20000.name Greetings from the Young Queen
20000.0 I have decided to become one of the Knights serving the young queen and battle the indestructable Black Wizard. I better first meet up with #b#p1101000# and formally introduce myself.
20000.1 #p1101000# expressed her gratitude on my decision to become a Knight of Cygnus, and made a promise that she will always be there for me.
20000.2 #p1101000# states that it is ultimately in my hands in terms of defeating Black Wizard. She states that her trustworthy Strategist, #p1101002#, will be responsible for building me into a formidable Knight.
20000.area 15
20001.name Nineheart the Strategist
20001.0 Now I'll have to meet up with #p1101000#'s strategist, #b#p1101002##k, and discuss what I have to do in the future.
20001.1 #p1101002# states that I may be too weak to fight for the world of Maple, and therefore refused to name me as a Knight-in-Training. He stated that the training period towards becoming a Knight-in-Training is already set up, and that I'll need to meet up with #b#p1102000#, the Knight Trainer#k.
20001.2 #p1101002# states that I may be too weak to fight for the world of Maple, and therefore refused to name me as a Knight-in-Training. He stated that the training period towards becoming a Knight-in-Training is already set up, and that I'll need to meet up with #b#p1102000#, the Knight Trainer#k.
20001.area 15
20002.name Kiku the Knight Trainer
20002.0 As stated by #p1101002#, I'll have to first raise my level to 10 and become a Knight-in-Training. I'll have to visit #b#p1102000# the Knight Trainer#k and enter the Forest of Training.
20002.1 I met with #p1102000# at the entrance of Forest of Training. According to #p1102000#, Erev is bereft of monsters, and instead, we train against a fantasy creature created by #p1101001# called 'Titi'. He then proceeded to give me a potion called #p1102000#...
20002.2 #p1102000# shot a warning saying that I will be having a tough time training. I beter pack up the potions that he gave me and get ready for the training.
20002.area 15
20003.name Kiku's First Training Session
20003.0 I should go visit #b#p1102000# the Knight Trainer#k and receive some training.
20003.1 The first session involved facing off against the weakest Titi in all of Erev, #r#o0100120##k, and defeating #r5#k of them in the process. I better hunt down those #o0100120#s in #b#m130010000##k \n\n#o0100120##r #a200031##k
20003.2 I managed to defeat all 5 #o0100120#s and came back. Off to the next session.
20003.area 15
20004.name Kiku's Second Training Session
20004.0 I should go visit #b#p1102000# the Knight Trainer#k and receive some training.
20004.1 The second session involved facing off against the 2nd weakest Titi in all of Erev, #r#o0100121##k, and defeating #r10#k of them in the process. I better hunt down those #o0100121#s at or near #b#m130010000##k. \n\n#o0100121##r #a200041##k
20004.2 I managed to defeat all 10 #o0100121#s and came back. Off to the next session.
20004.area 15
20005.name Kiku's Third Training Session
20005.0 I should go visit #b#p1102000# the Knight Trainer#k and receive some training.
20005.1 The third session involved facing off against the 3rd weakest monster of Erev, #r#o0100122##k, and defeating #r15#k of them in the process. I better hunt down those #o0100122#s in #b#m130010100##k. \n\n#o0100122##r #a200051##k
20005.2 I managed to defeat all 15 #o0100122#s and came back. Off to the next session.
20005.area 15
20006.name Kiku's Fourth Training Session
20006.0 I should go visit #b#p1102000# the Knight Trainer#k and receive some training.
20006.1 #p1102000#'s fourth session involves facing off against the 4th weakest... you get the drill. Anyway, an easy Titi called #r#o0100123##k, and defeating #r20#k of them in the process. I better hunt down those #o0100123#s in #b#m130010100##k. \n\n#o0100123##r #a200061##k
20006.2 I managed to defeat all 15 #o0100122#s and came back. Off to the next session.
20006.area 15
20007.name Kiku's Last Training Session
20007.0 I should go visit #b#p1102000# the Knight Trainer#k and receive his fifth training session.
20007.1 #p1102000# told me I had done a good job, and wanted me to defeat #b3 #o0100124#s#k for the last time. He warned me that unlike other Titis, #o0100124# has a significantly higher stamina, so I better be careful... \n\n#o0100124##r #a200071##k
20007.2 I managed to defeat the #o0100124#s and came back. #p1102000# greeted me with a smile and told me I am now eligible to become a Knight-in-Training. He then advised me to go see #p1101002# again.
20007.area 15
20008.name The Path of a Knight
20008.0 It's time for me to receive the last test given by #b#p1102000# the Knight Trainer#k in order for me to become the Knight-in-Training.
20008.1 An eternal loyalty towards the Queen. The courage to stand up to Black Wizard. The will power required to help me keep my faith in tact. As long as I don't forget these three, I'll be able to fight until the very end as a proud member of the Knights of Cygnus.
20008.2 An eternal loyalty towards the Queen. The courage to stand up to Black Wizard. The will power required to help me keep my faith in tact. As long as I don't forget these three, I'll be able to fight until the very end as a proud member of the Knights of Cygnus.
20008.area 15
20100.name Time to Choose
20100.0 I better go talk to #b#p1101002##k and formally receive the blessing to become a Knight-in-Training.
20100.1 There are five paths to choose from. Warrior of Light, Magician of Fire, Bowman of the Wind, Thief of Darkness, and Pirate of Thunder. What's my choice?
20100.2 There are five paths to choose from. Warrior of Light, Magician of Fire, Bowman of the Wind, Thief of Darkness, and Pirate of Thunder. What's my choice?
20100.area 15
20101.name Path of a Soul Master
20101.0 The time has come for me to choose. If I wish to know more about Soul Master, the Warrior of Light, then I'll have to talk to #b#p1101003#, the Knight Commander of Light#k.
20101.1 If I wish to become a Knight of Cygnus as a #bSoul Master#k accompanied with honor and glory, then I'll have to select #p1101003#.
20101.2 I am now a Soul Master!
20101.area 15
20102.name Path of a Flame Wizard
20102.0 The time has come for me to choose. If I wish to know more about Flame Wizard, the Magician of Fire, then I'll have to talk to #b#p1101004#, the Knight Commander of Fire#k.
20102.1 If I wish to become a Knight of Cygnus as a #bFlame Wizard#k with flaming expectations for the future missions, then I'll have to select #p1101004#.
20102.2 I am now a Flame Wizard!
20102.area 15
20103.name Path of a Wind Breaker
20103.0 The time has come for me to choose. If I wish to know more about Wind Breaker, the Bowman of the Wind, then I'll have to talk to #b#p1101005#, the Knight Commander of the Wind#k.
20103.1 If I wish to become a Knight of Cygnus as a Wind Breaker with a broad perspective of life, then I'll have to select #p1101005#.
20103.2 I am now a Wind Breaker!
20103.area 15
20104.name Path of a Night Walker
20104.0 The time has come for me to choose. If I wish to know more about Night Walker, the Thief of Darkness, then I'll have to talk to #b#p1101006#, the Knight Commander of Darkness#k.
20104.1 If I wish to become a Knight of Cygnus as a Night Walker that embraces the darkness for the sake of light, then I'll need to select #p1101006#.
20104.2 I am now a Night Walker!
20104.area 15
20105.name Path of a Striker
20105.0 The time has come for me to choose. If I wish to know more about Striker, the Pirate of Lightning, then I'll have to talk to #b#p1101007#, the Knight Commander of Lightning#k.
20105.1 If I wish to become a Knight of Cygnus as a Striker who thoroughly soaks in and enjoys exciting journeys that lay ahead, then I'll have to select #p1101007#.
20105.2 I am now a Striker!
20105.area 15
20200.name The End of Knight-in-Training
20200.0 After reaching Level 30, #p1101002# wanted to talk to me about something...
20200.1 #p1101002# stated that since my level is significantly high and that I am well-versed in the duties and assignments of a Knight, he suggested that it's time for me to remove the in-Training by taking the #bKnighthood Test#k. To become a Knight on the next level, I better head over to Erev.
20200.2 #p1101002# stated that since my level is significantly high and that I am well-versed in the duties and assignments of a Knight, he suggested that it's time for me to remove the in-Training by taking the Knighthood Test. To become a Knight on the next level, I better head over to Erev.
20200.area 15
20200.autoStart 1
20201.name Knighthood Test: Soul Master
20201.0 According to #p1101002#, I can take my Knighthood Test through #b#p1101003##k, the Knight Commander of Light. I better head over to Erev and meet #p1101003#.
20201.1 The Knighthood Test has started. The test itself is actually quite simple. I just need to reach the end of Forest of Training, enter #bHall #2#k, and defeat the Titis inside while bringing back #t4032096#. I better find #b30 #t4032096#s#k and bring them back to #p1101003#. \n\n#i4032096# #t4032096# #b#c4032096# / 30#k
20201.2 I have successfully completed the Knighthood Test and officially dropped the in-Training from my title. As a bonafide Knight of Cygnus., I shall do my best to work hard so I will never be ashamed of myself.
20201.area 15
20202.name Knighthood Test: Flame Wizard
20202.0 According to #p1101002#, I can take my Knighthood Test through #b#p1101004##k, the Knight Commander of Fire. I better head over to Erev and meet #p1101004#.
20202.1 The Knighthood Test has started. The test itself is actually quite simple. I just need to reach the end of Forest of Training, enter #bHall #2#k, and defeat the Titis inside while bringing back #t4032097#. I better find #b30 #t4032097#s#k and bring them back to #p1101004#\n\n#i4032097# #t4032097# #b#c4032097# / 30#k
20202.2 I have successfully completed the Knighthood Test and officially dropped the in-Training from my title. As a bonafide Knight of Cygnus., I shall do my best to keep the fire in me as I perform my duties.
20202.area 15
20203.name Knighthood Test: Wind Breaker
20203.0 According to #p1101002#, I can take my Knighthood Test through #b#p1101005##k, the Knight Commander of the Wind. I better head over to Erev and meet #p1101005#.
20203.1 The Knighthood Test has started. The test itself is actually quite simple. I just need to reach the end of Forest of Training, enter #bHall #2#k, and defeat the Titis inside while bringing back #t4032098#. I better find #b30 #t4032098#s#k and bring them back to #p1101005# \n\n#i4032098# #t4032098# #b#c4032098# / 30#k
20203.2 I have successfully completed the Knighthood Test and officially dropped the in-Training from my title. As a bonafide Knight of Cygnus., I shall do my best to keep my head even-keeled.
20203.area 15
20204.name Knighthood Test: Night Walker
20204.0 According to #p1101002#, I can take my Knighthood Test through #b#p1101006##k, the Knight Commander of Darkness. I better head over to Erev and meet #p1101006#.
20204.1 The Knighthood Test has started. The test itself is actually quite simple. I just need to reach the end of Forest of Training, enter #bHall #2#k, and defeat the Titis inside while bringing back #t4032099#. I better find #b30 #t4032099#s#k and bring them back to #p1101006#. \n\n#i4032099# #t4032099# #b#c4032099# / 30#k
20204.2 I have successfully completed the Knighthood Test and officially dropped the in-Training from my title. As a bonafide Knight of Cygnus., I shall do my best to become one of pure darkness, with not a hint of evil.
20204.area 15
20205.name Knighthood Test: Striker
20205.0 According to #p1101002#, I can take my Knighthood Test through #b#p1101007##k, the Knight Commander of Lightning. I better head over to Erev and meet #p1101007#.
20205.1 The Knighthood Test has started. The test itself is actually quite simple. I just need to reach the end of Forest of Training, enter #bHall #2#k, and defeat the Titis inside while bringing back #t4032100#. I better find #b30 #t4032100#s#k and bring them back to #p1101007#. \n\n#i4032100# #t4032100# #b#c4032100# / 30#k
20205.2 I have successfully completed the Knighthood Test and officially dropped the in-Training from my title. As a bonafide Knight of Cygnus., I shall do my best to keep everything lighthearted and fun.
20205.area 15
20300.name The Lost Treasure
20300.0 #p1101002# is contacting me in an emergency manner. I wonder what happened.
20300.1 Something terrible must have happened at #bErev#k. I better go find out.
20300.2 According to #p1101002#, an important item from Erev has been stolen by one of the men from the Black Wizard. What must that be? I better head over to Erev.
20300.area 15
20300.autoStart 1
20301.name The Transformer
20301.0 The detailed instructions on searching for the thief will be given by #b#p1101003##k, the Knight Commander of Light. I better talk to #p1101003#.
20301.1 Apparently, the member of the Black Wings has yet to escape Erev. If we just search the island thoroughly, we may be able to find the culprit. First I'll need to visit #b#p1101002##k and receive a #bSearch Warrant#k, followed by a thorough search of Erev to find #r#o9001009##k. Once I find him, I'll need to defeat him in a battle and bring back #b#t4032101##k in the process. The problem is that the enemy, being the #o9001009#, is adept at transforming into a different person, so I better talk to each and every one of them and figure out who's real and who's not. \n\n#o9001009##r #a203011##k \n#i4032101# #t4032101# #b#c4032101# / 1#k
20301.2 I was able to defeat #p1104001# the #o9001009#, a member of the Black Wings, and managed to recover #t4032101#.
20301.area 15
20302.name The Transformer
20302.0 The detailed instructions on searching for the thief will be given by #b#p1101004##k, the Knight Commander of Fire. I better talk to #p1101004#.
20302.1 Apparently, the member of the Black Wings has yet to escape Erev. If we just search the island thoroughly, we may be able to find the culprit. First I'll need to visit #b#p1101002##k and receive a #bSearch Warrant#k, followed by a thorough search of Erev to find #r#o9001009##k. Once I find him, I'll need to defeat him in a battle and bring back #b#t4032101##k in the process. The problem is that the enemy, being the #o9001009#, is adept at transforming into a different person, so I better talk to each and every one of them and figure out who's real and who's not. \n\n#o9001009##r #a203021##k\n#i4032102# #t4032102# #b#c4032102# / 1#k
20302.2 I was able to defeat #p1104001# the #o9001009#, a member of the Black Wings, and managed to recover #t4032102#.
20302.area 15
20303.name The Transformer
20303.0 The detailed instructions on searching for the thief will be given by #b#p1101005##k, the Knight Commander of the Wind. I better talk to #p1101005#.
20303.1 Apparently, the member of the Black Wings has yet to escape Erev. If we just search the island thoroughly, we may be able to find the culprit. First I'll need to visit #b#p1101002##k and receive a #bSearch Warrant#k, followed by a thorough search of Erev to find #r#o9001009##k. Once I find him, I'll need to defeat him in a battle and bring back #b#t4032101##k in the process. The problem is that the enemy, being the #o9001009#, is adept at transforming into a different person, so I better talk to each and every one of them and figure out who's real and who's not.\n\n#o9001009##r #a203031##k\n#i4032103# #t4032103# #b#c4032103# / 1#k
20303.2 I was able to defeat #p1104001# the #o9001009#, a member of the Black Wings, and managed to recover #t4032103#.
20303.area 15
20304.name The Transformer
20304.0 The detailed instructions on searching for the thief will be given by #b#p1101006##k, the Knight Commander of Darkness. I better talk to #p1101006#.
20304.1 Apparently, the member of the Black Wings has yet to escape Erev. If we just search the island thoroughly, we may be able to find the culprit. First I'll need to visit #b#p1101002##k and receive a #bSearch Warrant#k, followed by a thorough search of Erev to find #r#o9001009##k. Once I find him, I'll need to defeat him in a battle and bring back #b#t4032101##k in the process. The problem is that the enemy, being the #o9001009#, is adept at transforming into a different person, so I better talk to each and every one of them and figure out who's real and who's not. \n\n#o9001009##r #a203041##k\n#i4032104# #t4032104# #b#c4032104# / 1#k
20304.2 I was able to defeat #p1104001# the #o9001009#, a member of the Black Wings, and managed to recover #t4032104#.
20304.area 15
20305.name The Transformer
20305.0 The detailed instructions on searching for the thief will be given by #b#p1101007##k, the Knight Commander of Lightning. I better talk to #p1101007#.
20305.1 Apparently, the member of the Black Wings has yet to escape Erev. If we just search the island thoroughly, we may be able to find the culprit. First I'll need to visit #b#p1101002##k and receive a #bSearch Warrant#k, followed by a thorough search of Erev to find #r#o9001009##k. Once I find him, I'll need to defeat him in a battle and bring back #b#t4032101##k in the process. The problem is that the enemy, being the #o9001009#, is adept at transforming into a different person, so I better talk to each and every one of them and figure out who's real and who's not.\n\n#o9001009##r #a203051##k\n#i4032105# #t4032105# #b#c4032105# / 1#k
20305.2 I was able to defeat #p1104001# the #o9001009#, a member of the Black Wings, and managed to recover #t4032105#.
20305.area 15
20306.name Erev Search Warrant
20306.area 15
20306.0 Apparently, when I have to conduct a thorough search on Erev in search of the Transformer, I'll have to first receive a Search Warrant. I better talk to #p1101002#.
20306.1 He claims that due to handing out too many Search Warrants in times like this, the Search Warrants have actually run out. He then asked me if I could get him some #t4005004#s so he can issue new Search Warrants...
20306.2 I wound up giving #p1101002# some #t4005004#s, and received a Search Warrant in return. It's now time for me to conduct a thorough search of Erev.
20307.name Erev Search Warrant
20307.area 15
20307.0 Apparently, when I have to conduct a thorough search on Erev in search of the Transformer, I'll have to first receive a Search Warrant. I better talk to #p1101002#.
20307.1 He claims that due to handing out too many Search Warrants in times like this, the Search Warrants have actually run out. He then asked me if I could get him some #t4005004#s so he can issue new Search Warrants...
20307.2 I wound up giving #p1101002# some #t4005004#s, and received a Search Warrant in return. It's now time for me to conduct a thorough search of Erev.
20308.name Erev Search Warrant
20308.area 15
20308.0 Apparently, when I have to conduct a thorough search on Erev in search of the Transformer, I'll have to first receive a Search Warrant. I better talk to #p1101002#.
20308.1 He claims that due to handing out too many Search Warrants in times like this, the Search Warrants have actually run out. He then asked me if I could get him some #t4005004#s so he can issue new Search Warrants...
20308.2 I wound up giving #p1101002# some #t4005004#s, and received a Search Warrant in return. It's now time for me to conduct a thorough search of Erev.
20309.name Erev Search Warrant
20309.area 15
20309.0 Apparently, when I have to conduct a thorough search on Erev in search of the Transformer, I'll have to first receive a Search Warrant. I better talk to #p1101002#.
20309.1 He claims that due to handing out too many Search Warrants in times like this, the Search Warrants have actually run out. He then asked me if I could get him some #t4005004#s so he can issue new Search Warrants...
20309.2 I wound up giving #p1101002# some #t4005004#s, and received a Search Warrant in return. It's now time for me to conduct a thorough search of Erev.
20310.name Erev Search Warrant
20310.area 15
20310.0 Apparently, when I have to conduct a thorough search on Erev in search of the Transformer, I'll have to first receive a Search Warrant. I better talk to #p1101002#.
20310.1 He claims that due to handing out too many Search Warrants in times like this, the Search Warrants have actually run out. He then asked me if I could get him some #t4005004#s so he can issue new Search Warrants...
20310.2 I wound up giving #p1101002# some #t4005004#s, and received a Search Warrant in return. It's now time for me to conduct a thorough search of Erev.
20311.name Tears of the Divine Bird
20311.0 It seems like #p1101003# has something to say about the recovered treasure...
20311.1 For defeating #o9001009# and recovering the lost Tears of the Divine Bird, I was promoted to Knight Sergeant of the Knights of Cygnus.
20311.2 For defeating #o9001009# and recovering the lost Tears of the Divine Bird, I was promoted to Knight Sergeant of the Knights of Cygnus. I'll need to make sure to keep going so I won't lower the standards of the Knight Sergeants.
20311.area 15
20312.name Tears of the Divine Bird
20312.0 It seems like #p1101004# has something to say about the recovered treasure...
20312.1 For defeating #o9001009# and recovering the lost Tears of the Divine Bird, I was promoted to Knight Sergeant of the Knights of Cygnus.
20312.2 For defeating #o9001009# and recovering the lost Tears of the Divine Bird, I was promoted to Knight Sergeant of the Knights of Cygnus. I'll need to train further and always work with passion like a Knight Sergeant should.
20312.area 15
20313.name Tears of the Divine Bird
20313.0 It seems like #p1101005# has something to say about the recovered treasure...
20313.1 For defeating #o9001009# and recovering the lost Tears of the Divine Bird, I was promoted to Knight Sergeant of the Knights of Cygnus.
20313.2 For defeating #o9001009# and recovering the lost Tears of the Divine Bird, I was promoted to Knight Sergeant of the Knights of Cygnus. I'll need to keep my broad perspective of the world in tact, but now with the added responsibility of being a Knight Sergeant.
20313.area 15
20314.name Tears of the Divine Bird
20314.0 It seems like #p1101006# has something to say about the recovered treasure...
20314.1 For defeating #o9001009# and recovering the lost Tears of the Divine Bird, I was promoted to Knight Sergeant of the Knights of Cygnus.
20314.2 For defeating #o9001009# and recovering the lost Tears of the Divine Bird, I was promoted to Knight Sergeant of the Knights of Cygnus. I'll need to keep my beliefs and fate in tact while delving further into darkness like a Knight Sergeant should.
20314.area 15
20315.name Tears of the Divine Bird
20315.0 It seems like #p1101007# has something to say about the recovered treasure...
20315.1 For defeating #o9001009# and recovering the lost Tears of the Divine Bird, I was promoted to Knight Sergeant of the Knights of Cygnus.
20315.2 For defeating #o9001009# and recovering the lost Tears of the Divine Bird, I was promoted to Knight Sergeant of the Knights of Cygnus. I'll need to embrace even the most difficult journeys with smile and ease like a Knight Sergeant should.
20315.area 15
20400.name Chasing Knight's Target
20400.0 #p1101002# seems to have a new assignment for me.
20400.1 I have received a new assignment. The assignment deals with supporting Knight Sergeant #p1103000# that is chasing the Black Wings that are targetting the queen. The last trace of #p1103000# was found in #b#m211000000##k, and he has instructed me to go to #m211000000# to find #p1103000#.
20400.2 I have received a new assignment. The assignment deals with supporting Knight Sergeant #p1103000# that is chasing the Black Wings that are targetting the queen. The last trace of #p1103000# was found in #m211000000#, and he has instructed me to go to #m211000000# to find #p1103000#.
20400.area 15
20400.autoStart 1
20401.name Hunting the Zombies
20401.0 #b#p2020006##k of #b#m211000000##k apparently knows something about #p1103000#...
20401.1 #p2020006# told me she's not sure where #p1103000# is now, but she was able to confirm that he did stay at #m211000000# for a lengthy period of time, and he was busy #rhunting the zombies#k. Not just a regular hunting, but with a purpose: to find a clue that may lead to something.
20401.2 According to #p2020006#, #p1103000# was actively hunting the zombies. Not just a regular hunting, but with a purpose: to find a clue that may lead to something.
20401.area 15
20402.name Black Scale
20402.0 While slaying the zombies, I was able to obtain an item called #t4001207#. Once I did that, #p2032001# shot me with a message...
20402.1 #b#p2032001##k warned me that #b#t4001207##k contained a curse-like power that spread all over this world, and that since it's a dangerous item, he wanted me to hand it in to him so he could break the curse. While listening to #p2032001# talk, however, I noticed #p1103000#'s name being mentioned... \n\n#i4001207# #t4001207# #b#c4001207# / 1#k
20402.2 I gave #p2032001# the #t4001207#. #p2032001# told me that #p1103000# gave him #t4001207# too the other day, and that he recently moved to #m240000000# to find out more about #t4001207#.
20402.area 15
20402.autoStart 1
20403.name The Banished Dragon
20403.0 According to #p2032001#, #p1103000# recently moved to #m240000000#. I better head down to #b#m240000000##k and ask #b#p2081000##k about #p1103000#.
20403.1 According to #p2081000#, #p1103000# went to visit the #bBanished Dragon#k outside town. Apparently the scale of the Banished Dragon is similar to #t4001207#'s... I better go visit Banished Dragon. His house is apparently #bconnected to #m240020401# or #m240020101##k.
20403.2 When I asked #p2081012#, the Banished Dragon, about #p1103000#, he seemed perturbed by my question and got mad at me for it. Apparently, #t4001207# is not his. He thought it might have to do instead with the stolen dragon egg incident at #m240000000#...
20403.area 15
20404.name The Stolen Egg
20404.0 #o9001010#? Something about it seem suspicious... I better ask #b#p2081012##k, the Banished Dragon.
20404.1 #p2081012# told me if I wanted to find out more about #o9001010#, then I'll have to eliminate one #r#o8180000##k and one #r#o8180001##k. He wanted to leave the house, but not with those creatures out there... I better help #p2081012# out. \n\n#o8180000##r #a204041##k \n#o8180001##r #a204042##k
20404.2 The one responsible for stealing the dragon's egg in #m240000000# turned out to be #o9001010#. Even the name seemed quite suspicious. Maybe #p1103000# looked into #o9001010#. I better go visit #o9001010# right now. #b#o9001010#'s cave is located near the dragon's nest#k.
20404.area 15
20405.name Black Witche's Cave
20405.0 I better go visit #b#o9001010#'s Cave#k as instructed by #p2081012#.
20405.1 There was a note posted on the wall of the cave. Reading the note, I noticed that it may have been written by #p1103000#. The subject of the curse was not found, but the device was found, recovered, and sent back to Erev. I may have been one step too late. #p1103000# must have completed his assignment already. I better return to #bErev#k.
20405.2 There was a note posted on the wall of the cave. Reading the note, I noticed that it may have been written by #p1103000#. The subject of the curse was not found, but the device was found, recovered, and sent back to Erev. I may have been one step too late. #p1103000# must have completed his assignment already. I better return to Erev.
20405.area 15
20406.name The Knight That Disappeared
20406.0 I may have failed the assignment of providing support for #p1103000#, since he already completed his assignment before I could reach him. I better return to #bErev#k and report the results to #b#p1101002##k.
20406.1 I was going to complain to #p1101002# about doing all that work for nothing, but he seemed more concerned that #p1103000# has yet to come back, and that something might not be right. He then asked me if I could return to #b#o9001010#'s Cave#k and find out if there's another note somewhere inside.
20406.2 #p1101002# told me #p1103000# has yet to come back, and that something might not be right. He then asked me if I could return to #b#o9001010#'s Cave#k and find out if there's another note somewhere inside.
20406.area 15
20407.name Black Witch's Curse
20407.0 ...Wait, is this Erev? But Erev's usually not like this. And Why are the Knight Commanders standing like that? No one's answering!! Only #p1101001# seemed to be barely awake. I better talk to #b#p1101001##k.
20407.1 #p1101001# told me the lady in front is actually #r#p1104002# the #o9001010##k and that she has put a curse on everyone in Erev. He mentioned that most of them on the island should be able to weather it, but the queen might be in grave danger... I better defeat #o9001010# and break the curse now! \n\n#o9001010##r #a204071##k
20407.2 The cunning #o9001010#, after realizing that Erev, which is protected by #p1101001#, may be hard to enter, used #p1103000# to throw in cursed items, then cursed the whole island through that! Fortunately, after defeating #o9001010#, the curse seemed to have lifted.
20407.area 15
20407.autoStart 1
20408.name The Knight Commander for the Queen
20408.0 I received a call from the young queen herself, #p1101000#.
20408.1 The young queen thanked me for my efforts to save Erev, and decided through my accomplishments and past work that I would be promoted to the position of Knight Commander. Knight Commander?
20408.2 I wound up being annointed as the new Knight Commander for the Knights of Cygnus. I made a promise to the queen that the moment Black Wizard reawakens, I will be the first in line to defeat the Black Wizard.
20408.area 15
20500.name Knight's Dignity
20500.0 #p1101002# seemed to want to talk to me about something...
20500.1 #p1101002# told me that for a Level 50 knight to walk around to various destination seems beneath my rank, and gave me an information on #bMonster Mount#k. According to him, there might be a Mount that's available exclusively for the knights.
20500.2 #p1101002# told me that for a Level 50 knight to walk around to various destination seems beneath my rank, and gave me an information on Monster Mount. According to him, there might be a Mount that's available exclusively for the knights. I better head off to Erev and hear the story in detail.
20500.area 15
20500.autoStart 1
20501.name Nineheart's Letter
20501.0 #b#p1101002##k told me he has something to tell me about the Monster Mount for the knights...
20501.1 Apparently, if I head south of Forest of Training, then I'll encounter #b#p1102002# the Mount Trainer#k. I was told that if I bring #t4032115# with me, he'll teach me something about the Monster Mount...
20501.2 I met #p1102002# and gave him #t4032115#.
20501.area 15
20502.name Titiana's Egg
20502.0 Apparently, #b#p1102002# the Mount Trainer#k is the only one that can teach me how to use the Monster Mount that's exclusively available for the knights.
20502.1 #p1102002# told me all Mounts for the knights go through #t1902005#, and gave me #t4220137#. Apparently, #bI can wake up the egg by sharing my personal experiences with it#k... And only the #t1902005# that was awaken through that method will follow the master's lead. I shall begin raising #t4220137#.
20502.2 I was able to awaken #t4220137#.
20502.area 15
20503.name Kiridu's Letter
20503.0 I was able to awaken #t1902005#. What would be the next stage for the Monster Mount? I better talk to #b#p1102002##k.
20503.1 Even though #t1902005# is awake, I'll need #t1912005# in order to actually Mount it. #b#p2060005##k of #bAqua Road#k is apparently the master at making #k#t1912005#, so I'll have to approach #p2060005# with #t4032116# and ask him to make #t1912005# for me.
20503.2 I wound up giving #t4032116# to #p2060005#.
20503.area 15
20504.name Making the Saddle
20504.0 #t1912005#, a paramount item for Monster Mount, can be found through #b#p2060005##k...
20504.1 #p2060005# mentioned that making #t1912005# isn't difficult, but I'll need to give him a fee for that. He even mentioned that since I came to him through #p1102002#, he'll cut a deal with me and make it to me for... #b10 million mesos#k...\n\n #b10,000,000 mesos
20504.2 I wound up giving #p2060005# 10 million mesos for #t1912005#.
20504.area 15
20505.name Knight Mount
20505.0 Now that I found #t1912005#, I better return to #b#p1102002##k.
20505.1 I wound up learning the Monster Mount skill through #p1102002# and received #t1902005# as well. Hopefully this will let me keep my dignity as a knight in tact and not have #p1101002# mock me...
20505.2 I wound up learning the Monster Mount skill through #p1102002# and received #t1902005# as well. Hopefully this will let me keep my dignity as a knight in tact and not have #p1101002# mock me...
20505.area 15
20506.name I Lost Titiana!
20506.0 I wound up losing #t1902005#. What should I do? I better talk to #b#p1102002# the Mount Trainer#k.
20506.1 #t1902005# is a fantasy creature that naturally dissolves if it stays away from its master for a prolonged period of time. In short, if I want #t1902005# back, I'll have to #breawaken it from the egg, starting over from scratch#k. Time to hunt and rack up enough EXP to awaken #t1902005#.
20506.2 I managed to awaken #t1902005# once more. #p1102002# demanded that I never lose it again.
20506.area 15
20507.name Knight's Class
20507.0 #p1101002# said he had something to tell me... again...
