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Thread: [Mechanic] Myles' Mechanic Guide

  1. Default Myles' Mechanic Guide

    This is gonna be the place for my Mechanic guide, and what I'm following/going to follow. Worked fine for me, so it should for you.

    This is ignored
    Level 10: +3 Prototype (3); +1 Gatling Shot (1); +1 Screw Pucnh
    Level 11: +3 Prototype (6)
    Level 12: +3 Prototype (9)
    Level 13: +1 Prototype (10) [MAX]
    Level 14: +3 Screw Punch (4)
    Level 14: +3 Screw Punch (7)
    Level 15: +3 Screw Punch (10)
    Level 16: +3 Screw Punch (13)
    Level 17: +3 Screw Punch (16)
    Level 18: +3 Screw Punch (19)
    Level 19: +1 Screw Punch (20) [MAX];+2 Gatling Shot (2)
    Level 20: +3 Gatling Shot (5)
    Level 21: +3 Gatling Shot (8)
    Level 22: +2 Gatling Shot (10); +1 Flamethrower (1)
    Level 23: +3 Flamethrower (4)
    Level 24: +3 Flamethrower (7)
    Level 25: +3 Flamethrower (10)
    Level 26: +3 Flamethrower (13)
    Level 27: +3 Flamethrower (16)
    Level 28: +3 Flamethrower (19)
    Level 29: +1 Flamethower (20) [MAX]; +2 Gatling Shot (12)
    Level 30: +3 Gatling Shot (15) [MAX]

    Ending with:

    Prototype (10) [MAX]
    Gatling Shot (15) [MAX]
    Flamethrower (20) [MAX]
    Screw Punch (20) [MAX]


    Training Locations
    10-20: Elderstien(sp?) quests; Blue Ribbon Pigs; Stone Gollems.
    20-30: Elderstien quests; Mixed Stone Gollem; Subway Cleanup.

    This is ignored
    Level 30: +1 Heavy Weapons Mastery (1); +1 Atomic Hammer (1); +1 Rocket Jump (1)
    Level 31: +1 Perfect Armour (1); +2 Mechanic Mastery (2)
    Level 32: +3 Mechanic Mastery (5)
    Level 33: +3 Prototype Booster(3)
    Level 34: +3 Prototype Booster (6)
    Level 35: +3 Mechanic Mastery (8)
    Level 36: +3 Mechanic Mastery (11)
    Level 37: +3 Mechanic Mastery (14)
    Level 38: +3 Mechanic Mastery (17)
    Level 39: +3 Mechanic Mastery (20) [MAX]
    Level 40: +3 Atomic Hammer/Heavy Weapons Mastery (4)
    Level 41: +3 Atomic Hammer/Heavy Weapons Mastery (7)
    Level 42: +3 Atomic Hammer/Heavy Weapons Mastery (10)
    Level 43: +3 Atomic Hammer/Heavy Weapons Mastery (13)
    Level 44: +3 Atomic Hammer/Heavy Weapons Mastery (16)
    Level 45: +3 Atomic Hammer/Heavy Weapons Mastery (19)
    Level 46: +1 Atomic Hammer/Heavy Weapons Mastery (20) [MAX]; +2 Heavy Weapons Mastery/Atomic Punch (3)
    Level 47: +3 Heavy Weapons Mastery/Atomic Hammer (6)
    Level 48: +3 Heavy Weapons Mastery/Atomic Hammer (9)
    Level 49: +3 Heavy Weapons Mastery/Atomic Hammer (12)
    Level 50: +3 Heavy Weapons Mastery/Atomic Hammer (15)
    Level 51: +3 Heavy Weapons Mastery/Atomic Hammer (18)
    Level 52: +2 Heavy Weapons Mastery/Atomic Hammer (20) [MAX]; +1 Perfect Armour (2)
    Level 53: +3 Perfect Armour (5)
    Level 54: +3 Perfect Armour (8)
    Level 55: +3 Perfect Armour (11)
    Level 56: +3 Perfect Armour (14)
    Level 57: +3 Perfect Armour (17)
    Level 58: +3 Perfect Armour (20) [MAX]
    Level 59: +3 Rocket Jump (4)
    Level 60: +3 Rocket Jump (7)
    Level 61: +3 Rocket Jump (10)
    Level 62: +3 Rocket Jump (13)
    Level 63: +3 Rocket Jump (16)
    Level 64: +3 Rocket Jump (19)
    Level 65: +1 Rocket Jump (20) [MAX]; +2 Portal (2)
    Level 66: +3 Portal (5)
    Level 67: +3 Portal (8)
    Level 68: +2 Portal (10) [MAX]; +1 Prototype Booster (7)
    Level 69: +3 Prototype Booster (10)
    Level 70: +3 Prototype Booster (13)

