Originally Posted by Nexon
Originally Posted by Nexon
I hope this means both more channels for Scania and they're recognizing the need for cutting of registration there.
they should just merger the empty servers and open more channels :|
I would just like to see 25-30 channels on the older worlds and 20ish on the 3 newest ones.
More channels = less KS = happier players = more 2x bought = happy Nexon.
Everyone wins cept the KSing assnuggets?
aExcept me.... I can't find a map. 40 channels plox
It is clear they underestimated how popular Cygnus would become. They will have to upgrade game servers soon. Today's 2x lag was the worst of all time.
nexon and installing hardware with no downtime... lol a miracle at best
So, what's this mean? That we Scanians will be able to log in without getting the annoying "CONCURRNENT USERS IN THIS WORLD HAS REACHED THE MAX", but we'll still feel the same lag in-game?
Because I wrote software to monitor them during server checks to be one of the first to login if I want to be. I demonstrated that this patch by claiming 3 FM 1 spots just because I could. It might not specifically be an F5, but it's a similar technology to alternate the login servers in a round-robin so they can funnel all logins through those gateways until you get to your designated world.
Since there are much fewer login servers than game servers, if the game servers themselves back up and won't accept connections the login server suddenly crowds too because everyone is stuck there and people start getting rejected. Nasty little choke point.