Surprised this thread hasn't been made yet.
I think if I'm going to make one, it's going to be a Battle Mage! Never too crazy about bowmen in general.
Surprised this thread hasn't been made yet.
I think if I'm going to make one, it's going to be a Battle Mage! Never too crazy about bowmen in general.
If I make one, it would be a battle mage.
i'll end up making all three more than likely, wild hunter first purely because i don't want to have to go to nlc to buy wizard elixers, and i already have warrior elixers.
Wild Hunter for meee.
I'll definitely make a Mech when they come out tho.
Robot man
Of course Mechanic will be my next serious character, but this Jag-less Wild Hunter will be just for pomegranates and giggles.
Easily Wild Hunter. 160 speed at level 14? Hell yeah.
Battle Mage... because I'm a mage whore.
Leaning toward Battle Mage, thinking about Wild Hunter, may make a Mechanic.
Pretty much, undecided.
However, I do love my 6k damage per Quad Blow on JMS with my Battle Mage. :3
Batlle Mage cause damage is win.
I'm making a battle mage. I love my Aran, and I loved my I/L for the longest time, it seems like the best of both worlds.
I always thought Bam would be my #1 forever but she's dead to me now.