    Ending with:

    Atomic Hammer (20) [MAX]
    Mechanic Booster (20) [MAX]
    Prototype Booster (13) [MAX]
    Heavy Weapons Mastery (20) [MAX]
    Rocket Jump (20)/ [MAX]
    Portal (10) [MAX]
    Perfect Armour (20) [MAX]


    Training Locations
    30-40: Mushroom Kingdom quests; Kerning Square quests; CDs; CPQ.
    40-50: Kerning Square quests; CDs; CPQ.
    50-60: Drakes (Ant Tunnel 1); White Pangs
    55: Toy Trojans
    60: Robos
    60-65: KFT/Omega Sector Quests
    60-66: Plateons
    66-70: Puppets

    Flamethrower "glitches".
    If you quickly tap Flamethrower, wait a split second then cast Booster, it removes the unnecessary double-animation, and only does the first, normal, animation.
    If you tap Flamethrower before using Hammer, it takes nearly no time to cast, burns monsters, and causes burn damage as you're swinging your hammer. I will be using this technique until I find a stronger way to kill a mob. It also works with Punch, but I don't use that straight away.

    This is ignored
    Level 70: +1 Atomic Punch (1); +1 Magnetic Field (1); +1 Machine Gun (1)
    Level 71: +1 Satellite (1); +1 Lucky Dice (1); +1 Amplifier (1)
    Level 72: +3 Atomic Punch (4)
    Level 73: +3 Atomic Punch (7)
    Level 74: +3 Atomic Punch (10)
    Level 75: +3 Atomic Punch (13)
    Level 76: +3 Atomic Punch (16)
    Level 77: +3 Atomic Punch (19)
    Level 78: +1 Atomic Punch (20) [MAX]; +2 Metal Fist Mastery (2)
    Level 79: +3 Metal Fist Mastery (5)
    Level 80: +3 Metal Fist Mastery (8)
    Level 81: +3 Metal Fist Mastery (11)
    Level 82: +3 Metal Fist Mastery (14)
    Level 83: +3 Metal Fist Mastery (17)
    Level 84: +3 Metal Fist Mastery (20) [MAX]
    Level 85: +3 Satellite (4)
    Level 86: +3 Satellite (7)
    Level 87: +3 Satellite (10)
    Level 88: +3 Satellite (13)
    Level 89: +3 Satellite (16)
    Level 90: +3 Satellite (19)
    Level 91: +3 Satellite (20) [MAX]; +2 Amplifier (3)
    Level 92: +3 Amplifier (6)
    Level 93: +3 Amplifier (9)
    Level 94: +3 Amplifier (11)
    Level 95: +3 Amplifier (14)
    Level 96: +1 Amplifier (15) [MAX]; +2 Magnetic Field (3)
    Level 97: +3 Magnetic Field (6)
    Level 98: +3 Magnetic Field (9)
    Level 99: +3 Magnetic Field (11)
    Level 100: +3 Magnetic Field (14)
    Level 101: +3 Magnetic Field (17)
    Level 102: +3 Magnetic Field (20) [MAX]
    Level 103: +3 Lucky Dice (4)
    Level 104: +3 Lucky Dice (7)
    Level 105: +3 Lucky Dice (10)
    Level 106: +3 Lucky Dice (13)
    Level 107: +3 Lucky Dice (16)
    Level 108: +3 Lucky Dice (19)
    Level 109: +1 Lucky Dice (20) [MAX]; +2 Machine Gun (3)
    Level 110: +3 Machine Gun (6)
    Level 111: +3 Machine Gun (9)
    Level 112: +3 Machine Gun (12)
    Level 113: +3 Machine Gun (15)
    Level 114: +3 Machine Gun (18)
    Level 115: +2 Machine Gun (20) [MAX]; +1 Healing Bot (1)
    Level 116: +3 Healing Bot (4)
    Level 117: +3 Healing Bot (7)
    Level 118: +3 Healing Bot (10)
    Level 119: +3 Healing Bot (13)
    Level 120: +3 Healing Bot (16)

    Ending with:

    Atomic Punch (20) [MAX]
    Metal Fist Mastery (20) [MAX]
    Satellite (20) [MAX]
    Machine Gun (20) [MAX]
    Amplifier (15) [MAX]
    Magnetic Field (20) [MAX]
    Lucky Dice (20) [MAX]
    Healing bot (16)


    Training Locations
    70: Puppets
    71-73: Bugs in Leben Mine. Not quite sure what level I actually went here, but I ended around 74
    74-75: The big Racoons in the top portal where the little Racoons in Leben Mines are.
    75-77: Ariant Quests. All of them got me to 77 and they were fairly easy to do.
    77-83: Sahel 1/2/3. I prefer 2 since it doesn't have a stupid ledge where 2 monsters spawn like Sahel 1 has. Sahel 3's monsters are too weak (just Sand Moles) so yeah.
    79-83: Triple Rumo are apparently good. Pure spawn + flat map. Credits to SethElite
    84-87: Iron Mutaes at B3. I was getting 75% per 15mins around level 84, on 1.2x exp. Highly recommended, or you could stay at Scorpions/Sand Moles
    87+: Going to C2 soon when my lag spikes end...

