This is not secret nexon code for "We're adding Elnido".Originally Posted by Nexon
This is not secret nexon code for "We're adding Elnido".Originally Posted by Nexon
Hurray! Less lag!
...I hope.
nicee, less lag would help
This is good news: Better servers is always great.
Talking about efficiency: They should fix windowed mode so that players would use less CPU and more GPU to play...
Hopefully they add 20 BACK TO BERA. Bera was getting packed even before they removed the channel, but now Bera really needs that extra channel.
Heck, add 5 more channels so we can have 24 channels in Maple Story.
I'd rather have Mardia have 19 channels again. >.>
Don't think another server is coming, they usually annouce that kind of thing explicitly. Regardless a good upgrade is required. Replacing a 256Mb stick of RAM with a 512Mb stick per server machine probably won't cut it.
Hopefully this will help with the mass amount of people making an aran next week
I still think they should say SOMETHING about Black Friday Sale compensation.
ing monkeys.
Sorry, that's an insult to monkeys everywhere.
It's becoming more and more common nowadays to see laptop/desktop configurations from computer manufacturers with the combination of something like: 2.4 GHz Core 2 Duo processor/8200 Quad Core + 4GB RAM + Intel Media Accelerator 950.
And I know for a fact already that with most Intel/onboard based chipsets - at least for most laptops - the game lags frame-wise even in full screen where there're less resources used than window mode.
Very rarely would you see something like 8200 Quad Core + 4GB RAM + Nvidia/ATI...
You can't expect your average consumer to be proficient at computer selection/building just to play MapleStory. lol
What they really should make MapleStory more compatible with Vista or 7 (I know people who still Vista glitches even with Vista SP1)...and make graphics drivers for 7 more robust as well. -.-
Last edited by MysticHLE; 2009-12-02 at 10:20 AM.