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  1. Default Re: Goals for Pre-Season 3

    Pff, I'll be doing the carrying around here. Gimme fizz/wukong mid, or Renekton/Jayce top and I'll carry us hard. c:
    I can do Ez/Taric bot too. c:

  2. Default Re: Goals for Pre-Season 3

    Must... not... make... joke about... not knowing... how to play... IRELIA!

    Also, I'd probably take a dump on you if you played Wukong mid.
    In all seriousness Annie, Karthus, or Anivia would have a field day with you, and Fizz being AP Melee will just have all sorts of trouble. Gotta expand those horizons man.

  3. Default Re: Goals for Pre-Season 3

    Annie? Karthus? ANIVIA? Have you ever played a game with me before? You'd be surprised with my wukong mid.
    Only person I have a hard time with is Morgana and Lux. Long range snare/slows suck, but not hard to get around.

    Those are my bests not my only mids. ._.
    I also use Cass, Ziggs, Anivia (anyone remember when my anivia was like my fizz, where I was like if I'm anivia it's gg?)

  4. Default Re: Goals for Pre-Season 3

    Leggo', I'll play against you 1v1 mid on friday 2 PM or so CST. That's when I'm free.

  5. Default Re: Goals for Pre-Season 3


  6. Default Re: Goals for Pre-Season 3

    My elo decayed again today!

    <-- Am mad.

  7. Default Re: Goals for Pre-Season 3

    Lol, I just got home now. xD
    I'll be on all night, come at me bro. c:

  8. Default Re: Goals for Pre-Season 3

    It's been said in the EUNE forums that if you're currently a specific tier by the time the rewards announcement hits, then you're good to go. ...unless you intentionally nuke your elo really hard or something, I dunno. It has yet to be seen what the exact details are in regards to the end of S2.

  9. Default Re: Goals for Pre-Season 3

    Wait for the weekend, or friday. And PM me when you do. my IGN is Derosis.

  10. Default Re: Goals for Pre-Season 3

    Okay. c:

  11. aka ClawofBeta Straight Male
    Corn's Avatar [Jr. Event Coordinator]

    IGN: ClawofBeta
    Server: LoL.NA
    Level: 30
    Job: Bot Lane
    Guild: N/A
    Alliance: N/A

    Default Re: Goals for Pre-Season 3

    Crap, still got 1.5k elo to go.

  12. Default Re: Goals for Pre-Season 3

    When it said 10 matchmades for the kayle skin, does that mean like 10 solo q ranked or what.
    Also corn, c'mon let's start duo'ing already aaaaa

  13. Default Re: Goals for Pre-Season 3

    ...and the rewards are announced!

    Season 2 Rating Tiers for solo queue are this:
    • Bronze: < 1150
    • Silver: 1150 - 1499 (top 40-50%)
    • Gold: 1500 - 1849 (top 5-10%)
    • Platinum: 1850 - 2199 (top 1-0.5%)
    • Diamond: > 2199 (top 0.1-0.05%)
    Last edited by KajitiSouls; 2012-09-13 at 03:21 AM. Reason: Gotta get all the information!

  14. Orbital Bee Cannon
    IGN: BuffDaSnail
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 15x
    Job: DrK!
    Guild: Irresistible
    Alliance: IrreForce

    Default Re: Goals for Pre-Season 3

    Just looked at the cutoff point for the rankings. I was somewhat off (by 50 ELO) on what ELO the Diamond Tier would start off at.

    Otherwise, this is really exciting! Though, inb4 the "bronze" rankings become insignificant, despite Riot's very good intentions

  15. Default Re: Goals for Pre-Season 3

    I'm getting really tempted to start playing ranked though that's probably an awful idea.

  16. Default Re: Goals for Pre-Season 3

    Yeah I am gonna have to practice up a bit and get some ranked games in before the end of s2.

  17. aka ClawofBeta Straight Male
    Corn's Avatar [Jr. Event Coordinator]

    IGN: ClawofBeta
    Server: LoL.NA
    Level: 30
    Job: Bot Lane
    Guild: N/A
    Alliance: N/A

    Default Re: Goals for Pre-Season 3

    Oh god, it is not worth it to go from 12XX to 1500l I'll stick with my silver, lol.

  18. Default Re: Goals for Pre-Season 3

    Whatever was your top is your reward. If you went from 1550 to 800 elo. You'll still keep gold IV rewards.

  19. Default Re: Goals for Pre-Season 3

    Alright. I think my shopping list before I start ranked is basically:
    Irelia, Taric, Cho, maybe Jayce, maybe Gragas, maybe Nautilus, maybe Shyvana, maybe Skarner, maybe Maokai. I feel like I need a better pick at mid than what I currently have, and Gragas is super fun. I'm only tempted to get Jayce because of how he's in vogue right now, but that probably won't last very long. Naut/Shyv/Skar/Mao are on there because I feel like I need more good junglers. I've got Ali, Olaf, Amumu, Mundo, Jarvan, Malphite, and Nunu who I am competent with, and a couple others that I haven't really tried much or am not great with (Rammus, Riven, Fiddle). Feels like I need more options. I have trouble with Mundo so Shyvana fits into his role but is better (and safer), I don't have a good high-CC jungler besides Alistar who is permabanned so Naut is an option, and Skarner and Maokai are just good but I'm not sure if they're worth it yet.
    Also some more pineappleing runes including MS quints which are gonna take forever. pineapple those.

  20. Default Re: Goals for Pre-Season 3

    Awesome, I'm silver!
    C'mon guys, no harm in doing ranked now! (for me anyway, I'ma silverrr!)



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