    Comments/tips/constructive criticism welcome, of course.
    Last edited by Myles; 2010-08-17 at 06:01 AM.

  2. In my dreams... Gay Male
    Server: Reboot
    Level: 215
    Job: Hoyoung
    Alliance: KATYPERRY


    I dunno where you learned maths, but the end of second job should go like this:

    Level 68: +2 Portal (10) [MAX]; +1 Prototype Booster (7)
    Level 69: +3 Prototype Booster (10)
    Level 70: +3 Prototype Booster (13)

  3. Default

    Durr hurr herp. Ty.

  4. Default


  5. In my dreams... Gay Male
    Server: Reboot
    Level: 215
    Job: Hoyoung
    Alliance: KATYPERRY


    He's saying you can choose to either max Booster or Rocket Jump, and whichever you don't max is left at 13. Though, I'm not sure why he put that in the ending skills, since the build he put together doesn't do that. >_>

  6. Won't Be Coming Back Gay Male

    IGN: Scofflaw
    Server: Cain
    Level: 70
    Job: Wrecking Ball
    Guild: Factory


    Where ?

    IGN: Overburnd
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 210
    Job: Cannoneer
    Guild: Contagious


    1) Atomic punch isn't in 2nd job.
    2) You need to get some door WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY earlier than that.
    3) Healing robot is way better than amplifier and in no way should be added last.
    4) At least 1 metal fist mastery should be obtained at level 70, as it makes flamethrower useful.

  8. Default

    Wait whaaaaaaaat?

    Isn't metal fist mastery just drill rush and atomic hammer?

    Edit: Yeah. It is. Mines level 10 right now and it says this:
    드릴 러쉬, 아토믹 해머의 데미지 30% 증가

    Which translates (google translate) to:
    Drill Rush, Atomic Hammer damage 30% increase

    Flamethrower is terribad anyways. Never used it once I got atomic hammer.

  9. Default

    Approved up until end of 2nd job, except for levels 47-52 it says Atomic Punch instead of Atomic Hammer.

    Oh, and at level 70, you might want to change "Tri-Electro-Summon-Thing" to "Electric Trio" as you have it later in the guide.

  10. Default

    1) Typo
    2) Yeah, 30second door is so useful. It's not useful until like level, even though I don't see a use of it until 6x
    3) No. Just, no. More damage to monsters vs stopping attacking, sitting down, and waiting to be healed.
    4) Doesn't affect Flamethrower.

    Changed it to Magnetic Field.

  11. Default

    You might not want to delve too deeply into the Flamethrower glitches. They may get fixed relatively soon.

  12. Default

    I'll add in the "glitches" now. Not exactly glitches, though.

  13. Default

    Seems like no one knows how to use Healbot in game, lol. You dont have to stop attacking, sit down, or wait. Just press down somewhere near the robot. Down = 'sit' for a Mechanic.

  14. Default

    That's what I meant. Stop attacking + pressing down, and it isn't instant, or what I've faced isn't.

  15. Default

    On your 3rd job totals you have amplifier listed as max level 20.

    Also, 79-83ish Triple Rumos are a pretty good spot to train. Spawns as good if not better than Sahel 2, and it's a pure spawn so there aren't lower exp enemies wasting space like the sand rats at Sahel 2. Spawns are more or less flat across the floor, only a single spawn on a ledge that atomic hammer can hit easily.

  16. Default

    Are you going to update the training spots and 4th job?

  17. Idiot. Male
    IGN: Enfris
    Server: Reboot GMS
    Level: 173
    Job: Evan
    Guild: Forever alone.jpg
    Alliance: Forever alone.jpg


    Can you update the names of the skill so I don't have to go crazy looking for, what is this? ANd what is that skill?

    Ty :)

  18. Default

    Second this.

    Second job says Prototype Booster which according to HS is Mechanical Rage. Also, it's max level is 20, though the second job guide has it down as getting to Lv13 and has it as max.

  19. In my dreams... Gay Male
    Server: Reboot
    Level: 215
    Job: Hoyoung
    Alliance: KATYPERRY



    Last edited by Jon; 2011-01-19 at 08:29 PM.



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