20507.1 #p1101002# was worried that I was at Level 90 and still riding a regular #t1902005#, which is apparently beneath my level as a high-ranked Knight. He then gave me new information on Monster Mount. Apparently, I can find out more about an enhanced Mount through #b#p1102002# the Mount Trainer#k...
20507.2 #p1101002# was worried that I was at Level 90 and still riding a regular #t1902005#, which is apparently beneath my level as a high-ranked Knight. He then gave me new information on Monster Mount. Apparently, I can find out more about an enhanced Mount through #p1102002# the Mount Trainer...
20507.area 15
20507.autoStart 1
20508.name Titiana's Shedding
20508.0 I better ask #b#p1102002##k for an enhanced Mount.
20508.1 Apparently, #t1902005# that has racked up extensive amount of experience can go through the process of shedding its skin to transform into a more powerful being. The problem is, it'll rapidly turn weaker while shedding, which means I won't be able to ride him, so if I need something to take care of that requires #t1902005#'s service, then I'll have to take care of it now.
20508.2 I gave #t1902005# to #p1102002# to get it ready for the shedding.
20508.area 15
20509.name Taking Care of the Glass Incubator
20509.0 I better take #t1902005# from #p1102001# and have it go through shedding.
20509.1 I'll have to take care of #t1902005# that is inside #t4220138# for shedding. The food would be the Concentrated Formula made by #b#b#p2081004# of #m240000000##k. I'll have to make sure it gets well-fed and have #t1902005# go through a safe shedding, then return to #p1102001#.
20509.2 #p1102001# removed #t1902005# from #t4220138# after a safe shedding. Too bad I woudn't be able to ride it immediately.
20509.area 15
20510.name The Birth of Titio
20510.area 15
20510.0 I wound up feeding Concentrated Formula to #t1902005# in hopes of safe shedding and growing. Will I finally be able to ride #t1902005#? I better go to #p1102001#.
20510.1 #t1902005#'s shedding is complete, but I was told that it is too weak to be Mounted at this point. Apparently, if I feed #b#t4032117##k to #t1902005#, then it'll go through a quick recovery. I better head over to #m230000000# and buy #t4032117# from #b#p2060005##k.
20510.2 I wound up giving #t4032117# to #p1102001#. After feeding some #t4032117# to #t1902005#, #p1102001# handed me an energized #t1902006#.
20511.name Kenta's Supplements
20511.0 Apparently, to complete the shedding of #t1902005#, I'll need to feed it #p2060005#'s #t4032117#. I better talk to #b#p2060005##k.
20511.1 #t4032117# told me since I knew him, he'd give me a discount of... #b25 million mesos#k... Seriously, what's it made of? I'm curious to find out... \n\n#b25,000,000 mesos#k
20511.2 I wound up purchasing #t4032117#...
20511.area 15
20512.name I Want to Shed Titiana!
20512.0 I had lost #t1902005#, and managed to raise it again. If I want to have it go through shedding and become #t1902006#, then I better talk to #b#p1102002# the Mount Trainer#k.
20512.1 I better find some food for #t1902005# that's inside the Special Glasshouse for shedding. I'll have to feed #p2060005#urus' Marrow, #p2060005#urus' Bone, #p2060005#urus' Flame, and #t4032117# to #t1902005#, and I'll also need to pay for the usage fee of the Incubator, which is 40 million mesos. \n\n#i4000232# #t4000232# #b#c4000232# / 500#k \n#i4000233# #t4000233# #b#c4000233# / 500#k \n#i4000234# #t4000234# #b#c4000234# / 500#k \n#b15,000,000 mesos
20512.2 #p1102002# waited patiently until the shedding was complete, then removed #t1902006# from the Special Glasshouse.
20512.area 15
20520.name Knight's Dignity
20520.area 15
20520.autoStart 1
20520.0 #p1101002# seemed to want to talk to me about something...
20520.1 #p1101002# told me that for a Level 50 knight to walk around to various destination seems beneath my rank, and gave me an information on #bMonster Mount#k. According to him, there might be a Mount that's available exclusively for the knights.
20520.2 #p1101002# told me that for a Level 50 knight to walk around to various destination seems beneath my rank, and gave me an information on Monster Mount. According to him, there might be a Mount that's available exclusively for the knights. I better head off to #m130000000# and hear the story in detail.
20521.name Knight Mount
20521.area 15
20521.0 I better talk to #b#p1101002##k about the information on Monster Mounts for Knights.
20521.1 #p1101002# told me I'll need to visit #b#p1102002# the Mount Trainer#k, who's at the #bhatchery#k raising the Titis for Mounts.
20521.2 I wound up meeting up with #p1102002# the Mount Trainer.
20522.name Raising Titiana
20522.area 15
20522.0 I better go visit the #bhatchery#k and talk to #b#p1102002# the Mount Trainer#k about the Mounts for the knights.
20522.1 #p1102002# told me the Mounts for the knights are through #t1902005#, a type of Titi, and told me I'll have to raise #t1902005# on my own. He then handed me a small egg... #t1902005# can be raised by #bsharing my experiences with it#k.
20522.2 After fully raising #t1902005#, I handed it back to #p1102002#.
20523.name Mounting Titiana
20523.area 15
20523.0 How does a fully-grown #t1902005# act? I better talk to #b#p1102002# the Mount Trainer#k for the answer.
20523.1 #p1102002# told me that #t1902005# may have grown quite a bit, but it's not ready to be mounted, and told me I'll need to make it stronger by feeding #t1902005# with some of #b#p2060005#'s Supplements#k. He then instructed me to go purchase #p2060005#'s Supplements. Wouldn't they be expensive?
20523.2 #p1102002# handed me a mountable #t1902005# and #t1912005#, and taught me the Monster Mount skill.
20524.name Titiana's Supplements
20524.area 15
20524.0 In order to strengthen #t1902005# so I can Mount it, then I must feed the creature with #p2060005#'s Supplements. I better go visit #b#p2060005##k at #b#m230000000##k.
20524.1 #p2060005# told me he would give me a discount on his supplements since I knew him, then proceeded to charge me 10 million mesos for them. Seriously, what's inside these Supplements?
20524.2 Saddened, but undeterred, I managed to purchase #p2060005#'s Supplements.
20525.name Making the Saddle
20525.area 15
20525.0 I managed to lose the #t1912005# for Mounts. What should I do...? I better talk to #b#p1102002# the Mount Trainerk# for help.
20525.1 #p1102002# told me because of budget issues, he couldn't give me a spare #t1912005#, and told me I must come up with a new #t1912005# on my own... Apparently, #p2060005# of #m230000000# is a great maker of #t1912005#s... but I have a feeling it's going to be very expensive. I'll have to bring the materials and the service charge for the #t1912005# to #p2060005#.
20525.2 I wound up handing #p2060005# the materials for #t1912005#, along with the service charge, and received #t1912005# in return. I better make sure not to lose #t1912005# ever again.
20526.name Re-raising Titiana
20526.area 15
20526.0 I managed to lose #t1902005#. What should I do? I better talk to #b#p1102002# the Mount Trainer#k about this situation.
20526.1 #t1902005# is a fantasy creature that naturally dissolves if it stays away from its master for a prolonged period of time. In short, if I want #t1902005# back, I'll have to #bawaken the creature from the egg stage, starting over from scratch#k. #p1102002# said he can get the Supplements for me, but I'll have to pay for it again... sigh. I'll have to rack up enough experience to awaken #t1902005# once more.
20526.2 I was able to awaken #t1902005# once more. I better not lose it again.
20527.name Knight's Class
20527.area 15
20527.0 #p1101002# said he had something to tell me... again...
20527.1 #p1101002# was worried that I was at Level 100 and still riding a regular #t1902005#, which is apparently beneath my level as a high-ranked Knight. He then gave me new information on Monster Mount. Apparently, I can find out more about an enhanced Mount through #b#p1102002# the Mount Trainer#k...
20527.2 #p1101002# was worried that I was at Level 100 and still riding a regular #t1902005#, which is apparently beneath my level as a high-ranked Knight. He then gave me new information on Monster Mount. Apparently, I can find out more about an enhanced Mount through #p1102002# the Mount Trainer...
20527.autoStart 1
20528.name Raising Titio
20528.area 15
20528.0 I better ask #b#p1102002# the Mount Trainer#k about an enhanced Mount.
20528.1 Since #t1902005# acquired a wealth of experience, it was now eligible to acquire more power. The problem is, I'll have to feed it with the kind of food that is considered top-notch. To have it resemble the greatness of a dragon, I'm going to try to feed it with the Special Formula for the dragons in #m240000000#. Pam is the one that sells the Formula.
20528.2 I was able to purchase all the Formulas and fed it to #t1902005#. Once that took place, #t1902005# went through shedding and became #t1902006#.
20531.name Kiridu's Message
20531.area 15
20531.autoStart 1
20531.0 #p1101002# wants to talk to me all of a sudden. I wonder what's going on.
20531.1 #p1101002# told me my Mount may be in trouble, and advised me to talk to #b#p1102002# the Mount Trainer#k and show him my Mount.
20531.2 #p1101002# told me my Mount may be in trouble, and advised me to talk to #p1102002# the Mount Trainer and show him my Mount.
20531.parent The Birth of the Divine Bird
20531.order 1
20532.name The Mount's in Danger
20532.area 15
20532.0 I better show #b#p1102002# the Mount Trainer#k my #t1902006#.
20532.1 #p1102002# told me because I have gotten way too powerful, the Mount could not handle my rapid growth and is in need of help. He then told me he'll have to place it inside the Special Glasshouse and nurture it until it regains its confidence. I'll have to pay the fee for using the Special Glasshouse, which is #b50 million mesos#k.
20532.2 I wound up giving #p1102002# 50 million mesos.
20532.parent The Birth of the Divine Bird
20532.order 2
20533.name The Birth of the Divine Bird
20533.area 15
20533.0 I'll have to talk to #b#p1102002##k and see if the Special Glasshouse is good enough for the Mount to regain its health.
20533.1 #p1102002# told me that he tried his hardest, but he saw that the Mount was getting weaker and weaker, and advised me to ask #b#p1101001##k for help. Apparently, if #bI really, really want the Mount with me#k, then I may acquire something more than I asked for.
20533.2 Through the power of #p1101001#, the Mount was resurrected, but it wasn't the old #t1902006#.
20533.parent The Birth of the Divine Bird
20533.order 3
20534.name The Rebirth of the Divine Bird
20534.area 15
20534.0 If I want to turn #t1902006# into #t1902007#, then I better talk to #b#p1102002# the Mount Trainer#k about it.
20534.1 #p1102002# told me that he learned through #p1101001# how to bring back #t1902007#, but he then told me he can't possibly do that to someone that's careless enough to lose #t1902007#, and told me to pay #b100 million mesos#k in order to make sure that I will never lose it again.
20534.2 I paid #p1102002# 100 million mesos and received #t1902007# again.
20600.name Training Never Ends
20600.0 #p1101002# seems to want to talk to me about something...
20600.1 #p1101002# told me that being at Level 100 still means I have some training to do, and told me to learn from the Knight Commanders, who never stop training. He even told me I may one day be able to acquire a new skill...
20600.2 #p1101002# told me that being at Level 100 still means I have some training to do, and told me to learn from the Knight Commanders, who never stop training. He even told me I may one day be able to acquire a new skill...
20600.area 15
20600.autoStart 1
20601.name A New Skill for Soul Master
20601.0 If I think long and hard about #p1101002#'s words, that means I may be able to learn a new skill from #b#p1101003##k...
20601.1 #p1101003# told me there is indeed a new skill, but it's dangerous for me to learn the skill right now based on my level, and proceeded to challenge me to show that I deserve to learn the new skill. To prove it, I must head over to #m130020000#, enter #bHall #3#k, and bring back #b#t4032121##k... \n\n#i4032120# #t4032120# #b#c4032120# / 1#k
20601.2 I was able to defeat the boss monster and bring back #t4032120#. #p1101003# told me that I deserved to learn the new skill, and taught me a new skill called Brandish.
20601.area 15
20602.name A New Skill for Flame Wizard
20602.0 If I think long and hard about #p1101002#'s words, that means I may be able to learn a new skill from #b#p1101004##k
20602.1 #p1101004# told me there is indeed a new skill, but it's dangerous for me to learn the skill right now based on my level, and proceeded to challenge me to show that I deserve to learn the new skill. To prove it, I must head over to #m130020000#, enter #bHall #3#k, and bring back #t4032121#...\n\n#i4032121# #t4032121# #b#c4032121# / 1#k
20602.2 I was able to defeat the boss monster and bring back #t4032121#. #p1101004# told me that I deserved to learn the new skill, and taught me a new skill called Ifrit.
20602.area 15
20603.name A New Skill for Wind Breaker
20603.0 If I think long and hard about #p1101002#'s words, that means I may be able to learn a new skill from #b#p1101005##k...
20603.1 #p1101005# told me there is indeed a new skill, but it's dangerous for me to learn the skill right now based on my level, and proceeded to challenge me to show that I deserve to learn the new skill.To prove it, I must head over to #m130020000#, enter #bHall #3#k, and bring back #b#t4032121##k... \n\n#i4032122# #t4032122# #b#c4032122# / 1#k
20603.2 I was able to defeat the boss monster and bring back #t4032122#. #p1101005# told me that I deserved to learn the new skill, and taught me a new skill called Poetry in Tornado.
20603.area 15
20604.name A New Skill for Night Walker
20604.0 If I think long and hard about #p1101002#'s words, that means I may be able to learn a new skill from #b#p1101006##k
20604.1 #p1101006# told me there is indeed a new skill, but it's dangerous for me to learn the skill right now based on my level, and proceeded to challenge me to show that I deserve to learn the new skill. To prove it, I must head over to #m130020000#, enter #bHall #3#k, and bring back #b#t4032121##k...\n\n#i4032123# #t4032123# #b#c4032123# / 1#k
20604.2 I was able to defeat the boss monster and bring back #t4032123#. #p1101006# told me that I deserved to learn the new skill, and taught me a new skill called Triple Throw.
20604.area 15
20605.name A New Skill for Striker
20605.0 If I think long and hard about #p1101002#'s words, that means I may be able to learn a new skill from #b#p1101007##k
20605.1 #p1101007# told me there is indeed a new skill, but it's dangerous for me to learn the skill right now based on my level, and proceeded to challenge me to show that I deserve to learn the new skill. To prove it, I must head over to #m130020000#, enter #bHall #3#k, and bring back #b#t4032121##k...\n\n#i4032124# #t4032124# #b#c4032124# / 1#k
20605.2 I was able to defeat the boss monster and bring back #t4032124#. #p1101007# told me that I deserved to learn the new skill, and taught me a new skill called Fist.
20605.area 15
20610.name Training Still Never Ends
20610.0 #p1101002# seems to want to talk to me about something...
20610.1 #p1101002# asked me if I had mastered all the skills I had, and told me a nugget that the Knight Commanders came up with new skills again. He then challened me to learn that as well.
20610.2 #p1101002# asked me if I had mastered all the skills I had, and told me a nugget that the Knight Commanders came up with new skills again. He then challened me to learn that as well.
20610.area 15
20610.autoStart 1
20611.name Another New Skill for Soul Master
20611.0 I better ask #b#p1101003##k about this new skill per comments from #p1101002#.
20611.1 #p1101003#told me that if I wanted to learn a new skill, I'll have to prove my skills again by entering #bHall #4#k at #m130020000#, where a tougher test will take place... \n\n#i4032125# #t4032125# #b#c4032125# / 1#k
20611.2 I managed to defeat the boss monster again and brought back #t4032125# in return. #p1101003# told me I have proven that I deserve to learn the new skill, and taught me Advanced Combo.
20611.area 15
20612.name Another New Skill for Flame Wizard
20612.0 I better ask #b#p1101004##k about this new skill per comments from #p1101002#.
20612.1 #p1101004#told me that if I wanted to learn a new skill, I'll have to prove my skills again by entering #bHall #4#k at #m130020000#, where a tougher test will take place... \n\n#i4032126# #t4032126# #b#c4032126# / 1#k
20612.2 I managed to defeat the boss monster again and brought back #t4032126# in return. #p1101004# told me I have proven that I deserve to learn the new skill, and taught me Meteo.
20612.area 15
20613.name Another New Skill for Wind Breaker
20613.0 I better ask #b#p1101005##k about this new skill per comments from #p1101002#.
20613.1 #p1101005#told me that if I wanted to learn a new skill, I'll have to prove my skills again by entering #bHall #4#k at #m130020000#, where a tougher test will take place... \n\n#i4032127# #t4032127# #b#c4032127# / 1#k
20613.2 I managed to defeat the boss monster again and brought back #t4032127# in return. #p1101005# told me I have proven that I deserve to learn the new skill, and taught me Sharp Eyes.
20613.area 15
20614.name Another New Skill for Night Walker
20614.0 I better ask #b#p1101006##k about this new skill per comments from #p1101002#.
20614.1 #p1101006#told me that if I wanted to learn a new skill, I'll have to prove my skills again by entering #bHall #4#k at #m130020000#, where a tougher test will take place... \n\n#i4032128# #t4032128# #b#c4032128# / 1#k
20614.2 I managed to defeat the boss monster again and brought back #t4032128# in return. #p1101006# told me I have proven that I deserve to learn the new skill, and taught me Venom.
20614.area 15
20615.name Another New Skill for Striker
20615.0 I better ask #b#p1101007##k about this new skill per comments from #p1101002#.
20615.1 #p1101002#told me that if I wanted to learn a new skill, I'll have to prove my skills again by entering #bHall #4#k at #m130020000#, where a tougher test will take place... \n\n#i4032129# #t4032129# #b#c4032129# / 1#k
20615.2 I managed to defeat the boss monster again and brought back #t4032129# in return. #p1101007# told me I have proven that I deserve to learn the new skill, and taught me Wind Booster.
20615.area 15
20700.name Are You Sure You Can Leave?
20700.area 15
20700.0 Apparently, #p1101002# wants to tell me something...
20700.1 #p1101002# told me I may be a knight, but I still have a long way to go before he can send me out on assignments, and asked me to train more.
20700.2 #p1101002# told me I may be a knight, but I still have a long way to go before he can send me out on assignments, and asked me to train more with the help from #p1102000# the Knight Trainer...
20701.name 1st Monster Acclimation Training
20701.0 I better take #p1101002#'s advice and go see #b#p1102000# the Knight Trainer#k.
20701.1 #p1102000# told me he expected me to come, and suggested that I take the Monster Acclimation Training before entering Victoria Island. He then proposed me to head over to the end of Forest of Training and enter #bHall #1#k to hunt the #r#o9300271#s#k that are inside.\n\n#o9300271##r #a207011##k
20701.2 I managed to defeat 30 #o9300271#s.
20701.area 15
20702.name 2nd Monster Acclimation Training
20702.0 I shall receive the 2nd Monster Acclimation Training from #b#p1102000##k.
20702.1 This time, the monster in question for Monster Acclimation Training is #r#o9300272##k. I'll need to enter #bHall #1#k and battle against #o9300272#... \n\n#o9300272##r #a207021##k
20702.2 I managed to defeat 30 #o9300272#s.
20702.area 15
20703.name 3rd Monster Acclimation Training
20703.0 I shall receive the 3rd Monster Acclimation Training from #b#p1102000##k.
20703.1 This time, the monster in question for the Monster Acclimation Training is #r#o9300273##k. He warned me that the monster has quite a temper, and I better be careful. I better return to #bHall #1#k and hunt #o9300273#s. \n\n#o9300273##r #a207031##k
20703.2 I was able to hunt 30 #o9300273#s. Now that I have reached Level 13, I should return to #p1101002# and receive an assignment.
20703.area 15
20704.name Sent to Henesys
20704.0 I have finally reached the level it takes to receive an assignment as the Knight of Cygnus. I'll need to visit #bthe Strategist for Knights of Cygnus, #p1101002##k for an assignment.
20704.1 I finally received the first assignment from #p1101002#, which is for me to head over to #b#m100000000# of Victoria Island#k and provide support for #bAgent #p1103001##k.
20704.2 I finally received the first assignment from #p1101002#, which is for me to head over to #m100000000# of Victoria Island and provide support for Agent #p1103001#. I guess this kind of assignment is very common, since the Knights of Cygnus are sent to different parts of the world of Maple to collect information on the Black Wizard.
20704.area 15
20704.autoStart 1
20705.name A Cynical Orange Mushroom
20705.0 I'll need to talk to Agent #b#p1103001##k of #m100000000# in order to receive the next assignment.
20705.1 According to #p1103001#, #o1210102# has been looking suspicious lately. Some of the #o1210102#s apparently have a cold, cynical look, and #p1103001# believes they may be linked to the Black Wizard. He then assigned me to hunt down #r#o9300274##k... \n\n#o9300274##r #a207051##k \n#i4032190# #t4032190# #b#c4032190# / 1#k
20705.2 I was able to hunt down all the #o9300274#s that were out there. #p1103001# then told me to come back later, as he decided to continue to investigate on other suspicious creatures in this area.
20705.area 15
20706.name A Black Shadow in the Pig Farm
20706.0 I'll need to talk to Agent #b#p1103001##k of #m100000000#, who apparently has some new information to share.
20706.1 According to #p1103001#, black shadows have been spotted all around #b#m100020000##k, and asked me if I could conduct a search on the grassy area at the forest in East. He told me to #broam around my mouse cursor until I can click on something, then click on it#k.
20706.2 I reported the suspicious black shadow hidden in the forest that I spotted to #p1103001#.
20706.area 15
20707.name Pigs Revolt
20707.0 I'll need to talk to Agent #b#p1103001##k of #m100000000#, who apparently received some disturbing news.
20707.1 Was I too late in finding that black shadow? Apparently, the #o1210100#s at the #o1210100# Farm have caused a revolt. The agent believes that one of Black Wizard's men have probably set up a device in the area that caused such chaos. #p1103001# assigned me to defeat the #r#o1210100#s#k and if I happen to come across an item called #b#t4032130##k, then I should bring it back to him. \n\n#o1210100##r #a207071##k \n#o1210101##r #a207072##k \n#i4032130# #t4032130# #b#c4032130# / 1#k
20707.2 I was able to eliminate #o1210100#s and prevented their revolt from being carried out any further. After handing in the #p1103001# to #t4032130#, he had a disturbed look on his face. I wonder what's going on.
20707.area 15
20708.name Done with Henesys
20708.0 I'll need to talk to Agent #b#p1103001##k of #m100000000#, who apparently wants to talk to me.
20708.1 #p1103001# told me that would conclude my assignments here in #m100000000# and asked me to hand in the Mission Report and #t4032131# to #b#p1101002##k in #bErev#k.
20708.2 After receiving the report and the doll, #p1101002# told me to go train to make myself more useful while he goes through the report.
20708.area 15
20709.name Sent to Kerning City
20709.0 #p1101002# is trying to give me a new assignment. I wonder what it is...
20709.1 I received a new assignment from #p1101002#, which is to travel to #b#m103000000##k of Victoria Island and provide support for #bAgent #p1103002##k.
20709.2 I met with #p1103002# at #m103000000#.
20709.area 15
20709.autoStart 1
20710.name Hidden Inside the Trash Can
20710.0 I'll need to talk to Agent #b#p1103002##k of #m103000000# about the next assignment.
20710.1 #p1103002# told me that sources told him there were a huge number of #bstrange dolls#k dumped inside the #m103000000# subway, and that he wanted me to bring back one of those. I'll have to dig in through the #btrash can inside the subway#k in #m103000000#... \n\n#i4032136# #t4032136# #b#c4032136# / 1#k
20710.2 I managed to find #t4032136# and gave it to #p1103002#.
20710.area 15
20711.name Fake Doll
20711.0 Agent #b#p1103002##k of #m103000000# apparently found a new information he'd like to share with me.
20711.1 #p1103002# told me that the dolls inside the trash can were fake, and that the real dolls may have already been absorbed by #o1210103#s. He then assigned me to defeat #r100 #o1210103#s#k and bring back #b30 #t4032137#s#k...\n\n#o1210103##r #a207111##k \n#i4032137# #t4032137# #b#c4032137# / 30#k
20711.2 I was able to eliminate the #o1210103#s and bring back #t4032137#s to #p1103002#.
20711.area 15
20712.name They'll All Be Picked!
20712.0 Agent #b#p1103002##k of #m103000000# had something to tell me.
20712.1 #p1103002# said there were so many dolls with him that he couldn't tell which one was which, and wound up asking #b#p9000008##k to sort out the dolls for him. My job is to go up to him and ask for the real doll from the pile.\n\n#i4032138# #t4032138# #b#c4032138# / 1#k
20712.2 I was able to score the real #t4032138# from #p9000008# and handed it to #p1103002#.
20712.area 15
20713.name A Deal With Mr. Pickall
20713.0 Per #p1103002#'s order, I better go up to #b#p9000008##k and ask for the real #t4032138#.
20713.1 #p9000008# told me he couldn't give me the real doll because he wasn't paid a dime for this work, and wanted me to pay him the fee for it. He even suggested that if I can't pay for it, then I'll have to work for it. I'll need to give him #b#t4032139##k, which is very common among #r#o1210103#s#k, in order for him to cough up the real doll. \n\n#i4032139# #t4032139# #b#c4032139# / 10#k
20713.2 I was able to give #t4032139# to #p9000008# and received the real #t4032138#.
20713.area 15
20714.name Done with Kerning City
20714.0 Agent #b#p1103002##k of #m103000000# told me he had something to tell me...
20714.1 #p1103002# told me this wraps up my work in #m103000000# and that I'll need to hand in the Mission Report and #t4032140# to #b#p1101002##k.
20714.2 After receiving the report and the doll, #p1101002# told me one of Black Wizard's men is indeed a Puppeteer, and that this may all stem from him. He then told me this still needs more investigation, and asked me to train harder so that I can make myself useful for the upcoming missions.
20714.area 15
20715.name Sent to Ellinia
20715.0 It looksl ike #p1101002# is trying to give me a new assignment. I wonder what it is...
20715.1 I received a new assignment from #p1101002#, which is to head over to #b#m101000000##k of Victoria Island and provide support for #bAgent #p1103003##k.
20715.2 I wound up meeting Agent #p1103003# at #m101000000#...
20715.area 15
20715.autoStart 1
20716.name Maybe it's Arwen!
20716.0 I better talk to Agent #b#p1103003##k of #m101000000# about a new assignment.
20716.1 #p1103003# told me she suspects that #b#p1032100##k might be controlled by the puppeteer, and asked me to give Arwen #b#t4032142##k, which can be purchased at #b#m101010103##k. Her theory was that if Arwen is controlled, then she would dread it; if Arwen is free, then she'd be ecstatic over it... \n\n#i4032142# #t4032142# #b#c4032143# / 1#k
20716.2 Arwen thanked me for giving her #t4032142#, for she was very thirsty at the time, and proceeded to finish it in one giant gulp.
20716.area 15
20717.name Maybe it's the Plants!
20717.0 I better talk to Agent #b#p1103003##k of #m101000000# about a new assignment.
20717.1 #p1103003# told me she's starting to worry about the #bplants that are growing in #m101010000##k. Apparently, she plucked out a fruit from one of those plants and got violently sick. She suspects that one of Black Wizard's men planted some poison in the plants. I better pluck out a fruit to see if it's true. \n\n#i4032143# #t4032143# #b#c4032143# / 10#k
20717.2 I wound up giving #t4032143# to #p1103003#. After looking through the charts, #p1103003# found out that the fruits that are being produced at this time of the year can cause food poisoning...
20717.area 15
20718.name Maybe it's Grendel!
20718.0 I better talk to Agent #b#p1103003##k of #m101000000# about a new assignment.
20718.1 #p1103003# told me #p1032001# looked very suspicious. She said she always had #p1032001# in mind every since she found out about his past, which involved dabbling with dangerous black magic. She then assigned me to visit #b#m101000003##k, where #p1032001# lives, and wanted me to conduct a #bfull search in his house#k while #p1032001# is away.
20718.2 While conducting a full search in #p1032001#'s house, I was ambushed by a black shadow. Thankfully, I came out alive. After telling her what happened, #p1103003# stopped and started thinking about something...
20718.area 15
20719.name Done With Ellinia
20719.0 I better talk to Agent #b#p1103003##k of #m101000000#, who wanted to talk to me about something.
20719.1 #p1103003# told me this makes it clear that #p1032001# is not guilty, and that this assignment has been wrapped up for now. She then handed me the Mission Report on the black shadow, and asked me to hand it in to #b#p1101002##k.
20719.2 I handed #t4032144# in to #p1101002#. #p1101002# seemed worried that the power of the puppeteer seems to be growing by day, and that I'll need to get stronger in order to one day stop the puppeteer cold in his tracks. He then ordered me to keep training until the next assignment becomes available.
20719.area 15
20720.name Before Heading to Perion
20720.0 It looksl ike #p1101002# is trying to give me a new assignment. I wonder what it is...
20720.1 #p1101002# finally gave me a new assignment, but before even starting, he wanted me to get to Erev so I could make a delivery to someone else...
20720.2 #p1101002# finally gave me a new assignment, but before even starting, he wanted me to get to Erev and pick up an item for the upcoming assignment.
20720.area 15
20720.autoStart 1
20721.name Sent to Perion
20721.0 #b#p1101002##k told me there's an item that I'll need to deliver that is crucial to this upcoming assignment.
20721.1 #p1101002# wound up giving me #t4032145#. He told me I'll find out soon what the item is for, and asked me to deliver #t4032145# to #bAgent #p1103004##k of #b#m102000000##k.
20721.2 I wound up giving #t4032145# to #p1103004#.
20721.area 15
20722.name Wooden Mask
20722.0 I better ask Agent #b#p1103004##k of #m102000000# about the new assignment.
20722.1 #p1103004# told me something's not right in #b#m101030102##k, and wanted me to go there and eliminate #r#o2230110#s#k. After eliminating #r#o2230110##k, I also have to bring back #b#t4032146##k... \n\n#o2230110##r #a207221##k \n#i4032146# #t4032146# #b#c4032146# / 1#k
20722.2 I was able to eliminate #o2230110#s and brought back #b#t4032146##k. #p1103004# had a serious look on his face while looking at the detector...
20722.area 15
20723.name Stone Mask
20723.0 Agent #b#p1103004##k of #m102000000# has a new assignment for me...
20723.1 #p1103004# told me this time, the detector reacted in the direction of #b#m101030103##k, and assigned me to eliminate #r200 #o2230111#s#k there, while bringing back #b#t4032147##k. \n\n#o2230111##r #a207231##k \n#i4032147# #t4032147# #b#c4032147# / 1#k
20723.2 I was able to eliminate all the #o2230111#s. #p1103004# then proceeded to look at the detector again...
20723.area 15
20724.name Done with Perion
20724.0 Agent #b#p1103004##k of #m102000000# wants to talk to me about something...
20724.1 #p1103004# told me the assignments for #m102000000# are now complete, and told me to turn in the Mission Report along with #t4032148# to #b#p1101002##k.
20724.2 I wound up giving #p1101002# #p1103004#'s report and #t4032148#.
20724.area 15
20725.name Sent to Sleepywood
20725.0 #p1101002# wants to talk to me about an assignment...
20725.1 #p1101002# told me he detected a strong force of darkness around #b#m105040300##k and wanted me to look into #r#o9300285##k. The problem is, there's not a single agent currently assigned there, so he wanted me to gather up the information from scratch by myself...
