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  1. Default Nexon 2x Card Codes

    Just a reminder that attempting to sell or buy these constitutes an illegal transaction for the forums. Please do not post B> or S> threads for these codes here. If you would like to have contests for codes in one of the social forums (Funhouse or Speakeasy is fine) that's quite all right so long as no money, mesos, or NX ever changes hands.

    -- Fiel

  2. Default

    If I honestly had NX, I'd just buy the items separately rather a code.
    No point in buying something that was given for free. If you don't want it, might as well give it away to someone who needs it.

  3. Default

    "no money, mesos, or NX change hands". Pretty precise. Can I legally offer to trade NX codes for material items? "T>60k NX for Bad Company 2!"? No money, meso, or NX changes hands.

  4. Default

    Doesn't that still constitute a transaction?

  5. Default

    OOOO i want to give away nx now!



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