Results 1 to 7 of 7
  1. Default All CWK portal map debug information

    All of the cartesian (X, Y) points assume that the very center of the map is (0,0).

    (610010000) Phantom Forest : Bent Tree

    (610010001) Phantom Forest : Haunted Hill

    (610010002) Phantom Forest : Swamp Bog

    (610010003) Phantom Forest : Phantom Road

    (610010004) Phantom Forest : Dead Man's Gorge

    (610010005) Phantom Forest : Forgotten Path

    (610010010) Phantom Forest : Hidden Evil

    (610010011) Phantom Forest : Creeping Evil

    (610010012) Phantom Forest : Evil Rising

    (610010013) Phantom Forest : The Evil Dead

    (610010100) Phantom Forest : Twisted Paths

    (610010101) Phantom Forest : Twisted Paths

    (610010102) Phantom Forest : Twisted Paths

    (610010103) Phantom Forest : Twisted Paths

    (610010104) Phantom Forest : Twisted Paths

    (610010200) Phantom Forest : Crossroads

    (610010201) Phantom Forest : Crossroads

    (610010202) Phantom Forest : Crossroads

    (610020000) Crimsonwood Mountain : Valley of Heroes 1

    (610020001) Crimsonwood Mountain : Valley of Heroes 2

    (610020002) Crimsonwood Mountain : Lower Ascent

    (610020003) Crimsonwood Mountain : The Path of Strength

    (610020004) Crimsonwood Mountain : The Path of Peril

    (610020005) Crimsonwood Mountain : Upper Ascent

    (610020006) Crimsonwood Mountain : Crimsonwood Keep

    (610020010) Crimsonwood Mountain : Cavern of Fear

    (610020011) Crimsonwood Mountain : Cavern of Pain

    (610020012) Crimsonwood Mountain : Cavern of Shame

    (610020013) Crimsonwood Mountain : Cavern of Honor

    (610020014) Crimsonwood Mountain : Cavern of Fortitude

    (610020015) Crimsonwood Mountain : Cavern of Valor

  2. Default

    Sweet, so this is where all the portals lead?

    That means I wasted an hour or so of finding and recording this stuff bit by bit, lol. Got about half.

    May I make a more user-friendly version?

  3. Default

    Sure. Do what you want with it.

  4. Default

    I'll be looking forward to the user-friendly version. LOL And what the hell is "Special Map"?

  5. Default

    There are a lot of references to "Special Map", which means that the map is defined by the server. It's also used for intra-map portals

  6. Flatpanel TV
    IGN: HA!
    Server: HA!!
    Level: I'm
    Job: plagiarizing
    Guild: overused
    Alliance: internet memes!!1!


    Where is the "Special Map"??? I think it's Twisted Paths.

  7. Default

    So, there's more to getting to CWK than just the JQ... ugh. :(



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