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  1. Orbital Bee Cannon
    IGN: BuffDaSnail
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 15x
    Job: DrK!
    Guild: Irresistible
    Alliance: IrreForce

    Default How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    As implied in the name of the thread (inspired by the "How was your day?" thread in the Speakeasy), this is a place to post about your day in LoL!

    However, if anything you want to post fall into these threads: The LoL Rage thread by MasPan and Post your games! by Berzerk, post them there. This thread is for anything other than the topics covered by those threads, such as random thoughts while playing LoL, random events you saw in LoL, basically anything relating to LoL on a daily basis!

    Post away!

    I'll start off:

    Yesterday, I attended a tourney hosted by my LoL club at my university as part of a gaming convention held over the weekend (geeks galore!). While my team didn't do so well (for the record, I wasn't committed to an organized team, and so I was thrown into a team composed of non-committed players. You can imagine how those games went, haha), I also got a couple of opportunity to shoutcast a few games for the audience. Oh man, it was rough at the beginning, but I was a bit more comfortable at of it the second time around. Though if I want to be serious about it, I'll have to more shoutcasting just to get the experience, as well as increase my knowledge of the game just to be good at it.

    In other words: While shoutcasting isn't something that I would like to do on a serious basis in the future, it was fun while I did it, and got quite a bit of insight into the area of shoutcasting. xD

  2. I post a lot Bi Male
    IGN: ZesseiBijin
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 204
    Job: Kanna
    Guild: NEST
    Farm: Razmosia

    Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    Changed my rune page around and added some mastery points, so now i have +13% Attack Speed. Played on Kog'Maw to try it out, reached 2.5 attacks per second (which i believe is the limit).
    With Bio-Arcane barrage mastered and the Bloodrazor item built, every basic attack by Kog'Maw did normal damage, PLUS it takes away 10% of the opponents HP every hit. Yeah, so i was killing champions in around 3 seconds from far far away.
    My kill count soared in that fight.

    Also tried using Lux and Ezreal. Lux is so much fun, her abilities are amazing and fit my play style really well, and i fall in love with her ultimate again everytime i use it, it's just freaking "KAMEHAMEHA" and then your enemies are dead. it looks badass.
    Found it a bit hard to get used to Ezreal, but i still did alright with him, his game sprite looks awesome too.

    I also played on a 1v1 match vs a random friend on the twisted treeline map (the first time i've been on it). He used Cho Gath and i used Evelynn. being able to stealth made killing him easy, but i was still on the ropes a lot of the time because of his crowd control attacks, he broke through all the turrets on one side and destroyed my inhibitor in a few attempts, and i hadn't even scratched his first turret. I fought off the super minions until the inhibitor respawned, killed him, and then made one big push, destroying all his turrets, his inhibitor and his nexus in one go, winning the game.

    It was freaking awesome.

  3. Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    Played some inhouse games with LoL U. In the last game, people recognized that I was the biggest gamechanger, so they banned Anivia (who I never played in an inhouse game). So I picked Kog'Maw just to spite them. Facerape commences.

    Also, getting close to completing a new runepage to replace one that's been sitting useless for a while now.

  4. aka ClawofBeta Straight Male
    Corn's Avatar [Jr. Event Coordinator]

    IGN: ClawofBeta
    Server: LoL.NA
    Level: 30
    Job: Bot Lane
    Guild: N/A
    Alliance: N/A

    Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    Can we just make this the general thread? Lol.

  5. Water

    IGN: SolicShooter, SolicSage
    Server: Demethos
    Level: 162
    Job: Captain, BaM
    Guild: FallingStars
    Alliance: Quit MS

    Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    I love it so when blind pick gifts me an enemy team with few interrupts as Katarina. I went around 17/3/12 in a game today with her completely carrying my team. Was also very interesting to lane against a blitzcrank mid. I could cs easily just being faster then him with shunpo but he gave me a lot of trouble later when he went extremely tanky and so fast with his W. Granted I already had like 6 kills then so the damage was done and I dominated the rest of the team fights. Almost had a penta too when they attempted baron but someone got my 4th kill :(. TL;DR: KATARINA IS AWSOME! :)

  6. Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    Awful, played against a shaco, my team decided to pick 2 AD carries for bot lane and wukong for top, bot lane fed hard, along with wukong, lost 3\3 of my games >.>.

  7. Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    I've been hit point-blank with that thing while trapped by her binding and getting beaten up by someone else and I still wound up with like 1/3 health. In the lategame. On Malzahar.
    Only really seems helpful in early/midgame when you can hit retreating/recalling enemies on mid.
    Anyhow, this is more how my weekend was than how today was, but here goes:
    Discovered that I do much better with Malz on regular random matches with people my level, but Rammus gives me more success when I'm against better people (noteably playing with Olsi and his friends).
    Had a couple games where I went legendary+ (12/0/2 one game, 14/0/5 another) with no deaths until about 30 minutes in, when I started to go up against the other team's carry, who my team had fed more than I had been fed. Did not end up well. I also discovered that Warwick is amusing to play against on mid. As is Garen. As is Amumu. As is Janna. As is Xerath. As is Ziggs. Went godlike or better against all of them.
    Oh, and Tryndamere is a pineappleing pain. I would love some help for how to counter or circumvent his Undying Rage bullshit. Preferrably for how to do it on a Malzahar.

