My home was hit by a flash flood this morning around 2 AM, my car and my entire lower level are under 3 to 4 feet of water right now. I escaped safely with my pets, however I am now temporarily without transportation or shelter.
My access to Southperry will obviously be somewhat limited while I try to get things in order. I've been camped in my corporate office since 4 am trying to get things straightened out and prioritized.
Anyone feeling charitable can feel free to make a donation via the Market.
For the next week or so Karma values for donations will be at 2x in appreciation for anyone who cares enough to try to help out during this difficult time.
I will keep this thread updated as I know more. I think there'll be a news report interviewing me online after 8 am for anyone who wants to laugh at me soaked in my jammies answering some of the stupidest questions that only a local newsman can ask during a disaster.
Day #1 Update:
Photos for the morbidly curious.
Cats have been returned to the apartment. They're locked upstairs in the bedroom with food & water and a litter pan. Not ideal but it's better than leaving them locked in a carrier in a strange place with other unfamiliar cats.
Daily Updates
For the interested I'll be keeping updates in my blog in it's own section, and will append updates throughout each day as I have time and news.