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Thread: [Aran] Combo Critical

  1. Default Combo Critical

    Thanks to this dude for helping me realize that the translation I had for combo critical was outdated. Here's the actual Korean..

    Description: [마스터 레벨 : 20]\n콤보 카운트 10이 올라갈 때마다 크리티컬 데미지와 확률이 상승한다. 크리티컬 데미지의 기본값은 100%이며, 확률의 기본값은 10%이다.\n필요 스킬 : #c콤보 어빌리티 10레벨 이상#

    Level 1: 크리티컬 데미지 1%, 확률 1%씩 최대 1회 증가
    Level 20: 크리티컬 데미지 10%, 확률 6%씩 최대 10회 증가

    "The default critical rate is 100%"?

    So does that mean...

    100% crit damage + combo critical base damage * bonuses by combo critical = real damage?

    So that means Aran can achieve 160% critical damage (100% + 10% * 6)?

  2. Default

    Translated into English via Google Translator.

    6% increments up to 10 times increases probability = +6% Critical Rate up to 10 times? It seems like to me.

    Combo Counter 10 = 6% Critical Rate
    Combo Counter 20 = 12% "
    Combo Counter 30 = 18% "
    Combo Counter 40 = 24% "
    Combo Counter 50 = 30% "
    Combo Counter 60 = 36% "
    Combo Counter 70 = 42% "
    Combo Counter 80 = 48% "
    Combo Counter 90 = 54% "
    Combo Counter 100+ = 60% "

    Looks like this video displays that (Not sure if this is outdated since it's KMST)

  3. Default

    Right, so that's a 60% critical rate but what about the damage

  4. Default

    Hmm... the description seems a bit misleading >.>, maybe its 10% per every 10 on the Combo Counter?

    Combo Counter 10 = +10% Critical Damage
    Combo Counter 20 = +20% "
    Combo Counter 30 = +30% "
    Combo Counter 40 = +40% "
    Combo Counter 50 = +50% "
    Combo Counter 60 = +60% "
    Combo Counter 70 = +70% "
    Combo Counter 80 = +80% "
    Combo Counter 90 = +90% "
    Combo Counter 100 = +100% "

    Soo... Combo Counter 100+ = 60% Critical Rate , +100% Critical Damage (200% total damage for a hit.)

    Not quite too sure... Just trying to get things to fit the video =x .

  5. Default

    Looks like it's 100% + 10% per 10 Count.
    I saw a beastly 24770 non-Critical Overswing Triple, and then a bit later, I saw a 45096 Critical Overswing Triple. +100% damage can't account for that big of a dip.
    Criticals look like +200% at maximum potential. Highest Double Swing I saw was about ~15k, but the highest Critical was ~36k.

    If it were +10% per 10 Count, it'd only be +100% at maximum potential, thus you'd be seeing ~22k Double Swing and ~32k Triple Swing Non-Crits.

    Though this works under the assumption he has maxed Overswing, which should be there seeing as he's 166 KMST.
    Last edited by JoeTang; 2009-08-29 at 03:50 AM.

  6. Default

    Ok, it's like this. It has 100% base damage, and 10% rate.

    So, per 10 combos, it adds 10% damage, and 6% rate.

    That means when your combo count is 10, you do +110% criticals, with 16% success rate.
    And when your combo count is 100, you do +200% criticals, with 70% success rate.

  7. Neutron
    IGN: SteelBrawl
    Server: Broa
    Level: 151
    Job: Buccaneer
    Guild: Alien
    Alliance: Don't remember


    Yeah, it was posted in the flaunting thread. Crazy stuff, especially on bosses.
    And I'd guess what you guys're saying looks right, I definitely see a really large increase in damage with criticals. Doesn't seem to be affected by mob number, either. That could make 1 Full Swing and max Critical first the best build for 3rd job, I guess.



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