  8. aka ClawofBeta Straight Male
    Corn's Avatar [Jr. Event Coordinator]

    IGN: ClawofBeta
    Server: LoL.NA
    Level: 30
    Job: Bot Lane
    Guild: N/A
    Alliance: N/A

    Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    Ignite/Exhaust are your best bets.

  9. Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    My 1v1 combo (which uses all my actives lol) includes Ignite, and that didn't seem to help at all. Still had fun chasing him down after his Undying Rage had worn off and getting ganked, or just getting killed while I tried to run away from him while it was still going after my ult had finished. I guess I should stop using Malefic Visions on him before the ult and maybe going for Deathfire Grasp instead of Morello's. Of course that's only when I'm up against him. I figure Kog'Maw is similarly a bit of a peach when he dies unless you have Flash.

  10. aka ClawofBeta Straight Male
    Corn's Avatar [Jr. Event Coordinator]

    IGN: ClawofBeta
    Server: LoL.NA
    Level: 30
    Job: Bot Lane
    Guild: N/A
    Alliance: N/A

    Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    Your very best bet is not to let him farm in the early game.

  11. Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    You CC him during his ultimate. You're Malz, you have some of the best CC in the game in suppress.

  12. Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    rager on my team in every game today



  13. Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    Avoid playing games with ragers in them. Whoo!

    'Course this means you're playing inhouse games or coop vs. AI games. Or 5-man teams.

  14. Orbital Bee Cannon
    IGN: BuffDaSnail
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 15x
    Job: DrK!
    Guild: Irresistible
    Alliance: IrreForce

    Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    > Sees new weekly skin sale, goes to check it out
    > Sees Jurassic Cho on sale
    > Braces for a flood of people buying and using this kickass skin in-game

    (For the record: While I wish I waited until this week to buy the Jurassic Cho skin just for the discount, this is one of the few moments where I don't regret shelling out 975 RP for that skin. Especially when I insta-bought it when it was first released. The quality of the skin was definitely worth the money spent)

  15. Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    Yeah, I feel that buying Valentine Vayne soon after it came out was worth it for me.

  16. Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    It's more that I'm using my suppress ult and getting him down to 0 HP in a 1v1 fight, then it ends and he is faster than me and kills me pretty quickly. This is usually in a situation where there's either a teamfight or a skirmish, Trynd gets down to low health and runs into the jungle, and I try to get the kill. He's not bad in teamfights when 1 person can just just use a hard CC and/or just let the tank distract him during his Undying Rage, but he's just a complete pain in 1v1 situations.
    >don't let him farm
    >random match
    Basically every game I play has a weak lane. I don't have a ton of mobility as malz, and I solo mid with him so if I leave mid to deal with him, their carry gets more free time than is good for me to allow and then I have to deal with THAT.

  17. aka ClawofBeta Straight Male
    Corn's Avatar [Jr. Event Coordinator]

    IGN: ClawofBeta
    Server: LoL.NA
    Level: 30
    Job: Bot Lane
    Guild: N/A
    Alliance: N/A

    Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    Gank him a lot, then, when the time is good.

    The best moment would be when you just hit 6. Ult him low with pool, then when 2 seconds after he starts ulting cast Ignite and Malefic Visions on him. If he's in a duo lane, he won't even have his ult.

    If it is a 1 v 1 you pretty much do deserve to die anyways, since you shouldn't wander off anywhere alone without any visions. If you got caught by him, your loss.

    You could also, if you're confident about versing Tryndamere, ask your top to switch with you. Some tops are decent at mid, and Malzadar should destroy Tryndamere in the lane.

  18. Water

    IGN: SolicShooter, SolicSage
    Server: Demethos
    Level: 162
    Job: Captain, BaM
    Guild: FallingStars
    Alliance: Quit MS

    Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    You people are too greedy. You should realize that forcing him base is already a victory in itself since you can push a creep wave into his tower or steal some jungle creeps, to get yourself an advantage. Later on just use your malefic visions + ignite after he has some fair time on his ultimate and you'll be able to kill him 1vs1.

    more on topic: Played some TT today, which made me wonder how many different elo's there are and how they are calculated, seeing as I got matched up with atrocious people, way below everything I normally see in ranked SR games. Either way I'm backing down from there again because I don't like my average queue time to be 8 minutes.

  19. I post a lot Bi Male
    IGN: ZesseiBijin
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 204
    Job: Kanna
    Guild: NEST
    Farm: Razmosia

    Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    So i played a game as Vayne, and we were in the enemies base after destroying their last inhibitor, one of them (a Poppy) tried to run away because she was one hit from dying, and she ran towards her spawn point, i was just about to catch her when the enemies Skarner used his impale move thingy to grab me and pull me into the enemy spawning area, making me get killed in one hit from the turret there.

    I was seriously in awe, and i had to congratulate the guy for killing me in such an unconvential and AWESOME way.

  20. Default Re: How was your day? - League of Legends edition

    In a skirmish? Yes. In a teamfight, especially if he has teleport? Not at all.



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