When your extraction hunger needs sustenance.
[KMS][RED] Adventurer Bowman
2013-07-08, 12:54 AM
[Module] GMS - Potential Pools
2013-08-04, 11:29 PM
I. Introduction Welcome to Southperry.net, the leading source in Maplestory news and information! By registering for an account, you have agreed to follow these rules and regulations. These...
Want instant notification of new extractions, announcements and updates? Follow Southperry on Twitter! How do you feel about the content changed in this patch? Click on "Rate this thread" in the...
Want instant notification of new extractions, announcements and updates? Follow Southperry on Twitter! ----- Note - this extraction is for v102 --> v104. Patch 103 was not available on the FTP...
Follow Southperry on Twitter! ----- Preliminary Observations: - Level 77 Maple Weapons - Skill strings for Final Attack changed - Almost all of the sale prices of items reduced heavily -...
Check us out on Twitter! ------ Witch's Crimson Belt Belt - All classes
Follow Southperry on Twitter Other stuff: - Cash Shop search - MapleTV ad changed - advertisement for Big Hedward and getting a new style - BGMs were added, but it's nothing you guys haven't...
빨간색 복대 Belt - All classes Required Level: 20 Weapon Attack: +2 STR: +2 DEX: +2 WDEF: +50 3 Slots Tradeblock Time Limited
- Durability weapons added - Introduction screen completely changed - Encryptions for wz files changed One of the things I especially took to note was something added in the String.wz file for...
3D Glasses Eye Accessory - All classes Cash Item Supreme Fishing King Flag Face Accessory - All classes
First of all, yes there is Evan data but it's not fully complete. There are no skill strings. Cash Shop: There are other things I found in the extraction that they did not state in the patch...
Blue Sadness Face Accessory - All classes Cash Item Pink Powder Face Accessory - All classes Cash Item
Just looking at the data now, I can see all of the updated Aran information in the WZ files. I can also see a suspicious "Pyramid" animation. :chin: More when I know about it. Other things...
Medal of Fishing King Medal - All classes STR: +10 DEX: +10 INT: +10 LUK: +10 Tradeblock One-of-a-kind Cannot resell to merchants
The special maker'd items from the original Neo Tokyo in JMS are also included in the data. The "Elemental Pierce" earrings still cost 300m. Everything else is in the 3/5/7m range. GD Shades...
New Idol Star Vest - Idol Star Chain Pants - Idol Star Snickers - We Care! Hat - We Care! Shoes - We Care! Weapon - Cursed Golden trench helmet - Cursed Golden Armor - Cursed Golden...
Male Face 20 Male Face 20 Male Face 20
No new equips found. Malaysia : Trend Zone Metropolis NPC: Chiang, Kok Soon, Maple Administrator, Kok Hua, Raja, Hera, Cassandra, Spinel, Nina, String not found, Gachapon13, Cai Shen, Encik...
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