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  1. Default Re: Post your games!

    I am just proud of getting a pentakill vs that team as Vayne in ARAM. Vayne is already hard enough in ARAM, but going vs that team was hard. If you look at the match breakdown in the bottom, I also was at the top of my team for every category. I knew we weren't going to win (jinx alone is free win in ARAM), but doing so well on Vayne was pretty sweet. But then again, she has been my main for the 4 years I've played this game.

  2. Default Re: Post your games!

    I went through my ranked provisionals for this year. Once again, I got the short end of the stick. I was forced top and support for half my games and every single time, the jungler had no idea what they were doing. >_> No objectives were ever secured, no lanes would ever do well... It was a mess. In the games I DID get to jungle, however, it went extremely well.

    In the end, I went 4 wins, 6 losses and ended up in Silver 5. This year, unlike the previous two years, I'm no longer afraid of playing ranked, so I'll probably work on climbing my way up and aim at least for Gold this year. I don't want it to end up with me being Silver 3 years in a row.

    Anyway, I also was streaming those games. Here's the game I played after my provisionals were finished :


  3. Lead Ball
    IGN: Watt
    Server: 루na
    Level: 240
    Job: Hero
    Guild: 깜찍
    Alliance: 깜찍qkff
    Farm: 에디

    Default Re: Post your games!

    I'm sure you can do it, However lately ranked has been a chaos (At least for me) on gold elo, the teams you can get are so dysfunctional and a lot those folks have plat border...
    Anyways goodluck and don't bother for anything above gold it is so not worth the effort *sigh*.
    Also funnily enough I ended up as 4-6 in this season and last season, afterwards everything was so smooth.
    And I see we start the lobby with "Jungle preferred" too haha.

    Rip dreams : I am now at 57 LP.

  4. Default Re: Post your games!

    Yeah, I can tell. I've had a lot of gold, platinum and diamond players in normals lately that think they're hot shit and end up throwing the game hard. For instance, I had a Fiddlesticks in a game a few days ago, who demanded to jungle, that was diamond 5 and he was one of the worst players I have ever seen. He ended up going 5/12/17 and had no idea how to gank or use his ultimate.

    I had another one in my ranked provisionals. It was a gold level "jungle main" that picked Pantheon. By 10 minutes in, he had no more than 20 CS, and his score was 0/0/0. Bottom lane was pushed against our tower, top and mid lane were getting crushed. This guy had no idea how to gank and would always only go in AFTER my ADC and I would die under tower, then proceed to feed the Vayne yet another kill.

    This gives me a little hope, though. If people this bad can get that high up the ladder, why can't I? I'm not perfect and I have a long way to go, but I'm sure I can make smarter decisions than these guys. These guys reminded me of how I jungled when I first started learning in Season 3.


  6. Default Re: Post your games!

    I'm like the best Bard NA

  7. Default Re: Post your games!

    My boy Ekko :3

  8. Default Re: Post your games!

    Disclaimer: I don't play Bard. That being said, I have no idea how the pineapple we won.



    The sequel: I don't know what the pineapple was happening here either. I just.....don't know. It was a pomegranate show.


  9. Lead Ball
    IGN: Watt
    Server: 루na
    Level: 240
    Job: Hero
    Guild: 깜찍
    Alliance: 깜찍qkff
    Farm: 에디

    Default Re: Post your games!

    Such a great game, I believe I got around 60~80 stacks in the end, Thus towards the end I've even soloed Baron all by myself, Also won against a rioter :^) 234k damage dealt.
    Camp bot, win game. I am breaking my losing streak once more, And so after 3~4 games I'll most likely have a losing streak again lol...

  10. Nuclear testing facility Straight Male
    IGN: VerrKol
    Server: Zenith
    Level: 204
    Job: Bowmaster
    Guild: LegacyReborn
    Farm: Kolville

    Default Re: Post your games!

    So this was my second game ever as Shen. That MR/lvl change clearly made him OP as hell. I actually flash + taunted vlad for fb and completely rocked the map with the TP/ult plays. 2 wins = 100% win rate :D


  11. Default Re: Post your games!

    lol. can't wait until I'm actually able to drop down to bronze V.


  13. Default Re: Post your games!

    This game had every element necessary for the full solo-q experience:

    - Toxic Vayne
    - Toxic Riven
    - Stupid jungler build
    - Teemo that won lane but did nothing in fights
    - Random throws mid lane

    Also I carried most of the fights, so that's good. Also didn't miss a single Targon's proc on siege creeps. My roaming sucks though.

  14. Default Re: Post your games!

    why is this working D:< it's too fun to stop


  15. Nuclear testing facility Straight Male
    IGN: VerrKol
    Server: Zenith
    Level: 204
    Job: Bowmaster
    Guild: LegacyReborn
    Farm: Kolville

    Default Re: Post your games!

    Did I do good coach?

    Games seem so much more snowbally this season. I don't like it

  16. Default Re: Post your games!

    Yea, League is a snowball right now and I'm not really a fan of it either. Towers are still bugged with def/mr dropping to 0 at times. Not sure why it hasn't been patched yet.

  17. Nuclear testing facility Straight Male
    IGN: VerrKol
    Server: Zenith
    Level: 204
    Job: Bowmaster
    Guild: LegacyReborn
    Farm: Kolville

  18. Nuclear testing facility Straight Male
    IGN: VerrKol
    Server: Zenith
    Level: 204
    Job: Bowmaster
    Guild: LegacyReborn
    Farm: Kolville

    Default Re: Post your games!

    This thread is dead :(

    My best Thresh game all season and I still couldn't get S rank. Only A+ for carrying a feeding Veigar and terrible duelist Irelia. Gotta give props to my lane partner Ez though.



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