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  1. Default [1.2.288] "Legend" Skill Strings

    Nexon might continue to call the twin bladed class a "Legend", but according to the wz files it is not part of the legendary classes. Its job ID is "430", and this number tells me quite a few things about this class:

    1. Since the job ID is below 1000, it is an adventurer class.
    2. Since the first number is "4", it is a thief class.
    3. Since the second number is "3", that tells me it's the third class. The first and second classes, "1" and "2", are assassins and bandits, respectively.
    4. Because this is a branch off of the adventurer's thief class, these dual wielders must start as a Rogue like all other assassins and bandits. This is why in the skill strings below you will only see second job and higher.

    It is unfortunate that this new branch of the thief tree is not classified as an Adventurer as far as the cash shop is concerned. Like Cygnus, Aran, and Evan before it, the new thief class also uses a different cash shop storage. Please enjoy buying the same pet for the fourth time!

    This class is not yet complete and will likely undergo extensive modifications in future patches.

    All translations given below are credited to Alilatias in this thread

    Second Job - Blade 1

    Third Job - Blade 2

    Fourth Job - Blade 3

    Fifth Job - Blade 4

    Sixth Job - Blade 5

    This patch also included several new delay classes to the wz files. The full list is as follows: tripleStab, flyingAssaulter, hustleAction, hustleAttack, hustleStop, fatalBlow, slashStorm, slashStorm2, bloodyStorm, flashBang, suddenDeath

    On a completely unrelated note, the SuperGM class was also changed (skill strings only).

    GM Class

  2. In my dreams... Gay Male
    Server: Reboot
    Level: 215
    Job: Hoyoung
    Alliance: KATYPERRY


    An extension of Adventurers; interesting. I wonder if they'll do more like this.

    EDIT: "5th job".

    EDIT2: 6th job... :drool:
    Last edited by Jon; 2010-02-05 at 04:56 AM.

  3. Default

    Thats intresting. Makes more sense when put together with the art from before showing all 3 though, and notably only one booster and mastery for dual wielding.

  4. ~Thrust Into It~ Straight Male
    IGN: Sn1perel1te
    Server: Bellocan
    Level: 152
    Job: Old School BM
    Guild: EbonSol
    Alliance: In One


    Fifth job?!?! a-@ this is gonna get even more interesting beyond the extended theif job.

  5. Default

    Awesome, expansion to Thieves! Heh, now my Shadower will be able to equip those cool dual blades - I wonder if they'll add new skill(s) to First Job. And I do hope they won't continue the -an trend with Legends, since this is an Adventurer class. Can't wait to see the names of the different jobs.

  6. Neutron Male
    IGN: Kill/Nozomi
    Server: Bellocan
    Job: Hayato/Shadower
    Guild: Random
    Alliance: Random
    Farm: Never going to touch this


    [Master Level: 20] \ n dagger myeongjungryul series of weapons proficiency and makes the rise. The technology must be applied only if the dagger is heard.

    Google translator but not reliable. They use technology to dual wield...

  7. Default

    Some of you are reading too much into this. "fifth job" would be like the evolutions of Evan, which has like 12 jobs. It seems like they're throwing away traditional advancements.

    Also, just because it's a thief doesn't mean in any way that shadowers will be able to equip their weapons. Brawlers can't equip guns and vice versa, while they're both pirates. That's just silly.

  8. Default

    ...Eh? What are you saying? Bandits can equip Claws and vice versa, no?

  9. ~Thrust Into It~ Straight Male
    IGN: Sn1perel1te
    Server: Bellocan
    Level: 152
    Job: Old School BM
    Guild: EbonSol
    Alliance: In One


    I see a melee shadow partner :O

    EDIT: Yeah Sarah, a-@ i can equip guns if i have enough dex.

  10. Default

    so may i know what was the code for Aran?

  11. Default

    Let me clear that up then: all you'll be able to do is use regular attacks because you won't have any skills and it will flood your chat bar with YOU CAN'T DO THAT WITH THIS WEAPON.

  12. In my dreams... Gay Male
    Server: Reboot
    Level: 215
    Job: Hoyoung
    Alliance: KATYPERRY


    2000, 2110, 2111 and 2112.

    Translation: you can WEAR them but can't do anything useful with them.

  13. Default

    how come there are 4 digits? and 4 codes?

  14. ~Thrust Into It~ Straight Male
    IGN: Sn1perel1te
    Server: Bellocan
    Level: 152
    Job: Old School BM
    Guild: EbonSol
    Alliance: In One


    Is the final level missing for skills with 30 levels or is it really 29? a-@

    Also, from the low % damage with the first few attack skills in the early levels, it seems like theyll be fast attackers but not quite heavy hitting early on. Im wondering if they will have to chain normal attack hits in with forced delayed skills. Kinda like buccs in having to alternate some skills to keep a flow, but with normal attack instead of other skills (or possibly exactly like buccs).

  15. Default

    Thanks for catching that, John. There should be 30 levels. Lemme fix that.

  16. Neutron Male
    IGN: Kill/Nozomi
    Server: Bellocan
    Job: Hayato/Shadower
    Guild: Random
    Alliance: Random
    Farm: Never going to touch this


    Shadow partner is to make up for their weak skill %. Nexon probably going to give them a lol damage formula. Since the legendary dagger is slow (7). I already can see this class heavily reliant on weapon attack.

  17. Default

    can someone please translate the korean words to english?

  18. Neutron Male
    IGN: Kill/Nozomi
    Server: Bellocan
    Job: Hayato/Shadower
    Guild: Random
    Alliance: Random
    Farm: Never going to touch this


    I used google translator.

  19. In my dreams... Gay Male
    Server: Reboot
    Level: 215
    Job: Hoyoung
    Alliance: KATYPERRY


    Google Translate'd it.

  20. Neutron Male
    IGN: Kill/Nozomi
    Server: Bellocan
    Job: Hayato/Shadower
    Guild: Random
    Alliance: Random
    Farm: Never going to touch this


    According to the translation dual blades count as swords which is odd.



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