle.

    However, on something like the bus, I would say ass facing their face, because there simply isnt enough room to turn around afterwards to sit down (or alternatively, turn around before getting up to get out). When I think about it, I always go in backwards, though I would make sure to take my backpack off if I'm wearing one and put it in front of me before going through. It doesn't matter if you're fat or not. With a backpack on, you're always at risk of running into someone.

    As for the other ones:

    Paying for services: Not sure on health care, because government pays for health care here, and I can't think of any instance where I've not gotten what I paid for.

    Clothes: my profs usually wear different things (at least I don't notice them repeating), but I DO notice a friend wearing the same cardigan every single time I see him (twice a week). Iono, up here, people are usually wearing jackets, and none of my friends have the money to alternate different jackets every time I see them...

    Doors: Always let the person inside out first. Not sure why, that's just the way it worked. Random fact: when I was in Japan for a short exchange, the doors opened the OTHER way. When I got home, I couldn't get the door to open on first try.

    Signaling: I usually just go with a nod + smile, or/along with a quick wave of the hand across the body.

  20. Default Re: The thread of Common Sense

    Going out first and let the others go inside first is not a matter of manners but logic or "common sense", say if you're in a bus trying to get out and people get in first everyone will have an uncomfortable time while you get out. It's basically the same in every situation, except when you're driving.

    Crotch facing people, it's easier to bend over in a way that your junk is away from whoever is sitting and your ass will just hit other chairs, or whatever's behind. In a bus, you'd have ass facing people that's also standing up, and face towards the one's who are sitting.

    2/ I don't think it's a problem.
    3/Properly wave at someone? What?



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