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  1. Exclamation Click Here to Speed Up Troubleshooting Time! :O

    I've noticed a lot of the members posting in the technical section do not provide enough information regarding their computer, internet connection.

    So I've found a few tools that will help you to easily gather those information and it will result in a quicker troubleshooting time.

    Computer Specifications:

    Method 1:

    Start > RUN > type in "dxdiag".

    Wait for the DirectX Diagnostics to load/scanning.

    On the bottom of the window, there is a "Save All Information..." button.

    Save the text file to somewhere you can locate and copy everything (Ctrl + A > Ctrl + C) and paste it in a SPOILER in your thread.

    Method 2:

    Using CrystalMark. Download it at (the official CrystalMark site doesn't work for me for some reason...)

    CrystalMark DOES NOT require installation and can be easily removed.

    After downloading the package (aprox 4.5MB). Extract it, click on CrystalMark09.exe.

    When CrystalMark opens, click on "Edit" > "[TEXT] Preview" > "detail.txt". A text document should open and it should contain a somewhat detailed info about your computer (don't worry, I believe it doesn't contain any personal information)

    Copy everything (Ctrl + A > Ctrl + C) and paste it in a SPOILER in your thread.

    Internet Connection:
    A lot of the time the problem is with your internet connection.

    I suggest members going to to test their connection speed.

    Remember to select San Jose, CA as the testing location (since Nexon servers are located somewhere there, it would give us a somewhat accurate result)

    After the speed test is done, simply type in your results. We do not need to see a screen shot of it because we do not need proof, if you choose to post the incorrect values you are only preventing us from troubleshooting your problem.

    Any other information you could provide COULD be helpful. (i.e. The physical setup of your internet connection, recent actives before the problem...etc.

    Good luck.

    Here is an example post:
    (a detailed description of the problem)

    Computer Specs:

    Method 1:

    Method 2:

    Connection Speed:
    Download: 617kb/s
    Upload: 1523kb/s
    Last edited by XTOTHEL; 2008-08-18 at 08:31 PM.



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