20725.2 I was able to gather up all the information and wrote up a report to #p1101002#.
20725.area 15
20725.autoStart 1
20726.name The Remember's Information
20726.0 Maybe #b#p1061011##k of #m105040300# can tell me something useful about #o9300285#...
20726.1 #p1061011# told me he can give a useful information on #o9300285# if I can eliminate #r250 #o2230101#s#k for him. \n\n#o2230101##r #a207261##k
20726.2 According to #p1061011#, #o9300285# is a little boy who's name is #r#p1104000##k...
20726.area 15
20727.name Sabritrama's Information
20727.0 Maybe #b#p1061005##k of #m105040300# can tell me something useful about #o9300285#...
20727.1 #p1061005# told me he can give a useful information on #o9300285# if I can eliminate #r200 #o2230100#s#k for him. \n\n#o2230100##r #a207271##k
20727.2 According to #p1061005#, #o9300285# lives somewhere around the Cave of #o2230100#.
20727.area 15
20728.name Chrishrama's Information
20728.0 Maybe #b#p1061000##k of #m105040300# can tell me something useful about #o9300285#...
20728.1 #p1061000# told me he can give a useful information on #o9300285# if I can eliminate #b100 #t4000015#s#k for him. \n\n#i4000015# #t4000015# #b#c4000015# / 100#k
20728.2 According to #p1061000#, #o9300285# seems to doodle in front of #p1061006# when busy. If I look closely into #p1061006#, I may be able to find something...
20728.area 15
20729.name Mysterious Statue's Information
20729.0 According to #p1061000#, there may be some clues of #o9300285# on the surface of #b#p1061006##k. I'll have to talk to #p1061006#.
20729.1 Something seems to be written on it, but it's hard to see. I'll have to move #p1061006# around.
20729.2 At the back of #p1061006#, I found some writings on it with a horrible handwriting. It said: The password is XXXXXXX is a genius #o9300285#!
20729.area 15
20730.name Find the Puppeteer!
20730.0 I better report the information gathered in #m105040300# to #b#p1101002##k.
20730.1 #p1101002# told me he's certain the boy carrying the doll is indeed #o9300285#, and assigned me to enter the #bhome of #o9300285##k at the Cave of #o2230100# and defeat #r#p1104000# the #o9300285##k. \n\n#o9300285##r #a207301##k
20730.2 I was able to defeat #p1104000# the #o9300285#. Afterwards, when I asked #p1101002# of the word Black Wings that I picked up during the battle, he revealed that the Black Wings are a group that follows the Black Wizard and #p1104000# was also a member as well.
20730.area 15
20003.1.0 You must have managed to defeat all 5 #o0100120#s. Wasn't too bad, was it?
20003.1.yes.0 Now talk to me when you're ready to take the next step.
20003.1.stop.mob.0 Were you not able to defeat #r5 #o0100120#s#k yet? You can find plenty of them at #b#m130010000##k...
20003.0.0 You must be ready to do this. Okay then, let's begin the training. Let's start things off with something simple. You'll see plenty of Titis in this island, and the weakest Titi is #o0100120#. How about slaying #r5#k #r#o0100120#s#k for a start?
20003.0.yes.0 Here at #b#m130010000##k, you'll face a lot of #o0100120#s. They won't be too hard to handle. Don't die!
20003.0.no.0 Do you think it's not going to be easy? No need to worry. They are quite weak, you know. If you're still unsure of that, then do yourself a favor and carry some potions with you.
20004.0.0 This time, you'll take on #r#o0100121#s#k, the 2nd weakest monster in this island. Try slaying #r10#k, okay?
20004.0.yes.0 You didn't see any #o0100121# at #m130010000# or nearby? I know for sure they can be found there. Good luck.
20004.0.no.0 Are you not ready to hunt yet? Well, it's always good to fully prepare yourself for tasks like this.
20004.1.0 Hoh, that was pretty fast. I thought it'd take a while for you to slay 10 #o0100121#s...
20004.1.yes.0 Okay, we'll go ahead with the next stage!
20004.1.stop.mob.0 What? You weren't able to slay #r10 #o0100121#s#k yet? You can definitely find #o0100121# at or near #b#m130010000##k.
20005.0.0 This time, you'll have to take on #r#o0100122#s#k, the 3rd weakest monster in this island. Let's increase the number this time... how about #r15#k?
20005.0.yes.0 I didn't say this, because I assumed you already knew, but... are you using skills? Don't tell me you've been hunting just by slashing your way through, all this time! Everytime you level up, you'll earn some SP, and SP's are used to raise your skill level. Use those attack skills effectively, and hunting will become much easier for you.
20005.0.yes.1 Take this portal, then walk all the way to the left, and you'll see #b#m130010100##k. You'll find #o0100122#s there. Good luck!
20005.0.no.0 Are you intent on raising your skill level? It's very important for you to use the skills effectively in order to survive in this world.
20005.1.0 You must have succeeded in slaying 15 #o0100122#s. Great work! At the rate you're going, you'll be able to quickly become the kind of Knight-in-Training that #p1101002# is looking forward to seeing. I don't even want to think about how upset #p1101002# would be if the training takes longer than expected. I'm sorry, but just the thought of #p1101002# makes me sick to my stomach...
20005.1.yes.0 Hmmm, that's not it. In that case, talk to me when you're ready to take on the next step.
20005.1.stop.mob.0 #r15 #o0100122#s#k shouldn't be too hard for you, though... are you still a long way from finishing it? Go to #b#m130010100##k and hunt right now.
20006.0.0 Your 4th training session will involve... you know what I'm going to give you, right? You are right at that level where you can take on #r#o0100123##k. Let's try #r20#k of them, okay?
20006.0.yes.0 I don't even need to tell you where you can find #o0100123#... Right? Find them at or near #b#m130010100##k. Good luck.
20006.0.no.0 Are you already getting sick of training? You can't say that. You're nowhere near the level you should be to even think of something like that.
20006.1.0 You must have defeated 20 #o0100123#s. Wow... a little more, and you may be able to become a Knight-in-Training! I advise you to start planning out what kind of a knight you'd like to become. A knight of light, a magician of fire, a bowman of wind, a thief of darkness, or a pirate of lightning... surely you're interested in becoming one of them, right?
20006.1.yes.0 But this only makes sense AFTER you make yourself more powerful. Talk to me when you're ready to take on the next step.
20006.1.stop.mob.0 Were you not able to defeat #r20 #o0100123#s#k yet? You'll find them at #b#m130010100##k or in forests nearby.
20007.0.0 We have already reached the final stage of the basic training. I can literally see you make progress before my very own eyes. This time, let's take it up a notch and have you face the formidable Titi.
20007.0.yes.0 Head over to #b#m130010200##k, and you'll run across #o0100124#. They are comparatively more powerful with more stamina than other Titis. Brace yourself for some difficult combat, and slay #r3 #o0100124#s#k for me. Good luck.
20007.0.no.0 Are you afraid of the fact that these Titis are more powerful than anything you've faced before? Don't worry about it. You've already been defeating monsters that you thought were more powerful than the last ones.
20007.1.0 Amazing! You were able to take on the #o0100124#s and emerge victorious! I have to say, it's not often I get to see a Noblesse like you making such quick strides. #p1101002# should be pleased with the results.
20007.1.stop.mob.0 Were you not able to defeat #r3 #o0100124#s#k? Ah, come to think of it, I didn't tell you where #b#m130010200##k was. I thought you'd be able to figure it out yourself. From #m130000100#, take the left portal out, and you'll enter #m130010200#. That's where you'll defeat #o0100124#.
20101.0.0 Are you someone that strives to become a knight? My name is #p1101003#, the #bKnight Commander of Light leading the Soul Masters#k in the Knights of Cygnus. If you wish to become the Soul Master, then you'll be in my hands.
20101.0.1 The foundation of being a Soul Master is that you'll become a warrior, a swordsman at that. It requires strength, power, and stamina to defeat monsters that are up close. #bHigh STR is a priority, but a dose of DEX is just as required to achieve balance#k. That being said, this only makes you become a warrior, not a Soul Master.
20101.0.2 Soul Masters are the special few that receive divine protection from the Spirit of Light. That's why the Soul Masters are #bconstantly accompanied by the Spirit of Light, called Soul#k. If you indeed become the Soul Master, then Soul will be equal parts your companion, a comrade, and a savior, sticking by you through thick and thin.
20101.0.3 Being a Soul Master requires one to have a clear head, deadly sword, warm heart, and an eternal loyalty towards the queen. If you are willing to take these steps, then come. I will be here, ready to make you a Soul Master.
20101.0.yes.0 You will not regret this.
20102.0.0 Are, are you here to become a Knight? My name is #p1101004#. I'm the #bKnight Commander of Fire leading the Flame Wizards#k in the Knights of Cygnus. Ni, nice to meet you. If you indeed select the path of a Flame Wizard, then I'll see you that much more often...
20102.0.1 Flame Wizards are magicians at heart, which means each one of them possess a #bhigh level of INT and magic powers#k. Just, just like other magicians, Flame Wizards aren't adept at melee combat, and we don't possess a high level of stamina, either. That's not the only thing that defines the Flame Wizard, though...
20102.0.2 Flame Wizards are the special few that receive divine protection from the Spirit of Fire. If you indeed take on the path of the Flame Wizard, you will be able to summon #bthe Spirit of Fire, Flame, to accompany you in battles#k. You can even combine your powers with Flame to create lethal magic to combat the monster, something the regular magicians aren't capable of doing...
20102.0.3 You, you can become the Flame Wizard if you have the desire and perseverence to keep striving for your goal, along with the determined set of eyes that never deviate from the opponent. If you are willing to take these steps and become the #bFlame Wizard#k, then please come back.
20102.0.yes.0 I expect you to make a sound decision.
20103.0.0 Are you here to become a Knight? My name is #p1101005#, and although I feel like I still have room to grow, I am the #bKnight Commander of the Wind, in charge of the Wind Breakers#k in the Knights of Cygnus. If you wish to become a Wind Breaker, then this will definitely become first of many encounters with me...
20103.0.1 Wind Breakers are bowmen first and foremost, using regular bows. Like bowmen, Wind Breakers pride themselves in being the master of long-range attacks. #bIt is a given that all prospective Wind Breakers need a high level of DEX for accurate attacks#k... but that's not all.
20103.0.2 Wind Breakers are the special few that receive divine protection from the Spirit of the Wind. If you indeed take on the path of the Wind Breaker, then you'll be able to summon the #bSpirit of the Wind, Storm#k. Storm will be there to provide you the much-needed protection, and provide some power to you and your bow for added weight.
20103.0.3 Wind represents freedom, but unconditional freedom is nothing more than just being uncontrollable. When logic and freedom collide, that's where Wind Breaker comes in. If wish to free your mind and become the #bWind Breaker#k, let me know...
20103.0.yes.0 I fully expect you to make a wise decision.
20104.0.0 Are you here to become a knight? Hmmm... you must have a very interesting taste, for you to visit the #bKnight Commander of the dark, leading the Night Walkers#k in the Knights of Cygnus. My name is #p1101006#, and if you indeed wish to become the Night Walker, I'll have to go with you then.
20104.0.1 Night Walkers are first and foremost thieves, using throwing stars as weapons. Becoming one requires a lot of #bLUK and DEX, with a bit of a cunning brain#k. You'll be primarily attacking from long distance, so this shouldn't be too dangerous. Of course, Night Walkers are more than that...
20104.0.2 Night Walkers are the special few that receive divine protection from the Spirit of the Darkness. If you indeed take on the path of the Night Walker, then you'll be able to summon the #bSpirit of the the dark, Darkness#k. It is, however, foolish to pin all your hopes on the power of the spirits. We're slightly different fom the rest of the world, in that we are the "different" ones searching for an answer using the power of poison.
20104.0.3 We're the ones walking in the path of darkness, not necessarily that of a saint, but neither are we full of anger and hatred like the Black Wizard. Darkness is required for us because we are in charge of achieving justice at places where lights are not ready available. If you wish to follow the darkness caused by light and become the #bNight Walker#k, then I won't stop you.
20104.0.yes.0 I expect you to make a sound decision.
20105.0.0 Are you here to become a Knight? Awesome awesome! Welcome! My name is #p1101007#, the #bKnight Commander of thunder, leading the Strikers#k of the Knights of Cygnus. Wow, it's good seeing you! If you wish to become a Striker, then we'll see more often as time goes.
20105.0.1 Strikers are Infighters at heart. This job requires a healthy dose of #bST and DEX, and use the fist that's padded with knuckles to fight your opposition#k! With fancy moves and a successive, combo-natured moves, you can probably call yourself a ready to become a Striker... but that's not all.
20105.0.2 Strikers are the special few that receive divine protection from the Spirit of Thunder. Yes, that means if you become one, you'll be able to #bsummon the Spirit of Thunder, Lightning! Lightning will help you provide protection, or even fight for you as well. You may also use skills that are very powerful using powers from the deapths of his heart#k. Doesn't that sound exciting?
20105.0.3 Fighting the Black Wizard will be a difficult task, yes... but it's no fun to cringe everytime you run into a brick wall like this. You should enjoy it, always with a smile on your face! Being a #bStriker#k will allow you to experience dynamic life experiences that you may not face anywhere else. Are you interested?
20105.0.yes.0 I know you'll make a sound decision.
20200.1.0 If you wish to take the Knighthood Test, please come to Erev. Each Knight Commanders will test your abilities, and if you meet their standards, then you will officially become a Knight.
20200.0.0 #h0#? Wow, your level has skyrocketed since the last time I saw you. You also look like you've taken care of a number of missions as well... you seem much more ready to move on now than the last time I saw you. What do you think? Are you interested in taking the #bKnighthood Test#k? It's time for you to grow out of the Knight-in-training and become a bonafide Knight, right?
20201.1.stop.item.0 I don't think you have found #b30 #t4032096#s#k yet. Go to #bHall #2#k and find them.
20201.0.0 Do you wish to take the Knighthood Test? Based on your contributions to Knights of Cygnus so far, it is indeed hard to keep you here as the Knight-in-Training. Fine, I will let you take the Knighthood Test. Are you ready?
20201.0.yes.0 The test is rather simple. Enter #bHall #2#k located at the end of the Forest of Training, defeat the Titis inside, and bring back the #b#t4032096#s#k that they have with them. I need #b30#k.
20201.0.yes.1 If you can bring all the #t4032096#s back, then I will grant you the right to become a Knight. At this point, I need your skills to do the talking.
20201.0.no.0 Talk to me when you are ready to take on the test.
20202.1.stop.item.0 I don't think you have acquired #b30 #t4032097#s#k yet. Did you forget where to find it by chance? Go to the very end of the Forest of Training, and you'll find #bHall #2#k. Find the Titis inside, defeat them, and bring back #b30 #t4032097#s#k.
20202.0.0 Do you wish to take the Knighthood Test? Wow, you are really fast. Based on your contributions to Knights of Cygnus so far, it does make sense for you to take the Knighthood Test. Are you ready?
20202.0.yes.0 The test is actually not complicated at all. Remember the Forest of Training you trained when you were a Noblesse? At the end of it, you'll find #bHall #2#k. There, your job is to defeat the Titis and bring back #b30 #t4032097#s#k in return.
20202.0.yes.1 If you can bring all the #t4032097#s back, then I will grant you the right to become a Knight. At this point, I need your skills to do the talking.
20202.0.no.0 I suppose you're not ready to take on the test yet. Let, let me know when you're ready.
20203.1.stop.item.0 I don't think you have brought #b30 #t4032098#s#k yet. Go to the end of the Forest of Training. There, inside #bHall #2#k, you'll need to find #t4032098#...
20203.0.0 Knighthood Test... I suppose it's your turn to take it now. Based on your contributions to the Knights of Cygnus, it only makes sense. Okay, I will grant you the right to take the Knighthood Test. Are you ready?
20203.0.yes.0 The test is actually easy. Remember the Forest of Training you trained back in the day? At the end of it, you'll find #bHall #2#k. There, your job is to defeat the Titis and bring back #b30 #t4032098#s#k in return.
20203.0.yes.1 If you can bring all the #t4032098#s back, then I will grant you the right to become a Knight. At this point, I need your skills to do the talking.
20203.0.no.0 If you have the slightest of hesitation, it's good to dust them off first before taking on the test.
20204.1.stop.item.0 You still haven't brought back #b30 #t4032099#s#k yet. I thought I told you you could find them at the end of Forest of Training, insdie #bHall #2#k... Can't you remember this?
20204.0.0 Knighthood Test? Is it already that time? Come to think of it... you have been working for the Knights of Cygnus for quite some time... Okay, I will give you the opportunity to take the Knighthood Test right now. Are you ready?
20204.0.yes.0 The test is really nothing special. Go to the end of Forest of Training and enter #bHall #2#k, where you'll find some Titis inside. Defeat them all and bring back #b30 #t4032099#s#k with you.
20204.0.yes.1 If you can bring all the #t4032099#s back, then I will grant you the right to become a Knight. At this point, I need your skills to do the talking.
20204.0.no.0 It doesn't matter when you start, but delaying the inevitable doesn't change one thing.
20205.1.stop.item.0 I don't think you have gathered up #b30 #t4032100#s#k yet. Did you forget where Hall 2 was? I understand if you're not good with directions, because I am, too... hahaha. Anyway, go to the end of the Forest of Training, and you'll find #bHall #2#k, where you can find #t4032100#.
20205.0.0 What? Knighthood Test? Are you taking that already? Wow, that was fast! Not a lot of time has passed since you first came here... but then again, seeing your contributions to the Knights of Cygnus, it only makes sense. Okay, I'll let you take the test. Do you want to take it right now?
20205.0.yes.0 The test is simple. At the end of the Forest of Training, you'll find a training hall. At #bHall #2#k, you'll defeat a number of Titis and bring back #b30 #t4032100#s#k.
20205.0.yes.1 Once you bring all the ??? ??, everyone will think of you as a bonafide Knight. Enjoy it!
20205.0.no.0 Hmmmm... do you have anything you want to prepare for? Okay, I will wait for you. Let me know when you're ready.
20300.0.0 Mayday, mayday. All members of the Knights of Cygnus must return to #bErev#k immediately. I repeat, everyone must return to Erev immediately. Details available at Erev.
20300.0.yes.0 We need everyone there at once, so go there ASAP.
20300.0.no.0 I don't know what you're doing right now, but I can't think of anything else as urgent as this. I trust you to make a judgment worthy of a Knight of Cygnus.
20300.1.0 You've heard of a group out there that is there to support Black Wizard, right? They are called the Black Wings, and they are our main adversaries. Apparently, one of them managed to enter Erev and steal a very important treasure.
20300.1.yes.0 I doubt the thief went very far, so we must conduct the search right this minute. The Knight Commanders will provide details, so please go see your Knight Commander immediately.
20301.1.0 So you were able to defeat #o9001009# #p1104001#. Brilliant!
20301.1.yes.0 The queen has expressed gratitude for your effort and loyalty.
20301.1.stop.item.0 Were you not able to find #o9001009#? #o9001009# has yet to escape Erev. You must first visit #b#p1101002##k and obtain the #bSearch Warrant#k before conducting the search. Once you have begun the search, you must defeat #r#o9001009##k and recover #b#t4032101##k.
20301.1.stop.mob.0 Were you not able to find #o9001009#? #o9001009# has yet to escape Erev. You must first visit #b#p1101002##k and obtain the #bSearch Warrant#k before conducting the search. Once you have begun the search, you must defeat #r#o9001009##k and recover #b#t4032101##k.
20301.0.0 Erev is protected by the Divine Bird, so when a force of evil enters the island, it's easy to detect that something is not right. The problem is, we were unable to do so this time around, and that's because the culprit disguised himself as a Knight. He's #r#o9001009# Baroque, the member of the Black Wings#k. He is responsible for the theft.
20301.0.1 The treasure is one of those important items that MUST NOT be in the hands of Black Wizard. #o9001009# has yet to escape Erev, so I need you to join the search as well. Before conducting the search, however, you must first acquire #b#t4032179##k, so go visit #p1101002# and obtain the Search Warrant.
20301.0.2 You MUST locate the #r#o9001009##k, eliminate it, and bring back the #btreasure#k. Myself and other Knights will join you on this effort.
20301.0.yes.0 Beware of the fact that #o9001009# is always capable of tricking you by pretending to be someone else. The appearances may change, but the inner self won't, so #rI suggest you keep talking to various Knights until you hear something not so Knight-like, and when you do, you can consider that individual #o9001009##k, and attack immediately.
20301.0.no.0 You can run away if you're afraid of this. Just know that if you keep running away, you will never amount to anything.
20302.1.0 Were, were you able to defeat #o9001009# #p1104001#?? Wow, that is just incredible! You are indeed an incredible Knight!
20302.1.yes.0 The queen is very proud of your work!
20302.1.stop.item.0 Were you not able to find #o9001009# yet? #o9001009# has yet to leave Erev, so receive the #bSearch Warrant#k first from #b#p1101002##k, then conduct a search of your own. Sooner or later, you'll find #r#o9001009##k, and I need you to really eliminate it and bring back the treasure!
20302.1.stop.mob.0 Were you not able to find #o9001009# yet? #o9001009# has yet to leave Erev, so receive the #bSearch Warrant#k first from #b#p1101002##k, then conduct a search of your own. Sooner or later, you'll find #r#o9001009##k, and I need you to really eliminate it and bring back #b#t4032102##k!
20302.0.0 Wow, you're here! #p1101002# gave you an outline, right? Then let's cut to the chase. Erev is an island protected by the Divine Bird, which means no force of evil can enter the island, and even if someone did enter, the person would have been noticed right away.
20302.0.1 The problem is, we were unable to spot the intruder this time. That's because the thief is the #rmember of the Black Wings, #o9001009# #p1104001##k. We detected an intrusion, but we were unable to spot the fake from the truth, so while people were panicking about this situation, the thief brazenly just walked through, and stole the treasure.
20302.0.2 That is the one item that SHOULD NOT be at the hands of Black Wizard! Since #o9001009# has yet to leave Erev, I want you to join in on the search as well. If you meet #p1101002#, you'll be able to receive a #b#t4032179##k that requires rummaging through Erec.
20302.0.3 Okay, now I want you to defeat #r#o9001009##k and bring back the #btreasue chest#k! Myself and other members will also aid you in the search.
20302.0.yes.0 #o9001009# is most likely disguised as one of the Knights. The appearances may change, but the inner self won't, so #rI suggest you keep talking to various Knights until you hear something not so Knight-like, and when you do, you can consider that individual #o9001009##k, and attack immediately.
20302.0.no.0 Are... are you scared? I can understand the fear that's creeping through you... but running away will not help you accomplish one thing. Please think about this once more time.
20303.1.0 Wow... you were able to defeat #o9001009# #p1104001#... You are a special Knight, indeed.
20303.1.yes.0 The queen observes your accomplishment. Do not forget the fact that you're an important indivual here.
20303.1.stop.item.0 Were you unable to find #o9001009#...? I know for sure that he has yet to escape. First, visit #b#p1101002##k and receive the #bSearch Warrant#k, then conduct a thorough search of the whole Erev to locate #r#o9001009##k, then defeat it for you to bring #b#t4032103##k back...
20303.1.stop.mob.0 Were you unable to find #o9001009#...? I know for sure that he has yet to escape. First, visit #b#p1101002##k and receive the #bSearch Warrant#k, then conduct a thorough search of the whole Erev to locate #r#o9001009##k, then defeat it for you to bring #b#t4032103##k back...
20303.0.0 ..I am sure .#p1101002# gave you a thorough outline, so I will justo go straight to the fact. As you know, Erev is an island protected by the Divine Bird. Any form of force of darkness is not only not allowed to win, but even if it does enter, it'd be detected right off the fact and promptly removed.
20303.0.1 Unfortunately, we weren't able to do that this time, and... that's because... we did not acount for who the thief was. The culprit was#ra member of Black Wings, #o9001009# #p1104001##k... We were unable to locate him even after entering this island, because he was in disguise.
20303.0.2 The treasure should NEVER end up in Black Wizard's hands. #o9001009# has yet to escape Erev, so you must participate in this search as well. Go visit #p1101002# and receive #b#t4032179##k.
20303.0.3 Now... Go defeat #r#o9001009##k... And bring back the #btreasure#k... Myself and other Knights will also be conducting the search, as well.
20303.0.yes.0 #o9001009# is most likely disguised as one of the Knights. The appearances may change, but the inner self won't, so #rI suggest you keep talking to various Knights until you hear something not so Knight-like, and when you do, you can consider that individual #o9001009##k, and attack immediately.
20303.0.no.0 Fear? Hesitation? As long as you keep the two with you, you will never be able to move up.
20304.1.0 Did you manage to defeat #o9001009# #p1104001#? Hmmm... not bad. That was brilliant.
20304.1.yes.0 The queen is indeed watching your every move, and she is impressed as well.
20304.1.stop.item.0 Were you not able to find #o9001009#? Reports are that he has yet to escape Erev, so keep searching. First, acquire the #bSearch Warrant#k through #b#p1101002##k to start the search of Erev. Once you run into #r#o9001009##k, eliminate him and bring back #b#t4032104##k.
20304.1.stop.mob.0 Were you not able to find #o9001009#? Reports are that he has yet to escape Erev, so keep searching. First, acquire the #bSearch Warrant#k through #b#p1101002##k to start the search of Erev. Once you run into #r#o9001009##k, eliminate him and bring back #b#t4032104##k.
20304.0.0 You're here. I'm sure #p1101002# told you the gist of things, so I should forgo the details and... but you look like you need the details again. Sigh. As you are well aware, Erev is an island protected by the Divine Bird. No evil presence may enter the island, and even if it successfully here, they'd be immediately detected and removed from the premise.
20304.0.1 The problem is, we were unable to find him this time. It's simple, really. The thief was actually #o9001009#. #o9001009# #p1104001##k, an important member of the #rBlack Wings#k. We were unable to spot him because of his ability to transform himself to another being.
20304.0.2 The treasure is an important item that shall NEVER end up at the hands of Black Wizard. #o9001009# has yet to escape Erev, so join the search effort. #b#t4032179##k will be needed to conduct the search, so go visit #p1101002# first.
20304.0.3 Now, I want you to defeat #r#o9001009##k and bring back the #btreasure#k. Myself and other Knights will be searching as well.
20304.0.yes.0 #o9001009# is most likely disguised as one of the Knights. The appearances may change, but the inner self won't, so #rI suggest you keep talking to various Knights until you hear someone that just doesn't sound right, and when you do, you can consider that individual #o9001009##k, and attack immediately.
20304.0.no.0 Are you scared already? Keep being afraid, and you will never receive the chance to move up.
20305.1.0 Woowww!!! You were able to defeat #p1104001#! That is just incredible! Yeah!!
20305.1.yes.0 The queen is ecstatic, as well! Yeah!!
20305.1.stop.item.0 You still haven't found #o9001009#? I hear that he has yet to escape Erev, so if you keep searching, you'll find him. Go see #b#p1101002##k and receive the #bSearch Warrant#k to start searching on Erev. Once you encounter #r#o9001009##k, eliminate it, and bring back #b#t4032105##k with you!
20305.1.stop.mob.0 You still haven't found #o9001009#? I hear that he has yet to escape Erev, so if you keep searching, you'll find him. Go see #b#p1101002##k and receive the #bSearch Warrant#k to start searching on Erev. Once you encounter #r#o9001009##k, eliminate it, and bring back #b#t4032105##k with you!
20305.0.0 #p1101002# told you what happened, right? It's just terrible! Erev is usually an island protected by the power of the Divine Bird, which prevented forces of evil from landing here, but... a master of transformation!!! Who woul dhave thought?
20305.0.1 Ahhh, you didn't hear anything about the master of transformation? #r#o9001009# #p1104001#is actually a member of the Black Wings, and he's very good at transforming to someone else#k. He'll come back as one of the knights, and I need you to spot the fake.
20305.0.2 It is a treasure that MUST NOT end up at the hands of the Black Wizard. #o9001009# has yet to leave Erev, so start the dash! Erev shall be found soon. The #b#t4032179##k required to conduct a search will be given to by #p1101002#!
20305.0.3 Now go ahead and defeat #r#o9001009##k, so you can bring back the #btreasure#k home! I'll be conducting searches of my own with other Knights as well.
20305.0.yes.0 #o9001009# is most likely disguised as one of the Knights. The appearances may change, but the inner self won't, so #rI suggest you keep talking to various Knights until you hear someone that just doesn't sound right, and when you do, you can consider that individual #o9001009##k, and attack immediately.
20305.0.no.0 Wait a minute, are you afraid of this? Seriously, what other adventure can bring this much excitement? Don't be scared, and think it over. You can't possibly expect yourself to improve just by sitting around, doing nothing, right?
20306.0.0 ...#t4032179#? I am sorry, but there's a problem with that. Truth be told, Erev had never faced a crisis like this before, so naturally, I have never had to provide so many copies of Search Warrants to various Knights before. Yes, I am short on supplies needed to make the Search Warrant.
20306.0.1 I have been quickly making new Search Warrants, but that's also not easy in that... #t4032179# is created using an item that is placed in specifically to prevent illegal copies from being made, so... yes, I am short on one item. The search needs to start right away, as well...
20306.0.2 Tell you what. I want you to bring me that item that is required to make the Search Warrant. I know we don't have much time, but even the best Transformer won't be able to quickly escape Erev, especially if the island is in Code Red like it is right now. Once you bring me the item, I will go ahead and print you the Search Warrant.
20306.0.yes.0 The item I need is 1 #t4005004#. The Search Warrant created with the magic power of #t4005004# cannot be duplicated nor stolen, so it's perfect for this. Thanks in advance.
20306.0.no.0 Oh no.. are you giving up on the search?
20306.1.0 Oh you brought #t4005004#. I'll go ahead and make you #t4032179# right now.
20306.1.yes.0 This will give you access to every part of Erev that is currently in Code Red. Please search through the island carefully, and find the Transformer that is responsible for this mess.
20306.1.stop.item.0 You have yet to bring #t4005004#. Every second counts, and we can't afford to lose any more time. Please hurry.
20307.0.0 ...#t4032179#? I am sorry, but there's a problem with that. Truth be told, Erev had never faced a crisis like this before, so naturally, I have never had to provide so many copies of Search Warrants to various Knights before. Yes, I am short on supplies needed to make the Search Warrant.
20307.0.1 I have been quickly making new Search Warrants, but that's also not easy in that... #t4032179# is created using an item that is placed in specifically to prevent illegal copies from being made, so... yes, I am short on one item. The search needs to start right away, as well...
20307.0.2 Tell you what. I want you to bring me that item that is required to make the Search Warrant. I know we don't have much time, but even the best Transformer won't be able to quickly escape Erev, especially if the island is in Code Red like it is right now. Once you bring me the item, I will go ahead and print you the Search Warrant.
20307.0.yes.0 The item I need is 1 #t4005004#. The Search Warrant created with the magic power of #t4005004# cannot be duplicated nor stolen, so it's perfect for this. Thanks in advance.
20307.0.no.0 Oh no.. are you giving up on the search?
20307.1.0 Oh you brought #t4005004#. I'll go ahead and make you #t4032179# right now.
20307.1.yes.0 This will give you access to every part of Erev that is currently in Code Red. Please search through the island carefully, and find the Transformer that is responsible for this mess.
20307.1.stop.item.0 You have yet to bring #t4005004#. Every second counts, and we can't afford to lose any more time. Please hurry.
