Results 1 to 5 of 5
  1. Default Adding New Games

    This is the thread to recommend new games.
    New games must be available and work within the V3 Arcade framework, so must be from a source it supports and be available legally.

    To request a new game get added post the URL of it here and a brief explanation of the game being sought.

  2. Default

    Game: Pixel Purge
    It's an arcade shooter with nice upgrades and pixel like graphics. Pretty addicting. :<

  3. Default

    But does it meet the primary requirement:

  4. Default

    Are all v3 arcade games free? Because if so, I think I can suggest a couple.


    It's (almost) exactly how the retro version is. No cheap knock-off. Plus, from the looks of it, it will provide a high score title, which I believe everyone would like.


    It's a "who can click a series of circles faster" kind of game. The faster you click the appearing circles, the higher your score goes. Also has a high score.


    Guide a ball down the path to reach its goal. Again, has a high score.

  5. Default

    Those aren't links from which the games can be obtained, those are games implemented in the VBArcade site.

    The only games that can be downloaded and installed directly from that site are the ones found here;

    That implementation of pacman is the exact same one that has already been requested;

    The other two are installed.



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