Q: Where is Golem's Castle Ruins?
A: It's by Sleepywood on the way down to FoG. Enter the right house in Sleepywood. Descend down three maps and you should see the mini-dungeon entrance directly below the entrance portal.
Q: What levels are good for this place?
A: 50 - 70
Q: Why should I go there instead of Windraiders?
A: Several reasons. [#1] You can't recharge bullets in NLC, but you can recharge bullets in Sleepywood. Recharging bullets is a pain in the ass. [#2] No having to worry about silly jump quests, dying from Elderwraiths, or CCing on a Bigfoot. [#3] The EXP/hr is comparable to what you'd get at Windraiders anyway. [#4] Since you're in a mini-dungeon, you never have to fight for a map. Hardly anyone else trains here, and Windraiders are a highly contested area in NLC. [#5] Glove for attack scrolls, anyone?
Q: How much EXP were you getting per hour?
A: I'm getting roughly 35 - 45% per hour at level 66. Of course, your mileage may vary. Also, there's a right way to do this map and a very, very wrong way to do this map.
Q: Recommended skills or equips?
A: You must have max Invisible shot. Blank shot can help in certain situations. Extra jump couldn't hurt.
Anyway, enough with the FAQ. Let's have a look at the map.
The spawn here is better than it looks on the map above. There are generally 2 - 4 mobs per platform, and a block of five steps separating each set of platforms down the middle.
Like I said before, there's a right way to do this map and a wrong way to do this map. The key to this map is to use invisible shot as much as possible. It's all in how you navigate the steps in the middle.
Why is one right and one wrong? The right one allows you to use invisible shot on two rows of golems, thus increasing the possibility of mobbing, damage output, and exp/hour. The wrong way ensures that your invisible shot will only hit one row. Also, if you need to snipe off one last golem, the double fire bullets can pierce through the platforms from the bottom, but not from the top. It is always, always better to be on a good platform than a bad platform.
Furthermore, it's also important to never chase after golems to the edges of the map. You may have a golem spawn on top of you, and that only leaves you with blank shot to work with. Then you have to take damage and retreat back to the blocks you just jumped off. Definitely a bad move. Stay on the blocks! The only reason you should jump onto the platforms is if you are looting drops. Not chasing golems also applies to the very bottom of the map. Always stay on a good block and use invisible shot.
If you have any other strategies, please post them here! I'm always open for suggestions. Good luck at this map.