This render is ONLY of the town maps and may not include quest areas, etc.
리린의 반지
Ring - All classes Required Level: 10 Weapon Attack: +3 Magic Attack: +3 STR: +3 DEX: +3 INT: +3 LUK: +3 HP: +30 MP: +30
Only 1 per character
Cannot resell to merchants
깨어난 아란
Medal - All classes Required Level: 10 HP: +50 MP: +50
Only 1 per character
Cannot resell to merchants
기억속의 아란
Medal - All classes Required Level: 30 HP: +100 MP: +100
Only 1 per character
Cannot resell to merchants
시련속의 아란
Medal - All classes Required Level: 70 STR: +1 DEX: +1 INT: +1 LUK: +1 HP: +150 MP: +150
Only 1 per character
Cannot resell to merchants
희망속의 아란
Medal - All classes Required Level: 120 STR: +2 DEX: +2 INT: +2 LUK: +2 HP: +200 MP: +200
Only 1 per character
Cannot resell to merchants
영웅 아란
Medal - All classes Required Level: 200 Weapon Attack: +3 HP: +50 Accuracy: +5
Only 1 per character
Cannot resell to merchants
콤보 매니아의 훈장
Medal - All classes Required Level: 10 STR: +1 DEX: +1 INT: +1 LUK: +1 Accuracy: +2
Only 1 per character
Cannot resell to merchants
콤보의 달인의 훈장
Medal - All classes Required Level: 10 STR: +2 DEX: +2 INT: +2 LUK: +2 Accuracy: +3
Only 1 per character
Cannot resell to merchants
콤보왕의 훈장
Medal - All classes Required Level: 10 STR: +3 DEX: +3 INT: +3 LUK: +3 HP: +50 Accuracy: +5
Only 1 per character
Cannot resell to merchants
트루의 미스릴 폴암
Polearm - Warriors only Required Level: 29 Weapon Attack: +52
Only 1 per character
Cannot resell to merchants
Aran Changes
First Job
- Combat step range boosted
Second Job
- The following moves are set to "invisible" - Polearm Mastery, Final Smash, Combo Smash, Combo Drain
Third Job
- The following move is set to "invisible" - Full Swing
Fourth Job
- The following moves are set to "invisible" - Maple Warrior, Final Blow, High Defense, Combo Tempest, Combo Barrier, Overswing
- Setting those skills to invisible makes the following be the Aran core skills - High Mastery and Freeze Standing
- Overswing's mastery level reduced to 10
- High Mastery's mastery level reduced to 10
- Freeze Standing's mastery level reduced to 10
True, but. . . inb4 some Mage complains about Nexon not knowing the balance between normal and magic attack when it's very possible they just don't give a shit about the balance.
True, but. . . inb4 some Mage complains about Nexon not knowing the balance between normal and magic attack when it's very possible they just don't give a shit about the balance.
That new Polearm also looks neat.
Even so, technically they get 6 m.att from it. 2:1 ratio isn't that unbalanced.
Invisible Second and Third job skills?!
Level 10 Mastery on those Fourth Job skills?
God damn. Hit some bullseyes playing with their Nerf guns.
Nerf guns?... Uh no, 4th job skills with initial level 10 mastery = mastery books, which shouldn't be a surprise to anyone, and invisible 2nd and 3rd skills mean quests to get them (Hopefully involving storyline)
Nerf guns?... Uh no, 4th job skills with initial level 10 mastery = mastery books, which shouldn't be a surprise to anyone, and invisible 2nd and 3rd skills mean quests to get them (Hopefully involving storyline)
My bad. Misunderstood that. Still not liking the idea of quests to unlock second job skills though.