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  1. Default Re: DotA 2, The International 3 Thread

    Fountain hooks are fully within the rules of the game and very high-risk, high-reward. Every fountain hook that missed took Dendi was out of the game for 30 seconds. pomegranate isn't easy to land, either.

  2. Default Re: DotA 2, The International 3 Thread

    tp scroll channel takes what, 5 seconds?
    there was literally no risk besides pulling the dark seer.

  3. Default Re: DotA 2, The International 3 Thread

    TP to what? I'm talking about when they were camping the Roshan pit. Tongfu could have easily engaged 5v4 when they missed.

  4. Default Re: DotA 2, The International 3 Thread

    I can't wait to watch Na'vi vs Alliance, so excited!
    Team Liquid getting so far was a surprise, a nice one and I'm happy they got top 8. Hopefully they stick together, I'd definitely love to see them again next year.
    4 western teams in top 8 is also awesome, can't wait for some latin american teams to get there. I hope they improve, that they get more exposure during this year so that they get an invite even if it's to the qualifiers.

  5. Default Re: DotA 2, The International 3 Thread

    Tongfu choked and choked hard, there are multiple ways to stop a fountain hook. It's an interaction that is in the game and tongfu failed to deal with it.
    Fountain hooking is as gamebreaking as being able to push people onto cliffs, like when Alliance kotl blasted sylar alch onto highground at rosh and proceeded to win a fight easily because enemy carry was no longer in the picture.

    Fountain hooks are stopped by doing stuff like necrobooks, helm of the dominator and blocking the path to your important heroes. Hell visage birds are bugged atm so they can't even be hooked but still blocks the hook. Doom could also have eaten a dark troll and kept spawning skeletons to block the hooks. There are plenty of ways to deal with it. It's just something so rare and gimmicky that it seems tongfu weren't prepared to handle it.
    Tongfu choked against something old and that's all there is to it honestly.

  6. Monster Truck Tire Straight Male
    IGN: Triggernometry
    Server: Supports
    Job: TeamSecret
    Guild: BigDaddy<3

    Default Re: DotA 2, The International 3 Thread

    While I too believe is something that its something that falls within the rules. I don't see the high risk on it, at least not in the most of the cases since well, most of those where blind hooks and there was no way to TongFu to know if the Pudge was there or not.

  7. Default Re: DotA 2, The International 3 Thread

    Like I said before, it takes Pudge back to the fountain. That means his team is now 4 for the next 20-30 seconds, which is bad if a fight happens. It's also risky because Pudge is not a very reliable hero in general.

  8. Default Re: DotA 2, The International 3 Thread


    WHO HYPED AS pineapple?

  9. Monster Truck Tire Straight Male
    IGN: Triggernometry
    Server: Supports
    Job: TeamSecret
    Guild: BigDaddy<3

    Default Re: DotA 2, The International 3 Thread

    I am

  10. Default Re: DotA 2, The International 3 Thread

    Exactly. I was watching a video of other teams trying it and the other team punished the missed tries killing Chen or whoever was near in few seconds. How many times did it fail in Na'vi's match? And what was TongFu's reaction? While TongFu was indeed ahead they threw the game by not playing their best.

  11. Default Re: DotA 2, The International 3 Thread

    Ready? I am more than ready for Na'vi VS Alliance.

  12. Default Re: DotA 2, The International 3 Thread

    Na'vi draft wisp twice for no pineappleing reason and in no way utilize the hero, both games were lost in draft.

    For pineapple sake, they can't just sit back and let alliance play comfortably.
    They need to be on the offensive, get something super aggressive and aggressively tri-lane. Get dendi some high-impact mid-game hero like queen, storm, shadow fiend, OD, beast-master or puck. And then grab something for funn1k that can do really well in safe-lane like a clinkz.

  13. Default Re: DotA 2, The International 3 Thread

    I hate not remembering pomegranate, but if I'm correct they didn't ward anywhere in the other side of the river. It just made the wisp pick that much worse not having vision on what Alliance was doing and where/when to gank... Loda just kept farming, even alone because of lack of wards and what was supposed to go with Wisp? Many teams have played interesting combinations but they had to go with weird ones, I didn't understand what the plan was. It's almost like they expected Chinese reaction to Wisp from Alliance, but I'm a noob so what do I know?
    I hope they draft better today and that things go their way. The match against Orange will be interesting, the last 2 series from them were amazing. I'm sure that regardless of the results it will be an incredible game, full of awesome plays both two teams.

  14. Default Re: DotA 2, The International 3 Thread

    Na'vi seemed to draft wisp solely to prevent Alliance from drafting it and then alliance proceeded to draft in such a way that wisp was rendered useless.
    I really hope puppey steps it up, because na'vi definitely displayed a lot of individual skill and good coordination as a team this tournament. Their drafts have just been very blergh the past 2 days.

  15. Default Re: DotA 2, The International 3 Thread

    I'm rooting for Orange. Mushi too pineappleing pro. I really think they can beat Na'Vi and if anyone can beat Alliance I think they've got a great shot. Plus, Mushi shadow fiend... *fangirl scream*

  16. Default Re: DotA 2, The International 3 Thread

    This last game of na'vi vs orange is as good as over in orange's favor...
    Na'vi lost all lanes because they greedily picked an enigma...

    They needed a support in lane to stop the enemy trilane <_<

  17. Default Re: DotA 2, The International 3 Thread


  18. Default Re: DotA 2, The International 3 Thread

    Wow, that was insane.

  19. Orbital Bee Cannon
    IGN: GatlingPunch
    Server: Bellocan
    Level: 200
    Job: Gear 2nd Pirate
    Guild: Virtues
    Alliance: NARs

    Default Re: DotA 2, The International 3 Thread

    Na'Vi vs Orange 3rd game. MY GOD THAT COMEBACK! This is why I love Na'Vi so much. Orange shouldn't have thrown that Aegis away. Orange probably could have won that hard with it.

  20. Monster Truck Tire Straight Male
    IGN: Triggernometry
    Server: Supports
    Job: TeamSecret
    Guild: BigDaddy<3

    Default Re: DotA 2, The International 3 Thread

    best cosplay of TI3 so far
    Puppey on Alliance:
    "They are pretty fúcking good" .



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