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  1. Default Slip's Music Database: MapleStory BGM & OST Collection

    Note: This project has moved to GitHub and this thread is no longer maintained.
    Link to permanent site:
    GitHub repo for the database:
    For updates, follow @maplebgm on Twitter.

    --- Original post continues below ---
    To access the collection of MapleStory 2 tracks, visit:

    Time for a revamped database dedicated to the music of MapleStory. The entire collection has been regrouped three times, into three separate databases. The databases include all of the tracks, but each database is organized in a different way. After the three main databases, you will also find smaller groups of music which have a common theme. These groups will not include all of the tracks and are aids to helping you find songs faster.

    Keep in mind of the legend when you're browsing:

    Red: This track was never used or is no longer used in the game. It may or may not still exist in the game data. Tracks from retired areas and areas that are temporarily/permanently closed also fit this description. Event areas do not fit this description. For login themes, the active track is generally the one being used by KoreaMS (and the majority of other versions).

    Green: This track is a duplicate of another track which dates before the existence of the track in question.

    All tracks are posted on YouTube (what the links here direct to).

    Most tracks on YouTube retain their in-data names (some exceptions include dual-usage tracks, ie. Neo Tokyo/Neo City). Any spelling mistakes within the song's in-data name is often an error on Nexon's side.

    Please make a note in this thread if any descriptions are wrong or if any songs are missing.


    - Slip




    Last edited by Slip; 2022-05-15 at 04:04 PM.

  2. Default


    This database focuses on the where the track is found and its usage within the game. For most people, this is the most practical database, giving them a variety of choices to select from.

    Last edited by Slip; 2012-07-01 at 06:37 PM.

  3. Default


    If you know what the name of the track is, then this database is for you. Ordered alphanumerically, the list of all tracks is as follows below.

    Last edited by Slip; 2012-07-01 at 07:56 PM.

  4. Default


    The last database is for those who have familiarized themselves with the structure of Sound.wz. Tracks originating from a certain version will usually be found in their respective region-coded folders, while all other tracks are from KoreaMS. This database is aimed at extractors and other data specialists.

    Last edited by Slip; 2016-08-22 at 02:15 PM.

  5. Default

    These extra groups do not include all tracks. Tracks within a group will tend to bind to a certain subject, and provides another perspective when finding tracks.

    Party Quests, Battle Content and Competitive Quests

    Last edited by Slip; 2012-07-01 at 08:38 PM.

  6. Default

    Archival versions

    Currently on hold due to copyright concerns.
    Last edited by Slip; 2016-08-22 at 02:10 PM.

  7. I post a lot Bi Male
    IGN: ZesseiBijin
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 204
    Job: Kanna
    Guild: NEST
    Farm: Razmosia

    So much win.
    Definitely the best BGM in the game, and one of my favorites from any game probably.

  8. Polar Bear Gay Male
    IGN: danielcatu
    Server: yellonde
    Level: 121
    Job: Wind Archer
    Guild: Vendetta
    Farm: 765pro


    if we get shangai on GMS i want this song to be used in it

    also wow for some reason the BGMs from BMS are pretty cool sadly they'll never be used

  9. Default Thissss.

  10. Donator Male
    IGN: LnFearNFaith
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 20x
    Job: Loladin/LolDrK
    Guild: Irresistible
    Farm: Amerish


    Elfwood has always been my fav bgm from maple =P too bad its never been used.

  11. Idiot. Male
    IGN: Enfris
    Server: Reboot GMS
    Level: 173
    Job: Evan
    Guild: Forever alone.jpg
    Alliance: Forever alone.jpg



  12. Default

    It was used in JMS's maple island, idk if it still is though.

  13. Default

    God, that Victoria/Orbis ship music is still my favorite.

    Ellinia, Ludi PQ, Orbis PQ, West of Henesys, Lith Harbor, NLC... fun memories, indeed.

    Maple does have some nice music.

  14. Default

    Dead. Everything died when Big Bang came.

  15. Default

    I wonder if WhereTheBarlogFrom will be used when (if) we get a revamped Barlog PQ.
    He is supposed to be the ruler of Maple World, no?

    Also, DecisiveBattle and DespairOnDevil are for Demon Slayer.
    Assuming DecisiveBattle is for in the Temple of Time, and DespairOnDevil is for the cutscene when the house is burning.

    FlowerInBlue, SoundOfElf, and WindAndFlower are for Mercedes.
    Not as familiar with that, so don't really know where.

    I love this list...
    brings back a lot of memories. Especially the sleepywood BGM.

  16. Default

    Thanks, fixed those two up. If anyone knows where the remaining three are used (FlowerInBlue, SoundOfElf, and WindAndFlower), please let me know. Last three to update.

  17. | (◕ ‿◕)| (❍ᴥ❍ʋ) Straight Male
    IGN: You
    Server: get
    Level: me
    Job: so confused.
    Guild: Follow the
    Alliance: Pretty Lights!


    Is there anyway we can get an OST compilation in a .rar file? Like from Megaupload or Mediafire. I'd make love to you if you could do that.

  18. Default

    FlowerinBlue- Past Euriel
    SoundofElf- Mercedes Jobchange Map
    WindandFlower- Present Euriel

    nice list ^^

  19. Default

    Okay, some love please.



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