20308.0.0 ...#t4032179#? I am sorry, but there's a problem with that. Truth be told, Erev had never faced a crisis like this before, so naturally, I have never had to provide so many copies of Search Warrants to various Knights before. Yes, I am short on supplies needed to make the Search Warrant.
20308.0.1 I have been quickly making new Search Warrants, but that's also not easy in that... #t4032179# is created using an item that is placed in specifically to prevent illegal copies from being made, so... yes, I am short on one item. The search needs to start right away, as well...
20308.0.2 Tell you what. I want you to bring me that item that is required to make the Search Warrant. I know we don't have much time, but even the best Transformer won't be able to quickly escape Erev, especially if the island is in Code Red like it is right now. Once you bring me the item, I will go ahead and print you the Search Warrant.
20308.0.yes.0 The item I need is 1 #t4005004#. The Search Warrant created with the magic power of #t4005004# cannot be duplicated nor stolen, so it's perfect for this. Thanks in advance.
20308.0.no.0 Oh no.. are you giving up on the search?
20308.1.0 Oh you brought #t4005004#. I'll go ahead and make you #t4032179# right now.
20308.1.yes.0 This will give you access to every part of Erev that is currently in Code Red. Please search through the island carefully, and find the Transformer that is responsible for this mess.
20308.1.stop.item.0 You have yet to bring #t4005004#. Every second counts, and we can't afford to lose any more time. Please hurry.
20309.0.0 ...#t4032179#? I am sorry, but there's a problem with that. Truth be told, Erev had never faced a crisis like this before, so naturally, I have never had to provide so many copies of Search Warrants to various Knights before. Yes, I am short on supplies needed to make the Search Warrant.
20309.0.1 I have been quickly making new Search Warrants, but that's also not easy in that... #t4032179# is created using an item that is placed in specifically to prevent illegal copies from being made, so... yes, I am short on one item. The search needs to start right away, as well...
20309.0.2 Tell you what. I want you to bring me that item that is required to make the Search Warrant. I know we don't have much time, but even the best Transformer won't be able to quickly escape Erev, especially if the island is in Code Red like it is right now. Once you bring me the item, I will go ahead and print you the Search Warrant.
20309.0.yes.0 The item I need is 1 #t4005004#. The Search Warrant created with the magic power of #t4005004# cannot be duplicated nor stolen, so it's perfect for this. Thanks in advance.
20309.0.no.0 Oh no.. are you giving up on the search?
20309.1.0 Oh you brought #t4005004#. I'll go ahead and make you #t4032179# right now.
20309.1.yes.0 This will give you access to every part of Erev that is currently in Code Red. Please search through the island carefully, and find the Transformer that is responsible for this mess.
20309.1.stop.item.0 You have yet to bring #t4005004#. Every second counts, and we can't afford to lose any more time. Please hurry.
20310.0.0 ...#t4032179#? I am sorry, but there's a problem with that. Truth be told, Erev had never faced a crisis like this before, so naturally, I have never had to provide so many copies of Search Warrants to various Knights before. Yes, I am short on supplies needed to make the Search Warrant.
20310.0.1 I have been quickly making new Search Warrants, but that's also not easy in that... #t4032179# is created using an item that is placed in specifically to prevent illegal copies from being made, so... yes, I am short on one item. The search needs to start right away, as well...
20310.0.2 Tell you what. I want you to bring me that item that is required to make the Search Warrant. I know we don't have much time, but even the best Transformer won't be able to quickly escape Erev, especially if the island is in Code Red like it is right now. Once you bring me the item, I will go ahead and print you the Search Warrant.
20310.0.yes.0 The item I need is 1 #t4005004#. The Search Warrant created with the magic power of #t4005004# cannot be duplicated nor stolen, so it's perfect for this. Thanks in advance.
20310.0.no.0 Oh no.. are you giving up on the search?
20310.1.0 Oh you brought #t4005004#. I'll go ahead and make you #t4032179# right now.
20310.1.yes.0 This will give you access to every part of Erev that is currently in Code Red. Please search through the island carefully, and find the Transformer that is responsible for this mess.
20310.1.stop.item.0 You have yet to bring #t4005004#. Every second counts, and we can't afford to lose any more time. Please hurry.
20400.1.0 Well, I know I may have talked to you like this is a joke, but it is true that you are one of the better Knights in the Knights of Cygnus, and that is why you are given a task with a huge responsibility. I'll be looking forward to your work.
20400.0.0 It's been a while since I last saw you. I can't even recognize you now, seeing how powerful you have become since our last meeting. I can honestly say that you just might be one of the most powerful Knights in all of Knights of Cygnus, Knight Commanders included. Okay, enough pleasantries, and let's get down to business.
20400.0.1 It's a new mission. According to the information we acquired, a member of the #rBlack Wing#k is targeting the Goddess. In order to prevent that, Knight Sergeant #b#p1103000##k has been secretly tracing that individual, but it doesn't look too good from here.
20400.0.2 If it's Victoria Island, at least we know everything that goes on there. This one's Ossyria, where not even the intelligence officials here know everything inside out. This means the Sergeant will need help. Please provide help to #p1103000#. The last place she contacted was at #b#m211000000##k, so try looking for #p1103000#.
20400.0.no.0 Hmmm... you seem way too at ease. It's a waste of talent and firepower for an accomplished individual like you to just sit around, being content with not doing much...
20402.0.0 I feel a strange aura emitting form you. Do you by chance have #b#t4001207##k with you? Recently, a number of cursed #t4001207#s have been flashing all over the world, and I can feel the same thing from you. It's a very dangerous item, so would you mind giving it to me?
20402.0.yes.0 Where are you located? Hmmm... the fact that it feels close makes me suspect that you might be around #m211000000#. It's not too far from here, so I want you to go to #b#m200000000##k and hand me #t4001207#. #p1103000# had that too, and... it seems like #t4001207#s are easily found in #m211000000#...
20402.0.no.0 You should know that as long as you hold on to it, you will be affected by it as well, from a higher percentage of scroll failure, lower drop rate, to item breaking down, and you may even lose hair as well. Are you sure you want to hold on to it??
20402.1.0 Ohhh, so you did bring #t4001207#. Good work there. It's a dangerous item, so as soon as I feel it, I make sure to contact that individual and have that person bring it to me. Thankfully, most of the people I contacted promptly came and gave them to me, so it's not that difficult... the problem is that the level of curse seems quite powerful.\r\n#b#L0#Did you... take one from #p1103000#, by chance?#k
20402.1.1 1 = #p1103000#? Are you talking about that Knight #p1103000#? Yes, he brought a whole bunch of #t4001207# acquired from zombies. He wasn't satisfied with just retrieving those items, but rather, much more interested in finding the origin, so he could snuff them out. That's why he started asking me about the information on #t4001207#. \r\n#b#L0#Can you tell me what you told #p1103000#?#k
20402.1.2 It was really nothing special. #t4001207# may look small on the outside, but it's really a scale of a dragon. Most dragon scales reflect magic, but since the curse is so deeply ingraned in this, I told him I suspect #bthese scales are from a special dragon#k.
20402.1.ask 1
20402.1.yes.0 Apparently, that was enough for #p1103000# to pack up and leave, and told me he'll be heading over to #b#m240000000##k and find out more... about the scales. Since #m240000000# is the land where dragons and Hafrings coexist, there's got to be more information there.
20402.1.stop.item.0 Hmmm? You didn't bring #b#t4001207##k with you? Please gather up the #t4001207#s that are laden with the power of curse.
20403.0.0 Hmm? #p1103000#? Of course I remember. Aren't you talking about the Knight that planned on investigating #t4001207#? He seemed very much a proper gentleman who fits the bill of a knight. Do you want to know where he went?
20403.0.yes.0 When I told #p1103000# the #t4001207#s he showed me were similar to that of #bthe Banished Dragon Race#k, he took off in hopes of encountering the Banished Dragon Race. The house of the Banished Dragon Race can only be accessed through #b#m240020401# or #m240020101#, so be careful#k.
20403.0.yes.1 Afterwards, I was never able to see #p1103000# again. I wonder if he got captured by the Banished Dragon Race. Recently, there have been reports of #rtheft on the dragon's eggs#k... Hopefully he's not engaged in that.
20403.0.no.0 Hmmm... I wonder what you're really looking for. Maybe my hearing has failed me, but... I don't know if your answer means yes or no.
20403.1.0 Who are you? Who told you you're welcome here? Don't be barging in on someone else's important research!\r\n#b#L0#Hi, did #p1103000# stop by anytime soon?#k
20403.1.1 #p1103000#? That blonde knight? Don't tell me you're one of them, too. Ahhh screw it. Screw it!!!
20403.1.ask 1
20403.1.yes.0 #t4001207# is trying to tell me something, but I have no idea what it's saying. I #bhate being in strange, dangerous areas, so I stay in this forest at all times. How are my scales supposedly out there being passed around?#k Are you trying to look down on me because I'm a Hafring?
20403.1.yes.1 Seriously, that old man Tatamo! I can see why he wouldn't like me, but that doesn't give him a right to make baseless assumptions! He should spend that time #rlooking for #o9001010#, the person responsible for stealing an egg#k...
20403.1.stop.npc.0 #p2081012#'s house is somehow connected in between #b#m240020101# and/or #m240020401##k...
20404.0.0 What are you doing staying here? Do you still have something else to take care of? Because I don't.\r\n#b#L0#You look bored. Do you want to hang out with me?#l\n#L1#Why does Tatamo not like you? #l\n#L2#Do you know what happened to #p1103000#? #l\n#L3#Please tell me more about the #o9001010# that you just mentioned.#l\n#k
20404.0.1 No I won't! Why should I do it? If you really want to know, then you better do something for me in return!
20404.0.ask 1
20404.0.stop.0.answer 4
20404.0.stop.0.0 Who, who, who's looking bored here! I'm not bored! NOT ONE BIT!
20404.0.stop.0.1 Who cares about that old man? I'm sure he's not happy that the creature that came out of his egg turned out to be only half-dragon. Well, I did blow up some things a number of times while experimenting in Leafre a while back, but he wouldn't be holding grudges for that, would he?
20404.0.stop.0.2 I told you I don't know! He was asking about the scales this and that, then he just left as if he gave up. He was persistent, that's for sure. He was trying to look for something else around Leafre but... I don't know.
20404.0.yes.0 Ahhh, really? So you'll do it? (Smiles) Great! I had been looking for a top-tier talent for this, anyway...
20404.0.yes.1 You know where this house is, right? It's located right in between #b#m240020401##k and #b#m240020101##k. Both areas contain some of the most dangerous monsters around, which means I can't leave my house! That's why I want you to go out there and eliminate all the #r#o8180000#s#k and #r#o8180001#s#k. You can do this, right?
20404.0.no.0 Then get out of here! Why are there so many unruly people barging into people's houses?
20404.1.0 Ohh... I really wasn't expecting this, but you did indeed defeat all the #o8180000#s and #o8180001#s. Hey... you're much stronger than I thought. I mean, I could have gone out there and wiped out the #o8180000#s and #o8180001#s myself, but... that was good work. Not bad for a human.
20404.1.yes.0 #o9001010#? She's a lady that lives way deep in the area around #rDragon's Nest#k, and... she's one scary woman. Apparently, she handles all those powerful monsters around Dragon's Nest with her eyes closed. Even scarier than that...
20404.1.yes.1 ...I overheard a number of Kentauruses gossiping around, and... they think she's the #rone responsible for the Egg-Theft#k. I don't know what she's trying to do with those eggs, but I don't think she'll be doing that for a good use. She just seems very dangerous...
20404.1.yes.2 Okay, the information ends here. I don't really like you, but since you helped me here, I'll give you an advice. I strongly advise you not to get too close to #o9001010#. You don't want to risk your life being associated it something like #o9001010#. Maybe that gentleman #r#p1103000# might have been swept by that, as well#k.
20404.1.stop.mob.0 Have you not wiped out #r#o8180000#s#k and #r#o8180001#s#k yet? Just wait around a bit longer. Those guys don't appear too often. What? You're saying why shouldn't I just go out if those guys don't come out? Are you kidding me? What would happen if I accidentally step out and immediately be atacked by those monsters? I can die from it!!
20407.1.0 ...You were able to defeat #o9001010#. Knight of Cygnus... I can feel that the curse is slowly fading away, and the queen is safe as well.
20407.1.yes.0 As #p1101001# who's job is to protect the goddess, I commend thee for your work.
20407.1.stop.mob.0 ...That lady right there is #r#o9001010# #p1104002##k... The source of all these things...! You better defeat #o9001010# to break the curse...!
20407.0.0 ...Yes... that lady... you see in front of you... she is #r#o9001010# #p1104002##k... She has casted the curse on all of Erev, which means... you'll need to defeat #o9001010# immediately! Other people have more stamina, but.. the queen... that's different.
20500.1.0 There's a special form of Mount only available to the Knights of Cygnus. If you are interested in it, then come visit #bErev#k. I will give you more information on it.
20500.0.0 Wow, you have already reached Level 50, yet... why are you still walking around like that? I mean, you've reached Level 50, and yet you are still walking around with your own feet. That's so far from the class that the Knights usually display..
20500.0.1 Well, your honor is your honor, but by doing that, you also risk bringing down the Goddess's class to your level as well. This is why I am here to give you a helpful pointer. It's called #bMonster Mount#k. Of course you're interested in this, right?
20501.0.0 Ah, you're here. Come to think of it, it's no surprise that you're here, since you wouldn't want to walk for the rest of your life... Anyway, here's the basic information on the Monster Mount.
20501.0.yes.0 Monster Mount can be learned through the #bMount Trainer #p1102002##k. Ahhh, you must be unfamiliar with #p1102002#. #p1102002# is at the #bTiti Incubation Room#k located at the southern part of Forest of Training, raising the Titi for his own Mount, so most knights can't meet up with him either.
20501.0.yes.1 Take this letter to #p1102002#, and he'll teach you the finer points of Monster Mount.
20501.0.no.0 Aren't you here to find out more about the Monster Mount? If not, then you must be really bored. If I were you, I'd spend this time training more towards the inevitable clash with Black Wizard.
20501.1.0 Ahh, a Knight of Cygnus here to formally learn how to perform the Monster Mount?
20501.1.yes.0 Psssh, #p1101002#. He doesn't need to write this letter, since it's obvious whoever's coming to me is probably from Erev, anyway.
20501.1.stop.npc.0 Have you yet to go on to #b#p1102002##k yet? Then let's pick up the pace now. It's not like Erev is a huge island that is tough to navigate. Don't tell me you can't find the #bTiti Incubation Room#k. Really?
20501.1.stop.item.0 Hmmm, I do know that you're a Knight of Cygnus, but... without #b#t4032115##k... I can't do it for you. We need to keep a form of formality in here, and I can't process this until you bring me the letter again.
20503.0.0 #t1902005# is up right now, but you can't ride it yet. First of all, #b#t1912005##k is nowhere to be found. If you ride on it without the fully-developed #t1912005#, then it'll open the floodgate for injuries that may affect #t1902005#'s mobility. Doesn't that mean we'll need #t1912005# first?
20503.0.yes.0 I'm not that terrible at making #t1912005#, but... the skills that are required to make #t1912005# can be best found through #b#p2060005##k of #bAqua Road#k. This is why I want you to head over to #p2060005# and buy #t1912005#. Take the introduction letter I gave you, and you'll be set.
20503.0.no.0 You're definitely on the impatient side, but even so, you can't ride on it right now. You shouldn't even think about it, ether.
20503.1.0 Are you the visitor of a zoo? What? Wait.. Oh, #t4032116#? Ahhh, you're from the Knights of Cygnus!
20503.1.stop.npc.0 Have you not gone to #b#p2060005##k to see him? So you haven't gone to the #b#m230000000# Zoo#k? He can be found somewhere at #bAqua Road#k.
20503.1.stop.item.0 Are you visiting the zoo? If not, then... what? #t1912005#? I'm sorry, but I just made #t1912005# out of a hobby, so I don't normally sell them. I may give it to #bsomeone I know#k.
20504.0.0 You must be the one that came to save #t1912005#! These days, there have been so many Knights eager to start the with the Mount that I have been overwhelmingly busy to keep up with the demand. Did you know that making #t1912005# is much easier to make, and that I'll need the #bitems#k to make #t1912005#...
20504.0.yes.0 Since you came here through #p1102002#'s recommendation, I'll give you a special discount. Let's see, so the price will be... #b10,000,000 mesos#k. Ah, you had a hard time trying to figure out with all those zero's? Let's just say it's worth #b10,000,000 mesos#k. A bit too expensive? But this is about as cheap as I can go.
20504.0.yes.1 Once you have gathered up enough mesos, I'll give you #t1912005#. I'll see you around.
20504.0.no.0 Ahhh, you must not have heard the story about the item cost. I'm sorry, but I can't just give it to you for free. I need to you to pay for this.
20504.1.0 So you did bring in all the money. Hold on for one second. Here's the #t1912005# that was made a long time ago.
20504.1.yes.0 Okay, now here's the #t1912005#. This will let you engage in Monster Mount in no time. Enjoy your ride~
20504.1.stop.item.0 Uh... hmmm... I'm sorry. I understand that #b10 million mesos#k are no chump change. Honestly, I can give it to you if I could, but the zoo needs more funding, and I'll need to pay #p2060006#, and...
20505.0.0 Oh, so you must have found a way to get #t1912005#. #p2060005# may not look the part, but he's very much a cheapskate. You... you must be quite something to pull this off. While you were out, I completed the training for #t1902005#. It should now be ready for the Mount.
20505.0.1 Now show me the #t1912005# that you brought here. Let's see if it fits well with #t1902005#.
20505.0.yes.0 It looks about right. Let's put it on #t1912005#...
20505.0.no.0 Hmmm? Do you need #t1912005# for something else? If you're planning on putting on some unnecessary accessory on it, then I suggest you stop.
20505.1.0 Okay, I have just given you the Monster Mount skill that will enable you to ride #t1902005# and #t1902005#.
20505.1.yes.0 Happy Monster Mount.
20506.0.0 Hmmm... aren't you the one that learned the concept of Monster Mount the other day? But how come you're here alone? What happened to your #t1902005#? What? You lost #t1902005#?
20506.0.1 What, what happened? #t1902005# is a fantasy creature that works unlike anything else in this world. If it stays away from its master for a prolonged period of time, it'll just disappear without a trace! You should ALWAYS keep it close to you!
20506.0.2 ...Sigh. All these lectures and advices won't bring it back anyway. I hope you learned your lesson. I'll give you another #t4220146#, and this time, please take care of it.
20506.0.yes.0 I'm not giving this to you because you're a good person. It's just unfortunate to see a Knight walking alone without a ride. Make sure to #bshare plenty of your experiences with it#k, so I can train it to become a formidable Mount.
20506.0.no.0 If you're not ready to ride one, I suggest you skip the Monster Mount for now.
20507.1.0 Please tell me you didn't forget where #p1102002# is. Wait... did you? You'll find #p1102002# at the #bTiti Incubation Room#k wouth of Forest of Training to raise #t1902005#.
20507.0.0 Oh no... you're at Level 100, and you're still riding a regular #t1902005#? That's so very unfortunate. How can you call yourself a Knight Sergeant when you are acting like just another regular Knight?
20507.0.1 I keep having to remind you this, but your actions do affect the Goddess's reputation as well. Please act accordingly with your status, for the sake of the Goddess. Go to #b#p1102002##k, and you'll learn more about #bEnhanced Monster Mount#k.
20508.1.0 It must be ready to shed now. Please hand me #t1902005# immediately.
20508.1.yes.0 I have prepared a warm room for this kid. Now wait for a little bit. I'll show you what needs to be done after placing the kid inside #t4220138# in order for it to begin the shedding.
20508.1.stop.item.0 Hmmm? What did you do with #t1902005#? Don't tell me you've lost it. It's a form of living that only begins to take shape as it serves you as its master, but remember that those creatures are fantasy creatures, first and foremost. If they stay away from their masters for too long, they'll disappear without a trace.
20508.0.0 Oh, you're here. I am astounded to see that your level has skyrocketed since the last time I saw you. Let's see... that means your #t1902005# should have also gained an incredible amount of experience as well. It is true that the more time you spent with #t1902005#, the more powerful it became.
20508.0.1 But it doesn't just become stronger out of the blue. In order take the abilities of #t1902005# to the next level, it must undergo shedding. Shedding is not an easy task, however, and it'll take a lot out of both itself and you as well. If you're still okay with that, then I'll help you do just that.
20508.0.yes.0 #b#t1902005# cannot be used as a mount during the shedding#k. When #t1902005# undergoes shedding, it'll use up so much of its stamina that I'll have to place it inside the #t4220138# and have it watched round the clock, so if you need #t1902005# to go somewhere and take care of some things, I suggest you take care of them all before the shedding. I'll have #t4220138# ready in the mean time.
20508.0.no.0 Hmmm... most people strive to become more powerful, but if that's your choice, then I respect that.
20509.0.0 I have now placed #t1902005# inside #t4220138#. It'll stay inside until the shedding is complete. In the mean time, it is your job to take care of #t1902005#. Remember that while it's shedding, you must feed it with high-quality food.
20509.0.1 #t1902005# that's inside #t4220138# must be fed with highly-nutritious #bConcentrated Formula#k. To complete the shedding, you'll need it feed it up to Level 3, and... the Formula can be found through #b#p2081004##k of #b#m240000000##k, so I suggest you go there and ask her to make one for you.
20509.0.yes.0 Make sure to bring it back when the shedding is complete. I'll take a look at it myself and see if it needs to be removed from #t4220138# or stay there for a bit longer.
20509.0.no.0 You must be worried about the daunting task of taking care of it, but what can you do? Once #t1902005# is inside #t4220138#, you can't remove it until the shedding is complete.
20510.0.0 Hmmm... #t1902005#'s shedding seems to have done well, but spending a long period of time inside #t4220138# has made it physically draining for it. You won't be able to use it as a Mount right now. It needs to be nourished.
20510.0.1 Oh yes! #p2060005# of #m230000000#! He's not only great at making saddles, he's also an expert at making #tsupplements#, which only makes sense since he's a master at taking care of sick animals. Go see #p2060005# and get some #b#t4032117##k for your #t1902005#'.
20510.0.yes.0 ...Eh...it is true that #p2060005#'s #t4032117# are pricey, but... what can you do? Think of it as an investment you'll make in transforming #t1902005# into #t1902006#. Go on now.
20510.0.no.0 ...Eh, #p2060005# won’t sell #t4032117# for an outrageous price for no reason. He knows you, so I'm sure you can cut a deal with him. Hopefully...
20510.1.0 Oh, you got the #t4032117#. It is quite expensive, but it is well worth it. Now let's go ahead and feed #t1902005# some much-needed supplements...
20510.1.yes.0 From here on out, do not call this kid #t1902005# anymore. It is now a bonafide #t1902006#! Now that the shedding is complete, your companion has just gotten much more powerful and formidable than ever before.
20510.1.stop.item.0 I suppose you haven't gotten #b#t4032117##k yet. I understand that it's quite pricey, since #b#p2060005##k is such a tightwad when it comes to money...
20511.0.0 Ah, you're the one that bought #t1912005# before, right? How's the mount? What? #t1902005# is currently shedding? Well, then that means you're here to feed it with some #bSpecial Supplements#k, right?
20511.0.yes.0 As you know, I can't give you the supplements for free. We don't have many visitors in this zoo, and the maintenance cost is on the rise, and Balrog's food costs a fortune, and...
20511.0.yes.1 We're under such a tight situation that I will just receive a small sum of mesos in return. Since you and I know one another, I will make it #b25,000,000 mesos#k. What? You aren't sure what the number says? It says #b25 million mesos#k.
20511.0.no.0 Were you able to score #t4032117# already? Since they are Special #t4032117# from #p2060005#, you wouldn't have been able to find it anywhere else. Remember, illegal, unsanctioned supplements are hazardous to #t1902005#'s health.
20511.1.0 Do you have the mesos ready? Well, here are the hand-made #t4032117# that consists of only the very best. Hope your #t1912005#'s shedding goes well!
20511.1.stop.item.0 Ah, I guess you don't have #b25 million mesos#k ready yet. I understand that it's a large sum of money, but it's a small price to pay for your #t1902005# to undergo a complete shedding, right?
20512.0.0 Shedding the #t1902005# that you have already lost once to #t1902006# will not be easy, since it already lost a lot of the experiences it had with you, so you'll have to fill those gaps with something else. Do you still wish to have you #t1902005# undergo shedding?
20512.0.yes.0 We now have no other choice. It's always best for you to use #t4220138# and carry it with you wherever you go as it undergoes shedding, but it's now too dangerous to do that, so let's bring it to my Special Glasshouse Room. While it sheds, you'll be bringing food in.
20512.0.yes.1 Accelerated Shedding requires even more nutrients than before, which means I'll need #b500 each of #t4000232#s, #t4000233#s, and #t4000234#s#k. Oh and make sure to get #b#t4032117##k from #p2060005# as well.
20512.0.yes.2 More than anything, the Special Glasshouse Room is created using rare crystals and Mithrils, which means the amount of gold and diamond used per each run costs a fortune. Each usage will cost you #b15 million mesos#k, so if you can't afford it, I suggest you not go through with it.
20512.0.no.0 I understand if you feel it's hard to keep it going. You'll just have to settle for #t1902005#...
20512.1.0 I can't believe you managed to not only bring in all the food, but also the usage fee as well. That's quite incredible, since I've seen so many people give up midway through because of the high demands for this process.
20512.1.1 Now hold on one second as we start the process of Accelerated Shedding.
20512.1.yes.0 Phew... thanks to the high quality of food, the Accelerated Shedding was successfully completed. Please make sure not to lose #t1902006# again, and take care of it as much as you can. The Monster Mount is an integral part of every Knight in this world.
20512.1.stop.item.0 Accelerated Shedding requires #b500 each of #t4000232#s, #t4000233#s, and #t4000234#s#k, along with #b#t4032117##k and the #bfee for the Special Glasshouse Room, which is 15 million mesos#k. Last but not least, you'll also need to bring in the #t1902005# to shed.
20521.0.0 Oh you made it here. Let's cut to the chase. There's a Mount that's different from all other Monster Mounts available only to the Knights of Cygnus. Unlike the regular Monster Mounts, this Mount uses Titi.
20521.0.1 Go to the #bIncubation Room#k that follows Forest of Training 3, and you'll find #b#p1102002# the Mount Trainer#k raising the Titis for Mounts. Go up to him and learn the intricacies of Mounts for Knights. Of course, this is for the glory of the queen.
20521.0.yes.0 I have just written you a letter of introduction. Show him the letter, and #p1102002# will teach you the Mounting. Hopefully the next time I see you, you'll be riding one of those.
20521.0.no.0 Hmm... do you honestly wish to keep moving from place to place with just your legs?
20521.1.0 Hmm? You must be a newly-minted Knight here. Are you here to learn how to Mount?
20521.1.yes.0 Psssh, #p1101002#. He doesn't need to write this letter, since it's obvious whoever's coming to me is probably from #m130000000# anyway.
20521.1.stop.npc.0 Have you yet to go on to #b#p1102002##k yet? Then let's pick up the pace now. It's not like #m130000000# is a huge island that is tough to navigate. Don't tell me you can't find the #bTiti Incubation Room#k. Really?
20521.1.stop.item.0 Hmmm, I do know that you're a Knight of Cygnus, but... without #b#t4032115##k... I can't do it for you. We need to keep a form of formality in here, and I can't process this until you bring me the letter again.
20523.0.0 #t1902005# is all grown up right now, but you can't ride it yet. First of all, #b#t1912005##k for Mounts must have bones that are more solid than regular #t1912005#, and that takes decades for it to happen. Of course, there's also a way where you won't need to wait that long.
20523.0.1 Do you know #b#p2060005##k of #b#m230000000##k? He has spent a long, long time taking care of animals, and along the way, made some unique discoveries. #bSpecial Supplements#k are one of those discoveries as well. All you need is #t4032117#, and #t1902005# will become healthy and sturdy enough to be Mounted on.
20523.0.2 Go to #m230000000# and purchase Special Supplements from #p2060005#. Please remember that they won't be cheap by any means.
20523.0.yes.0 In the mean time, I'll be here training #t1902005# so once it takes the supplements, it'll be ready to go.
20523.0.no.0 Hmmm... You've raised #t1902005# this far, and you're giving it up now? Don't you think all that time might go to waste if you are giving up now?
20523.1.0 So here are the supplements from #p2060005#. Let's feed this to #t1902005# right now. Haaah! Oh, this is really kicking in. It may be pricey, but #p2060005#'s supplements really do the trick. Okay, your #t1902005# is now ready to be mounted. Take good care of #t1902005#, okay?
20523.1.yes.0 I have also taught you the Monster Mount skill so you can actually ride #t1902005#. I have also given you a #t1912005# as a bonus, so happy Mounting!
20523.1.stop.item.0 Were you unable to obtain #b#t4032117##k? I understand... it's not cheap by any means.
20524.0.0 Oh hello there. It seems like there's a sudden flurry of Knights that have recently come here wanting to take up on the Monster Mount, and you're one of them. So how can I help you...? Ah, the supplements.
20524.0.1 Making those supplements aren't hard to do, but the ingredients that consist of these supplements are so rare and top-notch that... it can get a bit pricey. Are you sure you still want these supplements?
20524.0.yes.0 It's good to see that you're intent on buying these supplements. Since we've met before and all, I'll give you a discount and sell it to you for 10,000,000 mesos. I know there are a lot of zeros so let's make it clear. It'll cost you #r10 million mesos#k.
20524.0.yes.1 Talk to me when you're ready to purchase the supplements.
20524.0.no.0 You must be short on money right now. Isn't it romantic though, riding around the area on your Mount for decades without ever feeding it with the supplements...
20524.1.0 Wow, you really brought 10 million mesos? This will be enough to feed Balrog in the cold winter days... wait, excuse me. Anyway, here are the supplements you've requested.
20524.1.yes.0 Enjoy your Mount!
20525.0.0 What is it? Hmmm...? You lost #t1912005#? Hmmm... that's not good. You can't Mount without #t1912005#. Hmmm? You want another one? Well... we have a tight budget right now, and we cannot give out extra #t1912005#s to those that lost theirs. There are other knights out there... and as you know, #p1101002# is not one to extend budget on something like this...
20525.0.1 But, but that doesn't mean there's absolutely no way you can get another #t1912005#. You should make one yourself, no? All #t1912005#s are custom-made by #b#p2060005##k of #b#m230000000##k, so if you give him the materials for #t1912005# along with some money, you'll be able to get yourself a new #t1912005#. It won't be cheap by any means, but... that's the only way you'll be able to get #t1912005#.
20525.0.yes.0 Bring #b200 #t4000030#s#k, #b200 #t4000055#s#k, #b200 #t4000171#s#k... and #b5 million mesos#k to #p2060005#, and you'll be able to get yourself a new #t1912005#. Best of luck to you.
20525.0.no.0 Hmmm... that's unfortunate. You'll just have to use #t1902005# as an accessory.
20525.1.0 Hmmm? What is it that you need? I see that you're carrying a hefty amount of leather... WHAT? You want me to build a new #t1912005#? That won't be too difficult, but I have other work to do, so... I can't build one for you for free. What? You brought some money as well? In that case, I'll try my best to make one as soon as possible. Just give me the materials first!
20525.1.yes.0 Here's #t1912005#! Hope to see you again!
