Well you see, it's all in the updates. Lately we have added even MORE game breaking Cash Shop content. This causes a massive flurry of insecure little damage whores coming to the Cash Shop to just snap them up. Not to mention our release of item locks, items that should be free, during the great hacker scare, playing off the fears of the very same insecure little damage whores. Having them expire was even more genius of us. Also the, additions of new types of super megaphones, allowing useless little failure-at-life trolls to become as much as three times as annoying! The Miwok event was also a winner, promising people great items if they buy from the Cash Shop. Truth be told, we only posted the good stuff from them on our website, and getting them is like finding a needle in a haystack of garbage, but don't tell the Maplers
Also, our success is also in the technical side of things. Why bother hiring competent programmers when we can just take a few idiots off the street? You'd be surprised how little people who can't even tell time will work for. And they come with an added bonus, sometimes their programming is SO bad that they leave massive errors in game dynamics that are just open for exploitation. For instance, we at Nexon love Bishops, so we decided to wait over a year before fixing the "elemental weapons" so they gave the disadvantage to them. But it was no disadvantage to us, not with all those hundreds of Bishops buying hundreds of Gachapon tickets to get them. We just thought we'd throw the poor, useless Arch Mages a bone and fix them when the money stream started to run a little dry. The Vicious' Hammer was another great idea. Opening up the chance for a 52 stats HT pendant was a wonderful business decision for us, as the previously mentioned insecure little damage whores flocked to them in RECORD numbers! But when the money stream again runs dry, we're thinking about fixing them, giving absolutely no compensation and handing out a few false bans. Who knows, we may end up deleting pendants all together and putting them in the Cash Shop
We also like to cut costs by keeping our server qualities low and refusing to do anything about massive lag in certain worlds. Then there are our lovely GMs. All 2 or 3 of them. They do a wonderful job of keeping our games safe. Ignoring hackers, shrugging off people in need, completely ignoring requests for help from people we have majorly screwed over. The best part is they work for cheap!
And THAT is how we do it. And despite the horrible service we deliver, they still keep coming back for more!