Not really a rage per say, but why the heck do people go all tryhard mode in botgames? Had a game where Teemo whined at me for killstealing, and later on our Cait yells at Teemo for going in her lane. Really?
Some people use them to practice things for Normal games. It gets frustrating when you're trying to practice or try something new when people keep doing random stupid pomegranate.
Also, pineapple Fiora.
I hate caitlyn, especially in bot and top lane with that stupid cupcake trap. ;-;
If you have a competent support/lane mate, and you have good reaction times, Sivir ruins Caitlyn's day. Cait's auto-attack range will still pose a problem however, and no one other than another Caitlyn or a caster champion will be able to match it.
I have no suggestions for solo laning however, other than to bumrush her, ask for a gank, or live it out until mid-late game. Good fking luck x_X
In my experience of playing Caitlyn I found that a good support helps you defend against her a lot. Taric's defense allows you to survive her pokes, Soraka can just lolheal you, and aggressive supports such as Leona, Alistar, bloody Volibear are good too.
Oh, and killing the wards in their bushes helps A LOT.
Blind pick match, so that wasn't really an option. We had Blitz and Teemo top vs Fiora and Alistar (yes, I know, weird setup - Gangplank was solo bottom vs a duo lane, I think Sona and Ashe). I was jungling as Mundo. Our main problem was that Teemo and Blitzcrank had each given Fiora 3 kills before the end of the laning phase. Once teamfights started happening she started snowballing out of control. She was at 9 kills after our first big team fight, then 18 kills less than 10 minutes later. By the time the match ended, the enemy team had around 45 kills - 35 were hers. Despite 2 exhausts and 2 ignites, Teemo's blind, and half the team having Thornmail, it took her being extremely reckless in our base and all of us focusing her to take her down at all. I was able to backdoor 2 towers in their mid lane during the game, and almost took out their nexus while a skirmish was going on at the entrance to their base after Fiora had died (I finally died with the mid inhibitor at 50 HP - Blitzcrank was nearby and could/should have ran in to finish the job, but decided to run away despite both myself and Gangplank spam pinging it). Essentially, there was no room for any counterplay at all - Alistar was mostly able to CC enough to defend towers from me backdooring, Fiora was strong enough to push on her own without any team backup, and her team was fed enough with assists that 4 of them could hold off any offensive push we attempted and give her time to wreak havoc.
All told, it was an extremely rage-inducing match made worse by poor play on Blitzcrank's part (he finally started getting good grabs in late in the game when Fiora essentially stopped giving a damn and ran into pomegranate) and some poor laning early game. In retrospect, I could've ganked more up top, but I was more concerned with keeping pressure off Gangplank in a 2v1 lane.
Those people who don't listen to the rest of the team.
we said meet up at mid and stick together, not go out to top and plantain around and farm.
You guys remember Foopah?
Edit: Whoops, wrong thread. Oh well.
mids that go 1/5 by end of laning
2 in a pineappleing row
edit: A 3RD wtp
Amumu got fed to the point where I was hitting for only double digit damage on him. And that Sion too.
3 teammates with double digit deaths...
Last edited by Five Second Pose; 2012-04-03 at 02:05 AM.
I like playing support. I've been having a lot of fun with Lulu. But I guess I have to stop supporting for a while because my team is too incompetent to make smart plays.
So I guess I'll go play a carry. Oh wait, we're getting pushed right to our tower and our jungler makes zero ganks bottom lane. Pantheon dies 8 times within 20 minutes. I "ks" a Brand who then tells me to uninstall. Really pomegranatety day for playing.
onoez, Ressic. D:
I tried to support in a co-op game as lolZilean, but the Ezreal kept doing really dumb things. I really have to learn when to just leave a teammate to die or try to help them.
And I've been playing a bit on my other babby account as I'm still trying to adjust. I keep getting DCers and/or people who don't speak English so I can't explain what my pings are for. ;-;