1. You disconnect at Zakum and Horntail
2. The HP bar at the top of the screen doesn't show.
3. Well, nothing different from the normal happens at HT/Zak
For some reason, they imported KMST data over these two mobs causing the defaultHP and defaultMP data to be in Korean. So yeah, I'm not sure how that's going to work.
Since there are relatively few changes, I'll do the rest by hand:
- Remember in Tespia when you made your chars and you had access to rad stylin' in the character creation screen? Yeah, that's all gone.
- There were no delay changes that you guys need to be concerned with. It's just one for a sit animation.
- New MapleTV animation showing the Black Mage and Big Bang
- Much of the UI that was in Korean was changed to English
- For Evan, the max level of Magic Guard was reduced from 15 to 5.
- For Evan, the max level of Critical Magic was reduced from 15 to 5.
- It's plainly obvious to me that they gutted the quest data and redid a lot of it from scratch. The localization should be much, much better.
Mob Changes
Imperial Guard Type A Level: 143 HP: 200,000 MP: 8000 Speed: 30 Weapon Attack: 2850 Weapon Defense: 1500 Magic Attack: 2800 Magic Defense: 1500 EXP: 3320 Accuracy: 225 Avoid: 169 Knockback: 3200 Elements: Immune to poison, strong to holy
Dunas Type D Level: 174 HP: 470,000 MP: 20,000 Speed: 0 Weapon Attack: 4400 Weapon Defense: 1999 Magic Attack: 4350 Magic Defense: 700 EXP: 6943 Accuracy: 256 Avoid: 225 Knockback: 6000 Elements: Immune to poison, weak to lightning, immune to holy
Royal Guard Type S Level: 160 HP: 330,000 MP: 14,000 Speed: 0 Weapon Attack: 3700 Weapon Defense: 1999 Magic Attack: 3650 Magic Defense: 1999 EXP: 5116 Accuracy: 225 Avoid: 169 Knockback: 4500 Elements: Immune to poison, immune to holy
Afterlord Type A Level: 135 HP: 160,000 MP: 4000 Speed: -20 Weapon Attack: 2450 Weapon Defense: 1110 Magic Attack: 2400 Magic Defense: 1020 EXP: 2750 Accuracy: 169 Avoid: 144 Knockback: 2400 Elements: Strong to ice, immune to poison, strong to holy
For some reason, they imported KMST data over these two mobs causing the defaultHP and defaultMP data to be in Korean. So yeah, I'm not sure how that's going to work.
The patch doesn't start for another 2 hours. I'm guessing they'll change/fix the Zakum/Horntail thing in that time (probably why they said not to manually patch until the game's down, because it's not done yet and some people will have a fit when they start the game with files that aren't patched to the final version). That's what I think anyway.
Fiel, would you mind checking if any of the VIP items are changed? Is time traveller's medal being changed? Also, would you mind posting the new Quest data if possible, thanks.
Fiel, would you mind checking if any of the VIP items are changed? Is time traveller's medal being changed? Also, would you mind posting the new Quest data if possible, thanks.
Unchanged; No; No can do. Since the recent patches it's completely screwed with my ability to do quest extractions. They will be coming in the future, but most certainly not for this patch.
Originally Posted by Kevo
I remember seeing in an extraction of Tespia that the Chaos Horntail Pendant's slots was reduced by one. Is there any truth to that?