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  1. Default How did this luminous from KMST teleport at such a high speed?

    See the video.
    He did that in both light mode and Eq mode.

    I wonder how he did it..


  2. Default Re: How did this luminous from KMST teleport at such a high speed?

    South Korea is a relatively small area. Their ping is ridiculously low (I've seen people with <10) compared to us global people.
    I'm assuming that's the reason.

  3. Default Re: How did this luminous from KMST teleport at such a high speed?

    That's a sad reason.. I hope it's some update through the V.. anyway

  4. Default Re: How did this luminous from KMST teleport at such a high speed?

    If you've observed how the game mechanics work, after you pot there is a slight delay before you can attack or do anything else. There is a short delay after every manual loot. There is a short delay after every attack when changing to another attack (e.g. cast a spell, then try to twack). The same for teleport. There probably is a server response packet that must reach the client before your character can perform another action.

    Advantage is accountability and some amount of hack tracing. Disadvantage is... well... massively influenced by ping rate, and very easily counter-hacked, and obviously DDoS.


  5. Default Re: How did this luminous from KMST teleport at such a high speed?

    Doesn't Equilibrium give some kind of boost to Light Speed?

  6. Default

    It wasn't in Eq tho

    ---------- Post added at 06:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:23 PM ----------

    But the mage teleport is much faster in GMS tho..

    I just tested it. The evan teleport in GMS is much faster than the luminous.

    Just saw this

    KMS and GMS has different range for that skill.. I just hope that GMS can decrease the horizontal range but also decreases the cast delay.
    Last edited by Five Second Pose; 2016-07-21 at 09:28 PM. Reason: Use the edit button, don't quadruple post.

  7. Default Re: How did this luminous from KMST teleport at such a high speed?

    Try it with the 1 second invulnerability Hyper Skill for a 4th job Explorer Mage. See if there's any difference. It may be that there is an inherently longer delay in the Luminous teleport skill, but for both Luminous teleport skills I feel they are both equally slow, so it's probably a coding thing, or really a delay issue.




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