20525.1.stop.npc.0 Haven't you met with #p2060005# yet? Make sure to bring #b200 #t4000030#s#k, #b200 #t4000055#s#k, #b200 #t4000171#s#k... and #b5 million mesos#k to #p2060005#.
20525.1.stop.item.0 Hmm... what is it? You don’t look too happy. Wait, you have #t1902005#, but you don’t have #t1912005# with you.
20528.0.0 #t1902005#, with an extensive amount of experience stored in it, will become a much more powerful creature through shedding, but that'll also require some food that is much more nutritious and potent than the ones that are available. If you want to see if your #t1902005# can become as powerful as a dragon, how about feeding it with a #bspecial formula used for the dragons of #m240000000##k?
20528.0.yes.0 I want you to bring back the Concentrated Formula that #bPam#k makes. Formulas should be fed in different levels, and you'll need to bring #bLevel 1, Level 2, and Level 3 Concentrated Formulas, 3 each#k.
20528.0.yes.1 I'll be waiting.
20528.0.no.0 Hmmm... I take it that you are not interested in having your #t1902005# shed.
20528.1.0 Oh, so you were able to bring in all the Formulas. Now, let's go ahead and have #t1902005# undergo shedding. First, we'll feed it the Level 1 Formula... then Level 2... then Level 3...
20528.1.yes.0 That's some shedding there. Wait, it's not #t1902005# anymore, but #t1902006#. #t1902006# will be a much more formidable and trustworthy companion for you as you travel your way around the world. Happy Mounting.
20528.1.stop.item.0 Hmmm... I don't think you have brought the ingredients ready for shedding. #bPam#k of #b#m240000000##k is famous for making #bConcentrated Formulas#k for the #t1902005#s, and... I want you to purchase #b3 concentrated formulas from each level#k, then bring them back along with your #t1902005#.
20531.0.0 #b#p1102002# the Mount Trainer#k has been looking for you. It may have something to do with your Mount. I don't know the details, so you should hurry and go visit #p1102002# and show him your Mount.
20531.0.yes.0 I heard through the grapevine that your Mount may be at that stage where it may begin to get weakened... for more details, just go talk directly to #p1102002#.
20531.0.no.0 #p1102002# didn't look good when he was talking about your Mount, which means something's not right. But if you still insist on riding it, then I won't stop you.
20531.1.0 It's been a while, #h0#. I heard that you have become a Knight Commander. Congratulations, you deserve it. That being said, I notice that there's a problem with your Mount.
20531.1.stop.npc.0 Haven't you talked to #b#p1102002##k? He seemed very urgent. Please go see him immediately, because otherwise, it's you that will suffer from it.
20532.0.0 Mounts are not just a form of transportation, but rather your friend, your comrade, and your partner, which means your Mount will be heavily affected by your everyday actions. The more powerful you get, the more powerful it will become, as well, but there comes a time where your Mount will reach the ceiling.
20532.0.1 Your Mount has gained invaluable experience accompanying you on various places... but now that you have reached #bLevel 120, and became the Knight Commander, your Mount has reached its limit#k. In short, you have become too powerful for your Mount to catch up.
20532.0.2 It's always nice that you are getting stronger and wiser by the day, but I never expected the Mount to have a difficult time with it. I didn't see this coming at all. For now, let's place your Mount inside the Special Glasshouse Room and nurture it in a safe, soothing environment. I don't know how effective this will be, but it's better than just standing still.
20532.0.yes.0 As you know... the Special Glasshouse Room costs a hefty sum to operate, but this is for your Mount, so...
20532.0.yes.1 I understand that you feel a bit of pressure, but... I want you to bring #b50 million mesos#k along with your Mount. I will try to instill some newfound power into the Mount so it'll have no trouble catching up to your immense strength.
20532.0.no.0 Sigh... I can't guarantee that this will work, but this is the only thing I can think of. It's like when you fall into the water. You want to hold on to anything you can, right?
20532.1.0 Did you bring your Mount? Okay... now please give me 50 million mesos. Let's place your Mount inside the Special Glasshouse Room.
20533.0.0 Let's place your Mount inside the Special Glasshouse Room...
20533.0.1 ......
20533.0.2 Oh no!! Instead of catching up to your level, the Mount is rapidly getting weaker because it's away from your side! This is terrible... I am so sorry! It's all my fault!
20533.0.3 Ahhh... I can't just watch this weaken before my very eyes. What should I do... we can't just lose the Mount like... WAIT, that's it! I know of a way! We should ask #b#p1101001##k for help!
20533.0.yes.0 All Mounts for Knights originate from the fantasy creature created by #p1101001#... I am sure that #p1101001# may have a way to save this Mount. Take this Mount and go visit #p1101001# immediately!
20533.0.no.0 I hope there's another way to do this other than just asking #p1101001# for help, but... there's no such way! #p1101001# is the only person out there that is capable of helping you right now!
20533.1.ask 1
20533.1.0 The #t1902006# that you are with... Is a precious form of fanasy life that I have created with my own hands. These creatures have life breathed into them thanks to you, but now it looks like it has run its course and used up all of its power trying to catch up with you. I fear it's time for you to let #t1902006# go...\n#b#L0#Is there a way I can keep it around and not send it back to you?#l\n#L1#I'll send it back to you.#l\n#k
20533.1.1 You have already reached the point where #t1902006# can't possible handle your immense strength. Even if you decide to keep #t1902006# as is in this world, it will not show the same characteristics that have gotten you attached to this creature in the first place. It will be just a little more than a thorn on your side. Are you sure you still want #t1902006# with you?\n#b#L0#If that's the case, then I'll send #t1902006# back.#l\n#L1#Yes, I still do.#l\n#k
20533.1.2 #t1902006# is worn out and tired from sharing the long and arduous journey with you. It was just too fatigued to carry on any longer. If you stay with it, then you may be happy to have a travel companion, but it's not the case for #t1902006#... #t1902006# is just tired and ready to rest, and yet do you still want to keep it around as your companion?\n#b#L0#If #t1902006# is indeed miserable, then I'll let it go.#l\n#L1#No, I still want it by my side.#l\n#k
20533.1.3 Then alright. I will take #t1902006# back to the world where it originated from...
20533.1.yes.0 I have sent it away, but this #t1902006# seems like it wants to be with you. I am surprised to see that it's using its own powers to return to this world...
20533.1.yes.1 With your persistent will to be with #t1902006#, and vice versa, a new #t1902006# has been created. The name is #bDivine Bird#k. It is now independent enough where it doesn't need my help to stay in this world...
20533.1.yes.2 Congratulations on earning a travel companion for eternity...
20533.1.stop.0.answer 1
20533.1.stop.0.1 You don't miss it one bit?
20533.1.stop.1.answer 2
20533.1.stop.1.0 I find that very cold...
20533.1.stop.2.answer 1
20533.1.stop.2.1 Do you really need to do something that Titio does not want to do?
20533.1.stop.item.0 Where is your #t1902006#?
20534.0.0 What? You want to raise #t1902006# back to #b#t1902007##k? You should be thankful that you have raised your lost Mount to #t1902006#. Don't you think you're shooting for the moon here? For someone like you who manages to lose the precious Mount, you don't deserve to have #t1902007# with you.
20534.0.1 ...but since your #t1902006# longs to become #t1902007#, I guess I can't let it slide. Okay, since I managed to learn how to bring out #t1902007# from #p1101001# after what happened last time, this should not be a problem. I'll help you turn #t1902006# into #t1902007#.
20534.0.2 But I can't just do that to you for free. I need a promise from you, a promise from you that you'll never lose your Mount again. And to prove that, I want #b100 million mesos#k. If you pay that, I will raise your #t1902006# into #t1902007#. Do you find it expensive? Then you shouldn't have lost it in the first place.
20534.0.yes.0 Now please bring #t1902006# and 100 million mesos.
20534.0.no.0 Hmmm... if money is an issue, then there's nothing I can do. Just keep riding around town with your #t1902006#.
20534.1.0 Oh, did you manage to bring 100 million mesos? Okay, now we'll follow #p1101001#'s advice and place #t1902006# inside the Hyper Incubation Room, and let's have #t1902007# hatch out.
20534.1.yes.0 Please please please do not lose #t1902007#. It's your travel companion, for goodness sake. Please take care of it.
20600.1.0 I suggest you visit other Knight Commanders and ask for some words of advice. Who knows? You may be able to learn a #bnew skill#k in the process.
20600.0.0 #h0#. Have you been slacking off on training since reaching Level 100? We all know how powerful you are, but the training is not complete. Take a look at these Knight Commanders. They train day and night, preparing themselves for the possible encounter with the Black Wizard.
20601.1.0 You managed to bring #t4032120#. That's good. I see that you are qualified to learn a new skill. I will teach you a new skill now. Get ready.
20601.1.yes.0 I have just taught you a new skill for the Soul Master, #bBrandish#k. Use this skill for the good of the queen.
20601.1.stop.item.0 Were you not able to find #b#t4032120##k yet? #t4032120# can only be found at #bHall #3#k of #m130020000#.
20601.0.0 ...What is it? A new skill? ...#p1101002# must have mentioned something totally unnecessary. Yes, there is a new skill available, but you are not qualified to get one, with the level you are currently in. It's too dangerous for you to use it.\n#b#L0#I still want the skill.#l\n#L1#Since it's considered dangerous, then I have no choice but to...#l\n#k
20601.0.1 ...If you really want the skill, then there is a way. You'll have to prove it to me that you are worthy of learning the new skill. Of course, it's not going to be easy. You may even have to risk your life to do so. Do you still want to do it?
20601.0.ask 1
20601.0.stop.0.answer 1
20601.0.stop.0.1 Are you backing out because it's considered dangerous? That's not the way the Knights operate.
20601.0.yes.0 At the very end of Forest of Training is the Training Hall. The test will take place at #bHall #3#k, so I want you to go in there, take your best shot, and bring back #b#t4032120##k.
20601.0.no.0 ...I did warn you of the danger, but for you to actually back it out...
20602.0.0 ? What is it? Eh? A new, new skill? Are you talking to me, #p1101002#? I thought I told everyone to keep it a secret... anyway, there, there is a new skill out there, but... honestly I think it's too dangerous a skill for you to take on, and your level is too low.\n#b#L0#I still want to learn the skill.#l\n#L1#Since it's considered dangerous, I guess I won't...#l\n#k
20602.0.1 ...If you really want the skill, then there is a way. You, you will have to prove it to me that you are strong enough to handle this new skill. It will not be easy, and it may even be life-threatening. Do, do you still want to do it?
20602.0.ask 1
20602.0.stop.0.answer 1
20602.0.stop.0.1 Are you backing out because it's considered dangerous? I, I was expecting a different answer.
20602.0.yes.0 Head over to the end of Forest of Training, and you'll reach #m130020000#. Go to #bHall #3#k, take the test that's available there, and bring back #b#t4032121##k with you. Then, and only then I will teach you the new skill.
20602.0.no.0 ...That's good, but it's a bit... you know.. Unfortunate... no no, what am I saying? Safety first! Safety before power...
20602.1.0 Wow, you managed to bring back #t4032121#! That's amazing! I am so glad you brought it back. I was actually very concerned, you know. You, you are definitely ready to take on the new skill!
20602.1.yes.0 Here's the new skill for the Flame Wizard, #bIfrit#k! Please use it to your advantage!
20602.1.stop.item.0 I see that you were unable to acquire #b#t4032121##k. Enter #bHall #3#k at #m130020000#, take the test, and bring back #t4032121# with you. It, it's going to be quite dangerous, so please be ready for whatever.
20603.1.0 You managed to successfully bring back #t4032122#. I knew you wouldn't let me down. Okay, now that you have proven me that you are worthy of this new skill, here it is.
20603.1.yes.0 A news kill for the Wind Breakers, #bPoetry in Tornado#k. Please use this only when necessary.
20603.1.stop.item.0 I guess you were unable to acquire #b#t4032122##k. Head over to #m130020000#, enter #bHall #3#k, take the test, and bring back #t4032122# with you.
20603.0.0 ...What is it? A new skill...? #p1101002# must have spilled this secret. I am not surprised he did that. Yes, there is a new skill out there, but I believe your level is too low for that. It's just too dangerous.\n#b#L0#I still want to learn the skill.#l\n#L1#Since you say it's too dangerous......#l\n#k
20603.0.1 ...If you really want the skill, then there is a way. You will have to show me that you are capable of handling this new skill. It will not be easy, and it may even be life-threatening. Do, do you still want to do it?
20603.0.ask 1
20603.0.stop.0.answer 1
20603.0.stop.0.1 ...Sometimes, a risky proposition like this can do you a huge favor.
20603.0.yes.0 The test is set up at #bHall #3#k of #m130020000#. Take the test, and bring back #b#t4032122##k with you. If you can do that, then I will teach you the new skill.
20603.0.no.0 ...Yes, it was me that said no to it, but I have to say I am quite disappointed. I did not want to see you turn into a coward like that.
20604.1.0 You managed to bring back #t4032123# with you. Hmm... that's much better than I expected. Okay, you are now ready to take on the new skill.
20604.1.yes.0 I have just taught you a new skill for the Night Walkers, #bTriple Throw#k. Please use this to keep justice in this world.
20604.1.stop.item.0 Were you not able to acquire #b#t4032123##k yet? Go to #m130020000# and enter #bHall #3#k, where you'll take a test. If you pass it, you'll get it. Remember, you have to PASS it.
20604.0.0 What? A new skill? Where did you get that information? Of course, it has to be #p1101002#. Seriously, he's the worst. You're definitely not at that level where you can master the skill, and yet he's giving you false hopes by divulging in something like this. It's way too dangerous for you.\n#b#L0#I still want to learn the skill.#l\n#L1#If you say it's too dangerous, then...#l\n#k
20604.0.1 ...If you really want the skill, then I can tell you there is a way, but you must prove it to me that you can handle it. Otherwise, what's the point. Besides, this test might be life-threatening as well. Do you still want to do it?
20604.0.ask 1
20604.0.stop.0.answer 1
20604.0.stop.0.1 Wait, you didn't have to give up that quickly.
20604.0.yes.0 You know there's #m130020000# at the end of Forest of Training, right? Go to #bHall #3#k, take the test, and if you can pass it, bring #b#t4032123##k back with you. Then, and only then, will I teach you the new skill.
20604.0.no.0 Are you scared already? You can give up if you want, but I will call you a quitter from here on out.
20605.1.0 Whoa, you brought it back!! Are you okay? Is your EXP in tact? Wow, I am surprised! At least you proved it to me that you are worthy of learning this new skill. Here it is!
20605.1.yes.0 I will teach you a new skill for the Strikers, #bFist of Fury#k! Use it well, okay?
20605.1.stop.item.0 Were you not able to find #b#t4032124##k? Go to #bHall #3#k at #m130020000#, and you'll find it there! Getting it would be the hard part, but keep going.
20605.0.0 Hmmm? What is it? What? A new skill? How, how did you find out...? Ahhh... no one should have known this... well, well... there is a skill indeed, but it's too dangerous for someone at your level, so maybe later...\n#b#L0#I still want to learn the skill.#l\n#L1#Since you say it's too dangerous......#l\n#k
20605.0.1 Really? Hahaha! That's what I'm talking about! That's what a Striker should do! I'll tell you how to do it, as long as you can prove it to me that you are capable of handling this skill. All you need to do is pass the test, but the test is dangerous enough where you can even lose your life over it. Do you still want to do it?
20605.0.ask 1
20605.0.stop.0.answer 1
20605.0.stop.0.1 Wait, I didn't expect you to back out that easily. It's just a test...
20605.0.yes.0 Go to #m130020000#, and you'll reach #bHall #3#k. Take the test that's set up there, and bring back #b#t4032124##k, okay? Then I'll teach you the new skill.
20605.0.no.0 Are you not ready for it? A true Striker takes every challenge in stride and finds a way to overcome it, okay?
20610.1.0 #bKnight Commanders#k must have come up with another skill. Don't just stand here, find a way to learn that skill for yourself! I am sure the Knight Commanders will be against it, but... acquiring the skill will depend purely on your abilities.
20610.0.0 Have you been mastering your skills? I am sure you've mastered all your skills, which means... it's time for you to learn a #bnew skill#k, right?
20610.0.no.0 Well, what you're doing right now doesn't make you look like someone that's humble. You just look complacent by doing that, and that's never a good thing.
20611.0.0 ...What is it? A new skill? ...It must be #p1101002# again. I already know how stubborn you are with this, so I will teach you the skill, with one caveat of course.
20611.0.yes.0 Head over to #bHall #4#k of #m130020000#, and take the test. After that, bring back #t4032125#, and I will teach you the new skill as promised.
20611.0.no.0 Where did that stubborn will to succeed go? I miss that about you.
20611.1.0 I am impressed to see that you have brought back #t4032125#. You are definitely ready to learn this skill.
20611.1.yes.0 I will now teach you a new skill for the Soul Masters, #bAdvanced Combo#k. Use this skill to bring honor to the queen.
20611.1.stop.item.0 You have yet to bring back #b#t4032125##k, which is understandable. The test is set up at #bHall #4#k of #m130020000#. It's a similar spot, but the difficulty has been raised quite significantly.
20612.0.0 What is it? Eh? A new skill? Is it #p1101002# again?! I really, really told him to keep his mouth shut, but noo...! Fine, I know how you'll react to this, so yes there is a new skill, and yes, you need to pass the test.
20612.0.yes.0 Go over to #bHall #4#k of #m130020000#. Take the test there, and bring back #b#t4032126##k. It's not as simple and easy as it sounds, but if you can do it, I'll teach you the skill.
20612.0.no.0 What... what? Really? You, you don't seem as eager to acquire a new skill as you were before.
20612.1.0 Wow! You did manage to bring back #t4032126#! I am so glad you did! I'm relieved now, and yes, you deserve the skill. Here it is.
20612.1.yes.0 I have just taught you a new skill for the Flame Wizards, #bMeteo#k! Use this to your advantage!
20612.1.stop.item.0 Ah, were you not able to find #b#t4032126##k...? You can get it at #bHall #4#k of #m130020000#. Of course, you know that it's the getting part that's the hardest.
20613.0.0 What is it? A new skill? I can't believe #p1101002# spilled the information on that again, and I can't say I am surprised. Also, I had a feeling that you'd come back for that again. Okay, I'll teach you the skill, as long as you pass the test.
20613.0.yes.0 Head over to #bHall #4#k of #m130020000#, pass the test that's given to you, and bring back #b#t4032127##k so I can teach you the new skill.
20613.0.no.0 Just know that this test is significantly more difficult than the previous test. You can even take this test with your party members, if you feel that you need help. Recruiting your party members for this is in itself a skill, so I'll let you do that.
20613.1.0 Wow, you did manage to bring back #t4032127#. ...You... you're just incredible. Here's the new skill.
20613.1.yes.0 It's a new skill for the Wind Breakers, called #bBow Expert#k. Please put this skill to good use.
20613.1.stop.item.0 Ah, were you not able to find #b#t4032127##k...? You can get it at #bHall #4#k of #m130020000#. Of course, you know that it's the getting part that's the hardest.
20614.0.0 What? A new skill? Is it #p1101002# again? Seriously, I don't know what he's thinking... anyway, you won't even listen to me if I tell you that the skill isn't for you, so... as long as you pass the test, you'll learn the skill.
20614.0.yes.0 Head over to #bHall #4#k of #m130020000#, pass the test that's given to you, and bring back #b#t4032128##k so I can teach you the new skill.
20614.0.no.0 Eh? You seem to have lost a bit of your edge...
20614.1.0 Wow, you did bring #t4032128#. I knew you're good enough to do that. Okay, now that you've proven it to me that you deserve to learn the skill, here it is.
20614.1.yes.0 I have just taught you a new skill for the Night Walkers, #bVenom#k. Don't overuse it.
20614.1.stop.item.0 Ah, were you not able to find #b#t4032128##k...? You can get it at #bHall #4#k of #m130020000#. Of course, you know that it's the getting part that's the hardest.
20615.0.0 Eh? What is it? Huh? A new skill? How is this information leaking? I don't think other commanders are sharing this information. Anyway, since it's you, I have already given up on trying to convince you not to learn this skill. Just try passing this test.
20615.0.yes.0 Head over to #bHall #4#k of #m130020000#, pass the test that's given to you, and bring back #b#t4032129##k so I can teach you the new skill.
20615.0.no.0 Eh? You don't wan to do it? What is it? Is something wrong? This is not fun.
20615.1.0 Ohhh! You managed to bring back #t4032129#! I knew you'd be able to pull it off! Well, here's the new skill for you!
20615.1.yes.0 It's a new skill for the Strikers, #bWind Booster#k. Use it well, okay?
20615.1.stop.item.0 Ah, were you not able to find #b#t4032129##k...? You can get it at #bHall #4#k of #m130020000#. Of course, you know that it's the getting part that's the hardest.
20701.0.0 Ahahaha, so you're here! #p1101002# would have never let you out when you have just become a Knight-in-Training. I'm sure he said something alongs the line of you diligently training until you reach Level 13.
20701.0.1 What is there to do, except train anyway. This is all for your own good, and for the good of the Knights of Cygnus. Now let's work on the training.
20701.0.yes.0 The training you are about to undergo is getting acclimated to monsters outside Erev, which means you are training for the real world. You'll need to do that sooner or later, anyway.
20701.0.yes.1 Go to the end of Forest of Training, and you'll encounter a number of entrances. Your job is to enter #bHall #1#k and take on a number of #r#o9300271#s#k that are specialized for this training. I want you to defeat #r30#k of them.
20701.0.no.0 Hmmm? What is it? If you don't like the way #p1101002# talks, then don't mind him. He's always like that anyway, so you might as well get used to him.
20701.1.0 Ohhh, you managed to defeat 30 #o9300271#s. That's fast. If you keep up this pace, this training might be a breeze.
20701.1.yes.0 Talk to me when you're ready to take on the next step.
20701.1.stop.mob.0 I don't think you have defeated #r30 #o9300271#s#k yet. Go to the end of Forest of Training and take the entrance to #bHall #1#k. Your job is to defeat 30 #o9300271#s, okay?
20702.0.0 Okay, are you ready to take on the next training session? I'm sure #p1101002# told you this, but if you talk to #p1101001#, you'll be divinely blessed, which will help you go through the training that much easier. If you forgot to do so, then go get it right now. Are you ready?
20702.0.yes.0 This time, the target is #r#o9300272##k, a monster you'll run into quite often in Victoria Island. Honestly, I've never been there, so I don't know if that statement is legit.
20702.0.yes.1 Like I said last time, enter #bHall #1#k and you'll see a group of #o9300272#s ready to battle. I need you to defeat #r30#k of them.
20702.0.no.0 If you forgot something, then I suggest you take care of that first before going off to battle. There's nothing worse than looking for an item in the heat of the battle, only to realize you left it at home.
20702.1.0 Oh, did you just manage to defeat 30 #o9300272#s? I have to say, you're doing quite well right now. Let's do one final session. Talk to me when you are ready.
20702.1.stop.mob.0 I don't think you have defeated #r30 #o9300272#s#k yet. Don't tell me you've gone all the way to Victoria Island in search of #o9300272#, right? Find the entrance to #bHall #1#k at the end of Forest of Training, and you'll see a number of #o9300272#s ready to battle.
20703.0.0 Are you ready to start the next training session? You did receive the blessings from #p1101001#, right? Then let's get this started. This is the final chapter of the Monster Acclimation Training, which means after you pass this, you will be pressed into real duties!
20703.0.yes.0 The target for this session is #o9300273#. They are very much aggressive creatures, and they definitely look the part as well. You'll find a number of those creatures inside #bHall #1#k, so go ahead and defeat #r30#k of them.
20703.0.no.0 Your real Knight duties are coming up soon. Aren't you excited to have one? Get this training session over with so you can take on the real duties!
20703.1.0 I see that you have eliminated all the #o9300273#s. Great work there! Do you feel like you can do well out of this island and in the Victoria Island?
20703.1.yes.0 This marks the end of the Monster Acclimation Training sessions. You'll do well and not only survive, but thrive in Victoria Island. You will be thrown into fire, but I believe in you enough that you will find no trouble persevering through all that!
20703.1.yes.1 Your true duties begin now. Once you reach Level 13, talk to #p1101002# and he will give you a list of duties you'll have to take on. Please serve and honor the queen well, and do not engage in activities that may jeopardize your standings in the Knights of Cygnus.
20703.1.stop.mob.0 I don’t think you have defeated #r30 #o9300273#s#k yet...? There are a lot of #o9300273#s set up at #bHall #1#k, so all you need to do is just go there and battle. They are no different than #o1210100#s in #m104010001#, so you don't need to go too far to do that.
20704.0.0 I see that you have reached Level 13. Okay, from here on out, as an official member of the Knights of Cygnus, you will receive official assignments that will be given to you from the headquarters. Do you want to know what your duties are? Let me explain them.
20704.0.1 Your duties, your assignments are detailed tasks given to you to fulfill as a member of the Knights of Cygnus. That's because if one person takes on all of the duties such as strengthening one's self, while at the same time investigating Black Wizard and preventing his warriors from invading, the person will burn out in no time.
20704.0.2 We have delegated the duties for a more effective way of facing the Black Wizard and his warriors. Everyone presents different, but appropriate set of skills depending on the circumstances, and this is a way of doing that.
20704.0.3 The duty that most suits you at this point is... #bworking at #m100000000##k. Since you'll be sent there for your duties, you will be away from Erev for a forseeable future. If you have some unfinished business to take care of, then you should take care of them right now. If you are ready to take on the tasks immediately, then press Accept.
20704.0.yes.0 Head over to #m100000000#, where you'll run into #bAgent #p1103001##k, who's there to gather up information on the Black Wizard. Secrecy is of utmost importance as an Agent, so you won't be able to find him easily. Your first task is to contact him.
20704.0.yes.1 Your duties after the meeting will be instructed by him. Please make sure to receive the blessing from #p1101001# before leaving Erev. May your efforts bring glory to the queen.
20704.0.no.0 If you have some unfinished business to take care of in Erev, do so now before taking on the assignment.
20704.1.0 Are you an agent from Erev by chance? Wow, it's nice to see you! It's been such a long time since I last met anyone from the Knights of Cygnus. How's Erev? Is Oz still the same old? Ahhh... I must be really missing Erev if I am admitting to missing #p1101002#...!
20704.1.stop.npc.0 The agent in charge of #b#m100000000##k is #b#p1103001##k. He's either hiding himself somewhere in #m100000000#, or others. Your first duty is to find that wrestler.
20705.0.0 Wait, we have no time for this. We've been short on workers agents anyway, so I'm glad you're on board. Lately #m100000000# has been chaotic to say the least, and there have been informations on the monsters of the Black Wizard. What's the information? Well...
20705.0.yes.0 Have you heard of the monster called #o1210102#? You've seen them while you were in Erev taking on the Acclimation Training, right? Okay so apparently, some of the #o1210102#s in #m100000000# have been displaying some suspicious behavior. They've been looking around with a sadistic look on their faces, and they are always found together.
20705.0.yes.1 Considerng that #o1210102#s are famous for their black, yet bright smiles, this sounds quite a bit odd, don't you think? After further investigation, they were collectively under the spell from Black Wizard, and with the Wizard's instruction, they are now ready to attack town anytime soon. Please make sure #o1210102#'s plans do not go as planned!
20705.0.yes.2 Regular #o1210102#s have no clue. All you need to do is hunt down the suspicious-looking #r#o9300274#s#k around #m100000000#. I suspect their home is #bsomewhere east of town#k... I need you to defeat #r50#k of them. Thanks, and good luck!
20705.0.yes.3 Oh, and if you find any suspicious items while hunting #o9300274#, then please bring it back to me. I have a feeling there's something more to it than just those monsters.
20705.0.no.0 Hmm... since our conversation has to be discreet, do you want to meet up somewhere more discreet? Where's a discreet place to meet up in #m100000000#? I don't think there is one though... let's just talk here.
20705.1.0 Wow, you were able to defeat all 50 #o9300274#s! That was quite incredible, I say. Knights are definitely more dependable than others. Thanks to your help, we were able to prevent #o1210102#s from taking over #m100000000#!
20705.1.yes.0 I'll stay here and look for Black Wizard's whereabouts. I'll contact you the moment I spot something abnormal, so in the mean time, I'd like for you to keep training to make yourself a more powerful Knight. A good site for training can be #bHenesys Hunting Ground 1#k. Come see me when you reach #bLevel 14#k!
20705.1.stop.item.0 Were you not able to defeat #r50 #o9300274#s#k? They should be near #m100000000#. I hear that somewhere around #b#m100010000##k. there's a secret path that leads to their home...
20705.1.stop.mob.0 Were you not able to defeat #r50 #o9300274#s#k? They should be near #m100000000#. I hear that somewhere around #b#m100010000##k. there's a secret path that leads to their home...
20706.0.0 I have just received a big news! I can't disclose the name, but a girl in #m100010000# apparently found a group of suspicious shadows moving in #b#m100020000##k. Doesn't that sound suspicious? I think it's something we should look into!
20706.0.yes.0 I want you to go into #m100020000# and search the grassy areas, especially the ones in betwee the weeds and thickets. If you can find anything, ANYTHING, let me know, okay?
20706.0.yes.1 Just in case you are not sure how to search for things... #buse your cursor to roam everywhere around the screen until you find something you can click on. When you spot something you can click on, click on it immediately#k.
20706.0.no.0 Eh? Doesn't it sound suspicious enough? Other than that, I haven't received much information on Black Wizard...
20706.1.0 So you spotted a black shadow in between the forest? Ahh... it would have been nice if we could have captured him. But if it is indeed one of Black Wizard's men, then there's no way he would have been caught that easily.
20706.1.yes.0 Thank you so much for your help! I'll be here continually checking on them, so I want you to keep training until the next big mission comes up, okay?
20707.0.0 Oh no, we're in deep trouble! #o1210100#s in #m100020100# have revolted! I have a feeling that's because we spotted the black shadows too alte. Ahhh, we should have done something about it when we found a shadow at the Pig Farm. We must prevent the #o1210100#s from taking this any further!
20707.0.yes.0 Please go and battle #o1210100#s and #o1210101#s, while preventing #o1210100#s from creating more chaos. If you can defeat #r100 #o1210100#s#k and #r50 #o1210101#s#k, they'll know what they're running against and stop. Oh, and... while you're hunting #o1210100#, if you ever come across an item called #b#t4032130##k, please pick it up and give it to me as well! It's not 100% confirmed, but I think I have a general idea of what that item is...
20707.0.no.0 Ahhh, we are running out of time! Once the #o1210100#s start revolting, you'll no longer be able to enjoy pork. Is that okay with you?
20707.1.0 Wow, you were able to snuff out #o1210100#s' revolt! That was awesome! I think it's safe to say you are the #b#o1210100#s' worst nightmare#k, no? Okay... maybe not.
20707.1.1 ...Hmmm, and that is... #t4032130#? I wasn't sure if it was accurate, so I wasn't sure if you'd bring it to me, but since you did... maybe that was the correct information...
20707.1.yes.0 ...Maybe this all came about because of this doll...
20707.1.stop.item.0 Please defeat #r100 #o1210100#s#k and #r50 #o1210101#s#k so you can prevent the #o1210100#s from revolting any further. Oh, and if you find #t4032130#, then give me that too! Ahhh, I don't even want to imagine life without pork!
