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Thread: [In Progress] White Winter Sale

  1. Default White Winter Sale

  2. aka ClawofBeta Straight Male
    Corn's Avatar [Jr. Event Coordinator]

    IGN: ClawofBeta
    Server: LoL.NA
    Level: 30
    Job: Bot Lane
    Guild: N/A
    Alliance: N/A


    The song doesn't rhyme =/.

  3. Default

    And it's redundant.

    I want a redo.

  4. God of Terrorism Straight Male
    IGN: Bomber123
    Server: StranInSCA
    Level: 202
    Job: Terrorist
    Guild: Noctivagant
    Alliance: I dont remember
    Farm: ExpiredMobs


    Well that wasn't exciting.

  5. Default

    Great...A. I just spent NX yesterday to somethings that will be 50ish percent off. B. I looked up the packages, I want a Kino and it is among the few pets not listed to be on sale.

  6. Default

    kinda strange the dates and times of sale... well i guess time to glitch again!

  7. ☆ ♥ ツ Straight Female
    IGN: QuIt!!!
    Server: Bellocan
    Level: 184
    Job: ♥Bishop
    Guild: QUIT!
    Alliance: quit quit QUIT


    I'm sure they will mess this one up too just like all the rest.

  8. ☮♫♥ Gay Male
    IGN: FrozNlite
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 200
    Job: F/P ArchMage
    Guild: Brazzers
    Alliance: Heroes



  9. Default

    Did they even address their failure with the Black Friday sales?

    I'm not expecting good things from these sales.

  10. Default

    Its a week earlier than last year.

    I might get a pet for my Aran if its cheap enough.

  11. Default

    Lol just noticed that the rollerskates and VIP rocks actually are sold on those days O_o

  12. Default

    I'm sorry to say it, but you're definitely their pawn to hyping us into prebuying tons of NX )=

    They must be dropping hints to make sure you're on the right track too!

  13. Default

    OOOOOOH BOY. I just knew it was a good idea to save 20K NX before the next time I'm stocking up on Nexon Cash- that'd be Christmas Day.

    The sale starts ridiculously earlier than I predicted, and the excellent Remote Gachapon sale comes before Christmas day!

    Also, I wish for Nexon to finish that song and post a video themselves singing it.

  14. ☆ ♥ ツ Straight Female
    IGN: QuIt!!!
    Server: Bellocan
    Level: 184
    Job: ♥Bishop
    Guild: QUIT!
    Alliance: quit quit QUIT


    Are these sales limited like Black Friday?



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