Welcome, Guests and Users, to version 86 extraction!
If you are new here. I encourage you guys to register for an account. Please comment about this extraction, or feel free to drop me a comment here in this thread.
Make sure to check out the most recent addition to the website - Ultimate Skill Tables - which will help you in all of your skill planning!
I'm really finding a lot to like about this patch, so read on!
Balance Patch
The most obvious change about this patch is the Explorer rebalancing. You can find resources on everything included in this rebalancing in the following two threads:
General overview of skill changes
Skill tables of all rebalanced skills - level by level
I have not checked to see if there are any surprises here yet. If there are, I will be sure to make you aware of them. The Ultimate Skill Tables will be updated tonight to reflect all of these changes.
Also, many of the skill strings were changed to properly reflect all of the new Explorer changes. These will be added to the skill tables as well.
Dual Blade Information
I do see a plethora of dual blade skills and related items, such as scrolls. The skill data for dual blades are fully here, but the skill strings are not present.
Golden Temple
In case you haven't heard the music for this, you can download the MP3s here (Right click --> Save As):
Gold Temple Dungeon
Gold Temple Town
Gold Temple Field
Of course, with the Golden Temple, you also get the new White Monkey pet!
All of the other relevant data for the Golden Temple can be found in the traditional extraction.
Set Items
Yes! Set items are coming to a GMS near you! These set items are all related to the Android Items that are part of something related to Neo City. There are five items in the set:
Collect 2 Items: +2 All Stats, Speed +10, ACC +10
Collect 4 items: +4 All Stats, Speed +15, ACC +15, WATK +5
Collect 5 Items: +5 All Stats, Speed +20, ACC +20, WATK +10, MATK +15
If you get the complete set, you also get a cool effect behind you:
Try to collect them all and good luck.
One-A-Day Items
Looks like Nexon is giving you a reason to come back day-after-day. They now introduce their One-A-Day Items. I don't know much about it, but here are some images from it:
Logout Gifts
Anyone for some logout mules? When you logout, apparently you have a random chance of receiving a gift.
Funny MapleTV Change