20707.1.stop.mob.0 Please defeat #r200 #o1210100#s#k so you can prevent the #o1210100#s from revolting any further. Oh, and if you find #t4032130#, then give me that too! Ahhh, I don't even want to imagine life without pork!
20708.0.0 Hmmm... sorry about that. I just had to think about something. We'll need more information to have a clear picture of what's going to happen, but... since you were able to control the #o1210100#s, this assignment on #m100000000# is complete, I believe. We'll just need to report the results to #p1101002#.
20708.0.yes.0 Please hand this #bMission Report#k and #b#t4032131##k to #b#p1101002##k. He'll take care of the rest, so... oh, and your next assignment will also be given by #p1101002#. Maybe we'll cross paths again with another assignment down the road. Til then...
20708.0.no.0 I'm not 100% sure on this, but since the #o1210100#s' revolt was stopped before it got out of control, I believe they realized that #m100000000# may be a hard place for them to conquer, so they may stay low for a while, so I believe it's a good time for us to compile a report on what we have found so far.
20708.1.0 I suppose you have successfully completed your assignment at #m100000000#. #p1103001# probably gave you an item that you should give to me. Ah, is that it?
20708.1.yes.0 Okay, so I received the report and the item related to it. I wasn't sure if it was true, but it is indeed a #rdoll#k... Hmmm... anyway, I'll contact you when new missions come to light. In the mean time, I would like for you to train constantly so you can be counted on when the time comes.
20708.1.yes.1 Now that you are quite familiar with #m100000000#, maybe you can spend some time training in places like #m100020100#. I'll see you... when you reach around ... #bLevel 16#k.
20708.1.stop.npc.0 Wait, haven't you gone to #b#p1101002##k yet? He won't be very pleased if you make him wait, and he'll let you know about it. Please deliver the report and the doll to him.
20708.1.stop.item.0 Hmmm... How in the world did you work at #m100000000#? If you have completed your assignment, you should have a Mission Report with you, and yet your hands are empty. Did you lose it by chance? If you did, you better go talk to #b#p1103001##k.
20709.1.0 ...What is this, are you the Knight that's assigned to #m103000000#? You look pretty weak... what can you do? This neighborhood isn't even the best neighborhood in town.
20709.1.stop.npc.0 Haven't you gone to #m103000000# yet? Your laziness is quite appalling. Victoria Island itself isn't a huge island in any sense of the word.
20709.1.stop.npc.1 Haven't you gone to #m103000000# yet? Your laziness is quite appalling. Victoria Island itself isn't a huge island in any sense of the word.
20709.0.0 Have you been training diligently? I have a new assignment for you. I want you to head over to #b#m103000000##k in Victoria Island. Your mission is to go there and contact #bAgent #p1103002##k in Victoria Island, who's gathering up valuable information on Black Wizard and his crew.
20709.0.yes.0 #p1103002# will brief you on the rest of the assignment. May your efforts bring glory to the queen.
20709.0.no.0 If you're not ready to handle this, you can always return to Erev and train from scratch. I do know that that will not bring some newfound courage that you never had in you.
20710.0.0 You don't really instill confidence in me, but since you're a Knight of Cygnus and all... and since no one else can go on a search right now... Okay, let me explain to you what this mission is about.
20710.0.yes.0 According to the information we acquired recently, the subways in #m103000000# are apparently full of strange dolls. Jake told me this, so I'm quite sure it's true. Those dolls do seem quite suspiscious... so I want you to bring #t4032136# back to me.
20710.0.yes.1 Jake said any dolls found inside the subway have all been thrown out, so if you go through the trash can, then maybe you'll be able to find one. Good luck!
20710.0.no.0 What? Are you declining the mission? Fine, do it like that. I'll just report it straight to #p1101002#.
20710.1.0 Oh, you managed to bring #t4032136# with you! Not bad... I thought you'd be too queasy to go through trash. Not bad, not bad.
20710.1.yes.0 Hold on for a minute while I run through this doll. I'll need to make sure that this is the same one as the one found in #m100000000#.
20710.1.stop.item.0 Were you not able to find #b#t4032136##k? I told you to go through the #bsubway trashcan#k for that.
20711.0.0 Okay, bad news. The doll you found inside the trash can is fake! I think the real dolls have already been absorbed by #o1210103#! In this case, your mission right now is to eliminate #o1210103# and bring back #t4032137# in return. You can do it, right?
20711.0.yes.0 I'll need you to slay about #r100 #o1210103#s#k, and bring back #b30 #t4032137#s#k from #o1210103#. That should be enough to have at least one real doll mixed in.
20711.0.no.0 What? You refurse to do it? Do you want me to file a report to #p1101002# right this minute?
20711.1.0 Okay so you managed to defeat #o1210103# and bring back the doll. Let's see...
20711.1.yes.0 ...Come to think of it, that's a lot of dolls you brought here. How am I ever going to find out which one of these is real? Okay... so while I go through these dolls one by one, I want you to go out and train... I mean, see me when you reach #bLevel 17#k.
20711.1.stop.npc.0 Please defeat #r100 #o1210103#s#k and bring back #b30 #t4032137#s#k. That should be enough that the odds are in our favor that at least one of them is real.
20711.1.stop.item.0 Please defeat #r100 #o1210103#s#k and bring back #b30 #t4032137#s#k. That should be enough that the odds are in our favor that at least one of them is real.
20712.0.0 There were so many dolls to look into that there's no way I can tell which one is which. This is why quantity over quality isn't necessarily a good thing even in gathering up evidences. Anyway, I needed major help so I wound up contacting #b#p9000008##k and asked for help in finding the real doll, so I want you to go get it for me.
20712.0.yes.0 I don't know about anything else, but #p9000008# definitely has an eye for things like this, so I'm sure we have the real doll plucked out from the mass. Just go get it for me, will you?
20712.0.no.0 Wait, you're not going to go? Are you ready to be ridiculed by #p1101002#, then?
20712.1.0 Good thing you managed to bring back #t4032138#. What? #p9000008# was complaining that he didn't get paid for this? Hmmm! Taking care of the mission is more important in the grand scheme of things, don't you agree? As long as we found the doll, we're good, right?
20712.1.yes.0 Hmmm, anyway, we did wind up finding the real #t4032138#.
20712.1.stop.item.0 Please go see #b#p9000008##k and bring back the real #b#t4032138##k. He probably already had it separated from the rest.
20713.0.0 Are you here for that doll #p1103002# asked for, ha? I can't give you the doll, ha! #p1103002# never paid for this, ha! If you can't pay for it, do something for me then, ha!
20713.0.yes.0 Inside the subway, there's a lot of #o1210103#, ha! I need you to get me some #b#t4032139#s#k from #r#o1210103##k, ha! If you can get me #b10#k of them, I'll give you the real #t4032138#, ha!
20713.0.no.0 If you can't do it, then forget it, ha! I can't give you the doll for free!
20713.1.0 You found the key, ha? Let me see... hmmm... this is good, ha! Let's trade that key for #t4032138#, ha!
20713.1.yes.0 Also, tell #p1103002# to pay his I.O.U.'s, ha!
20713.1.stop.item.0 Did you not find #b10 #t4032139#s#k, ha? You can easily find them through #r#o1210103##k in the subway, ha!
20714.0.0 I kept going through the records, but I think we're pretty much done with our mission here in #m103000000#. Here's the written report, so I want you to take this and #t4032140# and hand them to #b#p1101002##k for me, okay?
20714.0.yes.0 I probably won't see you unless you receive another assignment here in #m103000000#. Based on the fact that you worked with me even with my rather unfriendly personality, I really think you'll become a great Knight. Don't be a stranger, okay?
20714.0.no.0 #p1101002#! There's a Knight here that is really trying to coast through the assignment! Make sure to do things right before I really say these words to #p1101002#.
20714.1.0 So it looks like you have completed the assignment in #m103000000#. There sould be a report from #p1103002#... Yes, that's it.
20714.1.yes.0 With the report comes the doll, again. Does this mean the #rPuppeteer#k is the one in charge? Hmmm... ah, I suppose you haven't been filled in with details about this.
20714.1.yes.1 Based on the information we have gathered over the last few months, we manage to discover that one of Black Wizard's men has the ability to control monsters through dolls. We don't know the exact name, and the Knights refer to him as just a Puppeteer.
20714.1.yes.2 I do believe that these events that have taken place recently are closely linked to that of the Puppeteer. We do not have a concrete evidence for that as of yet, so we need to find more information. Well, even if you do, you won't be able to face off against the Puppeteer with the level you're in right now, so I will more than likely not give you the assignment anyway. I'll see you when you reach #bLevel 18#k.
20714.1.stop.npc.0 Have you not gone to see #b#p1101002##k yet? What do you have to do here in #m103000000#? Just do whatever and hand in the report for me. Something just doesn't seem right.
20714.1.stop.item.0 Hmmm... What happened to your assignment in #m103000000#? If you have completed the assignment, you should have come back with the report that #p1103002# wrote up. Did you lose it by any chance? If you did, go back to #m103000000# and get another one from #b#p1103002##k.
20715.0.0 Has your level gone up? I'm asking you this because I have a new assignment for you. This time, I want you to head over to #b#m101000000##k of Victoria Island. There, you should contact #bAgent #p1103003##k and help her gather up information on Black Wizard.
20715.0.yes.0 This assignment came about because #p1103003# requested an emergency help. #p1103003# is #ba bit quirky, to say the least#k, but she is a capable agent who takes care of her business, so even if you find yourself puzzled by her actions, just follow her. That being said, finding #p1103003# itself will be quite a challange.
20715.0.no.0 Okay, if you have something to take care of, then that's understandable. We'll see if you will become a bonafide Knight later on after your training stages are completed.
20715.1.0 Who... who... who are you? Wait, I've seen you before. You're one of the new Knights featured on the list that #p1103001# gave me! You're the one that's going to help me here at #m101000000#! ...Wait! Don’t look at me! The eyes of Black Wizard might be spread out all the way up to here.
20715.1.yes.0 Back, back up a bit, then look the other way before talking to me. Do not raise your voice!
20715.1.stop.npc.0 Have you not met #b#p1103003##k yet? She should be at #b#m101000000##k in Victoria Island. She's always suspicious of things, so it may not be easy to spot her...
20716.0.0 You, you are aware that there have been a number of unfortunate events related to the puppeteer, right? No one knows how these monsters are being controlled by a central power. Everything around here needs to be scrutinized and suspected. Come to think of it... don't you think #b#p1032100##k is a tad bit suspicious as well?
20716.0.1 Arwen seems strange! Otherwise, how else can you explain the fact that she always, always loses her glass shoes? A fairy who loves forest, and she's standing in #m102000000#! I think she's just doing that to disturb the great people of Maple. Maybe #rshe's being controlled by the puppeteer#k! We need to look into this!
20716.0.yes.0 There's one way we can tell whether Arwen is controlled or not: #b#t4032142##k, which can only be purchased at #b#m101010103##k ... For a pure Fairy, it works as a potent medicine, but for a devious character, it turns into a poison. Can you give that to Arwen for me?
20716.0.yes.1 If Arwen comes out unscathed from this.. Then great. If not... hahaha... like I said, everything that seems remotely suspicious must be investigated.
20716.0.no.0 What? You don't want to do this with me? How can you say that? If Arwen winds up working for Black Wizard, then will you take the full responsibility for this?
20716.1.0 What is it? I am not fond of humans... wait, is that #t4032142#? Is that for me? I can't believe there's a human being out there that is sensitive enough to offer me something as great as this. I knew my beauty would work in the human world, as well.
20716.1.yes.0 Thank you. This will make my skin look 10 years younger. Yay!
20716.1.yes.1 #b(Arwen seems unaffected by it. Too unaffected.)#k
20716.1.stop.npc.0 Haven't you gone to see Arwen yet? I thought I told you to find #t4032142# at #m101010103#, and give her the medicine.
20716.1.stop.item.0 What does a human need from me? Are you here to give me the glass shoes?
20717.0.0 I think the plants at #m101000000# all seem suspicious! You know, the ones that grow from #b#m101010000##k.\n#b#L0#(...I can't believe she's completely neglecting to mention Arwen!)#l\n#k
20717.0.1 Lately, the fruits from those plants seem stranger than before. It was right around that time where the fruits begin springing out from the plants, so I just took a bite out of it, and next thing I knew, my body was burning and I eventually passed out! I am 100% sure this is their attempt to assasinate me! We must investigate this fruit!
20717.0.ask 1
20717.0.stop.0.answer 1
20717.0.yes.0 If you strike #bplants that grow in #m101010000##k, they'll drop some fruits every once in a while. If you can get me #b10 #t4032143#s#k, then we'll be able to find out if the Black Wizard poisoned these fruits to kill us.
20717.0.yes.1 The plants look like this....\n\n#i4032206#\n\nRemember, it only works if you strike it with your regular attack!
20717.0.no.0 How... how can you say that? My life is in danger here!
20717.1.0 Did you bring #t4032143#? Hold on one second. Let me see this chart, and see if any of them have any flaws.
20717.1.yes.0 ...Eating fruits that grow around this time of the year may be subject to #rfood poisoning#k...
20717.1.stop.item.0 Were you not able to find #b10 #t4032143#s#k yet? Step out of #m101000000#, and you'll find a number of #bplants that resemble a fernbrake#k. #bStrike#k those plants with regular attacks, and #t4032143# will be dropped from those plants.
20718.0.0 I don't know if you are aware of this, but the chief of #m101000000#, #p1032001#, used to lay his hands on a dangerous form of magic. These days, he stays clear from the past and moved on to become a wiseman, but since he does have a past, his name is always mentioned on the list.
20718.0.1 I received a word that the puppeteer may be connected to him. It is true that his forte used to be putting curses on the dolls, so it's not totally out of question, so I'd appreciate it if you can find out some more information on #p1032001#.
20718.0.yes.0 I will bring #p1032001# out by telling him that I need to talk to him about something. While I hold on to #p1032001#, your job is to enter #p1032001#'s #b#m101000003##k and #bsearch through every part of his library#k. This is just in case we find an item that may put all of us in grave danger.
20718.0.no.0 Appearance-wise, #p1032001# has the look of a warm-hearted old wizard, but... appearance is definitely not everything. We can only prevent the rebirth of Black Wizard by questioning everything we see.
20718.1.0 ...a black shadowy figure came out and attacked you? How can this take place at #p1032001#'s house? This sounds like one big conspiracy here...
20718.1.yes.0 I'll have to sort this all out in my mind. Talk to me in a bit.
20719.0.0 I believe that the puppeteer suspected that the Knights of Cygnus might be suspicious of #p1032001#, and #bdeliberately entered #m101000003# to put in a trap#k in hopes of confusing us. If you weren't at #p1032001#'s house while #p1032001# was gone, then we would have all fell for it.
20719.0.1 But I was talking to #p1032001# while you were battling the shadow. #p1032001#'s alibi matches. This proves that #b#p1032001# is innocent from all this.
20719.0.2 More than anything, I'm glad that our efforts helped us find the puppeteer and prevented him from making a bigger impact in this town. I have a feeling the puppeteer will stay clear from #m101000000# for a forseeable future. This will pretty much conclude the assignment here in #m101000000#. Here's the Mission Report, so please take this to #b#p1101002##k for me.
20719.0.yes.0 Thanks to your help, we were able to protect #m101000000# without any damages. Thank you for your flawless work. I will keep my senses heightened and question everything here in #m101000000# so that nothing else will materialize. Until next time...
20719.0.no.0 Why, what's going on? Are you suspecting that the Report might be tainted?
20719.1.0 It looks like you took care of the assignment in #m101000000#. Let's see #t4032144#.
20719.1.yes.0 She may seem paranoid at times, but #p1103003# is indeed an outstanding agent. If it wasn't for her paranoia, we would not have been able to save #m101000000# from the wrath of the puppeteer.
20719.1.yes.1 I have to commend you on your performance, as well. The puppeteer did everything he could to throw you off, but you prevented things from escalating by forming a team with #p1103003#. This will help your status soar within the Knights of Cygnus.
20719.1.yes.2 I am worried that the puppeteer seems to be expanding his working areas. He can't do all this by himself... which means... he might be with #rthem#k?
20719.1.yes.3 Healthy, powerful body is essential in preventing the puppeteer from wrecking havoc in the world of Maple. While other agents concentrate on gathering up information, I want you to concentrate on training so you can make yourself stronger for more difficult missions that may lay ahead. I need you to be at least at #bLevel 25#k in order for me to give you the next assignment.
20719.1.stop.npc.0 Haven't you gone to see #b#p1101002##k yet? Reports need to be promptly made. If you need to investigate something else, then I'll help you with it.
20719.1.stop.item.0 Have you completed your assignment at #m101000000#? If so, then where's the #t4032144#? If you lost it, go talk to #b#p1103003##k and ask her to write another one.
20720.0.0 How's the leveling up so far? By this time, you might be able to participate in the Party Quest at #m103000000#. Leveling up is important, yes, but we need you now to take on a mission as a Knight of Cygnus. We just received a new information that may help us.
20720.1.0 This mission is closely related to #m102000000#... Please stop by #bErev#k first before heading off to #m102000000#. We need you to deliver an item that is related to this mission to an informant in #m102000000#. See you soon at Erev.
20721.0.0 You're here. Unlike other assignments, this one will start here, and that's why I have asked you to come all the way to Erev.
20721.0.1 Your assignment is to deliver an item. You must take #t4032145# and deliver it to #bAgent #p1103004##k somewhere in #b#m102000000##k.
20721.0.yes.0 After the delivery, #p1103004# will brief you on the rest of your assignment. You will know where #t4032145# will be used later on.
20721.0.no.0 Now that you're in Erev, do you have some unfinished business to take care of? If so, then I'll just wait for you.
20721.1.0 You're one of those rookie Knights, right? Your name is... #h0#? I heard a lot about you through #p1103001#, #p1103002#, and #p1103003#. Nice to meet you, my name is Agent #p1103004#, and #m102000000# is my district. Weird name, right? I named myself after the residents of #m102000000# in hopes of blending in, and... that's what happened.
20721.1.yes.0 Ah, so this is the #t4032145# that #p1101002# was talking about. Before starting the mission, I must start #t4032145# first. Please wait for a minute.
20721.1.stop.npc.0 Haven't you met #b#p1103004##k yet? She is stationed at #b#m102000000##k. She won't be hard to find.
20721.1.stop.item.0 ...Eh... Haven't I seen you somewhere before...? Anyway, #b#p1101002##k told me you'll be giving me #b#t4032145##k...
20722.0.0 Oh, the detector works. Good thing it works well... but wait, why is it reacting like this...? Um, I'm sorry to tell you this since you just got here, but I need you to be in this assignment immediately! The detector is reacting! \n#b#L0#What is this detector for?#l\n#k
20722.0.1 This detector #rdetects forces of darkness connected to the puppeteer#k. Since the detector is reacting, that means the puppeteer is planning something nearby! \n#b#L0#Where's the location?#l\n#k
20722.0.2 The location: #b#m101030102##k! I have a feeling the puppeteer is trying to control #o2230110#! Please go there and slay those #o2230110#s! I need you to slay about a 1,000 of them...\n#b#L0#1,000???#l\n#k
20722.0.3 Is, is that too much? Then 500...\n#b#L0#500???#l\n#k
20722.0.4 Is 500 too much? Then 200...
20722.0.ask 1
20722.0.stop.0.answer 1
20722.0.stop.1.answer 1
20722.0.stop.2.answer 1
20722.0.stop.3.answer 1
20722.0.yes.0 Please defeat #r200 #o2230110#s#k and bring back #b#t4032146##k! If it's the puppeteer's deed, then I am sure we'll be able to recover #t4032146# as well. Good luck!
20722.0.no.0 Is, is that too much? But we need to slay at least 200...
20722.1.0 Wow, you were able to defeat all the #o2230110#s and brought back the doll as well! Thank goodness this was working, but still.. Once is not enough. No, no, it's nothing. I'll let you know if I find something peculiar with the detector.
20722.1.stop.item.0 I don't think you have defeated #r200 #o2230110#s#k and brought back #b#t4032146##k yet. I need you to go to #b#m101030102##k and complete the assignment immediately!
20722.1.stop.mob.0 I don't think you have defeated #r200 #o2230110#s#k and brought back #b#t4032146##k yet. I need you to go to #b#m101030102##k and complete the assignment immediately! Otherwise, this may get out of hand!
20723.0.0 Okay, the detector is reacting again. The location is actually not far from where you last did your deed. This time, it's #m101030103#! I think the puppeteer is trying to control #o2230111#! We must prevent this from getting any worse!
20723.0.yes.0 Please head to #b#m101030103##k and defeat 1000... no, 500... no, #r200#k #r#o2230111#s#k and bring back #b#t4032147##k for me! Good luck!
20723.0.no.0 Huh? I guess you pressed the wrong button. If you wish to accept the mission, you press ACCEPT. Talk to me again, and press ACCEPT this time.
20723.1.0 Wow, you did defeat 200 #o2230111#s and brought back the doll as well! If this worked twice, then that means the detector is working fine... phew... what? What do I mean by this?
20723.1.yes.0 This detector is actually not a complete product. I just brought one that was still in its beta stages. Since it had a high probability of failure, I didn't want to bring it straight to the battleground, so... i wanted to test it at #m102000000#, where there's a high probability of the puppeteer appearing.
20723.1.yes.1 Thankfully, the test worked to perfection. As suspected by #p1101002#, the puppeteer appeared around #m102000000#, and the detector proved it without a shadow of doubt. I was worried we might have gotten a totally different monster, but that's not the case.
20723.1.stop.item.0 I think you have yet to defeat #r200 #o2230111#s#k and bring back #b#t4032147##k... The detector reacts around #b#m101030103##k, so please go there and complete the assignment!
20723.1.stop.mob.0 I think you have yet to defeat #r200 #o2230111#s#k and bring back #b#t4032147##k... The detector reacts around #b#m101030103##k, so please go there and complete the assignment!
20724.0.0 The test for #t4032148# is complete... and I think the assignment for #m102000000# is about complete. There's still a slight chance of threat, but the warriors from #m102000000# volunteered to help, so that shouldn't be a big problem.\n#b#b#L0#(That's probably because the warriors found #p1103004# very cute...)#l\n#k
20724.0.1 I have given you the report that details this event, so please hand this over to #b#p1101002##k, along with #t4032148# as well. I'd love to keep using it here at #m102000000#, but it's a rare instrument, so I'll have to send it back to the headquarters. Please let him know how much I appreciated using this.
20724.0.ask 1
20724.0.stop.0.answer 1
20724.0.yes.0 Thank you so much for your help. Without you, I wouldn't have made the progress I made with this area. Like other agents before me, I can also vouch for the fact that you are a great Knight. Hopefully I'll see you here again someday.
20724.0.no.0 Ah... do you have some things to take care of here in #m102000000#? Like a duel between the warriors of #m102000000#?
20724.1.0 I see that you have come back from the assignment ther ein #m102000000#. Let's see the report.
20724.1.yes.0 Fortunately, the test for #t4032148# wound up being successful. If we push for an upgrade in the functions, then it maybe be powerful enough to cover all of Victoria Island, which means it's only a matter of time before we locate the puppeteer.
20724.1.yes.1 The way this is going, the assignment of eliminating the puppeteer may fall to you as well. I am just worried that you may not be strong enough to take on the puppeteer one on one. At this point, i'd like for you to train as hard as you can until you reach #bLevel 28#k. We'll talk more then.
20724.1.stop.npc.0 Haven't you gone to visit #b#p1101002##k, yet? I need to use #t4032148# fast so I can return it to them.
20724.1.stop.item.0 Have you completed the assignment for #m102000000#? Then I'm sure #p1103004# wrote up a report on it... where's the report? I'm also sure I asked for #t4032148# to be returned as well. What happened? Please check through #b#p1103004##k.
20725.0.0 I knew it was too quiet for comfort. The detector has detected a force of darkness, and it's located at #b#m105040300##k. It'd be nice to figure it out in detail, but the force of #m105040300# is so strong that we can't delve any more into it. We'll just have to go there with our bare feet and experience it first hand.
20725.0.1 Unfortunately, not a single agent is stationed at #m105040300#. I'd like to gather up more information on the area, but no one's there. Which means... I'll have to ask you to gather up the information from scratch.
20725.0.yes.0 Gathering up information on Black Wizard is another one of the pivotal roles every Knight needs to master. Please gather up the information, then report the results back in #bErev#k.
20725.0.no.0 Do not feel the need to have the agents do all the dirty work for you. You may not know this, but they are knights just like you, except their assignments are a bit more specialized. The ability to gather up information is critical for every Knight.
20725.1.0 I am guessing you have gathered up all the information on #o9300285#. Please compile all the information into a single report for me.
20725.1.stop.quest.0 I don't think you have gathered up all the information on #o9300285#, yet. Don't you think the #bresidents of #m105040300##k would know a thing or two?
20726.0.0 Hmmm... what is it? #o9300285#? #o9300285#? I've never heard of that name before. I did, however, run into a little kid carrying a doll near #m105040300# the other day... \n#b#L0#A little kid carrying around a doll?#l\n#k
20726.0.1 Yes, I remember it distinctively because of the weird aura I felt from them. The kid seemed very young, and it felt like he was endangering himself by doing that, so I tried to talk to the kid, but he didn't listen. All I found out was his name... \n#b#L0#Do you know what his name is?#l\n#k
20726.0.2 Yes I do, but... I can't just give you the name like that. Who knows, if the kid is actually a harmless kid and you're here for reasons that aren't all that innocent? IF you need to know the kid's name, then please do me a favor.
20726.0.ask 1
20726.0.stop.0.answer 1
20726.0.stop.1.answer 1
20726.0.yes.0 Have you ever been inside the Ant Tunnel of #m105040300#? Inside the tunnel is filled with dangerous mushrooms, and #o2230101#s especially make the lives of the travelers difficult. If you can defeat #r250 #o2230101#s#k for me, then I will tell you the kid's name.
20726.0.no.0 Then I am afraid I can't tell you his name...
20726.1.0 Did you clear away 250 #o2230101#s? Okay, a deal is a deal. I'll give you the kid's name.
20726.1.yes.0 His name is #b#p1104000##k. He's the kind of a kid that seemed just a bit off-centered. I don't know if he's the #o9300285# that you're looking for.
20726.1.stop.mob.0 I don't think you have managed to defeat #r250 #o2230101#s#k yet. You'll need to do that in order for me to put my trust in you.
20727.0.0 ...Hmmm? What is it? Do you need an herb? Do I know anything about #o9300285#? #o9300285#... No, not really, but I did find a #bstrange cave where a doll is left on the ground#k... Does that have something to do with it?
20727.0.yes.0 Telling you where the cave is shouldn't be a problem... but I need you to do me one thing. Lately I have been gathering up the herbs, and this herb is located at the Cave of Evil Eye, but it's too dangerous a place for me to enter. I'd like for you to... go in there instead and defeat #r200 #o2230100#s#k for me.
20727.0.no.0 I don't know if that's not it, but... maybe others will know?
20727.1.0 It looks like you really cleaned out the #o2230100#s from the cave. Great work there, and now, I'll tell you where the cave is located.
20727.1.yes.0 It is located #bsomewhere in the cave of #o2230100##k. I was just running away from those monsters when I came across this cave, so I can't tell you EXACTLY where it's located. It was a cave that you can enter through a #bgiant tree hole#k...
20727.1.stop.mob.0 Haven't you defeated #r200 #o2230100#s#k? I can only tell you where it is if you defeat all 200 of them.
20728.0.0 Do you need an item you'd like to buy? What? You need a doll? Ahh... you mean, whether I saw #o9300285#. I'm sorry, I thought you were my first customer in a while. But anyway, who's #o9300285#?
20728.0.1 Are you talking about that unruly kid carrying around a doll? I noticed the kid was about to act on something very sinister, so I scolded him for it. What? What kind of a prank was it? That was... hmmm... I'll tell you that if you can help me with something.
20728.0.yes.0 It's because I ran out of #t4000015#, a main material used to create items. If you can get me #b100 #t4000015#s#k, then I'll tell you of the prank that the kid tried to pull on me.
20728.0.no.0 Well, it really wasn't anything special, so I guess you won't need to hear it anyway.
20728.1.0 So you managed to bring #t4000015#. Thank you for your work. Ah, you were asking about the prank the unruly kid tried to pull on me, right?
20728.1.yes.0 #p1061006# was vandalizing on the wall, so I told him it's not good to vandalize on a public property, but I don't think the kid heard me at all. Maybe he's the #o9300285# that you had been looking for.
20728.1.stop.item.0 I don't think you have managed to acquire all the #b#t4000015#s#k yet. I just need #b100#k of them.
20729.0.0 #b(It's #p1061006#. It's making a strange face. There's got to be a drawing somewhere...)
20729.0.yes.0 #b(I see a drawing on the back, but I can't see it clearly. I better rotate the body of the statue just a bit.)
20729.0.no.0 #b(Oh, it's too heavy. Better rest for a bit.)
20729.1.0 #b(I need to look closely into the writing that's engraved on the statue.)
20729.1.1 #b(The password was XXXXXXX is a genius #o9300285#!)
20729.1.yes.0 #b(It sounds like it means something...)
20730.0.0 Hmmm... I see. According to your information, the unruly kid carrying around a doll that the residents of #m105040300# saw was indeed #o9300285#. He was hiding himself in the confines of #m105040300# and roamed all over Victoria Island, controlling various monsters.
20730.0.1 Now that we have finally located the enemy, we won't have to hesitate much longer. I want you to head over to the Cave of Evil Eye, find the #bhome of #o9300285##k and defeat #r#p1104000# the #o9300285##k. I am pretty sure you'll be able to handle this on your own.
20730.0.yes.0 When entering the home, there seems to be a #bpassword#k that blocks the entrance. Well, it's not even a password, since the answer's already out there, if you've been gathering up the information. If you're still unsure of the password, then I'll tell you what it is, so re-start the conversation with me.
20730.0.no.0 There's no need to worry or fear. I am giving you this assignment because I am confident that you can take care of this yourself. Believe in yourself. What? You're saying that I only say encouraging things in times like that? Hahaha, I hear that often actually.
20730.1.0 You were able to defeat #o9300285#! Brilliant! I knew you'd be up to the task. Hmmm... for someone who just defeated the puppeteer, you look morose. What is it?
20730.1.yes.0 #rBlack Wings#k... Did #p1104000# the #o9300285# really mention that? I see... so he was also part of the Black Wings...
20730.1.yes.1 Black Wings are a group of followers of Black Wizard, one that longs for the time when Black Wizard controlled the world, and would do anything to bring the Wizard back to life and "regain" control of the world. I can't believe the #o9300285# was also a member of the Black Wings. It looks like they'll become active once more.
20730.1.stop.mob.0 I have told you to head over to the Cave of #o2230100# so you can find the #bhome of #o9300285##k, and defeat #r#p1104000# the #o9300285##k. Did you forget the password? Sigh... you were good with gathering up the information, but you aren't as good at actually following it through.
20730.1.stop.mob.1 Do you remember the writings on #p1061006#? The password is XXXXXXX is a genius #o9300285#! What's the word that's goes in there? What else, but his name #p1104000#? The password is #b#p1104000# is a genius #o9300285##k!
20003.0.0 You must be ready to do this. Okay then, let's begin the training. Let's start things off with something simple. You'll see plenty of Titis in this island, and the weakest Titi is #o0100120#. How about slaying #r5#k #r#o0100120#s#k for a start?
