this screenshot gives me at least some hope.
this screenshot gives me at least some hope.
Some guy in Bera had his hacked Stonetooth turned into a 101 attack clean one.
At least, that's what he claimed over a super megaphone.
Ones with the enhancements on got turned into clean versions, but ones that were server transfer glitched (where the EE stars got removed) still exist. It's a start!
There was a massbanning of accounts that held 9+ star items in EMS yesterday (5-10% of 150+ chars permabanned). Maybe nexonNA learns something.
All of them?
It is a start. But unless they clean them up faster than the rate at which their servers crash then it is ineffective at best. IIRC the World Transfer wiped ones are more desirable because they can be MTS'd. Wouldn't mind if STs/Nisrocks/Cravens became temporarily un-MTSable. VSS too.
gj nexon.
that was actually painful to say..
So long as the non star ones remain.. this is pretty pointless.
As people will just keep duping the non stars, and enhancing for higher than 608/301 anyways.
But as people said, it is a start.
Don't stop now, Nexon. I don't expect you to get all of them, but I do expect you to destroy enough of the supply that people think they aren't worth buying.
Someone just smega'd an EE hacked craven and stonetooth so they still remain.
But at least others are complaining about their EE hacked weapons becoming clean.
Heads up to this. Making people aware it's not worth to buy hacked weapons, cause they WILL get deleted, is a nice thing. Makes a things a little more balanced.
praise baby jesus
Had they done this before they re-released world xfers, it would have been far more effective.
I feel a mild inner-happiness and the edges of my mouth curl upward slightly in a faint smile as i read this thread.
Yup, logged into my Dawn warrior today and was greeted with this:
its 101 att clean.
MTS is still full of the buggers though, but its a start.
I really like how it says "Congratulations!"
hahaha, awesome, "congratulations"