View Poll Results: Which Resistance character will you make?

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  • Battle Mage

    34 39.53%
  • Wild Hunter

    38 44.19%
  • Mechanic

    14 16.28%
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Results 1 to 20 of 42
  1. Default Which Resistance char will you make?

    Surprised this thread hasn't been made yet.

    I think if I'm going to make one, it's going to be a Battle Mage! Never too crazy about bowmen in general.

  2. Default

    If I make one, it would be a battle mage.

  3. Neon Atom
    IGN: dawnkevsies
    Server: Zenith
    Level: 100
    Job: Buff/UA mule
    Guild: nonelolZENITHSDEAD


    i'll end up making all three more than likely, wild hunter first purely because i don't want to have to go to nlc to buy wizard elixers, and i already have warrior elixers.

  4. In my dreams... Gay Male
    Server: Reboot
    Level: 215
    Job: Hoyoung
    Alliance: KATYPERRY


    Wild Hunter for meee.

    I'll definitely make a Mech when they come out tho.

  5. Sassy Stranger Male
    IGN: SlayerZach
    Server: Bellocan
    Level: YES
    Job: Paladin
    Guild: Phoenix
    Farm: SlayerZach


    I'll start with Wild Hunter, and eventually make the other two.


  6. In my dreams... Gay Male
    Server: Reboot
    Level: 215
    Job: Hoyoung
    Alliance: KATYPERRY



    Mech-less Mech is impossible though. :'(

  7. Default

    Of course Mechanic will be my next serious character, but this Jag-less Wild Hunter will be just for pomegranates and giggles.

  8. Default

    Si señor!

  9. Default

    The Crosser Savior?

  10. Default

    Easily Wild Hunter. 160 speed at level 14? Hell yeah.

  11. Default

    Battle Mage... because I'm a mage whore.

  12. Default

    Leaning toward Battle Mage, thinking about Wild Hunter, may make a Mechanic.

    Pretty much, undecided.

    However, I do love my 6k damage per Quad Blow on JMS with my Battle Mage. :3

  13. Default

    Batlle Mage cause damage is win.

  14. Default

    I'm making a battle mage. I love my Aran, and I loved my I/L for the longest time, it seems like the best of both worlds.

    I always thought Bam would be my #1 forever but she's dead to me now.



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