Ereb > Erev. Stupid Spaniards making B sound like V. (JK)
i actually hate Ereb lol
it sounds er less better
and ur right it happens in hebrew too b>v sometimes lol so we say levanon instead lebanon arav instead of arab and now erev instead of ereb!
better! xD
on topic-> wtp how many quests are there in ereb? and are these only cygnus or event quests some are..?
You must be ready to do this. Okay then, let's begin the training. Let's start things off with something simple. You'll see plenty of Titis in this island, and the weakest Titi is #o0100120#. How about slaying #r5#k #r#o0100120#s#k for a start?
holy pomegranate!! maple goes p0rno style wtp! why do we need to know whos the weakest titty? lol!
I like it better with the colour formatting turned into bbcode :P
20000.name Greetings from the Young Queen
20000.0 I have decided to become one of the Knights serving the young queen and battle the indestructable Black Wizard. I better first meet up with #p1101000# and formally introduce myself.
20000.1 #p1101000# expressed her gratitude on my decision to become a Knight of Cygnus, and made a promise that she will always be there for me.
20000.2 #p1101000# states that it is ultimately in my hands in terms of defeating Black Wizard. She states that her trustworthy Strategist, #p1101002#, will be responsible for building me into a formidable Knight.
20000.area 15
20001.name Nineheart the Strategist
20001.0 Now I'll have to meet up with #p1101000#'s strategist, #p1101002#, and discuss what I have to do in the future.
20001.1 #p1101002# states that I may be too weak to fight for the world of Maple, and therefore refused to name me as a Knight-in-Training. He stated that the training period towards becoming a Knight-in-Training is already set up, and that I'll need to meet up with #p1102000#, the Knight Trainer.
20001.2 #p1101002# states that I may be too weak to fight for the world of Maple, and therefore refused to name me as a Knight-in-Training. He stated that the training period towards becoming a Knight-in-Training is already set up, and that I'll need to meet up with #p1102000#, the Knight Trainer.
20001.area 15
20002.name Kiku the Knight Trainer
20002.0 As stated by #p1101002#, I'll have to first raise my level to 10 and become a Knight-in-Training. I'll have to visit #p1102000# the Knight Trainer and enter the Forest of Training.
20002.1 I met with #p1102000# at the entrance of Forest of Training. According to #p1102000#, Erev is bereft of monsters, and instead, we train against a fantasy creature created by #p1101001# called 'Titi'. He then proceeded to give me a potion called #p1102000#...
20002.2 #p1102000# shot a warning saying that I will be having a tough time training. I beter pack up the potions that he gave me and get ready for the training.
20002.area 15
20003.name Kiku's First Training Session
20003.0 I should go visit #p1102000# the Knight Trainer and receive some training.
20003.1 The first session involved facing off against the weakest Titi in all of Erev, #o0100120#, and defeating 5 of them in the process. I better hunt down those #o0100120#s in #m130010000#
#o0100120# #a200031#
20003.2 I managed to defeat all 5 #o0100120#s and came back. Off to the next session.
20003.area 15
20004.name Kiku's Second Training Session
20004.0 I should go visit #p1102000# the Knight Trainer and receive some training.
20004.1 The second session involved facing off against the 2nd weakest Titi in all of Erev, #o0100121#, and defeating 10 of them in the process. I better hunt down those #o0100121#s at or near #m130010000#.
#o0100121# #a200041#
20004.2 I managed to defeat all 10 #o0100121#s and came back. Off to the next session.
20004.area 15
20005.name Kiku's Third Training Session
20005.0 I should go visit #p1102000# the Knight Trainer and receive some training.
20005.1 The third session involved facing off against the 3rd weakest monster of Erev, #o0100122#, and defeating 15 of them in the process. I better hunt down those #o0100122#s in #m130010100#.
#o0100122# #a200051#
20005.2 I managed to defeat all 15 #o0100122#s and came back. Off to the next session.
20005.area 15
20006.name Kiku's Fourth Training Session
20006.0 I should go visit #p1102000# the Knight Trainer and receive some training.
20006.1 #p1102000#'s fourth session involves facing off against the 4th weakest... you get the drill. Anyway, an easy Titi called #o0100123#, and defeating 20 of them in the process. I better hunt down those #o0100123#s in #m130010100#.
#o0100123# #a200061#
20006.2 I managed to defeat all 15 #o0100122#s and came back. Off to the next session.
20006.area 15
20007.name Kiku's Last Training Session
20007.0 I should go visit #p1102000# the Knight Trainer and receive his fifth training session.
20007.1 #p1102000# told me I had done a good job, and wanted me to defeat 3 #o0100124#s for the last time. He warned me that unlike other Titis, #o0100124# has a significantly higher stamina, so I better be careful...
#o0100124# #a200071#
20007.2 I managed to defeat the #o0100124#s and came back. #p1102000# greeted me with a smile and told me I am now eligible to become a Knight-in-Training. He then advised me to go see #p1101002# again.
20007.area 15
20008.name The Path of a Knight
20008.0 It's time for me to receive the last test given by #p1102000# the Knight Trainer in order for me to become the Knight-in-Training.
20008.1 An eternal loyalty towards the Queen. The courage to stand up to Black Wizard. The will power required to help me keep my faith in tact. As long as I don't forget these three, I'll be able to fight until the very end as a proud member of the Knights of Cygnus.
20008.2 An eternal loyalty towards the Queen. The courage to stand up to Black Wizard. The will power required to help me keep my faith in tact. As long as I don't forget these three, I'll be able to fight until the very end as a proud member of the Knights of Cygnus.
20008.area 15
20100.name Time to Choose
20100.0 I better go talk to #p1101002# and formally receive the blessing to become a Knight-in-Training.
20100.1 There are five paths to choose from. Warrior of Light, Magician of Fire, Bowman of the Wind, Thief of Darkness, and Pirate of Thunder. What's my choice?
20100.2 There are five paths to choose from. Warrior of Light, Magician of Fire, Bowman of the Wind, Thief of Darkness, and Pirate of Thunder. What's my choice?
20100.area 15
20101.name Path of a Soul Master
20101.0 The time has come for me to choose. If I wish to know more about Soul Master, the Warrior of Light, then I'll have to talk to #p1101003#, the Knight Commander of Light.
20101.1 If I wish to become a Knight of Cygnus as a Soul Master accompanied with honor and glory, then I'll have to select #p1101003#.
20101.2 I am now a Soul Master!
20101.area 15
20102.name Path of a Flame Wizard
20102.0 The time has come for me to choose. If I wish to know more about Flame Wizard, the Magician of Fire, then I'll have to talk to #p1101004#, the Knight Commander of Fire.
20102.1 If I wish to become a Knight of Cygnus as a Flame Wizard with flaming expectations for the future missions, then I'll have to select #p1101004#.
20102.2 I am now a Flame Wizard!
20102.area 15
20103.name Path of a Wind Breaker
20103.0 The time has come for me to choose. If I wish to know more about Wind Breaker, the Bowman of the Wind, then I'll have to talk to #p1101005#, the Knight Commander of the Wind.
20103.1 If I wish to become a Knight of Cygnus as a Wind Breaker with a broad perspective of life, then I'll have to select #p1101005#.
20103.2 I am now a Wind Breaker!
20103.area 15
20104.name Path of a Night Walker
20104.0 The time has come for me to choose. If I wish to know more about Night Walker, the Thief of Darkness, then I'll have to talk to #p1101006#, the Knight Commander of Darkness.
20104.1 If I wish to become a Knight of Cygnus as a Night Walker that embraces the darkness for the sake of light, then I'll need to select #p1101006#.
20104.2 I am now a Night Walker!
20104.area 15
20105.name Path of a Striker
20105.0 The time has come for me to choose. If I wish to know more about Striker, the Pirate of Lightning, then I'll have to talk to #p1101007#, the Knight Commander of Lightning.
20105.1 If I wish to become a Knight of Cygnus as a Striker who thoroughly soaks in and enjoys exciting journeys that lay ahead, then I'll have to select #p1101007#.
20105.2 I am now a Striker!
20105.area 15
20200.name The End of Knight-in-Training
20200.0 After reaching Level 30, #p1101002# wanted to talk to me about something...
20200.1 #p1101002# stated that since my level is significantly high and that I am well-versed in the duties and assignments of a Knight, he suggested that it's time for me to remove the in-Training by taking the Knighthood Test. To become a Knight on the next level, I better head over to Erev.
20200.2 #p1101002# stated that since my level is significantly high and that I am well-versed in the duties and assignments of a Knight, he suggested that it's time for me to remove the in-Training by taking the Knighthood Test. To become a Knight on the next level, I better head over to Erev.
20200.area 15
20200.autoStart 1
20201.name Knighthood Test: Soul Master
20201.0 According to #p1101002#, I can take my Knighthood Test through #p1101003#, the Knight Commander of Light. I better head over to Erev and meet #p1101003#.
20201.1 The Knighthood Test has started. The test itself is actually quite simple. I just need to reach the end of Forest of Training, enter Hall #2, and defeat the Titis inside while bringing back #t4032096#. I better find 30 #t4032096#s and bring them back to #p1101003#.
#i4032096# #t4032096# #c4032096# / 30
20201.2 I have successfully completed the Knighthood Test and officially dropped the in-Training from my title. As a bonafide Knight of Cygnus., I shall do my best to work hard so I will never be ashamed of myself.
20201.area 15
20202.name Knighthood Test: Flame Wizard
20202.0 According to #p1101002#, I can take my Knighthood Test through #p1101004#, the Knight Commander of Fire. I better head over to Erev and meet #p1101004#.
20202.1 The Knighthood Test has started. The test itself is actually quite simple. I just need to reach the end of Forest of Training, enter Hall #2, and defeat the Titis inside while bringing back #t4032097#. I better find 30 #t4032097#s and bring them back to #p1101004#
#i4032097# #t4032097# #c4032097# / 30
20202.2 I have successfully completed the Knighthood Test and officially dropped the in-Training from my title. As a bonafide Knight of Cygnus., I shall do my best to keep the fire in me as I perform my duties.
20202.area 15
20203.name Knighthood Test: Wind Breaker
20203.0 According to #p1101002#, I can take my Knighthood Test through #p1101005#, the Knight Commander of the Wind. I better head over to Erev and meet #p1101005#.
20203.1 The Knighthood Test has started. The test itself is actually quite simple. I just need to reach the end of Forest of Training, enter Hall #2, and defeat the Titis inside while bringing back #t4032098#. I better find 30 #t4032098#s and bring them back to #p1101005#
#i4032098# #t4032098# #c4032098# / 30
20203.2 I have successfully completed the Knighthood Test and officially dropped the in-Training from my title. As a bonafide Knight of Cygnus., I shall do my best to keep my head even-keeled.
20203.area 15
20204.name Knighthood Test: Night Walker
20204.0 According to #p1101002#, I can take my Knighthood Test through #p1101006#, the Knight Commander of Darkness. I better head over to Erev and meet #p1101006#.
20204.1 The Knighthood Test has started. The test itself is actually quite simple. I just need to reach the end of Forest of Training, enter Hall #2, and defeat the Titis inside while bringing back #t4032099#. I better find 30 #t4032099#s and bring them back to #p1101006#.
#i4032099# #t4032099# #c4032099# / 30
20204.2 I have successfully completed the Knighthood Test and officially dropped the in-Training from my title. As a bonafide Knight of Cygnus., I shall do my best to become one of pure darkness, with not a hint of evil.
20204.area 15
20205.name Knighthood Test: Striker
20205.0 According to #p1101002#, I can take my Knighthood Test through #p1101007#, the Knight Commander of Lightning. I better head over to Erev and meet #p1101007#.
20205.1 The Knighthood Test has started. The test itself is actually quite simple. I just need to reach the end of Forest of Training, enter Hall #2, and defeat the Titis inside while bringing back #t4032100#. I better find 30 #t4032100#s and bring them back to #p1101007#.
#i4032100# #t4032100# #c4032100# / 30
20205.2 I have successfully completed the Knighthood Test and officially dropped the in-Training from my title. As a bonafide Knight of Cygnus., I shall do my best to keep everything lighthearted and fun.
20205.area 15
20300.name The Lost Treasure
20300.0 #p1101002# is contacting me in an emergency manner. I wonder what happened.
20300.1 Something terrible must have happened at Erev. I better go find out.
20300.2 According to #p1101002#, an important item from Erev has been stolen by one of the men from the Black Wizard. What must that be? I better head over to Erev.
20300.area 15
20300.autoStart 1
20301.name The Transformer
20301.0 The detailed instructions on searching for the thief will be given by #p1101003#, the Knight Commander of Light. I better talk to #p1101003#.
20301.1 Apparently, the member of the Black Wings has yet to escape Erev. If we just search the island thoroughly, we may be able to find the culprit. First I'll need to visit #p1101002# and receive a Search Warrant, followed by a thorough search of Erev to find #o9001009#. Once I find him, I'll need to defeat him in a battle and bring back #t4032101# in the process. The problem is that the enemy, being the #o9001009#, is adept at transforming into a different person, so I better talk to each and every one of them and figure out who's real and who's not.
20301.2 I was able to defeat #p1104001# the #o9001009#, a member of the Black Wings, and managed to recover #t4032101#.
20301.area 15
20302.name The Transformer
20302.0 The detailed instructions on searching for the thief will be given by #p1101004#, the Knight Commander of Fire. I better talk to #p1101004#.
20302.1 Apparently, the member of the Black Wings has yet to escape Erev. If we just search the island thoroughly, we may be able to find the culprit. First I'll need to visit #p1101002# and receive a Search Warrant, followed by a thorough search of Erev to find #o9001009#. Once I find him, I'll need to defeat him in a battle and bring back #t4032101# in the process. The problem is that the enemy, being the #o9001009#, is adept at transforming into a different person, so I better talk to each and every one of them and figure out who's real and who's not.
20302.2 I was able to defeat #p1104001# the #o9001009#, a member of the Black Wings, and managed to recover #t4032102#.
20302.area 15
20303.name The Transformer
20303.0 The detailed instructions on searching for the thief will be given by #p1101005#, the Knight Commander of the Wind. I better talk to #p1101005#.
20303.1 Apparently, the member of the Black Wings has yet to escape Erev. If we just search the island thoroughly, we may be able to find the culprit. First I'll need to visit #p1101002# and receive a Search Warrant, followed by a thorough search of Erev to find #o9001009#. Once I find him, I'll need to defeat him in a battle and bring back #t4032101# in the process. The problem is that the enemy, being the #o9001009#, is adept at transforming into a different person, so I better talk to each and every one of them and figure out who's real and who's not.
20303.2 I was able to defeat #p1104001# the #o9001009#, a member of the Black Wings, and managed to recover #t4032103#.
20303.area 15
20304.name The Transformer
20304.0 The detailed instructions on searching for the thief will be given by #p1101006#, the Knight Commander of Darkness. I better talk to #p1101006#.
20304.1 Apparently, the member of the Black Wings has yet to escape Erev. If we just search the island thoroughly, we may be able to find the culprit. First I'll need to visit #p1101002# and receive a Search Warrant, followed by a thorough search of Erev to find #o9001009#. Once I find him, I'll need to defeat him in a battle and bring back #t4032101# in the process. The problem is that the enemy, being the #o9001009#, is adept at transforming into a different person, so I better talk to each and every one of them and figure out who's real and who's not.
20304.2 I was able to defeat #p1104001# the #o9001009#, a member of the Black Wings, and managed to recover #t4032104#.
20304.area 15
20305.name The Transformer
20305.0 The detailed instructions on searching for the thief will be given by #p1101007#, the Knight Commander of Lightning. I better talk to #p1101007#.
20305.1 Apparently, the member of the Black Wings has yet to escape Erev. If we just search the island thoroughly, we may be able to find the culprit. First I'll need to visit #p1101002# and receive a Search Warrant, followed by a thorough search of Erev to find #o9001009#. Once I find him, I'll need to defeat him in a battle and bring back #t4032101# in the process. The problem is that the enemy, being the #o9001009#, is adept at transforming into a different person, so I better talk to each and every one of them and figure out who's real and who's not.
20305.2 I was able to defeat #p1104001# the #o9001009#, a member of the Black Wings, and managed to recover #t4032105#.
20305.area 15
20306.name Erev Search Warrant
20306.area 15
20306.0 Apparently, when I have to conduct a thorough search on Erev in search of the Transformer, I'll have to first receive a Search Warrant. I better talk to #p1101002#.
20306.1 He claims that due to handing out too many Search Warrants in times like this, the Search Warrants have actually run out. He then asked me if I could get him some #t4005004#s so he can issue new Search Warrants...
20306.2 I wound up giving #p1101002# some #t4005004#s, and received a Search Warrant in return. It's now time for me to conduct a thorough search of Erev.
20307.name Erev Search Warrant
20307.area 15
20307.0 Apparently, when I have to conduct a thorough search on Erev in search of the Transformer, I'll have to first receive a Search Warrant. I better talk to #p1101002#.
20307.1 He claims that due to handing out too many Search Warrants in times like this, the Search Warrants have actually run out. He then asked me if I could get him some #t4005004#s so he can issue new Search Warrants...
20307.2 I wound up giving #p1101002# some #t4005004#s, and received a Search Warrant in return. It's now time for me to conduct a thorough search of Erev.
20308.name Erev Search Warrant
20308.area 15
20308.0 Apparently, when I have to conduct a thorough search on Erev in search of the Transformer, I'll have to first receive a Search Warrant. I better talk to #p1101002#.
20308.1 He claims that due to handing out too many Search Warrants in times like this, the Search Warrants have actually run out. He then asked me if I could get him some #t4005004#s so he can issue new Search Warrants...
20308.2 I wound up giving #p1101002# some #t4005004#s, and received a Search Warrant in return. It's now time for me to conduct a thorough search of Erev.
20309.name Erev Search Warrant
20309.area 15
20309.0 Apparently, when I have to conduct a thorough search on Erev in search of the Transformer, I'll have to first receive a Search Warrant. I better talk to #p1101002#.
20309.1 He claims that due to handing out too many Search Warrants in times like this, the Search Warrants have actually run out. He then asked me if I could get him some #t4005004#s so he can issue new Search Warrants...
20309.2 I wound up giving #p1101002# some #t4005004#s, and received a Search Warrant in return. It's now time for me to conduct a thorough search of Erev.
20310.name Erev Search Warrant
20310.area 15
20310.0 Apparently, when I have to conduct a thorough search on Erev in search of the Transformer, I'll have to first receive a Search Warrant. I better talk to #p1101002#.
20310.1 He claims that due to handing out too many Search Warrants in times like this, the Search Warrants have actually run out. He then asked me if I could get him some #t4005004#s so he can issue new Search Warrants...
20310.2 I wound up giving #p1101002# some #t4005004#s, and received a Search Warrant in return. It's now time for me to conduct a thorough search of Erev.
20311.name Tears of the Divine Bird
20311.0 It seems like #p1101003# has something to say about the recovered treasure...
20311.1 For defeating #o9001009# and recovering the lost Tears of the Divine Bird, I was promoted to Knight Sergeant of the Knights of Cygnus.
20311.2 For defeating #o9001009# and recovering the lost Tears of the Divine Bird, I was promoted to Knight Sergeant of the Knights of Cygnus. I'll need to make sure to keep going so I won't lower the standards of the Knight Sergeants.
20311.area 15
20312.name Tears of the Divine Bird
20312.0 It seems like #p1101004# has something to say about the recovered treasure...
20312.1 For defeating #o9001009# and recovering the lost Tears of the Divine Bird, I was promoted to Knight Sergeant of the Knights of Cygnus.
20312.2 For defeating #o9001009# and recovering the lost Tears of the Divine Bird, I was promoted to Knight Sergeant of the Knights of Cygnus. I'll need to train further and always work with passion like a Knight Sergeant should.
20312.area 15
20313.name Tears of the Divine Bird
20313.0 It seems like #p1101005# has something to say about the recovered treasure...
20313.1 For defeating #o9001009# and recovering the lost Tears of the Divine Bird, I was promoted to Knight Sergeant of the Knights of Cygnus.
20313.2 For defeating #o9001009# and recovering the lost Tears of the Divine Bird, I was promoted to Knight Sergeant of the Knights of Cygnus. I'll need to keep my broad perspective of the world in tact, but now with the added responsibility of being a Knight Sergeant.
20313.area 15
20314.name Tears of the Divine Bird
20314.0 It seems like #p1101006# has something to say about the recovered treasure...
20314.1 For defeating #o9001009# and recovering the lost Tears of the Divine Bird, I was promoted to Knight Sergeant of the Knights of Cygnus.
20314.2 For defeating #o9001009# and recovering the lost Tears of the Divine Bird, I was promoted to Knight Sergeant of the Knights of Cygnus. I'll need to keep my beliefs and fate in tact while delving further into darkness like a Knight Sergeant should.
20314.area 15
20315.name Tears of the Divine Bird
20315.0 It seems like #p1101007# has something to say about the recovered treasure...
20315.1 For defeating #o9001009# and recovering the lost Tears of the Divine Bird, I was promoted to Knight Sergeant of the Knights of Cygnus.
20315.2 For defeating #o9001009# and recovering the lost Tears of the Divine Bird, I was promoted to Knight Sergeant of the Knights of Cygnus. I'll need to embrace even the most difficult journeys with smile and ease like a Knight Sergeant should.
20315.area 15
20400.name Chasing Knight's Target
20400.0 #p1101002# seems to have a new assignment for me.
20400.1 I have received a new assignment. The assignment deals with supporting Knight Sergeant #p1103000# that is chasing the Black Wings that are targetting the queen. The last trace of #p1103000# was found in #m211000000#, and he has instructed me to go to #m211000000# to find #p1103000#.
20400.2 I have received a new assignment. The assignment deals with supporting Knight Sergeant #p1103000# that is chasing the Black Wings that are targetting the queen. The last trace of #p1103000# was found in #m211000000#, and he has instructed me to go to #m211000000# to find #p1103000#.
20400.area 15
20400.autoStart 1
20401.name Hunting the Zombies
20401.0 #p2020006# of #m211000000# apparently knows something about #p1103000#...
20401.1 #p2020006# told me she's not sure where #p1103000# is now, but she was able to confirm that he did stay at #m211000000# for a lengthy period of time, and he was busy hunting the zombies. Not just a regular hunting, but with a purpose: to find a clue that may lead to something.
20401.2 According to #p2020006#, #p1103000# was actively hunting the zombies. Not just a regular hunting, but with a purpose: to find a clue that may lead to something.
20401.area 15
20402.name Black Scale
20402.0 While slaying the zombies, I was able to obtain an item called #t4001207#. Once I did that, #p2032001# shot me with a message...
20402.1 #p2032001# warned me that #t4001207# contained a curse-like power that spread all over this world, and that since it's a dangerous item, he wanted me to hand it in to him so he could break the curse. While listening to #p2032001# talk, however, I noticed #p1103000#'s name being mentioned...
#i4001207# #t4001207# #c4001207# / 1
20402.2 I gave #p2032001# the #t4001207#. #p2032001# told me that #p1103000# gave him #t4001207# too the other day, and that he recently moved to #m240000000# to find out more about #t4001207#.
20402.area 15
20402.autoStart 1
20403.name The Banished Dragon
20403.0 According to #p2032001#, #p1103000# recently moved to #m240000000#. I better head down to #m240000000# and ask #p2081000# about #p1103000#.
20403.1 According to #p2081000#, #p1103000# went to visit the Banished Dragon outside town. Apparently the scale of the Banished Dragon is similar to #t4001207#'s... I better go visit Banished Dragon. His house is apparently connected to #m240020401# or #m240020101#.
20403.2 When I asked #p2081012#, the Banished Dragon, about #p1103000#, he seemed perturbed by my question and got mad at me for it. Apparently, #t4001207# is not his. He thought it might have to do instead with the stolen dragon egg incident at #m240000000#...
20403.area 15
20404.name The Stolen Egg
20404.0 #o9001010#? Something about it seem suspicious... I better ask #p2081012#, the Banished Dragon.
20404.1 #p2081012# told me if I wanted to find out more about #o9001010#, then I'll have to eliminate one #o8180000# and one #o8180001#. He wanted to leave the house, but not with those creatures out there... I better help #p2081012# out.
#o8180000# #a204041#
#o8180001# #a204042#
20404.2 The one responsible for stealing the dragon's egg in #m240000000# turned out to be #o9001010#. Even the name seemed quite suspicious. Maybe #p1103000# looked into #o9001010#. I better go visit #o9001010# right now. #o9001010#'s cave is located near the dragon's nest.
20404.area 15
20405.name Black Witche's Cave
20405.0 I better go visit #o9001010#'s Cave as instructed by #p2081012#.
20405.1 There was a note posted on the wall of the cave. Reading the note, I noticed that it may have been written by #p1103000#. The subject of the curse was not found, but the device was found, recovered, and sent back to Erev. I may have been one step too late. #p1103000# must have completed his assignment already. I better return to Erev.
20405.2 There was a note posted on the wall of the cave. Reading the note, I noticed that it may have been written by #p1103000#. The subject of the curse was not found, but the device was found, recovered, and sent back to Erev. I may have been one step too late. #p1103000# must have completed his assignment already. I better return to Erev.
20405.area 15
20406.name The Knight That Disappeared
20406.0 I may have failed the assignment of providing support for #p1103000#, since he already completed his assignment before I could reach him. I better return to Erev and report the results to #p1101002#.
20406.1 I was going to complain to #p1101002# about doing all that work for nothing, but he seemed more concerned that #p1103000# has yet to come back, and that something might not be right. He then asked me if I could return to #o9001010#'s Cave and find out if there's another note somewhere inside.
20406.2 #p1101002# told me #p1103000# has yet to come back, and that something might not be right. He then asked me if I could return to #o9001010#'s Cave and find out if there's another note somewhere inside.
20406.area 15
20407.name Black Witch's Curse
20407.0 ...Wait, is this Erev? But Erev's usually not like this. And Why are the Knight Commanders standing like that? No one's answering!! Only #p1101001# seemed to be barely awake. I better talk to #p1101001#.
20407.1 #p1101001# told me the lady in front is actually #p1104002# the #o9001010# and that she has put a curse on everyone in Erev. He mentioned that most of them on the island should be able to weather it, but the queen might be in grave danger... I better defeat #o9001010# and break the curse now!
#o9001010# #a204071#
20407.2 The cunning #o9001010#, after realizing that Erev, which is protected by #p1101001#, may be hard to enter, used #p1103000# to throw in cursed items, then cursed the whole island through that! Fortunately, after defeating #o9001010#, the curse seemed to have lifted.
20407.area 15
20407.autoStart 1
20408.name The Knight Commander for the Queen
20408.0 I received a call from the young queen herself, #p1101000#.
20408.1 The young queen thanked me for my efforts to save Erev, and decided through my accomplishments and past work that I would be promoted to the position of Knight Commander. Knight Commander?
20408.2 I wound up being annointed as the new Knight Commander for the Knights of Cygnus. I made a promise to the queen that the moment Black Wizard reawakens, I will be the first in line to defeat the Black Wizard.
20408.area 15
20500.name Knight's Dignity
20500.0 #p1101002# seemed to want to talk to me about something...
20500.1 #p1101002# told me that for a Level 50 knight to walk around to various destination seems beneath my rank, and gave me an information on Monster Mount. According to him, there might be a Mount that's available exclusively for the knights.
20500.2 #p1101002# told me that for a Level 50 knight to walk around to various destination seems beneath my rank, and gave me an information on Monster Mount. According to him, there might be a Mount that's available exclusively for the knights. I better head off to Erev and hear the story in detail.
20500.area 15
20500.autoStart 1
20501.name Nineheart's Letter
20501.0 #p1101002# told me he has something to tell me about the Monster Mount for the knights...
20501.1 Apparently, if I head south of Forest of Training, then I'll encounter #p1102002# the Mount Trainer. I was told that if I bring #t4032115# with me, he'll teach me something about the Monster Mount...
20501.2 I met #p1102002# and gave him #t4032115#.
20501.area 15
20502.name Titiana's Egg
20502.0 Apparently, #p1102002# the Mount Trainer is the only one that can teach me how to use the Monster Mount that's exclusively available for the knights.
20502.1 #p1102002# told me all Mounts for the knights go through #t1902005#, and gave me #t4220137#. Apparently, I can wake up the egg by sharing my personal experiences with it... And only the #t1902005# that was awaken through that method will follow the master's lead. I shall begin raising #t4220137#.
20502.2 I was able to awaken #t4220137#.
20502.area 15
20503.name Kiridu's Letter
20503.0 I was able to awaken #t1902005#. What would be the next stage for the Monster Mount? I better talk to #p1102002#.
20503.1 Even though #t1902005# is awake, I'll need #t1912005# in order to actually Mount it. #p2060005# of Aqua Road is apparently the master at making [/color]#t1912005#, so I'll have to approach #p2060005# with #t4032116# and ask him to make #t1912005# for me.
20503.2 I wound up giving #t4032116# to #p2060005#.
20503.area 15
20504.name Making the Saddle
20504.0 #t1912005#, a paramount item for Monster Mount, can be found through #p2060005#...
20504.1 #p2060005# mentioned that making #t1912005# isn't difficult, but I'll need to give him a fee for that. He even mentioned that since I came to him through #p1102002#, he'll cut a deal with me and make it to me for... 10 million mesos...
[color="Blue"]10,000,000 mesos
20504.2 I wound up giving #p2060005# 10 million mesos for #t1912005#.
20504.area 15
20505.name Knight Mount
20505.0 Now that I found #t1912005#, I better return to #p1102002#.
20505.1 I wound up learning the Monster Mount skill through #p1102002# and received #t1902005# as well. Hopefully this will let me keep my dignity as a knight in tact and not have #p1101002# mock me...
20505.2 I wound up learning the Monster Mount skill through #p1102002# and received #t1902005# as well. Hopefully this will let me keep my dignity as a knight in tact and not have #p1101002# mock me...
20505.area 15
20506.name I Lost Titiana!
20506.0 I wound up losing #t1902005#. What should I do? I better talk to #p1102002# the Mount Trainer.
20506.1 #t1902005# is a fantasy creature that naturally dissolves if it stays away from its master for a prolonged period of time. In short, if I want #t1902005# back, I'll have to reawaken it from the egg, starting over from scratch. Time to hunt and rack up enough EXP to awaken #t1902005#.
20506.2 I managed to awaken #t1902005# once more. #p1102002# demanded that I never lose it again.
20506.area 15
20507.name Knight's Class
20507.0 #p1101002# said he had something to tell me... again...
20507.1 #p1101002# was worried that I was at Level 90 and still riding a regular #t1902005#, which is apparently beneath my level as a high-ranked Knight. He then gave me new information on Monster Mount. Apparently, I can find out more about an enhanced Mount through #p1102002# the Mount Trainer...
20507.2 #p1101002# was worried that I was at Level 90 and still riding a regular #t1902005#, which is apparently beneath my level as a high-ranked Knight. He then gave me new information on Monster Mount. Apparently, I can find out more about an enhanced Mount through #p1102002# the Mount Trainer...
20507.area 15
20507.autoStart 1
20508.name Titiana's Shedding
20508.0 I better ask #p1102002# for an enhanced Mount.
20508.1 Apparently, #t1902005# that has racked up extensive amount of experience can go through the process of shedding its skin to transform into a more powerful being. The problem is, it'll rapidly turn weaker while shedding, which means I won't be able to ride him, so if I need something to take care of that requires #t1902005#'s service, then I'll have to take care of it now.
