1. This is just a quick tip for those who want to Zakum but are afraid they're going to lag out. Right before Zakum, I suggest turning off your computer and giving it a few minutes before you reboot. That way, the RAM will clear itself and you won't have weird things hogging your memory. The next step is up open up Task Manager and kill the 'explorer.exe' task. At first, you might be a little freaked and want to kill me because your desktop disappears. But don't worry, you can fix that. Killing the explorer.exe task will make it so your CPU uses about 1% of its power. Very handy when you're scared of lag, and your computer is going to run like the wind. After your Zakum run, just fire up Task manager again by using the 'Ctrl+Alt+Del' combo in Windows XP or the 'Ctrl+Shift+Esc' combo in Vista. Select 'File'>'New Task' and type 'explorer.exe'.
2. Another tip. Instead of using the MSConfig tool, I prefer using a little program called WinPatrol (which you can find
here). This is a really nifty program that not only gives you the power to stop certain programs from running at startup, you can do many other things with the tool. You can use it as a task manager and see all the tasks which are running (without having the complicated Task manager Processes nonsense), and you can also choose to delay the startup of some programs. For example, if I want my chat client to run at startup but don't want it hogging my memory space when everything else is starting up, I can set the delay for my chat protocol to start a minute after everything else has loaded. This is an extremely useful tool and I think it's much better than MSConfig.
3. On the note of Virus' and Spyware, I suggest that you buy a few products. Virus' and Spyware are the main reasons most computers are really slow. I know, free things are always good, but some commercial products are really much better than the free products. I suggest getting NOD32 and/or Kaspersky. Both will rip your wallet apart, but I personally love both of those programs. If you feel like you want to stick with free programs, that's also fine. I just suggest getting a good Firewall (I prefer
Comodo Pro Free as opposed to Zonealarm.)
When you're scanning your computer, update the virus database to the latest version, and then reboot your computer. As you're rebooting, press F8 or F12 to get into a thing called Safe Mode. (The button you press varies, but most of the time there will be a screen telling you what to press.) In Safe Mode, a lot of the program features are disabled, which means that virus' are isolated making it easier for your Anti-Virus/Anti-Spyware program to detect. Hope this helps.