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    IGN: Overburnd
    Server: Khaini
    Level: 210
    Job: Cannoneer
    Guild: Contagious


    It's a legend DPS class, what did you expect?

    The only thing overpowered, to me, is the thought of this class tanking zakum and hitting every. single. arm. of zakum.

  2. Default

    Legendary Spear has a 5 second cooldown.

  3. Default

    Sorry for the double post, but hey this job has relations to the legendary dragon Evan talked to in the forest!

    PS: I think it's a female only job?

  4. Default

    In the thread title, shouldn't it be Legend and not Legends? as in without the "s"? I'm just saying it because for the trailer of the Legend update in KMST, I saw the actual English, unedited word: Legend

  5. Default

    That's what I was talking about. It still appears to be missing.

  6. Default

    No there was already a post made with a male Mercedes, characters have never been gender limited why would it start now?

  7. Default

    Because Mercedes means "our lady of Mercy" and a male Mercedes is rather like a male Amazon

  8. Default

    just assume the male ones are from thailand. more logical.

  9. Default

    Isn't Mercedes a car brand..

  10. Default

    The only reason it not being gender locked really matters is because in kMS, the gender of all your characters depend on your KSSN, unlike gMS where you can choose them. However, for both Mercedes and Demon Slayer, we'll be able to choose the gender we want, no matter the KSSN.

  11. Flatpanel TV Straight Male
    IGN: Dailom
    Server: Windia
    Level: 188
    Job: Wild Hunter
    Guild: Caelia
    Alliance: HighOrder


    You're a bit late to that party on that one.

  12. Default

    So there should be no female Bowman, all Evans should be Male, just saying they haven't exactly set a precedent for caring about gender role, for anything other than advertising, and the lol "story line".

    And considering a larger percent of Maplers are male, restricting a new character to less than half your player base wouldn't exactly be a wise move.

  13. Default

    it works that way in maplesea too. but Asiasoft passport no longer requires a singaporea or malaysian NRIC anymore and you choose the gender of the account when you create a maple account in the passport.

    Evan and Aran have both gender concept image.

  14. Default

    Uh gee man, i dunno, that hat looks pretty piratey to me. I mean what is an bowman hat look liek anywai?

  15. Default

    Point still stands, they don't care about character gender designation.

  16. Default

    Dear god, a Dual Blade-esque style of play, with their toss-up attack tossing mobs up higher than Upper Stab, insane regenerative capabilities, Hurricane+Snipe clones, breaking default speed cap at first job, ability to quickly move up ropes/ladders, permanent 10% more EXP, a 60% dodge chance (if I read correctly), AND rushing capabilities?

    I mean, that doesn't even make sense; archers aren't supposed to rush enemies, they provide support fire. Granted, they use crossbow guns, but that's still mid-range proximity.

  17. Default

    Well she's an elf, elves obviously get all the snazzy features.

    Stick a couple of pointy ears on and you're automatically the most OPed race ever. See Legolas own that one olifant? This is the same deal, MapleStory-style.

  18. Neutron Male
    IGN: Kill/Nozomi
    Server: Bellocan
    Job: Hayato/Shadower
    Guild: Random
    Alliance: Random
    Farm: Never going to touch this


    Thieves aren't either but look at dual blades. I'm honestly am really jealous of their flashy animation. I don't know what nexon is thinking when making characters break the speed cap except thieves themselves I feel extremely slow now on my dual blade.


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