20508.2 I gave #t1902005# to #p1102002# to get it ready for the shedding.
20508.area 15
20509.name Taking Care of the Glass Incubator
20509.0 I better take #t1902005# from #p1102001# and have it go through shedding.
20509.1 I'll have to take care of #t1902005# that is inside #t4220138# for shedding. The food would be the Concentrated Formula made by [color="Blue"]#p2081004# of #m240000000#. I'll have to make sure it gets well-fed and have #t1902005# go through a safe shedding, then return to #p1102001#.
20509.2 #p1102001# removed #t1902005# from #t4220138# after a safe shedding. Too bad I woudn't be able to ride it immediately.
20509.area 15
20510.name The Birth of Titio
20510.area 15
20510.0 I wound up feeding Concentrated Formula to #t1902005# in hopes of safe shedding and growing. Will I finally be able to ride #t1902005#? I better go to #p1102001#.
20510.1 #t1902005#'s shedding is complete, but I was told that it is too weak to be Mounted at this point. Apparently, if I feed #t4032117# to #t1902005#, then it'll go through a quick recovery. I better head over to #m230000000# and buy #t4032117# from #p2060005#.
20510.2 I wound up giving #t4032117# to #p1102001#. After feeding some #t4032117# to #t1902005#, #p1102001# handed me an energized #t1902006#.
20511.name Kenta's Supplements
20511.0 Apparently, to complete the shedding of #t1902005#, I'll need to feed it #p2060005#'s #t4032117#. I better talk to #p2060005#.
20511.1 #t4032117# told me since I knew him, he'd give me a discount of... 25 million mesos... Seriously, what's it made of? I'm curious to find out...
25,000,000 mesos
20511.2 I wound up purchasing #t4032117#...
20511.area 15
20512.name I Want to Shed Titiana!
20512.0 I had lost #t1902005#, and managed to raise it again. If I want to have it go through shedding and become #t1902006#, then I better talk to #p1102002# the Mount Trainer.
20512.1 I better find some food for #t1902005# that's inside the Special Glasshouse for shedding. I'll have to feed #p2060005#urus' Marrow, #p2060005#urus' Bone, #p2060005#urus' Flame, and #t4032117# to #t1902005#, and I'll also need to pay for the usage fee of the Incubator, which is 40 million mesos.
20512.2 #p1102002# waited patiently until the shedding was complete, then removed #t1902006# from the Special Glasshouse.
20512.area 15
20520.name Knight's Dignity
20520.area 15
20520.autoStart 1
20520.0 #p1101002# seemed to want to talk to me about something...
20520.1 #p1101002# told me that for a Level 50 knight to walk around to various destination seems beneath my rank, and gave me an information on Monster Mount. According to him, there might be a Mount that's available exclusively for the knights.
20520.2 #p1101002# told me that for a Level 50 knight to walk around to various destination seems beneath my rank, and gave me an information on Monster Mount. According to him, there might be a Mount that's available exclusively for the knights. I better head off to #m130000000# and hear the story in detail.
20521.name Knight Mount
20521.area 15
20521.0 I better talk to #p1101002# about the information on Monster Mounts for Knights.
20521.1 #p1101002# told me I'll need to visit #p1102002# the Mount Trainer, who's at the hatchery raising the Titis for Mounts.
20521.2 I wound up meeting up with #p1102002# the Mount Trainer.
20522.name Raising Titiana
20522.area 15
20522.0 I better go visit the hatchery and talk to #p1102002# the Mount Trainer about the Mounts for the knights.
20522.1 #p1102002# told me the Mounts for the knights are through #t1902005#, a type of Titi, and told me I'll have to raise #t1902005# on my own. He then handed me a small egg... #t1902005# can be raised by sharing my experiences with it.
20522.2 After fully raising #t1902005#, I handed it back to #p1102002#.
20523.name Mounting Titiana
20523.area 15
20523.0 How does a fully-grown #t1902005# act? I better talk to #p1102002# the Mount Trainer for the answer.
20523.1 #p1102002# told me that #t1902005# may have grown quite a bit, but it's not ready to be mounted, and told me I'll need to make it stronger by feeding #t1902005# with some of #p2060005#'s Supplements. He then instructed me to go purchase #p2060005#'s Supplements. Wouldn't they be expensive?
20523.2 #p1102002# handed me a mountable #t1902005# and #t1912005#, and taught me the Monster Mount skill.
20524.name Titiana's Supplements
20524.area 15
20524.0 In order to strengthen #t1902005# so I can Mount it, then I must feed the creature with #p2060005#'s Supplements. I better go visit #p2060005# at #m230000000#.
20524.1 #p2060005# told me he would give me a discount on his supplements since I knew him, then proceeded to charge me 10 million mesos for them. Seriously, what's inside these Supplements?
20524.2 Saddened, but undeterred, I managed to purchase #p2060005#'s Supplements.
20525.name Making the Saddle
20525.area 15
20525.0 I managed to lose the #t1912005# for Mounts. What should I do...? I better talk to [color="Blue"]#p1102002# the Mount Trainerk# for help.
20525.1 #p1102002# told me because of budget issues, he couldn't give me a spare #t1912005#, and told me I must come up with a new #t1912005# on my own... Apparently, #p2060005# of #m230000000# is a great maker of #t1912005#s... but I have a feeling it's going to be very expensive. I'll have to bring the materials and the service charge for the #t1912005# to #p2060005#.
20525.2 I wound up handing #p2060005# the materials for #t1912005#, along with the service charge, and received #t1912005# in return. I better make sure not to lose #t1912005# ever again.
20526.name Re-raising Titiana
20526.area 15
20526.0 I managed to lose #t1902005#. What should I do? I better talk to #p1102002# the Mount Trainer about this situation.
20526.1 #t1902005# is a fantasy creature that naturally dissolves if it stays away from its master for a prolonged period of time. In short, if I want #t1902005# back, I'll have to awaken the creature from the egg stage, starting over from scratch. #p1102002# said he can get the Supplements for me, but I'll have to pay for it again... sigh. I'll have to rack up enough experience to awaken #t1902005# once more.
20526.2 I was able to awaken #t1902005# once more. I better not lose it again.
20527.name Knight's Class
20527.area 15
20527.0 #p1101002# said he had something to tell me... again...
20527.1 #p1101002# was worried that I was at Level 100 and still riding a regular #t1902005#, which is apparently beneath my level as a high-ranked Knight. He then gave me new information on Monster Mount. Apparently, I can find out more about an enhanced Mount through #p1102002# the Mount Trainer...
20527.2 #p1101002# was worried that I was at Level 100 and still riding a regular #t1902005#, which is apparently beneath my level as a high-ranked Knight. He then gave me new information on Monster Mount. Apparently, I can find out more about an enhanced Mount through #p1102002# the Mount Trainer...
20527.autoStart 1
20528.name Raising Titio
20528.area 15
20528.0 I better ask #p1102002# the Mount Trainer about an enhanced Mount.
20528.1 Since #t1902005# acquired a wealth of experience, it was now eligible to acquire more power. The problem is, I'll have to feed it with the kind of food that is considered top-notch. To have it resemble the greatness of a dragon, I'm going to try to feed it with the Special Formula for the dragons in #m240000000#. Pam is the one that sells the Formula.
20528.2 I was able to purchase all the Formulas and fed it to #t1902005#. Once that took place, #t1902005# went through shedding and became #t1902006#.
20531.name Kiridu's Message
20531.area 15
20531.autoStart 1
20531.0 #p1101002# wants to talk to me all of a sudden. I wonder what's going on.
20531.1 #p1101002# told me my Mount may be in trouble, and advised me to talk to #p1102002# the Mount Trainer and show him my Mount.
20531.2 #p1101002# told me my Mount may be in trouble, and advised me to talk to #p1102002# the Mount Trainer and show him my Mount.
20531.parent The Birth of the Divine Bird
20531.order 1
20532.name The Mount's in Danger
20532.area 15
20532.0 I better show #p1102002# the Mount Trainer my #t1902006#.
20532.1 #p1102002# told me because I have gotten way too powerful, the Mount could not handle my rapid growth and is in need of help. He then told me he'll have to place it inside the Special Glasshouse and nurture it until it regains its confidence. I'll have to pay the fee for using the Special Glasshouse, which is 50 million mesos.
20532.2 I wound up giving #p1102002# 50 million mesos.
20532.parent The Birth of the Divine Bird
20532.order 2
20533.name The Birth of the Divine Bird
20533.area 15
20533.0 I'll have to talk to #p1102002# and see if the Special Glasshouse is good enough for the Mount to regain its health.
20533.1 #p1102002# told me that he tried his hardest, but he saw that the Mount was getting weaker and weaker, and advised me to ask #p1101001# for help. Apparently, if I really, really want the Mount with me, then I may acquire something more than I asked for.
20533.2 Through the power of #p1101001#, the Mount was resurrected, but it wasn't the old #t1902006#.
20533.parent The Birth of the Divine Bird
20533.order 3
20534.name The Rebirth of the Divine Bird
20534.area 15
20534.0 If I want to turn #t1902006# into #t1902007#, then I better talk to #p1102002# the Mount Trainer about it.
20534.1 #p1102002# told me that he learned through #p1101001# how to bring back #t1902007#, but he then told me he can't possibly do that to someone that's careless enough to lose #t1902007#, and told me to pay 100 million mesos in order to make sure that I will never lose it again.
20534.2 I paid #p1102002# 100 million mesos and received #t1902007# again.
20600.name Training Never Ends
20600.0 #p1101002# seems to want to talk to me about something...
20600.1 #p1101002# told me that being at Level 100 still means I have some training to do, and told me to learn from the Knight Commanders, who never stop training. He even told me I may one day be able to acquire a new skill...
20600.2 #p1101002# told me that being at Level 100 still means I have some training to do, and told me to learn from the Knight Commanders, who never stop training. He even told me I may one day be able to acquire a new skill...
20600.area 15
20600.autoStart 1
20601.name A New Skill for Soul Master
20601.0 If I think long and hard about #p1101002#'s words, that means I may be able to learn a new skill from #p1101003#...
20601.1 #p1101003# told me there is indeed a new skill, but it's dangerous for me to learn the skill right now based on my level, and proceeded to challenge me to show that I deserve to learn the new skill. To prove it, I must head over to #m130020000#, enter Hall #3, and bring back #t4032121#...
#i4032120# #t4032120# #c4032120# / 1
20601.2 I was able to defeat the boss monster and bring back #t4032120#. #p1101003# told me that I deserved to learn the new skill, and taught me a new skill called Brandish.
20601.area 15
20602.name A New Skill for Flame Wizard
20602.0 If I think long and hard about #p1101002#'s words, that means I may be able to learn a new skill from #p1101004#
20602.1 #p1101004# told me there is indeed a new skill, but it's dangerous for me to learn the skill right now based on my level, and proceeded to challenge me to show that I deserve to learn the new skill. To prove it, I must head over to #m130020000#, enter Hall #3, and bring back #t4032121#...
#i4032121# #t4032121# #c4032121# / 1
20602.2 I was able to defeat the boss monster and bring back #t4032121#. #p1101004# told me that I deserved to learn the new skill, and taught me a new skill called Ifrit.
20602.area 15
20603.name A New Skill for Wind Breaker
20603.0 If I think long and hard about #p1101002#'s words, that means I may be able to learn a new skill from #p1101005#...
20603.1 #p1101005# told me there is indeed a new skill, but it's dangerous for me to learn the skill right now based on my level, and proceeded to challenge me to show that I deserve to learn the new skill.To prove it, I must head over to #m130020000#, enter Hall #3, and bring back #t4032121#...
#i4032122# #t4032122# #c4032122# / 1
20603.2 I was able to defeat the boss monster and bring back #t4032122#. #p1101005# told me that I deserved to learn the new skill, and taught me a new skill called Poetry in Tornado.
20603.area 15
20604.name A New Skill for Night Walker
20604.0 If I think long and hard about #p1101002#'s words, that means I may be able to learn a new skill from #p1101006#
20604.1 #p1101006# told me there is indeed a new skill, but it's dangerous for me to learn the skill right now based on my level, and proceeded to challenge me to show that I deserve to learn the new skill. To prove it, I must head over to #m130020000#, enter Hall #3, and bring back #t4032121#...
#i4032123# #t4032123# #c4032123# / 1
20604.2 I was able to defeat the boss monster and bring back #t4032123#. #p1101006# told me that I deserved to learn the new skill, and taught me a new skill called Triple Throw.
20604.area 15
20605.name A New Skill for Striker
20605.0 If I think long and hard about #p1101002#'s words, that means I may be able to learn a new skill from #p1101007#
20605.1 #p1101007# told me there is indeed a new skill, but it's dangerous for me to learn the skill right now based on my level, and proceeded to challenge me to show that I deserve to learn the new skill. To prove it, I must head over to #m130020000#, enter Hall #3, and bring back #t4032121#...
#i4032124# #t4032124# #c4032124# / 1
20605.2 I was able to defeat the boss monster and bring back #t4032124#. #p1101007# told me that I deserved to learn the new skill, and taught me a new skill called Fist.
20605.area 15
20610.name Training Still Never Ends
20610.0 #p1101002# seems to want to talk to me about something...
20610.1 #p1101002# asked me if I had mastered all the skills I had, and told me a nugget that the Knight Commanders came up with new skills again. He then challened me to learn that as well.
20610.2 #p1101002# asked me if I had mastered all the skills I had, and told me a nugget that the Knight Commanders came up with new skills again. He then challened me to learn that as well.
20610.area 15
20610.autoStart 1
20611.name Another New Skill for Soul Master
20611.0 I better ask #p1101003# about this new skill per comments from #p1101002#.
20611.1 #p1101003#told me that if I wanted to learn a new skill, I'll have to prove my skills again by entering Hall #4 at #m130020000#, where a tougher test will take place...
#i4032125# #t4032125# #c4032125# / 1
20611.2 I managed to defeat the boss monster again and brought back #t4032125# in return. #p1101003# told me I have proven that I deserve to learn the new skill, and taught me Advanced Combo.
20611.area 15
20612.name Another New Skill for Flame Wizard
20612.0 I better ask #p1101004# about this new skill per comments from #p1101002#.
20612.1 #p1101004#told me that if I wanted to learn a new skill, I'll have to prove my skills again by entering Hall #4 at #m130020000#, where a tougher test will take place...
#i4032126# #t4032126# #c4032126# / 1
20612.2 I managed to defeat the boss monster again and brought back #t4032126# in return. #p1101004# told me I have proven that I deserve to learn the new skill, and taught me Meteo.
20612.area 15
20613.name Another New Skill for Wind Breaker
20613.0 I better ask #p1101005# about this new skill per comments from #p1101002#.
20613.1 #p1101005#told me that if I wanted to learn a new skill, I'll have to prove my skills again by entering Hall #4 at #m130020000#, where a tougher test will take place...
#i4032127# #t4032127# #c4032127# / 1
20613.2 I managed to defeat the boss monster again and brought back #t4032127# in return. #p1101005# told me I have proven that I deserve to learn the new skill, and taught me Sharp Eyes.
20613.area 15
20614.name Another New Skill for Night Walker
20614.0 I better ask #p1101006# about this new skill per comments from #p1101002#.
20614.1 #p1101006#told me that if I wanted to learn a new skill, I'll have to prove my skills again by entering Hall #4 at #m130020000#, where a tougher test will take place...
#i4032128# #t4032128# #c4032128# / 1
20614.2 I managed to defeat the boss monster again and brought back #t4032128# in return. #p1101006# told me I have proven that I deserve to learn the new skill, and taught me Venom.
20614.area 15
20615.name Another New Skill for Striker
20615.0 I better ask #p1101007# about this new skill per comments from #p1101002#.
20615.1 #p1101002#told me that if I wanted to learn a new skill, I'll have to prove my skills again by entering Hall #4 at #m130020000#, where a tougher test will take place...
#i4032129# #t4032129# #c4032129# / 1
20615.2 I managed to defeat the boss monster again and brought back #t4032129# in return. #p1101007# told me I have proven that I deserve to learn the new skill, and taught me Wind Booster.
20615.area 15
20700.name Are You Sure You Can Leave?
20700.area 15
20700.0 Apparently, #p1101002# wants to tell me something...
20700.1 #p1101002# told me I may be a knight, but I still have a long way to go before he can send me out on assignments, and asked me to train more.
20700.2 #p1101002# told me I may be a knight, but I still have a long way to go before he can send me out on assignments, and asked me to train more with the help from #p1102000# the Knight Trainer...
20701.name 1st Monster Acclimation Training
20701.0 I better take #p1101002#'s advice and go see #p1102000# the Knight Trainer.
20701.1 #p1102000# told me he expected me to come, and suggested that I take the Monster Acclimation Training before entering Victoria Island. He then proposed me to head over to the end of Forest of Training and enter Hall #1 to hunt the #o9300271#s that are inside.
#o9300271# #a207011#
20701.2 I managed to defeat 30 #o9300271#s.
20701.area 15
20702.name 2nd Monster Acclimation Training
20702.0 I shall receive the 2nd Monster Acclimation Training from #p1102000#.
20702.1 This time, the monster in question for Monster Acclimation Training is #o9300272#. I'll need to enter Hall #1 and battle against #o9300272#...
#o9300272# #a207021#
20702.2 I managed to defeat 30 #o9300272#s.
20702.area 15
20703.name 3rd Monster Acclimation Training
20703.0 I shall receive the 3rd Monster Acclimation Training from #p1102000#.
20703.1 This time, the monster in question for the Monster Acclimation Training is #o9300273#. He warned me that the monster has quite a temper, and I better be careful. I better return to Hall #1 and hunt #o9300273#s.
#o9300273# #a207031#
20703.2 I was able to hunt 30 #o9300273#s. Now that I have reached Level 13, I should return to #p1101002# and receive an assignment.
20703.area 15
20704.name Sent to Henesys
20704.0 I have finally reached the level it takes to receive an assignment as the Knight of Cygnus. I'll need to visit the Strategist for Knights of Cygnus, #p1101002# for an assignment.
20704.1 I finally received the first assignment from #p1101002#, which is for me to head over to #m100000000# of Victoria Island and provide support for Agent #p1103001#.
20704.2 I finally received the first assignment from #p1101002#, which is for me to head over to #m100000000# of Victoria Island and provide support for Agent #p1103001#. I guess this kind of assignment is very common, since the Knights of Cygnus are sent to different parts of the world of Maple to collect information on the Black Wizard.
20704.area 15
20704.autoStart 1
20705.name A Cynical Orange Mushroom
20705.0 I'll need to talk to Agent #p1103001# of #m100000000# in order to receive the next assignment.
20705.1 According to #p1103001#, #o1210102# has been looking suspicious lately. Some of the #o1210102#s apparently have a cold, cynical look, and #p1103001# believes they may be linked to the Black Wizard. He then assigned me to hunt down #o9300274#...
20705.2 I was able to hunt down all the #o9300274#s that were out there. #p1103001# then told me to come back later, as he decided to continue to investigate on other suspicious creatures in this area.
20705.area 15
20706.name A Black Shadow in the Pig Farm
20706.0 I'll need to talk to Agent #p1103001# of #m100000000#, who apparently has some new information to share.
20706.1 According to #p1103001#, black shadows have been spotted all around #m100020000#, and asked me if I could conduct a search on the grassy area at the forest in East. He told me to roam around my mouse cursor until I can click on something, then click on it.
20706.2 I reported the suspicious black shadow hidden in the forest that I spotted to #p1103001#.
20706.area 15
20707.name Pigs Revolt
20707.0 I'll need to talk to Agent #p1103001# of #m100000000#, who apparently received some disturbing news.
20707.1 Was I too late in finding that black shadow? Apparently, the #o1210100#s at the #o1210100# Farm have caused a revolt. The agent believes that one of Black Wizard's men have probably set up a device in the area that caused such chaos. #p1103001# assigned me to defeat the #o1210100#s and if I happen to come across an item called #t4032130#, then I should bring it back to him.
20707.2 I was able to eliminate #o1210100#s and prevented their revolt from being carried out any further. After handing in the #p1103001# to #t4032130#, he had a disturbed look on his face. I wonder what's going on.
20707.area 15
20708.name Done with Henesys
20708.0 I'll need to talk to Agent #p1103001# of #m100000000#, who apparently wants to talk to me.
20708.1 #p1103001# told me that would conclude my assignments here in #m100000000# and asked me to hand in the Mission Report and #t4032131# to #p1101002# in Erev.
20708.2 After receiving the report and the doll, #p1101002# told me to go train to make myself more useful while he goes through the report.
20708.area 15
20709.name Sent to Kerning City
20709.0 #p1101002# is trying to give me a new assignment. I wonder what it is...
20709.1 I received a new assignment from #p1101002#, which is to travel to #m103000000# of Victoria Island and provide support for Agent #p1103002#.
20709.2 I met with #p1103002# at #m103000000#.
20709.area 15
20709.autoStart 1
20710.name Hidden Inside the Trash Can
20710.0 I'll need to talk to Agent #p1103002# of #m103000000# about the next assignment.
20710.1 #p1103002# told me that sources told him there were a huge number of strange dolls dumped inside the #m103000000# subway, and that he wanted me to bring back one of those. I'll have to dig in through the trash can inside the subway in #m103000000#...
#i4032136# #t4032136# #c4032136# / 1
20710.2 I managed to find #t4032136# and gave it to #p1103002#.
20710.area 15
20711.name Fake Doll
20711.0 Agent #p1103002# of #m103000000# apparently found a new information he'd like to share with me.
20711.1 #p1103002# told me that the dolls inside the trash can were fake, and that the real dolls may have already been absorbed by #o1210103#s. He then assigned me to defeat 100 #o1210103#s and bring back 30 #t4032137#s...
20711.2 I was able to eliminate the #o1210103#s and bring back #t4032137#s to #p1103002#.
20711.area 15
20712.name They'll All Be Picked!
20712.0 Agent #p1103002# of #m103000000# had something to tell me.
20712.1 #p1103002# said there were so many dolls with him that he couldn't tell which one was which, and wound up asking #p9000008# to sort out the dolls for him. My job is to go up to him and ask for the real doll from the pile.
#i4032138# #t4032138# #c4032138# / 1
20712.2 I was able to score the real #t4032138# from #p9000008# and handed it to #p1103002#.
20712.area 15
20713.name A Deal With Mr. Pickall
20713.0 Per #p1103002#'s order, I better go up to #p9000008# and ask for the real #t4032138#.
20713.1 #p9000008# told me he couldn't give me the real doll because he wasn't paid a dime for this work, and wanted me to pay him the fee for it. He even suggested that if I can't pay for it, then I'll have to work for it. I'll need to give him #t4032139#, which is very common among #o1210103#s, in order for him to cough up the real doll.
#i4032139# #t4032139# #c4032139# / 10
20713.2 I was able to give #t4032139# to #p9000008# and received the real #t4032138#.
20713.area 15
20714.name Done with Kerning City
20714.0 Agent #p1103002# of #m103000000# told me he had something to tell me...
20714.1 #p1103002# told me this wraps up my work in #m103000000# and that I'll need to hand in the Mission Report and #t4032140# to #p1101002#.
20714.2 After receiving the report and the doll, #p1101002# told me one of Black Wizard's men is indeed a Puppeteer, and that this may all stem from him. He then told me this still needs more investigation, and asked me to train harder so that I can make myself useful for the upcoming missions.
20714.area 15
20715.name Sent to Ellinia
20715.0 It looksl ike #p1101002# is trying to give me a new assignment. I wonder what it is...
20715.1 I received a new assignment from #p1101002#, which is to head over to #m101000000# of Victoria Island and provide support for Agent #p1103003#.
20715.2 I wound up meeting Agent #p1103003# at #m101000000#...
20715.area 15
20715.autoStart 1
20716.name Maybe it's Arwen!
20716.0 I better talk to Agent #p1103003# of #m101000000# about a new assignment.
20716.1 #p1103003# told me she suspects that #p1032100# might be controlled by the puppeteer, and asked me to give Arwen #t4032142#, which can be purchased at #m101010103#. Her theory was that if Arwen is controlled, then she would dread it; if Arwen is free, then she'd be ecstatic over it...
#i4032142# #t4032142# #c4032143# / 1
20716.2 Arwen thanked me for giving her #t4032142#, for she was very thirsty at the time, and proceeded to finish it in one giant gulp.
20716.area 15
20717.name Maybe it's the Plants!
20717.0 I better talk to Agent #p1103003# of #m101000000# about a new assignment.
20717.1 #p1103003# told me she's starting to worry about the plants that are growing in #m101010000#. Apparently, she plucked out a fruit from one of those plants and got violently sick. She suspects that one of Black Wizard's men planted some poison in the plants. I better pluck out a fruit to see if it's true.
#i4032143# #t4032143# #c4032143# / 10
20717.2 I wound up giving #t4032143# to #p1103003#. After looking through the charts, #p1103003# found out that the fruits that are being produced at this time of the year can cause food poisoning...
20717.area 15
20718.name Maybe it's Grendel!
20718.0 I better talk to Agent #p1103003# of #m101000000# about a new assignment.
20718.1 #p1103003# told me #p1032001# looked very suspicious. She said she always had #p1032001# in mind every since she found out about his past, which involved dabbling with dangerous black magic. She then assigned me to visit #m101000003#, where #p1032001# lives, and wanted me to conduct a full search in his house while #p1032001# is away.
20718.2 While conducting a full search in #p1032001#'s house, I was ambushed by a black shadow. Thankfully, I came out alive. After telling her what happened, #p1103003# stopped and started thinking about something...
20718.area 15
20719.name Done With Ellinia
20719.0 I better talk to Agent #p1103003# of #m101000000#, who wanted to talk to me about something.
20719.1 #p1103003# told me this makes it clear that #p1032001# is not guilty, and that this assignment has been wrapped up for now. She then handed me the Mission Report on the black shadow, and asked me to hand it in to #p1101002#.
20719.2 I handed #t4032144# in to #p1101002#. #p1101002# seemed worried that the power of the puppeteer seems to be growing by day, and that I'll need to get stronger in order to one day stop the puppeteer cold in his tracks. He then ordered me to keep training until the next assignment becomes available.
20719.area 15
20720.name Before Heading to Perion
20720.0 It looksl ike #p1101002# is trying to give me a new assignment. I wonder what it is...
20720.1 #p1101002# finally gave me a new assignment, but before even starting, he wanted me to get to Erev so I could make a delivery to someone else...
20720.2 #p1101002# finally gave me a new assignment, but before even starting, he wanted me to get to Erev and pick up an item for the upcoming assignment.
20720.area 15
20720.autoStart 1
20721.name Sent to Perion
20721.0 #p1101002# told me there's an item that I'll need to deliver that is crucial to this upcoming assignment.
20721.1 #p1101002# wound up giving me #t4032145#. He told me I'll find out soon what the item is for, and asked me to deliver #t4032145# to Agent #p1103004# of #m102000000#.
20721.2 I wound up giving #t4032145# to #p1103004#.
20721.area 15
20722.name Wooden Mask
20722.0 I better ask Agent #p1103004# of #m102000000# about the new assignment.
20722.1 #p1103004# told me something's not right in #m101030102#, and wanted me to go there and eliminate #o2230110#s. After eliminating #o2230110#, I also have to bring back #t4032146#...
20722.2 I was able to eliminate #o2230110#s and brought back #t4032146#. #p1103004# had a serious look on his face while looking at the detector...
20722.area 15
20723.name Stone Mask
20723.0 Agent #p1103004# of #m102000000# has a new assignment for me...
20723.1 #p1103004# told me this time, the detector reacted in the direction of #m101030103#, and assigned me to eliminate 200 #o2230111#s there, while bringing back #t4032147#.
20723.2 I was able to eliminate all the #o2230111#s. #p1103004# then proceeded to look at the detector again...
20723.area 15
20724.name Done with Perion
20724.0 Agent #p1103004# of #m102000000# wants to talk to me about something...
20724.1 #p1103004# told me the assignments for #m102000000# are now complete, and told me to turn in the Mission Report along with #t4032148# to #p1101002#.
20724.2 I wound up giving #p1101002# #p1103004#'s report and #t4032148#.
20724.area 15
20725.name Sent to Sleepywood
20725.0 #p1101002# wants to talk to me about an assignment...
20725.1 #p1101002# told me he detected a strong force of darkness around #m105040300# and wanted me to look into #o9300285#. The problem is, there's not a single agent currently assigned there, so he wanted me to gather up the information from scratch by myself...
20725.2 I was able to gather up all the information and wrote up a report to #p1101002#.
20725.area 15
20725.autoStart 1
20726.name The Remember's Information
20726.0 Maybe #p1061011# of #m105040300# can tell me something useful about #o9300285#...
20726.1 #p1061011# told me he can give a useful information on #o9300285# if I can eliminate 250 #o2230101#s for him.
#o2230101# #a207261#
20726.2 According to #p1061011#, #o9300285# is a little boy who's name is #p1104000#...
20726.area 15
20727.name Sabritrama's Information
20727.0 Maybe #p1061005# of #m105040300# can tell me something useful about #o9300285#...
20727.1 #p1061005# told me he can give a useful information on #o9300285# if I can eliminate 200 #o2230100#s for him.
#o2230100# #a207271#
20727.2 According to #p1061005#, #o9300285# lives somewhere around the Cave of #o2230100#.
20727.area 15
20728.name Chrishrama's Information
20728.0 Maybe #p1061000# of #m105040300# can tell me something useful about #o9300285#...
20728.1 #p1061000# told me he can give a useful information on #o9300285# if I can eliminate 100 #t4000015#s for him.
#i4000015# #t4000015# #c4000015# / 100
20728.2 According to #p1061000#, #o9300285# seems to doodle in front of #p1061006# when busy. If I look closely into #p1061006#, I may be able to find something...
20728.area 15
20729.name Mysterious Statue's Information
20729.0 According to #p1061000#, there may be some clues of #o9300285# on the surface of #p1061006#. I'll have to talk to #p1061006#.
20729.1 Something seems to be written on it, but it's hard to see. I'll have to move #p1061006# around.
20729.2 At the back of #p1061006#, I found some writings on it with a horrible handwriting. It said: The password is XXXXXXX is a genius #o9300285#!
20729.area 15
20730.name Find the Puppeteer!
20730.0 I better report the information gathered in #m105040300# to #p1101002#.
20730.1 #p1101002# told me he's certain the boy carrying the doll is indeed #o9300285#, and assigned me to enter the home of #o9300285# at the Cave of #o2230100# and defeat #p1104000# the #o9300285#.
#o9300285# #a207301#
20730.2 I was able to defeat #p1104000# the #o9300285#. Afterwards, when I asked #p1101002# of the word Black Wings that I picked up during the battle, he revealed that the Black Wings are a group that follows the Black Wizard and #p1104000# was also a member as well.
20730.area 15
for future reference, replace:
#b with ['color="Blue"]
#d with ['color="Purple"]
#r with ['color="Red"]
#g with ['color="Green"]
#e with ['b] // this might need assistance to actually work out, #k ends all codes
#k with ['/color]
using id# xxxxxxxx,
#axxxxxn# with quantity of quest requirement n for quest xxxxxx (killing monsters: eg. 0 / 1)
#mxxxxxxx# with map name
#oxxxxxxx# with monster's name
#pxxxxxxx# with NPC's name
#ixxxxxxx# with item's picture // #vxxxxxxxx# is an alternative
#cxxxxxxx# with current quantity held of item
#txxxxxxx# with item's name // #zxxxxxxxx# is an alternative